TER General Board

I asked if she did modeling
Bob_Sugar 675 reads

Probably not, but I asked.

You don't know me.  I am very highly paid and am so successful in my field.  

My firm and I are well known around the world.

Sometimes a guy will actually believe some of them.  What do you do when he shows up and asks you about your world travels?  Or your multiple degrees from Ivy league colleges?  Or that fantastic executive career you gave up to be here

GaGambler1152 reads

When caught in a lie, simply start sucking the guy's dick, if you are any good at it he will forget the question instantly. lol

rainy_days1073 reads

lol yeah... I can't imagine what kind of person would be crestfallen at finding out an escort's bio (advertisement) was part fiction.

I do like honesty and integrity however.

Rare to find any of that here.

Posted By: GaGambler
When caught in a lie, simply start sucking the guy's dick, if you are any good at it he will forget the question instantly. lol

..."honesty and integrity."  Where's your honesty and integrity?

-- Modified on 5/8/2015 9:13:08 PM

Other than close friends like you, I would not really tell a person the exact degree I have, the exact year I graduated or my exact companies. I have no problem being honest about the school I graduated from or sharing what my thesis was on, nor do I have issues with showing guys photos of the places I have been as long as it is just me in them and we are in person.

You don't post nonsense sucking up to a bunch of old men.  

You can see that so many here need to be PC for whatever their reasons.  

I understand why women create fake bio's.  However they really don't need to.  Who is coming to see them for their degree from Podunk U?  Or their excursion to Paris, TX?  

Some of my friends have told me some really funny stories when they ask the woman to expound on her financial background she claims to have  LOL     Or when a woman claims to have been to a specific destination, yet has no idea of any particulars there.  

As gambler suggested, instead of listening to more digging nonsense, just have her do what she was paid to do  ;)

Posted By: London Rayne
Other than close friends like you, I would not really tell a person the exact degree I have, the exact year I graduated or my exact companies. I have no problem being honest about the school I graduated from or sharing what my thesis was on, nor do I have issues with showing guys photos of the places I have been as long as it is just me in them and we are in person.

Dear Ms. Rayne:
No on would ever question the veracity of your curriculum vitae or the fact that you give an excellent BJ.  But have you ever had an encounter where someone asked you pointed questions regarding your career or certain courses you have completed?  If so, how did you respond and did they have any further questions afterwards?

Johnny3Balls860 reads

Good for you gilfy, those years of experience really show.

If he asks about my world travels we share stories about the 17 countries I've visited and he tells me stories of places he has been.  
I never claimed to have multiple degrees from Ivy league colleges but I did go to the Harvard of the South -University of Florida.  
I have dabbled in other careers  simply for cerebral stimulation but don't feel I have given anything up to be here. This is an expansion of my skills.  

Did this answer your question

actually the harvard of the south would be Vanderbilt

I thought Sewanee bills itself as the Harvard of the South?

That's all I'm finding also, Vanderbilt.

Posted By: munchinmuffin
actually the harvard of the south would be Vanderbilt

I think the qualifications for in-state are just proof of breathing.

They do have good football teams however.

UF rated one of top ten public colleges in U.S.

If he believes it or not?! He's not fucking my passport or my degree...

As far as my former fantastic career, I didn't have much of a choice in giving it up, but lucky for me this one is even more fabulous : )))

Someone's very bored and still being dip-shitty...sigh, my favorite board punk ;

Again you play the victim card.

Did you daydream as a child of what a great life this will be as a person sucking cocks for a living?

Looks like you don't need a passport to get to Alabama.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
If he believes it or not?! He's not fucking my passport or my degree...  
 As far as my former fantastic career, I didn't have much of a choice in giving it up, but lucky for me this one is even more fabulous : )))  
 Someone's very bored and still being dip-shitty...sigh, my favorite board punk ; )  

You know my background, you know I don't have any alternatives, and you know why. Doesn't make me a victim. I just happened to fall into something else I really like.

No, as a child I wanted to be a forensic anthropologist. But, sucking cocks is a lot more lucrative and stress free, so maybe I should've given it more thought from the start.

Nope, no passport to Alabama. Haven't used it in a few weeks...Belize in March was sheer perfection : )))

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
Again you play the victim card.  
 Did you daydream as a child of what a great life this will be as a person sucking cocks for a living?  
 Looks like you don't need a passport to get to Alabama.  
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
If he believes it or not?! He's not fucking my passport or my degree...  
  As far as my former fantastic career, I didn't have much of a choice in giving it up, but lucky for me this one is even more fabulous : )))  
  Someone's very bored and still being dip-shitty...sigh, my favorite board punk ; )  

You found plenty of time to post here while you were there.

You can afford cable TV?

I did, didn't I? Interestingly enough, they happen to have wifi too, go figure : ) Sometimes even sunning & pina coladas isn't as fun without aggravating you...

I don't watch the Travel channel. No interest when you can see it all in person. I prefer ID...goes back to that whole forensic anthropology interest from awhile ago.

Wow, you really do keep up with me, don't you? You follow my posts, my tour schedule. You like me, I think you like me, you really like me, lol!!!

I find your posts quite amusing.  

So you just decide to pop on over here to TER and check things out while spending your hard earned money on a trip to Belize?   You really should think why you needed to post here while on a supposed vacation.  

Of course I like you.  What have I posted that would make you think otherwise?

I find all of this quite amusing.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
I did, didn't I? Interestingly enough, they happen to have wifi too, go figure : ) Sometimes even sunning & pina coladas isn't as fun without aggravating you...  
 I don't watch the Travel channel. No interest when you can see it all in person. I prefer ID...goes back to that whole forensic anthropology interest from awhile ago.  
 Wow, you really do keep up with me, don't you? You follow my posts, my tour schedule. You like me, I think you like me, you really like me, lol!!!

If I was that amusing, you'd be far more witty and charming in your responses. I got more the sense of aggravation given your mean and rude responses...

Sure I did. When you're sunning and lying face down, listening to your iPod and sipping on a nice rum infused beverage, why not surf the net? Actually, if you notice, and I'm sure you did, I didn't log in much from 3/29-4/5 since the site was blocked by the wifi where I was. That meant I had to actually get up and do things on vacation. Like Sky Course. And I don't like heights...I digress...

It's not really all that hard-earned either. When you're good at what you do and you enjoy it, it's actually not even much like work at all ; )

Since we're on the topic of amusing, I find it rather amusing that it seems to sting your nuts so much that some of us are just really successful at fucking.

He's jealous, you're pretty, he's not.

  You're not one of his " Bored " Boys   :-D

I better correct my count, he's using  his trusty pocket  abacus.  
  You struck out.  

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
I did, didn't I? Interestingly enough, they happen to have wifi too, go figure : ) Sometimes even sunning & pina coladas isn't as fun without aggravating you...  
 I don't watch the Travel channel. No interest when you can see it all in person. I prefer ID...goes back to that whole forensic anthropology interest from awhile ago.  
 Wow, you really do keep up with me, don't you? You follow my posts, my tour schedule. You like me, I think you like me, you really like me, lol!!!

ahahaha ; )))

Posted By: quadseasonal
He's jealous, you're pretty, he's not.  
   You're not one of his " Bored " Boys   :-D  
 I better correct my count, he's using  his trusty pocket  abacus.  
   You struck out.    
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
I did, didn't I? Interestingly enough, they happen to have wifi too, go figure : ) Sometimes even sunning & pina coladas isn't as fun without aggravating you...  
  I don't watch the Travel channel. No interest when you can see it all in person. I prefer ID...goes back to that whole forensic anthropology interest from awhile ago.  
  Wow, you really do keep up with me, don't you? You follow my posts, my tour schedule. You like me, I think you like me, you really like me, lol!!!

Posted By: USGrantlover
I'm not sure who you are..But why art you such a meanie?

Bob_Sugar748 reads

You are gorgeous

Our firm where I am an executive and highly paid is always looking for top talent.  You also appear very athletic.  Do you still play sports.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
If he believes it or not?! He's not fucking my passport or my degree...  
 As far as my former fantastic career, I didn't have much of a choice in giving it up, but lucky for me this one is even more fabulous : )))  
 Someone's very bored and still being dip-shitty...sigh, my favorite board punk ; )  

VOO-doo746 reads

Haven't seen Alexandra's site, so this post has nothing to do with her.  

But, whenever I've seen 'lingerie model' on a bio, I meet the girl in person, and she's like, NOT a lingerie model. AT ALL.  

Maybe it's true if she says she's a REAL lingerie model (different from *just* a lingerie model).

I know most have privacy issues and other lives that shouldn't ever be mixed here.

I like the lingerie model nonsense as well.  Few of the women here have any ability to present in front of a camera.  

I love the pics where the woman has her face swirrled out.  Very classy as well.  Speaking of classy, if you have to tell the reader that you're classy, does that automatically disqualify someone from being classy?

Posted By: VOO-doo
Haven't seen Alexandra's site, so this post has nothing to do with her.  
 But, whenever I've seen 'lingerie model' on a bio, I meet the girl in person, and she's like, NOT a lingerie model. AT ALL.  
 Maybe it's true if she says she's a REAL lingerie model (different from *just* a lingerie model).

VOO-doo692 reads

And, the reason I don't, is that I don't want the world (parents, teachers, friends, landlords, future employers) knowing that I am an escort.

Swirling (or blurring) the face actually isn't very effective. Unless the person blurring a photo has superb photoshop skills, it can actually be unblurred fairly easily. Thus, it's not really protection against being identified.  

I agree that using 'classy' in an ad is pretty much like a client who contacts me saying that he 'doesn't do this much' and 'wants a regular thing', lol. (That pretty much ==> "I want to manipulate you into giving me a discount or massive OTC")

But why so bitter? Hyperbole in marketing exists everywhere. I am continually promised untold riches, love, and splendor, if I simply change my brand of deodorant, lol.

Forget the love and splendor part of the equation too.

And for heavens sake no rich beyond compare Nigerian Prince's.

Glad you used bitter.  When a poster argues the anger part here it is a sign they are losing.  Bitter works however.  Confused is an adjective that is rarely tossed out here as well.

I actually believe the blurred swirrled face was a take-off from an old Twilight Zone episode.  

Posted By: VOO-doo
And, the reason I don't, is that I don't want the world (parents, teachers, friends, landlords, future employers) knowing that I am an escort.  
 Swirling (or blurring) the face actually isn't very effective. Unless the person blurring a photo has superb photoshop skills, it can actually be unblurred fairly easily. Thus, it's not really protection against being identified.  
 I agree that using 'classy' in an ad is pretty much like a client who contacts me saying that he 'doesn't do this much' and 'wants a regular thing', lol. (That pretty much ==> "I want to manipulate you into giving me a discount or massive OTC")  
 But why so bitter? Hyperbole in marketing exists everywhere. I am continually promised untold riches, love, and splendor, if I simply change my brand of deodorant, lol.

Agreed : ) My cousin is also an escort, but she's 22 and this won't be her 'forever' life. Someday she'll be married with kids, so disguising her photos is a must. I understand why ladies do it.

For me, this is the rest of my career, and I don't honestly care if the PTA knows I'm an escort, so I choose not to blur my face. Even if I did, my hair style alone gives me away, not to mention my body has so many distinguishing marks there's no way I would ever get out of saying a headless shot isn't me.

Classy is very over utilized, and if you have to say it, then you may not be. I don't use that word in my ads or on my site.

We all have our marketing tactics : ) Who knows why Lee's so bitter today, and everyday. It's Friday and the sun is shining here!!!

Posted By: VOO-doo
And, the reason I don't, is that I don't want the world (parents, teachers, friends, landlords, future employers) knowing that I am an escort.  
 Swirling (or blurring) the face actually isn't very effective. Unless the person blurring a photo has superb photoshop skills, it can actually be unblurred fairly easily. Thus, it's not really protection against being identified.  
 I agree that using 'classy' in an ad is pretty much like a client who contacts me saying that he 'doesn't do this much' and 'wants a regular thing', lol. (That pretty much ==> "I want to manipulate you into giving me a discount or massive OTC")  
 But why so bitter? Hyperbole in marketing exists everywhere. I am continually promised untold riches, love, and splendor, if I simply change my brand of deodorant, lol.

When someone posts that a member is angry, that's the end of the discussion.  A sign of exasperation that the poster has nothing else to argue.  Using bitter is pretty close however.

Why would you or anyone here think that anyone is bitter or angry?  You do realize that this is a board inhabited by trolls?

Do you not consider yourself a troll as well?

If not, what is your definition of a troll?

Sometimes playing on here as we are is considered foreplay.  I think that London Rayne can explain all of this to you.  She's a smart one.

See, for me, the conversation is usually over when I have a salon appointment, a date, or my red tide week is over and I have real shit to do, lol.

Angry? Rarely. Bitter? Never. Your responses are generally nasty, that's what led me down the path of concluding you are bitter and/or angry.

Nope, not a troll. I have never started a shit-seeking, mindless post. You find it in your day to do so, much to my entertainment and general delight : )))

This is not the foreplay I'm used to. You should book an appointment and I'll teach you all about real foreplay. You may even enjoy yourself.

London's a cool chick. Smart, pretty, sassy...kinda sounds a bit like me  ; ) And she COOKS!

Am I sensing you're starting to soften up ; )))

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
When someone posts that a member is angry, that's the end of the discussion.  A sign of exasperation that the poster has nothing else to argue.  Using bitter is pretty close however.  
 Why would you or anyone here think that anyone is bitter or angry?  You do realize that this is a board inhabited by trolls?  
 Do you not consider yourself a troll as well?  
 If not, what is your definition of a troll?  
 Sometimes playing on here as we are is considered foreplay.  I think that London Rayne can explain all of this to you.  She's a smart one.

Maybe she means the kind that get paid 40 bucks a show to walk around half naked in bars hustling raffle ticket purchases... I ran one of those once ha ha. Every girl there said she was a lingerie model... kind of.

Thank you : )))

I was a professional model from 17-21. Loooong red hair, hahaha! There's a photo on my Twitter page : )

I played varsity soccer & volleyball in high school. Now I just coach, kids soccer.

Have you also spent time on the space station?  Perhaps climbed Everest?

Isn't volleyball a sport inhabited by Amazons?  I guess at your HS they had trouble finding them?

What happened with your insurance business?  I don't know if you've told me that story.

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
Thank you : )))  
 I was a professional model from 17-21. Loooong red hair, hahaha! There's a photo on my Twitter page : )  
 I played varsity soccer & volleyball in high school. Now I just coach, kids soccer.

No space station. I told you I'm terrified of heights! Water too.

Everest? No. Again, the whole heights issue. I did however hike through a gorge on a seven hour date with a friend. That was fun. He even showed up with the cutest little Cabela gray & pink hiking boots since I'm not a climber (not of rocks anyway, just cocks) and Jimmy Choos were ill-advised for the trip.

If you're tall, you have an advantage in volleyball. But at 5'3'' my dynamite comes in a small package. I live in Ohio dude, there were a whooping 60 people in my HS graduating class. They had to take anyone with skill. Being an Amazon was not a requirement.

I did tell you about my insurance. When I got divorced my ex tried to kill me. I had 2 strokes, almost died. I take 9 meds a day now. I have a restricted driver's license. I will never be medically cleared to work a regular full time job ever again. Ex quit his job to mooch off of his gf and pays zero child support. So, I started this...you have to remember the post where SOMEONE was very mean to me and claimed I should come with a warning label, and that there was no way that actually happened to me...I don't look for pity or sympathy, but it is the truth. I could leech off of the system if I wanted to, but I instead chose this path. And I do like it, minus the dipshits ; ) Believe it or not, it can afford a very successful, nice life. Not all of us spend every waking cent on shoes.

... just a little.

Miss Kole is obviously attractive, but do you think she or anyone else cares that you are highly paid and employed with a firm looking for her talents?  Get a room!  ;)    


Play nice, Mikey, there's plenty of room in the sandbox, love ; )

Bob_Sugar676 reads

Probably not, but I asked.

You don't know me.  I am very highly paid and am so successful in my field.  

My firm and I are well known around the world.

40Cops756 reads

this discussion is causing lots of hits to your website.

VOO-doo813 reads

There are things of that nature I COULD say about myself. However, I just describe myself more in terms of interest and personality. The point is to give the guy some idea of what it's like to spend time with me.  

As for education, they can figure that out by reading my site and emailing me. I think it should be apparent that I've graduated the third grade, lol.  

I've read so many escort ads/bios, that whenever I read 'Ivy League' in a bio, or even 'best ever' in a review...I just get that 'yeah, yeah, yeah' kind of feeling. I imagine it's the same for a guy.

Guys LOVE to talk about travel. Why someone whose 'world' travels are limited to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls (OK, and maybe Aruba) would brag about being an 'internationally traveled courtesan' is beyond me. Someone is bound to ask questions. Personally, my travels are not quite so limited, but not so varied as that of my clients (most of whom are extremely well-traveled). So no point bragging. Besides, if I said I'd been to _______, _______, and ______ last year, it could potentially out me if an acquaintance were to read my site. And something similar has actually happened to me

That's all I was posting about.

I have read tens of thousands of resumes over my career.  I doubt I've not read every conceivable method of attracting my attention.

I will do a phone interview before meeting with any candidate.  I always expect the candidate can perform the task being offered, but I like to understand if the candidate has any integrity.

Same here.  I'd much rather peruse a site that is not filled with ridiculous hyperbole.  And God forbid I waste my time seeing a woman who thinks so highly of herself, yet the hype far exceeds the event.


Posted By: VOO-doo
There are things of that nature I COULD say about myself. However, I just describe myself more in terms of interest and personality. The point is to give the guy some idea of what it's like to spend time with me.  
 As for education, they can figure that out by reading my site and emailing me. I think it should be apparent that I've graduated the third grade, lol.  
 I've read so many escort ads/bios, that whenever I read 'Ivy League' in a bio, or even 'best ever' in a review...I just get that 'yeah, yeah, yeah' kind of feeling. I imagine it's the same for a guy.  
 Guys LOVE to talk about travel. Why someone whose 'world' travels are limited to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls (OK, and maybe Aruba) would brag about being an 'internationally traveled courtesan' is beyond me. Someone is bound to ask questions. Personally, my travels are not quite so limited, but not so varied as that of my clients (most of whom are extremely well-traveled). So no point bragging. Besides, if I said I'd been to _______, _______, and ______ last year, it could potentially out me if an acquaintance were to read my site. And something similar has actually happened to me.  

Are you counting Hooker bios with your "resume resumes" ?    
      I have no doubt you are only getting started with your endless rants and countless repetitive  methods of attracting attention, your defensive ways  and misogynistic nature toward women who don't kiss your ass.    
     I will give you credit where credit is due, at least you realize London is  wiser than you.  
  I'll give her credit where credit is due, she can hang with the bored boys and not look sissified,  
   yet still maintain her femininity.   :-D    
  You are so enthralled with calling out others you claim are playing the defensive victim card, or exaggerating credentials, you don't recognize  when you do the same.  
   Yeah! Yeah!  We know, you make more in an hour than EC all week with a Rockefeller.  
    I'm not surprised in the least you admit to  spending leisure  time talking with your brotherly comrades  about Hookers, their knowledge of geography and their IRA's.  
    Perhaps  your background influences your  NOSY nature, listening to your informants whispering in your ear about Hookers financial affairs ?    
      From the outside looking in  doesn't sound awesome being  you.   :-D  
    With your own hyperbole and pretentious nature I'm surprised you didn't change your name    
     to  "Kane" West .    
                           Thanks for the laughs.    
       Got to go, don't want to be late for my quarterly Friday late night date in Mayberry .  
                       Later,  General Kane.   :-D  

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
That's all I was posting about.  
 I have read tens of thousands of resumes over my career.  I doubt I've not read every conceivable method of attracting my attention.  
 I will do a phone interview before meeting with any candidate.  I always expect the candidate can perform the task being offered, but I like to understand if the candidate has any integrity.  
 Same here.  I'd much rather peruse a site that is not filled with ridiculous hyperbole.  And God forbid I waste my time seeing a woman who thinks so highly of herself, yet the hype far exceeds the event.  

And it's ad copy - some think that's what the clients want. I appreciate the bios that display a distinct personality.

I agree, but in keeping with that fantasy things have to be at least a little consistent. I've seen a girl start at 22 claiming to be a cheerleader and in college... she's 32 now and still working on that same degree, got a million tats now and there is no way in hell she is cheering for any University.  

If you claim to be some scholar or some important professional, there is no way in hell you are going to toss all that for this business so being able to show your face is pretty much canceling the claims out unless your job is related to the adult industry, you're a writer, etc. No company is going to hire anyone that can be traced with photo recognition software back to their escort ads.

Here_I_Go824 reads

... Had reached its quota on individuals who get off on slamming and insulting other people.  Guess not.  What a despicable Board this is turning into.  Will not change as long as people keep humoring the trolls.  Which ironically is what I just did.

I humbly apologize.

Spoiler Alert:  Santa Clause isn't real and the Easter Bunny is a fraud

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I humbly apologize.  
 Spoiler Alert:  Santa Clause isn't real and the Easter Bunny is a fraud

I'm actually proud of you.  Not many guys are open about seeing TS girls.  

I thought you said elsewhere that you were going to write a review on her.  I hope you write it on your handle and not hide the fact that you're into TS gals with an alias review.

LOL.. I bet that turned you on Diaper boy ...   :-D

     I already had you pegged as a big liar.  
   Correct me if I'm wrong.   Are you a liar, a failure  at comprehension,
   or the bigoted Village idiot you portray?
      I don't have my reviews hidden, why do you?  
          My reviews are there for all to see.
  If you don't know my alias you are more stupid than I imagined. I've had the same alias since  alias rules changed.
   No need for you  to explain, I don't care, I'm not a judgmental homophobe who gives a damn how many men you suck off in private.
   I do get a lot of laughs when your boy club pats your ass with likes on the board.  :-D  
 I don't feel the issues many insecure straight guys see toward  homosexuals or guys that visit TS..
  I'm not talking about you, you're too much of a bigoted  homophobe to not be hiding something you are ashamed of. Nothing straight  shooting about you except your line of piss.
    It does seem a bit flashy of you to do it in public.
    My one and only experience with a TS, I posted on TER.. I'll repeat for you.  
"TER rejected my review. I thought TS Melina stood for Tall and Slender!"  

Most people get a mental impression of people they've heard but never seen.
   My impression of you sees a resemblance to TS Melina, though you do have a  
homophobe twin who frequents here while often avoiding P&R.

 Got to go, my shift at McDonalds starts in twenty minutes.
  Later, Diaper Dough Boy... :-D  





Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I'm actually proud of you.  Not many guys are open about seeing TS girls.    
 I thought you said elsewhere that you were going to write a review on her.  I hope you write it on your handle and not hide the fact that you're into TS gals with an alias review.


I don't personally feel the need to embellish my life, but most are not presenting themselves. They're presenting their version of the fantasy that they're bringing to the table. And maybe you don't, but most seem to eat it up!

Nice website!  My favorite part of your site is this:

" I do not request any forms, but I do look favorably upon those who take a few moments to include bits about themselves not limited to: demeanor, hobbies, employment, age, preferences, 5 things you love/hate, etc. I like to think I give a small glimpse of myself to you and appreciate the same courtesy. "

I happen to HATE filling-out info forms, perhaps because I can only imagine them looking really bad in a divorce hearing as marital assets are being divided.  LOL

So what 5 things have been most fun to learn?

-- Modified on 5/8/2015 8:14:38 AM

Though I'm not sure why a form would be worse than emails with the same sorts of info in that scenario. But fear is not very rational I suppose...

I know us "classy ladies" often don't know how to "speel discrete", but I do know what it means! I can't tell you the details that have been shared with me!

Wait, so you like that portion more than my photos?! OUCH, my frail ego is bruised!


If a lady MUST have information beyond P411, then I would much rather give that to her over the phone than fill-out an online form.  Perhaps there is no real difference, I just hate knowing that my information is out there on some server.

Did you have photos?  Hmmm.... never noticed.  ;)

I have met a few terrific ladies who attended Ivy League schools, as well as other great to very good ones like Oxford, American University, U of Chicago, U of Michigan, U of Illinois, North Carolina, Virginia, Stanford.  I have also seen quite a bit of proof related to their world travel... and a few times I was there with a couple of them.  And, frankly, there was even one woman I knew well about 15 years ago (and who happened to attend one of the schools I mentioned) whose family is one the richest in the world.  She is married with child now, but she did it for the excitement and so she did not need an allowance while she was in grad school... and perhaps to get back at daddy a bit, at least IMHO.

-- Modified on 5/8/2015 8:16:28 AM

Read my post next time.

If they don't claim to be classy and refined too, then I don't see them.

Was this richest family the Clinton's?  Or was it British royalty?  I'm jealous, you nailed Hillary?  I hope it was Kate.

There must be some service who writes these bio's for them.

I don't think I've met more than one or two women who I would consider to be intelligent enough to have been able to write such prose.

And I'm not trying to be an insulting asshole here. This just seems to me a pure and simple fact. If you are a woman who wrote your own I apologize. Let's get together and fuck. I'll go down and stay forever because I love intelligent women. As the the Bible says, "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer".

It's really not all that hard to distinguish which providers compose their own text on a website... just read and observe the board posts and you'll find out who is dumber than a bag of rocks.  

If you're going to go through all the trouble of having a ghost writer to make you 'sound' halfway intelligent on your site, for Pete's sake don't shoot that image all to shit by coming off crazy on a discussion board. I write exactly the same on my site as I do here, minus the F bombs and the "Bwahahaha." I mean, you have to clean it up just a little lol.

If you don't talk yourself up, then obviously you are a stupid hooker/dumb ho/insert other malicious name here. If you do actually speak of yourself in complementary terms then you're an arrogant bitch. It's a no win situation, from my point of view.  

I cannot speak for other ladies but why lie about what I write in my bio? I have gentleman who book me simply for the fact that I do have obtained a master's degree or that I can speak a language besides English (no euphemism there). If someone chooses not to believe me, that's fine, it's his own prerogative. I guess I do not understand why some gentleman cannot wrap their brains around the fact that there are some very successful ladies both in this arena and outside of it.

Do you regret it?  Why didn't you listen to Longstreet? Were you ill that day? Had things turned out differently, would you have served as President of the CSA? Is Gen. Pickett still mad at you?
Now that you're back, the world wants to know.
Save your Dixie Cups! The South will rise again!

Hot dang...I just explained a lot of great stuff. Got you all a special link, came back and whammo... My sagaastic explanation was gone. Oh well... Here's the link either way. Xoxo DEVIN.

The Bios...
I was laughing cause, it really doesn't matter. Or does it?  
Men are here for a good time. They go straight  to the pictures, then the rates. I'm sure.  
How we treat people is what really matters. Or Perhaps what they read in our reviews... Good or bad. If A man likes what he sees. Then its up to him to make the next move.  

I know that the way we come across, is important to the men we seek to attract.  
Personally, for me the "bio."  is a way to introduce yourself.  Not for a job application.  Unless, your trying to attracted men that enjoy reading this?  

In the end. Money pays bills, but what matters is who and how you treat others. Everyone is different in what we seek, do and enjoy. Or where we have been.  That's what makes/builds our character.  
A job doesn't defines us.  However,  it does say something us.
I for example,  take care of elderly people in the Mornings. While at night,  I like to feel like a woman when I get dressed to go on my dates.
"My bio?" Who cares... Life is to short to worry.


well I gave up escorting to date some high profile biker ages ago.  

then attended school, my story is opposite. I ealized it wasnt happenin i was not into 40 hours a week for a few hundred which is what beginning hair dressers make.  

So i left that career and that life, the living in a ginormous mansion with a very rich millionaire, god he owned like seventy houses and 60 businesses.  

the mansion was huge. He was a body builder with full sleeves and a striking face and good personality,

but I left and decided to return to my escorting, It was my decision, i couldve went down that road with him and done hair dressing and had babies with him, which we were gonna do all that too.

My story is the opposite I left the opputunity of that normaL LIFE TO RETURN TO THIS JOB.  

         I have no regrets and have everything i want out of life for the present so i have no regrets.

The other life, the normal job the husband the house I can have that anytime i wish i am cute AND I make guys laugh and guive a mean bj. I could land all that for myself and dis apear from this world in a second if i so felt inclined and at any time i wished.


                                Thats not something i desire i desire to work as little as possible i plan on truckin in town 2,                         8 hour shifts per week.  come mid july when i return to work.

will charge my normal 300 an hour with no half hours. and hell even if the 2 days are slow say 2 appts each shift. Thats still 1,200 in 4 hours of my energy and time i used. And that the lowest possible ideally I d take home 875 per shift or so most my guys tip and again if it gets too busy I ALWAYS jack my rates up asap. And who knows that could happen too and i gotta charge 400 an hour because theres just TOO MANY calls. Or all the clients are suggesting i raise my rates.  

I am very excited about my job as an escort and the money i make the guys I meet, I wouldnt hang up the g string just yet! I can see how a lady that went to school for 7 years for law would just say hey lets go fuck a few guys and make an extra grand or 2 each week in like a few hours.

I am sure many scholarly book smarts women do turn a few tricks on side as well. I wouldnt assume that they are lying in the profile. Scholarly book smart women , they just may enjoy the thrilll and the easy money as much as the next gal.  

I mean it is nice to not have to live in squalor or go with out. And alot of women go through life living that way,  
I cant say that your correct that those ladies are lying because the ones in school for finance and law and medical careers. They proberly have lived on ramen noodles and really any one myself included, that paid there own ways through school and worked full time while attending school.

It is like your going to a second part time job that your NOT getting paid for and that you need to be constantly spending to be there.

i bet alot those ladies truly are medical students and law students, totally, They if any one proberly are the pushed to thier limits tired broke and definitly i can see them , more so than any one else needing that extra money weekly to get through.

it would make perfect sense that alot ladies workin towards thier other careers are escorting. I feel sorry for guys that they dont have it as an option actually.  

a master stylist is makin roughly a grand or so a week andthats after 40 hours of getting hair all over you and bein on your feet and dealing with WOMEN AND THIER HAIR which trust me it gets ugly. when it comes to women and thier hair it isnt like a cake walk that job.

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