TER General Board

I agree about the whitelists
GaGambler 324 reads

Many guys consider whitelists a "tit for tat" kind of thing, you give me a good review and I will give you a whitelist, which IMO sort of corrupts the whole system.

A whitelist without a review I guess is a "tit without a tat"  and as I am not a big fan of ink to begin with, I like my tits without tats. lol

I also love the irony when guys who give out nothing buy 9's and 10's rag on other guys for not reviewing, when their own reviews are completely worthless to the rest of us as their scale seems to start at 9. I can only imagine what a beast a woman would have to be to rate an 8 from some of these guys who get on their high fucking horses.

Noticed many hobbyists who post in this forum.......some ad infinitum.......do not post provider reviews.  Not judging, promise.  Just wondering why.

Care to share?

Under a reviewer handle. Many who are prolific here do not want the hookers knowing who they are when booking...kinda like me...;). I don't post under my hooker persona.

Am sure there is a good reason..........but unable to figure it out at the moment.  Call me dense.......no problem.........but care to share?

If they want to be a douche bag on the boards, what self respecting hooker would want to see that alone? They know that and review under a different handle.  

And to be fair, the reason I do not reveal my hooker identity on here is because I want to speak the truth and not worry about butt hurting a john and putting a dent in my business. I have an illusion to uphold darn it!

Thank you for the enlightening and HONEST explanation.

GaGambler662 reads

When I first came on this board well over a decade ago I didn't like the idea of writing a review in as graphic detail as required to get a review approved. To this day I still don't, and THAT is why I don't review.

For the record, I have "given back" as much as any poster/reviewer on this board. I have moderated over a dozen boards, answered countless questions by newbies and even hosted a couple of M&Gs. So if your goal is to "shame" me for not writing reviews, you can kindly go fuck yourself.

Also for the record, I freely give out my handle when booking a session, if a woman doesn't want to see me based on what I say on these board, then she too can go fuck herself. lol  Actually any woman who would refuse to see me based on my board posts would most likely be doing us both a favor, as GaGambler is very much like the "real" me, I am pretty much the same person IRL. So anyone who doesn't like my GaGambler persona won't like the real me either.

Senator.Blutarsky358 reads

...even though I post under my alias, what you read is what shows up. BTW, this gal doesn't care whether we review or not.

...the self-aggrandizing BS and the ridiculous grade inflation that has taken place over the years.  Providers who got 6-7 in looks 15 years ago are now getting 9-10.  Sure, there have been advances in plastic surgery but come on!  If I graded on a true scale, I'd be on every blacklist around.

Like GaG, I've "given back" to TER, but behind the scenes.  I have many years of free VIP to show for my work but that's not why I do it.  It's to help my fellow hobbyists, whether they realize it or not.

I consider my whitelists to be equivalent to reviews.  Any provider willing to whitelist someone without trading for a good review is an upstanding person in my book and worth seeing.

GaGambler325 reads

Many guys consider whitelists a "tit for tat" kind of thing, you give me a good review and I will give you a whitelist, which IMO sort of corrupts the whole system.

A whitelist without a review I guess is a "tit without a tat"  and as I am not a big fan of ink to begin with, I like my tits without tats. lol

I also love the irony when guys who give out nothing buy 9's and 10's rag on other guys for not reviewing, when their own reviews are completely worthless to the rest of us as their scale seems to start at 9. I can only imagine what a beast a woman would have to be to rate an 8 from some of these guys who get on their high fucking horses.

Here_I_Go416 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If they want to be a douche bag on the boards, what self respecting hooker would want to see that alone? They know that and review under a different handle.  
 And to be fair, the reason I do not reveal my hooker identity on here is because I want to speak the truth and not worry about butt hurting a john and putting a dent in my business. I have an illusion to uphold darn it!
What is this "illusion" you speak of?  I figured for sure all the ladies I have seen were enamoured with me, and secretly wanted to run away together.  Now I hear this?!


Shattered and disillusioned.

nom_de_plume516 reads

... include being able to share intimate experiences that involve providers we've reviewed without exposing the identities of the providers.  

And the other main reason I do it is because there's all sorts of people who frequent this board... yes, all sorts.

I give my reviewer handle and/or p411 ID to providers who need it for screening purposes.

I think that if you posted under your professional handle, you'd get more business, at least that's my angle on it.

Guys like myself love to see outspoken women.  Having met more than a few, I can attest that they make for very satisfying sessions.

Frankly, the women who are outspoken turn me on, even as they express things that I don't necessarily want to hear.   I like HT's posts, even when they are not pleasant, because they confirm things that any of us who use our big noggin' should know

......but I gave up anonimity in this hobby (as well as my other fave P4P activities) a long time ago. I choose to post reviews to give folks a different perspective from a female POV. I suppose its good fapping material as well ;)

reveal any useful information that wasn't covered in the prior 39.

neither does a hooker "telling the truth" We already know why they're escorts.

Posted By: TLH_42
Noticed many hobbyists who post in this forum.......some ad infinitum.......do not post provider reviews.  Not judging, promise.  Just wondering why.  
 Care to share?

Can you honestly say that if a lady has 40 reviews and 2 are much lower rated than all the others, that you don't discount the 2?

I sure do, I know of the stupid ego mentality that plagues most men, it's as ugly and useless as jealousy. If I see a lady has numerous great reviews and one or two bad reviews, I can only imagine that those few guys had impotency problems and blamed her for them and I disregard those reviews. I also can read between the lines on some 10/10's and discount them as well.  

Also, some ladies start out with a somewhat smaller menu and as their career progresses their menu opens up a little. If number 37, 38 and 39 hadn't written their review then I wouldn't know that she now does bbbj and I wouldn't have seen her even though I liked every thing else that was said about her.

Another benefit, for the ladies, is that reviews keep their ads current in the TER city listings.  

I write reviews for every lady that wants reviews. It takes me 1/2 hour, at the most, it's the least I can do for her, and for our community.

I didn't know about the free VIP days until I was in the early 20's of reviews, so that has never been a motivator for me.

any of the points you mentioned (meaning they're not important to me.)

To each his own right?

Posted By: russbbj
Can you honestly say that if a lady has 40 reviews and 2 are much lower rated than all the others, that you don't discount the 2?  
 I sure do, I know of the stupid ego mentality that plagues most men, it's as ugly and useless as jealousy. If I see a lady has numerous great reviews and one or two bad reviews, I can only imagine that those few guys had impotency problems and blamed her for them and I disregard those reviews. I also can read between the lines on some 10/10's and discount them as well.  
 Also, some ladies start out with a somewhat smaller menu and as their career progresses their menu opens up a little. If number 37, 38 and 39 hadn't written their review then I wouldn't know that she now does bbbj and I wouldn't have seen her even though I liked every thing else that was said about her.  
 Another benefit, for the ladies, is that reviews keep their ads current in the TER city listings.  
 I write reviews for every lady that wants reviews. It takes me 1/2 hour, at the most, it's the least I can do for her, and for our community.  
 I didn't know about the free VIP days until I was in the early 20's of reviews, so that has never been a motivator for me.

WildJimmy!427 reads

I am most affected by the LATEST reviews. I guess probably because I automatically start at the top of the list, reading the most recent because it's at the top. And HOW recent it seems important.

Finally, something that makes sense to me!  Cheers!

I post more often these days and have very few reviews for a couple of reasons...
1) Once I find someone I like, I generally stick with them for a while, and multiple reviews of the same lady aren't allowed.
2) There just aren't that many ladies in the area.

Posted By: TLH_42
Noticed many hobbyists who post in this forum.......some ad infinitum.......do not post provider reviews.  Not judging, promise.  Just wondering why.  
 Care to share?

It's simply that only the last one shows up on her page and as I found out recently the reviewer doesn't get VIP day credits for reviews of a lady after the initial review of her. Free VIP days don't motivate me to write reviews, although it is a nice bonus. I saw a provider 8 times and wrote a review each time.

By the way, I'd welcome a TER moderator to explain to me why only the last review of a repeat client appears on a lady's page. There must be a good reason for this, and I can't figure out why.

I have health issues that can make me a difficult client. Some days I don't work at all. I just don't think I can be a fair judge given about half the time I can't stay hard enough to play. Some times I get there and know from the start I am a no go and I just talk and relax as I give her a massage or she gives me one. Yes, guys I know I am a mangina. But at least I own it.

If I had similar health issues I'd still want to enjoy the intimacy, so I'd still hobby.  

Besides it sounds like sometimes it works out for you.

Women are the most beautiful creatures on Earth, I'm surprised there aren't more Lesbians or at least bi women than what there are. The fact that you enjoy them despite your physical limitations which sometimes may prevent you from enjoying them completely is understandable and shows an inner strength (some men with a silly ego might be embarrassed to do so given the same limitations). I for one salute you.

I'm still not exactly clear on the definition of mangina, but by interpreting context of some of the players in here, I'd be proud to be labeled and carry the title. Compassion and intimacy are really cool traits for any human to posses.

Hi A

Speaking for myself, writing a review is a PITA.  Most of my reviews aren't all that great anyway and are kind of boring. I've had a few well received funny ones. My absolute best, hottest, wildest reviews are still in my head and I haven't reviewed those ladies, including my only unwritten 10+/10+ ATF.  And I do a lot of repeat visits with no need to re-review.  (Tami in NYC is retired.  I saw her at least 25x, maybe even 40x.)  

I've got limited time for logging in and writing on TER and I prefer to contribute posts in the forums than in the reviews.  Note that I am imp-POSTER, not  imp-REVIEWER.  In the forums, I hope I'm either helpful or entertaining or both.  

Sometimes, my hostess is capable of a 10 but I'm not.  I don't want to "punish" the top ladies because I'm a 7 ... OK ... a 6.  All right, a 5, but a good 5.  If what happens is only a 7 because of me, do I give a real 7 or a potential 10

It just seems like adolescent locker-room trash talk or egotistical "notch on the bedpost" self-aggrandizement in many cases.  

That being said, I can see where reviews can be of benefit to either a provider or other clients in some situations. I will review when:

1. I have a truly bad experience (still waiting for that one)
2. I see a new gal with no/few reviews (and she desires a review, e.g. to help establish herself)
3. I see a gal with no recent reviews (and she desires a recent review, e.g. to remain on a "top list")
4. I see a gal and something has drastically changed between her past reviews and our date (for good or ill)
5. Both the gal and I want to have a review posted for our own reasons.

I post under my handle, review under my handle and provide my handle when I book. I'll caveat that by saying that I did have another handle for a few months quite some time ago, there are a few reviews under that handle and the ladies reviewed there know my current handle (and why I used another handle for a brief period of time)

So by its omission I can only assume that when you have a great experience you choose not to review? So giving a positive review is adolescent locker room trash and to hell with all of us that would like to know if you had a great time with a particular hooker? Interesting point of view.

generally they are ones we both think should be written!

For me not reviewing is not an option. Drug addled loon? Well, my fellow hobbyists need to know that. The time of my life.....You all should know that as well.  

Posted By: MasterZen
generally they are ones we both think should be written!

I have only one review posted now but I've submitted 4. Two of them got rejected for approval and I never went to the effort to do what they said I had to do to make them acceptable. One got posted and then the lady asked to be removed from the site based partly on my review. I actually didn't think it was a bad review but she had asked me to post a review because the previous reviewer had claimed her pictures were fake and I honestly couldn't say he was wrong because I also thought they were.  

So, all in all, reviewing hasn't been a great experience

From, what I see from your post is that your not really motivated to post reviews to help other hobbyists but I am sure you use our reviews to pick your hookers.

Well, I said I posted 4 reviews with 2 rejected and one disappearing so your accusation of not wanting to help out other hobbyists strikes me as totally full of ****.  

I do use other reviews to some extent but I gave up on VIP a long time ago. All I really need to know is whether the hobbyist had a good time and recommends. I don't need to know that they did this and that and stuck this or that it in here or there. It all sounds the same after a while.

Posted By: balljointnut
From, what I see from your post is that your not really motivated to post reviews to help other hobbyists but I am sure you use our reviews to pick your hookers.

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