TER General Board

I did it.
inicky46 61 Reviews 286 reads

More than a year ago, I was reading the reviews here of my ATF, when I saw a new one posted.  When I read it, it was a verbatim cut-and-paste of a review I'd written on another site of a different session with her.  I was a bit flattered and a bit pissed.  I contacted her, told what had happened and asked her what she wanted me to do, as it was a very positive review and truthfully reported on a real session, though connected with the wrong handle.  She said, "Out the fucker."  I did, the review disappeared and so did that handle from this site.

what would you do if you realized that one of your reviews were copied and submitted by someone you dont even know?  if it is good, do you keep it?  or do the right thing and have it removed?

this has happened to me before, but i wont say what i did.  i want to get the overall opinion of what is considered the norm.

Has anyone seen how I write? I think I would have to report it to save them from being thought of as uneducated as I. Good news plagiarizer normally plagiarize works from literate folk that write something worth stealing so I am safe.


Honestly, I would report it. It is the right thing to do.

More than a year ago, I was reading the reviews here of my ATF, when I saw a new one posted.  When I read it, it was a verbatim cut-and-paste of a review I'd written on another site of a different session with her.  I was a bit flattered and a bit pissed.  I contacted her, told what had happened and asked her what she wanted me to do, as it was a very positive review and truthfully reported on a real session, though connected with the wrong handle.  She said, "Out the fucker."  I did, the review disappeared and so did that handle from this site.

serpius231 reads

Hello SHE,

... have it removed since it is really a FALSE review by a hobbyist that you never met.

I don't know what your average scores were before the false reviews were put in.

Hypothetically, let's say that your average scores were 8.5 / 8.5 .

I would say those averages are damn good!

So, if those false reviews bumped up your average scores to 8.75 / 8.75, not a major difference and really does NOT affect my opinion.

Be removing the false reviews, you're not hurting yourself, but you are showing your attempt to be transparent and honest with everyone.

As I have stated in similar threads to this issue, I believe in HONESTY coming from BOTH sides. Providers and hobbyists should be honest with each other.

If not, then what's the point of having a review board like TER?


Posted By: SHE-1
what would you do if you realized that one of your reviews were copied and submitted by someone you dont even know?  if it is good, do you keep it?  or do the right thing and have it removed?

this has happened to me before, but i wont say what i did.  i want to get the overall opinion of what is considered the norm.

well, it just happened and yes, i did write to admin and sent them the link to the review.  it was from someone whom i like very much but written months ago.  i was pissed when i realized someone stole it.  i was given great scores an 8 and a 10, but what i dont get is this...

the review was written by someone who has no other reviews on this site at all.  i didnt think they would accept scores that high from a newbie??  

anyway, i did the right thing and i am fine with it.  thanks  i was just making sure.  lol

Getting your first review posted usually takes a while because TER has an understandable skepticism about first reviews.  In your case the guy was a greedy dummy who was simply trying to get 2 weeks of free VIP.  That's probably what was going in in the example I gave above.

faxinator187 reads

There reviews on this site that are either copied from another site, or vice-versa. I've read the same review on several different sites more than once.

Unless you have lot of free time, nothing to do and bored which, I don’t.

well, to me, it doesnt make it ok for someone to lie.  for free time?  for me, it is also a safety issue.  if someone contacts me from here i will look up them and read their reviews.  if they have a few, then i will naturally assume they are safe.  in this case, the assumption could be potentially dangerous.

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