TER General Board

I couldn't tell if the OP was trolling or shilling --eom--
Zangari 329 reads


Apparently. Most of us want Fuck Sluts?!?!?
Not cool.  
We all should review our history books, and learn.
With every great man? A woman stood beside.
Some were escorts.  
Some escorts became country leaders.
So we might dare say that they became Great Women.

GaGambler400 reads

what in the world ever gave you such a dumb idea? Have you been back into your Dad's liquor cabinet again?

Im sorry. We can't have this conversation...
You are too spoiled.
I like you, but you would understand me better if you read a book.
It's called Kane, and Able.
Read it with me...  
You would quit you atorative tone.

I had no idea what atorative meant until I realized its not a word. Well played sir!

Zangari341 reads

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I like you, but you would understand me better if you read a book.   It's called Kane, and Able.  
 Do you mean "Cain" & "Abel".   Even with random drunk typing,  you should've gotten at least one of those two names right.  OMG.  --z

There was a book titled Kane and Abel that was published in the early 80s, and it was actually a min-series on U.S. television a couple of years later. Has nothing to do with P4P, or anything germane to this post for that matter, but it looks like the Hound got half the title right. Gotta give him some kudos for that.😄

Another in a string of erudite posts; short and to the pointless! :-

Skyfyre342 reads

Fuck Sluts are the coolest! Luv 'em Fuck Sluts... this world would be a much better place if there are more Fuck Sluts..

Belive Me!
I wish it was that simple..

Hey! I'm a kinky guy. I've done things that aren't posted here.
They would make you sweat.
That's not the point.  
I did it with experienced women. They knew....
It's not right to convince a prettier, younger girl.
I know what you predators are doing. I don't like it.

You don't know me or anyone else here for jack oh worded wonder! Yeah another Don Quixote of the board and only you can be their champion, their savior right?

This is a place to help with keeping both escorts and hobbyists safe?

Are you suffering from white knight syndrome?

Didn't you promise to go away for 10 years?  Yeah you did.  

I for one am glad you lied again.  With posters like you it helps those who were wondering if they were stupid to realize they are not.

When your mother said "go get lost in traffic"...she meant it.

Based on his posts I think that most gnat's have bigger balls.

Oh...you were asking about a dick.  I assume it matches his balls.

My guess is, the message you've conveyed, is appreciated by more ladies, than are comfortable expressing their thoughts publicly. On behalf of all, I shall put myself "out there" and say thank you.

By the same token, I'm confident you're aware that MILLIONS of Great Women and/or escorts, never became country leaders(my own Mommy included. Uhh...at least I think so?). ;-)  

I mean no disrespect by my comments or opinions. I'm on a chatty roll lately and enjoyed your OP and the replies.  Carry on, TER experts. I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn here.
                    Here's a big ol' squeeze, from lil' ol' me!
                                                                            The Dez  

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
Apparently. Most of us want Fuck Sluts?!?!?  
 Not cool.  
 We all should review our history books, and learn.  
 With every great man? A woman stood beside.  
 Some were escorts.  
 Some escorts became country leaders.  
 So we might dare say that they became Great Women.

WildJimmy!327 reads

Some "Great Women (Helen of Troy, Josephine Bonaparte [nee Josephine de Beauharnais], Catherine II of Russia)" became fuck sluts. So it evens out.

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