TER General Board

How much of an effect would you estimate this has?
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 55 reads

Like, do people actually understand what you're trying to say? I feel it's far more direct and understandble to directly say what you just said instead of "treat her right". Conversely, I hope that no one is ever going to ask to treat a girl wrong.  

And also, does it mean that for girls you might not like as much, you're OK with ppl not being nicer than usual?

Sorry, just feels like it's a very binary thing. I feel like thay someone either uses it in all reviews or no reviews.

vangaas3042 reads

What do reviewers mean when they they include the phrase, treat her right, in a review of a provider? It is not uncommon to see this. Is it not a given that should be done?

like:  "Run, don't walk to see her..."

I wish TER would just edit these things out.

RespectfulRobert48 reads

When I see it, I just translate to "Guys, I REALLY like this girl." But I hear your point.

John_Laroche56 reads

Treat her right.

Just to name a few.

It means that if you want a good Provider then treat the Provider right. Don't act as if she's beneath you just cause of what she does. She don't have to deals with guy just cause guys try to get in her pants.

Yeah, and in Miss Kitty's case please be sure to throw away some of the garbage in you back seat when she comes down to suck you off during her $9.95 bj special


Did Kitty raise her prices? $9.95 seems kinda steep.

Cheap ass .Where you think you're ,the flee market.

If you ask her "what can I do for you" sincerely, it makes her eyes-ears perk up.  Anyone who "plays in" this game will endure ............. respecting themselves and providers.  It's about kindness that comes from the heart.  If not from the heart everyone eventually sees. Men who have no respect for providers will soon find out no one wants to see their dark hearts.  It hold true for bad providers.  It takes a certain level of good self-esteem to look at your ego.  It's the ego that gets in the way for progress of your entire life.  If you can't handle the weakness, a person will not change.

If it’s not written in any of her reviews, I assume I should be a dBag to her. Thankfully, our thoughtful reviewers let me know when to be a nice guy.

is to treat all providers well.  It's interesting that your default is to be a dirtbag unless another reviewer tells you to treat her otherwise.  I would venture to say that 90%+ of all mongers KNOW they should treat ALL providers well.  The other ten percent that need to be told when to be nice should not be seeing them at all.  

I was going to post at the bottom of the page that it's insulting that some guys think they have to TELL us to be nice to providers we are seeing, but fortunately, I read your post first and discovered that there ARE guys here who NEED to be told when to behave and not be a dirtbag.  Thanks for saving me from a wrong assumption that all mongers instinctively KNOW to be good to providers.  

-- Modified on 3/10/2024 4:59:32 PM

HE's being sarcastic, and I'm NOT???   It's okay, my own humor and sarcasm is often too subtle for some here.  Obtusity is my forte.  Lol

humor is too subtle for some here (the slow ones) and you step up and raise your hand.  Thanks for proving my point.   Lol

FlaNoName53 reads

Another good walk back.  But of course there is no arguing with a narcissist as only the narcissist will win the argument.  You are never wrong and no one else's opinions or experiences matter to you except to give you fuel for the fodder.

since 2018, and another 23 between the Florida and Over 60 boards, so you don't really know me very well.  I AM WRONG sometimes, albeit rarely, and when I am, I say publicly that "I stand corrected" and admit what I got wrong.  If you do a search, you will find 39 examples of me admitting I was wrong on THIS board alone, and just as many spread over other boards.   I didn't see a single post where you admitted you got anything wrong.  Now would be a good time to say you stand corrected, because you were dead wrong about claiming I never admit when I'm wrong.  Did you lie intentionally or just too dumb to do a search?    Bwahahahahaha  

I would love to hear about your own experiences, but you have no reviews and rarely post about details of your personal experiences, or things you have learned in this biz.  

The big difference between you and me is that when I wake up with an urge for sex, I shave, shower, get dressed and go see a provider.  You, on the other hand, beat off "almost daily", sometimes even on days when you are seeing a provider.  Seems to me like you have a fairly lonely existence.  I have never understood why any guy would beat off in the morning.  If it turns out that you went the whole day and could not get laid by a civvie woman or a provider, then THAT would be the time to take matters into your own hands.  With that said, I think the narcissistic you was just attempting to let the other 60+ guys know what a stud you are.  For me, if I think I two pops, I will just book two hours instead of one.  

FlaNoName57 reads

By what metric does how many posts I have correlate to how many of your posts I’ve read?  Wait, I’ll answer that for you:  NONE!  So, I’ve read enough of your blathering posts to know you very well.  The number of my posts is just another one your many made up statistics to make a point that really is pointless.  You use them to make you look smart and informed when they really have no meaning.

You really shouldn’t project your shortcomings on me.  You write, “For me, if I think I two pops, I will just book two hours instead of one.”  How do you know how many pops I do in a session? Or in a day?  Wait, I’ll answer that for you:  NONE!  Who cares, other than you, how often I beat off?  My high sex drive suits me just fine.  While you never understood why a guy would beat off that just furthers the point of how little you know.  Different people have different experiences.  You like to project that if something works for you, it works for everybody.  Again, just another example of you liking to hear yourself talk and think that your experiences are the only ones that matter.  You must be the “lonely one” if you spend such a great portion of your day scouring the posts and having to respond to every little detail.  Why don’t you go out and see more ladies instead?  You’ve written that you at least two ladies a week.  I don’t see at least two reviews a week from you.  Remember, you’ve given so much crap to people who have a limited number of reviews.  As if they are to write a review for everyone they see.  How do you know that someone who may have written only 50 reviews hasn’t seen a 1,000 women?  Wait, I’ll answer that for you:  NONE!  

So just throw more spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks.  Enquiring minds want to know.  Oh, and where can I claim my trophy for the jerk-off title????  hahahaha

your lying after I already proved you lied?  I gave you an out on your lying if you just admitted you were too dumb to do a search, so we will assume you are NOT willing to admit when YOU were wrong, which makes your claim both a lie and a projection from you.  For the record, I don't know of any shortcomings I have. I do understand why guys beat off, 1) They can't get civvie women into bed for free, or 2) they don't have enough financial depth to be able to see all of the providers they want to see.  There is no other reason for a grown man to have to beat his own meat. This is why I haven't jerked off since I was a teenager.  Ever since I started college, I was always good at finding pussy to use, but as I got older, 48 to be exact, I started paying to get the age I wanted without any drama.  

This is a review site.  We all benefit from reading reviews before we see a new provider.  The way you give BACK to the community is to write reviews of your own sessions.  There are givers and there are selfish takers here.  I have chosen which kind of member I will be.  I would love to read your 50 reviews, or even 5 reviews, but you have none.  Do you have a VIP membership?  

You really don't know how to interpret things. Pretty sure everyone but you knew I was being sarcastic.

One bad date can detour a gal from this industry. Treat her right & she won’t leave the business. One douchvag can ruin it for the rest of you males from partaking in the pleasure of her company. It could just be a phrase that is over used by men who lack authenticity.

brownjack59 reads

When I've used it in the past, it was with the hopes that some insecure asshole would read it and be inspired to respect the providers boundaries.  Thereby avoiding scaring her out of the business.  This, so that others could enjoy spending time with her.

Who wants more for less, showing up late or over staying your time. Instead be respectful, kind and generous.  Show up smelling good from head to toe , and you will be most likely guarantee a good time in return , and she  might just can't wait to see you again.

Indeed!  Couldn't  have  said  it  better  myself!  

@Boobsman100  You  sound  like  "Dream  Client",  🌟
aka  a  genuine  gentleman  whom  understands  that  "chivalry  is  
never  dead"!

Kindness  and  respect  are  mutually  beneficial  in  any  scenario,
be  it  P4P,  "Civvie  Dating",  or  simply  standing  in  line  at  the  grocery

In  today's  society  across-the-board,  I've  noticed  nothing  but  rudeness,  
bad  manners,  ignorance,  lugubriousness  &/or  a  lack  of  "not-giving-a-shit".    
Particularly  among  the  teenager -  35 yr. old  age  group.

If  my  parents  were  alive  they'd  be  as  appalled  I !!

True. Some choose to wanting to vent their issues on other people who have nothing to do with their problem.
So  yes ,have seen and heard some things that just make shake my head  sometimes.  

As I always said, am one hell of a repeat client ,and there is a reason for that,because I practice all that I have  mentioned.

What value does this hold in a review?  

Does this mean people who say this think that it's OK to be a low balling, disrespectful, unkempt, etc to any other provider?

And if not, why is it in this particular review?

This is not a review. We are talking  about  treating a provider right ( good).

Look like you're one a those that treat  women like crap.You can't  even express what treating women right means in your opinion and to you personally.

PistolPetey58 reads

should be "treated right".

Pistolspypetey believe in treating women right. Looks like he finally saw the light.

1) It conveys no useful information whatsoever

2) It tells others to do - as people already have said in this thread - something that is already supposed to be done by default by everyone. Like who would say the opposite.  


Very rarely and in mostly agency industries such as kgirls etc, I think it could sometimes be a "read between the lines" thing of "this girl is very new and delicate, go slow with her"... but IMO it would be best to just directly state this. Obfuscating such info via "treat her right" just dilutes the message for those who actually might need this message.

What I always interpreted as meaning was don’t just go in looking for her to do all the “work” and  get you off
Spend some time finding what she likes and pleasuring her and you’ll be rewarded with more than a  perfunctory performance  

We’ve all seen reviews that say “she wasn’t into
Well. Treat her right and maybe she WILL be into it

But there are hundreds if not thousands of reviews with this embedded but every provider is different.

I can completely understand if someone writes "she took a while to warm up and get wet" or "spend some more time with her on foreplay" or "make small talk so she eadens up in terms of being tense" and so forth. That is quantitative, real information that is helpful to anyone reading a review. "Treat her right" doesn't say anything.  

The phrase implies that the reviewer himself did treat the provider right. So what exactly is it that he did then?

Again. To me it could mean any and  the things you mentioned but simplified  in just three words  

Treat her right and she’ll far exceed the perfunctory transactional service  

OR ,,,,,, you could message the reviewer and ask what he meant!!

OR....people could stop trying to obfuscate what they mean and it will result in less time wasted by all parties.

The reviews are written for other mongers. Why not just expand on that in the review if the statement has any meaning?

I’ve never seen a “treat her right” on a negative review.  
So the positive review itself should suffice  

I think you’re making WAY too much out of a throwaway line  

Like when someone at work says “ We suck at executing this tasks.” A leader may consider this harmless venting, but other people hear that they suck

I dont really get what the review being positive or negative has to do with anything here.  

My question was if it's meant to communicate a specific thing, why not just say the thing? The more specific info, the better. After all, reviews are meant to share info, right?  

If you do think it's a "throwaway" line, then you probably agree that it is kinda pointless?

I just think perhaps you’re a bit too literal of a person sometimes for these reviews. I’m often told I’m too literal irl, and I think it’s true.  

These reviews are like everything else in life. Whatever resonates, absorb it and take it with you. The rest of it, just leave it where you found it.  

Yes “treat her right” is a waste of time. It falls into the “thanks, Captain Obvious” file. It’s a waste of time because it’s “preaching to the choir”. It’s not going to change anybody’s mind or behavior. The people who do treat providers well, do so because they want to; and those that don’t won’t start to because a review said so.  

At different times, based on context, I think I’ve seen it written with the basic intent of several of the things mentioned in this thread. She’s new, be delicate with her, don’t scare her off because I wanna see her again, etc etc.  

Mostly it’s just another way of saying “I met this human and I don’t want bad things to happen to them.” At which point, you might as well say “I’m not a sociopath.”

Much of the time, I believe the person who wrote it doesn’t know what it means. There’s nothing in their head for them to “expand upon” as you say, because they don’t know themselves. They’ve read it so many times that they just mindlessly type it out without thinking. Like it just “should” be there or something.  

I don’t know, I may have said it in a review or two when I was first starting out the first time. If I did, that was stupid and I’m embarrassed.  

It’s a lorem ipsum, fluff, puff, filler. It is an unfortunate result of pressure of speech, so to speak. It’s like ending the general details with “VIPs read on” or “get VIP to read the juicy stuff”.  Well, no shit Sherlock! Thanks for explaining how the site works. Again, I’ve probably said that myself for no other reason than I read it a thousand times and if I did, I was stupid to do so.  

If someone does say it with one of those larger, valid points in mind, I agree with you. They should just expand and say what they’re thinking.  

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Like if you have vip, you'll read it and if you don't you won't be able to. Lol.  

I get what you're saying and I think you get what I'm saying.

what *I* mean by it is "I really liked this girl and want to see her come back again -- or stay longer/stay here. So for some of you guys that I sometimes hear unfortunate stories about that results in girls wanting to spend time somewhere else, PLEASE don't fuck this up for me. And, for the vast majority of the others here, just be a bit nicer than usual so that might make up for any of the asses around so we all benefit with more opportunities."

And, yes, it is a given that we should treat eachother with some respect and courtesy.  Unfortunately, some just don't see things that way or care about others. While they are the exceptions it only takes one bad experiences to ruin your day or week. But it also doesn't take too many nice customers to make up for that bad one. So the phrase is just something of a reminder that crusing on autopilot in this regard is not always enough -- in other words, our default mode of not mistreating others might not be enough to outweigh the rare asshole in the world.

Like, do people actually understand what you're trying to say? I feel it's far more direct and understandble to directly say what you just said instead of "treat her right". Conversely, I hope that no one is ever going to ask to treat a girl wrong.  

And also, does it mean that for girls you might not like as much, you're OK with ppl not being nicer than usual?

Sorry, just feels like it's a very binary thing. I feel like thay someone either uses it in all reviews or no reviews.

I would think your database would answer the question of always/never so feelings should have nothing to do with that.

I never used it in all my reviews.  

I don't think others should try to read more into something that is said. Trying to extropolate into other cases will be a bit problematic and ultimately dependant on the assumptions the reader brings in to fill in whatever gaps they think are in the writers statement. Like the view that suggestion saying "treat her right" in one review somehow is endorcing the view that it's okay to mistreat the other, unreviewed, providers. I think that's a bit of a silly conclusion to try to reach.  While I get why some have pointed to that take to suggest that the phrase has no great value in the review, I think that points to having not understood the statement correctly.

From my perspective, then, for those that don't really think the pharse has meaning or adds value they can safely ignor the statements. For those that think such a statement points to a type of recommendation that the provider is worth making some little effort to intice her to want to stay around or come back, they are getting the message and hopefully taking the actions (which are really very low cost and zero pecuniary cost) that will produce something of a public good for the other guys in their area in the form more opportunities to enjoy seeing the provider (some guys see her more often and in general more guys in the area get to see her -- good for both the one-and-done guys and for those that like to find repeats). So from that perspective I do think it actually does some good.

I meant *should* be all or nothing.

OK, I understand your answer. But don't you think your underlying message hiding behind these three words would be heard way more loud and clear if you actually wrote it out like you have here?  

If the point is to get the message across and "intice" others to act a certain way. Why would you risk people ignoring it? Wouldnt you want as many people as possible to interpret it correctly and be enticed to do the action you're implying?

-- Modified on 3/11/2024 1:10:40 PM

Well, waisting all the extra words would I suspect do as little as you see the three word phrase accomplishting. Justsause's response seems to be a good case in point. Again, I think it's more that those that get it understand what is being said and those that don't get it won't are not interested in any larger explanation because they have it figured out for themselves anyhow.

But I would also point out that this type of discussion about writing reviews and the responses I'm getting are one of the reasons I just quit writing reviews at all.

Fair enough. Personally I'd feel like if it helped even one person than it wouldn't be wasting. But that's just me.

BTW I didn't mean to be antagonistic, was just picking your brain.

Actually I found this exchange to have been one of the better/more productive ones we've had and didn't see you as being antagoonistic. For a change I thought I was actually able to get my position/point understood.

I've always found "treat her well" fairly cringe. It's a simpy/white knighty thing to say about a woman who is in no way in your sphere of influence.

It's also without teeth, an asshole isn't likely to suddenly stop being an asshole because you asked them nicely to behave themselves, regardless of your intentions. If someone needs to be reminded to treat others with love and respect, odds are at this point they're a lost cause, they just weren't raised right and the amount of therapy it's going to take to fix that is untenable.

I'd hope that what most guys are swinging for when they say that is something to the effect of "I hope she sticks around so I can see her again", which, is far less cringe, but undoubtedly most are hoping to get enough extra good boy points on their good boy points punch card to earn an extra sloppy toppy, which is pathetic.

So far, no one has read "or else" onto "Treat her right."  
"Treat her right ... or I will hunt you down and Bobbitt you!"  
"Treat her right or I will make you rue the day!"  
"Treat her right or I will make you a roux of the day!"
I don't read "Treat her right" that way but thought I'd toss it out there.

-- Modified on 3/11/2024 6:16:04 PM

I always thought it was treat her right.... AND THEN she treats you like a vip who gets to order off the menu.

Yeah. Yeah. Something like that.

Kinda like here in the south when ya pass another fella in the same iisle at Lowe’s we say “how’s it going”

In reality neither of us really give a fuck how the other is doing, if I ever get a reply other than “ good” then I’m gonna keep walking anyways.  

Same thing here I think it’s just a mongers customary closing greeting.

It’s kinda like the guy is pretending he’s got a proprietary interest in her when none exists. It’s just obnoxious

Agreed. The people that are going to treat her properly already do, and the assholes who don't aren't going to be swayed by somebody posting a dopey cliche like that.

There's still assholes out there that haven't gotten the message. Seems there's an uptick of rude guys still out there. When this whole "Treat her right" comes up, and FYI, this has been posted on the boards before, When I saw that line in a review, I kinda just chuckles and rolled my eyes. But now....I dunno. Not sure if the surge in rates have fueled this rudeness but there is something in the air.
It'd be nice if the women who lurk these boards could chime in on this, but then the usual bullies would gang up so what would be the point.

DixonSteele58 reads

There are lot of jerks out there who treat providers badly. If you are not one of them, great. Unfortunately, some of them need to be reminded to behave themselves.

AllTheTimeBaby58 reads

I use this, unashamedly, to mean "She's a great person, and was very good to me. Be good to her."  

Sorry (not) if this offends someone's presumed chivalry or rankles self-esteem among those self-appointed  "knights of the round table."

Putting the lie to "all mongers treat women right", is that the majority of providers seek verification and reviews from other providers, this being for their safety. If hobbyists uniformly treated providers well, "verifications" would not be necessary.

Guys that are abusive see "treat her right" and think to themselves lets move on, cant abuse this women, the anonymous dude in the review said treat her right. If you dont say treat her right in a review just remember youre doing the provider a huge disservice.

Have you ever met a guy who was a misogynist or creep who knew he was?   From some of the reviews I have read, it seems that even customers who were overly-aggressive or abusive during the session have said, "treat her right", suggesting that the things they described that most of us consider too much are how you should treat them.  In these cases, saying "treat them right" would be a disservice because it implies that you should treat them like HE did.  As others have said, the ambiguity in this phrase is often why it is considered gratuitous and means little to readers.

worried51 reads

"Treat her right" to me means that she's on a hair trigger and your encounter can go downhill quickly.  Additionally, "treat her right" means to me that the reviewer wants her to come back to this area (good customers).  I may be completely off the mark, but whatever.  

In order to treat the Provider right.......You got to Acknowledge that not all Providers are the same

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