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I can't take any kind of rejection. If she was an hour late without communication she'd come in &
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2633 reads

find me in the tub with blood pooling on the tile.  If she called an hour ahead of time I'd reschedule then she'd come days later to find me with my head in the oven.
 There'd be the donation there for her, of course, sealed with teardrops.
 I'm a very sensitive fellow.

The E Ticket3804 reads

Which is worse to you.

A provider who is a no show... but calls like an hour before...


A provider who is over an hour late, doesn't call, and doesn't answer the cell?

The provider that is over an hour late, doesn't call. and doesn't answer her cell will usually have lost the appointment. By that point I have decided she is NC/NS and moved on.

DoggieStud2476 reads

Waited for a provider for an hour and she showed (she didn't call but agency did). I like this provider. She made up for it.  Another agency set me up with another provider. Then an hour before meeting, they confirmed everything including incall place. When I arrive at incall place, no show. Don't like this provider. Better Late than Never.

-- Modified on 6/17/2004 5:02:18 PM

find me in the tub with blood pooling on the tile.  If she called an hour ahead of time I'd reschedule then she'd come days later to find me with my head in the oven.
 There'd be the donation there for her, of course, sealed with teardrops.
 I'm a very sensitive fellow.

One of my ATFs is always on time ... I like her for that. She's also great on DFK :)

Or, you can rent "Salaam Bombay", if you need to remember how great we have it here in America.

Hang in there, brudda...Nurse Michelle is on the way soon. :)

Oh, a man after my own heart.

I would accept that donation, place a single kiss on your pale lips and depart without a trace. A moral thought would cross my mind prior -- that dialing 911 would display my concern for a stranger who could have been a lover and that sometimes you have to worry less about consequence and more about doing the right thing. Just then a neuron synapse revamp -- new thought "Damn, that f***er killed himself before he could review me."

In a sea of blood, I leave you, forever wondering if you could have been the one who would have made me forget my past, the one who could have found my G spot, the one who would have written the review that put me on the map for life.

I walk down the seemingly endless hallway towards the elevator with my envelope and thumb through the bills knowing all my bills are paid for the month. A smile, a tear, bittersweet love affair. The din of slot machines is background for the angling scream of a maid.

I'll review you if you'll have me.
 My goodness, we have the same area code.  Which means I could just walk over to your place instead of killing myself.  My day is looking up!  I've got a golden ticket!  I'm not so sure I want to watch the "Sorrow & the Pity" anymore.  Where's my copy of "National Velvet"!
 We should both get trenchcoats and fedoras for our meeting and meet in the park.
 I'm gonna go have some flapjacks.

And I now offer in's which mean you could die at my place, sign title over to the car and I'll head up to Tahoe for the weekend disposing the body in the woods. The last thing I need at this point in my life is excess baggage.

ps. There are no parks in Las Vegas. I think you were mistaking that random patch of grass for a community recreation facility.

she would devour you...and inspire you intellectually while she was doing it.

A most unusual lady, Miss HB...her posts are always welcome! :)

You two should get together and then BOTH review each other...will make great reading!

-- Modified on 6/18/2004 4:18:21 AM

You must have your market segement, but I only find ice a turn on for deep throating, and then usually in concept only.


-- Modified on 6/18/2004 8:18:06 AM

-- Modified on 6/18/2004 8:34:56 AM

And you guys wonder why HBxxx continues to fascinate me!

She's like James Worthy- you simply cannot let a stray ball loose anywhere in the your own key or it will be swiped and dunked.  Leave an opening and she will fill the proverbial lane and cabbage patch with the rim!  

What a fun brain!  - Although i will admit to some desire to try and paint it from the inside, I think I would have a great time just sharing drinkies with her.  Pity she won't chuff the fatty with me.

Oh, well- things to think about -a boy can dream....

You are killin' me with the "Showtime" verbal highlight reels for the homies.  "Cabbage patch with the rim"...whoa...been a LOOONG time since I heard that one.

Miss HB is quite the colorful cerebral courtesan, that is for sure.

gots to call Calvin to get me some mo'

It would raise my blood pressure and will put me in hell for a day or two.  


I'd much rather have her call and say she can't make it.  Things happen:  cars break down, kids get sick, etc.  It is the no-call that always annoys me.

Not showing up, not calling and not answering the cell is the kiss of death for me.  This happened to me on a recent trip to L.A.  So, employing the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared"  I whipped out my list of 5 back-ups and had a lady with me in under an hour.  A lady, I might add, who was much, much finer than the quasi-regular who snubbed me.  Guess who I DON'T call now when I'm in L.A?

Because I would be gone or left after 30 minutes, a call an hour before shows respect for you and your time, this a thoughtful person that understands business and service. Things do happen in life that can not be helped. With a call you could do other things with that time or that evening (like hang out with the wife and kids ;) But someone that calls would definitely get a second chance, the tardy girl gets nothing from me.  It all a matter of respect.

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