TER General Board

I didn't realize that this was so dangerousconfused_smile
Lord_of_the_Board 605 reads

Maybe some of you guys should just not play?

Last night I learned a lot more than I ever wanted to know about penile fractures. I want to pass on what may be relevant to this audience in case any of you encounter a suspected injury of this type. A true fracture is a medical emergency requiring prompt surgery to prevent permanent damage. Fortunately, it is also rare (according to the urologist who was called in after hours to consult on my condition).

A penile fracture is a rupture or tear in the wall of one of the tubes (corpus cavernosum) containing the spongy tissue that fills with blood during erection.

Indications of injury are pain and rapid swelling on one side. If the erection goes away immediately, that is a bad sign and indicates a severe case. Another indicator of severity is inability to urinate or blood in the urine. I only had the pain and rapid swelling, but was in the ER for about five hours ensuring an accurate diagnosis. I spent two of those hours in an MRI machine. A penis is not an easy part of the body for good internal images.  Instead of a rupture or tear, it appears I had a minor leak that did not require surgery.

My injury did occur during a hobby session. We were not doing anything we had not done before so I do not know what specifically caused my injury this particular time. I was with my favorite provider and she took me to the ER and stayed with me the whole time because that is the kind of awesome person she is.  I am now on a “no sex” regime until I have a follow up visit with an urologist in two weeks. I also have a very bruised dick that looks like it may have been slammed in a car door

Something similar happened to me in one of my very early experiences.  She was a hard body spinner with muscles in her like she must have lifted weights with her vagina.  

I wasn't hurt that bad, but noticed deep black and blue marks (hematomas, the medical term) at the base of my dick, so I hied to the ER and got it checked out.  The (female, of course) MD said it would clear up in a few days and sure enough it did.

Be very sure that if you do CG, the alignment is spot on and you don't over estimate the length.

Sorry to hear about this happening and hope you come out 100%.

sounds like an awful night but thankfully it wasn't any worse. Scary for the fact of it, but also how would one explain that particular trip to the ER to one's SO? It's not like you can say you accidentally slammed it in the car door.

Anyway, hope your recovery is speedy and you're back in the saddle, so to speak, in short order.

that left my dick badly hurting for about six months. Sex was barely tolerable.  Probably microscopic tears as opposed to a more serious rupture.  I did not go to a doctor, just googled it. (Bright, I know.....)
This is not a warning against cow girl. It is a warning about grinding away as hard and as fast as you can for extended period looking for an extra pop.

Usually happens during CG when she lets you come out then dops back down on top of you. he ended up in the hospital for a few days and rumor has  it his dick is now a dogleg left.

I was in a strip club in Houston getting a lap dance when I felt a pop down below. Went into th men's room and my cock was black. Needless to say I didn't retun fr the rest of my trip.

cashorcredit547 reads

I was with a large civvie gal, and during CG some kind of way she must've landed on my nuts, luckily my dick wasn't broke like yours but my testicles were injured.  

I could not walk straight for about a week, I remember people laughing at the way I walked but that shit wasn't funny at all.  That was a good provider you were with to take you to the ER and wait, hope you feel better man and stay away from the rough stuff

89Springer398 reads

I had an injury to my penis about 6 weeks ago. While erect, it got jerked to the right suddenly. There was a bit of pain, which then went away. I didn't notice until the following week that my penis was curved to the left at the base when erect. I though it was just something going on that day. It wasn't. That's the way it is now. About a 30 degree bend.

My uro thinks I shouldn't worry about it, but I do. Scar tissue has formed in the corpus cavernosum where the bend occurred. The scar tissue can't expand as the tissue fills with blood, while the full corpus cavernosum on the right side expands. That's why it curves. That also means that my length is less.  

The uro thinks I don't need to do anything, but I'll get another doc to treat it.

Vigorous massage can break down scar tissue ... pick your dr. carefully.

89Springer522 reads

He's even older than me, and pretty ugly. I wouldn't want him massaging it. ;)

Lord_of_the_Board606 reads

Maybe some of you guys should just not play?

be bonded and sign medical care agreements that cover transplants should such be needed.

Lord_of_the_Board565 reads

Wouldn't it?

Posted By: dani987
be bonded and sign medical care agreements that cover transplants should such be needed.

There was a distinct 'pop' noise, like the sound a small stick snapping in half might make under a pillow. An immediate dull pain and definite sense that something was seriously wrong. My penis instantly shrunk to teeny. Over the next few hours, it hurt like a bad toothache, and then my scrotum started to swell and bruise. By the next day, my entire penis, scrotum, and parts of my upper thigh were dark black/blue from bruising. My scrotum swelled to about the size of a very large grapefruit. I went to the emergency room the first day, and had a couple followups over the next couple days. Never had surgery. They gave me sedatives to reduce nighttime erections. You have no idea how many boners you pop in the night until every one wakes you up in pain.

The swelling & bruising went away after a week or two, but I had a distinct knob & bend at the base of my shaft when erect for a few months. It took about a year for the knob (like a third testicle inside the base of my shaft) to go away.  

Take care of that thing, boys. It's not unbreakable

So hard that it was killing my nuts when she "sat back".  I had to grab her and pull her forwards and thrust my cock upwards from beneath to keep my nuts from getting mangled by the weight of her ass.  It ended up all good.  But man that first pile driver HURT!

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 10:16:48 PM

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