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How long does it take for a man to get tired of eating or breathing? EOM
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 307 reads


How long does it last, before a man tires of seeing providers?

I still like the concept of p4p regardless of its form, and spending time with women. However, and I don't want to sound negative, I don't think I can enjoy the process ever again.

Do career hobbyists exist? and how do you not tire of booking/keeping dates, along with paying for what is basically the same experience?

... I don't think it is the same experience every time.  If you look past the pure physical side, and spend a little time gettting to know the person, then there is effectively unlimited variety.  I find the many women in this business to be really interesting.  So when you combine interesting people + typically gorgeous + a sure thing, I can't ever see tiring of it.  

And come on, it's not dating, nor is it about making the woman feel special.

 I couldn't pay for the privilege of making a woman feel special.

Mutually exclusive experiences IMO.

Carry on then.  You sound like a retread of a few trolls we have seen.  But if you are real, then it sounds like you should save your cash for other purposes.  

Does it sound like I'm here kicking tires?

No need to be sour.

For many of us, making the woman feel special is an important part of the p4p experience.  And it helps keep things fun and interesting even after seeing the same providers many times.

If that's not for you, fine.  But don't knock those who do it.  It's our time, and our money.  

The Benjamins I give her allow her to do the things which make her feel special, whatever those things may be. And, I don't have to try to figure out what those things are, it's a no brainer.

I suspect that you are way over thinking this.

wrps07462 reads

Or there is a stock market crash. Other reasons include  

1. Having a bad streak of experiences with providers.
2. Civie women giving up for free on the side both old and young women.  
3. Guy's waistline getting too big causing his testosterone level to go down, less interest in sex.
4. Providers husband or boyfriend comes after the hobbyist.

I can understand how an hour appointment once a day (or once however often) could get little old - it would bore me too.... DATY, BJ, MISH, CG, DOGGY, done...  Or even just the old Half and Half....  

Others not so much.  There are guys on here (seems like the vast majority) who are perfectly happy with that - and more power to them.  It's much cheaper and easier than what I do.  If what you are doing isn't working for you - do something different!

The ladies can be marvelously good at showing you a good time - but you need to give them enough time to do it - as well as some help with what you want - they aren't mind readers.  Figure out what would be a lot of fun - and figure out who amongst the women you have seen will best work with that. Then organize the party you want - if might involve a specific place - it might involve more than one lady.  The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.  If you have EVER had a fantasy - you can make it happen.  

There are some drawbacks - an hour is not enough for this approach.  More like an evening.    Another drawback is that this approach requires much more effort on your part than showing up at her place clean with cash and ready to rock and roll.  A third drawback is that you will need to invest a few sessions to find ladies who will be good partners.  Not every lady can handle this more elaborate way of doing things.   And not every partner you find will be up to any idea you might have.  BUT auditions can be fun too....

I have had a lot of fun with doing things this way.  You might as well give it a try....

GaGambler681 reads

Who knows when my last will be, hopefully a few more decades in the future.

This hasn't kept me from having "normal" relationships, including being married, during which times I never saw hookers while in those committed relationships.

If you are bored with this, you should stop, but don't pretend to speak for the rest of us. I can ask you the same question, "Isn't having sex period, basically the same experience, how can you not tire of having sex?"  

I don't see hookers as the same experience. Every woman I have ever seen has been different from the others, and that goes for civvies, SBs and hookers alike.

As I said, if you don't enjoy doing this, by all means quit spending good money on something you don't enjoy. That was my exact same POV where it came to drugs, including pot. One day I realized, "I just don't enjoy this anymore" and I just stopped doing it, but I don't pretend to speak for those who love it.

I just tire of the logistics of having sex.

GaGambler425 reads

I like sex way too much to get tired of having to arrange it, either by dating, paying for it, or any combination thereof.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Here's where I would post a GIF of a revolving door. I wouldn't know why, or what it would represent.

GaGambler455 reads

People who post insipid GIFs do so because the English language has failed them and they rarely know "why or what" it represents. They just do so as a weak alternative to a reasoned argument.

and PLEASE don't let that revolving door hit your ass on the way out, or do, no real matter to me. CYA

JakeFromStateFarm363 reads

What's lame is talking about posting gifs but not actually posting them.
Now here is a gif of a gambler you wish you were.

GaGambler428 reads

I wonder if he hates ALL Jews, or just a few in particular? roflmfao

Talk about lame, you bring lame to a whole new level.

I get the idea of being rich, what's up with counting money?

You always hear people talking about counting money, my view is if you are rich, you are not going to obsess over how much cash you have on hand

JakeFromStateFarm379 reads

Please go beg, borrow or steal some game.  You're embarrassing yourself

Game I'm a grown up, I don't play games. Do you think posting on TER gives you game?  

That's purely delusional, and No you have no game.

 Like most people who play games, you are vicariously living through the movie, and wahat's even sadder is you are vicariously living through a fucking movie GIF.

Playing games are for immature people, whose real life persona is that of a loser.

Continue embarrassing yourself talking about game, what are you a rapper or a professional athlete, those are the only games adults play.

JakeFromStateFarm381 reads

In real life you write so poorly it's clear you probably didn't graduate from high school.
As for "game," well, posting on TER is what we are both doing so neither of us is talking about "real life" game.  You are just not very good at it.
If I'm "vicariously living through the move" in the gif, how come I don't even know what movie it is from?  I just pulled it off google because I thought it looked funny.
As for "games adults play," if you had a clue you'd know that "game" has nothing to do with games of any kind.
So thanks for proving yourself a gameless dunce.
Thanks for playing.  There will be no parting gift.

I don't much like cooking, but I go through it so I don't have to eat takeout. Of course, I won't die if I don't eat, but there is a sexual hunger I'd like to satisfy. There are many ways to quell your libido with live girls: picking them up, dating, getting married, paying for it. All require some "logistics."

never had what I'd consider a problem.  
If I was more affluent, and HAD TO do  
more logistical "troubleshooting" I'd have
an ever better time than I am now ... and  
NOW is the best it's ever been.  

Life is Good  (sorry, couldn't find a gif)

I strongly suspected way back that this life would grow to become part of who I am, and I was right.

Ultimately physical reality will do me in, or bankruptcy.  Not sure which will win out.

I can see myself imbibing in this hobby for a very very long time. Sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly.
 Obviously this hobby isn't for everyone and it sounds like it may not be for you.

I'm asking is it common for the average guy to tire of seeing providers.

ROGM393 reads

Posted By: EuroModelsShown
I'm asking is it common for the average guy to tire of seeing providers.[/quote

I haven't hit that wall yet. I hope I never will.

..in saying that no, we don't​ tire of it. With the variety of providers out there and assuming the means available to afford it , why on earth would anyone ever get tired of it?

Posted By: lopaw
..in saying that no, we don't​ tire of it. With the variety of providers out there and assuming the means available to afford it , why on earth would anyone ever get tired of it?
The same could be said about heroine, and would still ring true, but one could still tire from the euphoria.  

Some one posted a comment about objectifying women, I've noticed many of your posts sound objective to women. There is an element of objectification, when a woman is selling her time.

but I like to keep going till I find my way.

Sex isn't healthy if you are turning tricks to get high.

Not all Sex is healthy sex, arguing your premis.

GaGambler298 reads

but I find it hard to believe you'd be bored with him, He seems just your type. Marginally smarter than fatgirl with about as much game as the guy you have tied up in your barn. Perfect person for you to engage in a battle of wits as I know you like to fight the unarmed.  

Maybe he's related to the Dungbeetle? Another poster you narrowly outwitted. lmao

JakeFromStateFarm249 reads

You really are losing it.  Oh, right, you can't lose what you never had. LMAO!

GaGambler247 reads

First you accuse me of being sober and then you accuse me of being drunk. Make up your mind please.

JakeFromStateFarm287 reads

You need to close your computer and drink yourself into a quiet stupor before you embarrass yourself further.

...but I will readily admit that I do objectify sex workers to some degree, be they providers or strippers. It is is their job to sell sex, and since it's a sales transaction for a sexual act, to me she is (in that moment) a sex toy and I am (also in that moment), a wallet stuffed with cash. But fear not - before and afterwards we both become real people once again ;)



-- Modified on 3/12/2017 5:13:12 PM

JakeFromStateFarm189 reads

You just splooged on your keyboard.

GaGambler322 reads

You didn't really think I would be dumb enough to think it came from BPS, did you??? I didn't bite last time and I am not biting this time either.

weak, weak, weak.

If you can't afford to buy yourself some game, please at least go rent some.

JakeFromStateFarm199 reads

You just exposed your shiny, new handle and also your alias.  Too bad you can't change it for a while, Einstein.
Now go steal some game.

I already knew this since lopaw responded to my post, even though I thought she was hotplants.

Maybe your head is flat Jake.

Posted By: EuroModelsShown
Plants agreed with me.

JakeFromStateFarm380 reads

should never, ever, lecture anyone about having a flat head.

You're objectifying the woman.  If you repeat with the same girl and get to know her, it becomes a deeper relationship like you might have with a civvie girl, but without the time-suck of constant contact everyday and the drama you get in RL relationships.  You can book what you want, i.e., sex, dinner, a weekend in Vegas, or whatever, without regard for what SHE would like to do.  Sounds a little selfish, but its a far better and more streamlined relationship than with a civvie girl.  Its why I never get into arguments even if it morphs into a RL OTC relationship.  Providers are pre-programmed to be on the man's schedule, so they make ideal RL girlfriends.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
You're objectifying the woman.  If you repeat with the same girl and get to know her, it becomes a deeper relationship like you might have with a civvie girl, but without the time-suck of constant contact everyday and the drama you get in RL relationships.  You can book what you want, i.e., sex, dinner, a weekend in Vegas, or whatever, without regard for what SHE would like to do.  Sounds a little selfish, but its a far better and more streamlined relationship than with a civvie girl.  Its why I never get into arguments even if it morphs into a RL OTC relationship.  Providers are pre-programmed to be on the man's schedule, so they make ideal RL girlfriends.  

You said you didn't think you could continue because is the same old shit every time.   I'm giving my theory on why, and how to approach it so its a little more meaningful.  If you meant something other than what you said, then that's on you.  I don't read minds.

Spending time with a lady, that's what is always the same.

Why would I want a paid relationship, with a woman who portrays a fake persona, to be one of meaning?  

The fact it's a transactional relationship voids all meaning of the relationship beyond the relationship of the buyer and seller.

You know what is old shit, the line about p4p encounters being more than what they are. Ask anyone who will tell you the truth women do not respect men who pay to spend time with them. I guess you find meaning being in a relationship ship with women who do not respect you.

JakeFromStateFarm232 reads

You've now mis-spelled "premise" twice in the same thread, Einstein.
You're welcome.

First, you are a one-dimensional shallow guy who probably has a hard time socially with civvie women.  Your low self-esteem is why you are jaded with the P4P world.  There are two kinds of hobbyists, the ones that HAVE to pay, and the ones that PREFER to pay.  If you're in the first group, then you are bound to be resentful of the fact that you can't get laid without paying.  

Second, relationships are where you find them and what you make of them.  Respect has nothing to do with it.  Because YOU have not experienced respect from a provider, that doesn't mean no one else has, just like YOU have not been to the space station, but that doesn't mean others haven't.  If I felt I was not getting respect from a provider, I would not repeat.  Simple as that.  But respect is a two-way street.  You have to show it to get it, with everyone, not just providers.  

So you're saying you're having problems with having breakfast or dinner?

If I'm understanding things correctly, I think this is the crux of what you're feeling.

Posted By: EuroModelsShown
and how do you not tire of booking/keeping dates, along with paying for what is basically the same experience?
For what it's worth I like seeing women I have a great time with, over and over. I do from time to time try to connect with someone new just to enjoy the variety that the hobby offers, and with the hope that I can meet someone I see more of over time.  I find the experience is the same when I'm a one and done'er, but the more I get to know the ladies who provide such wonderful depth to my life, the more the experience seems to grow and my desire to leave is reduced to 'never'    

...I had a quick date that wasn't tart exciting. I thought maybe I was getting jaded already. Then I had a great date and was hooked again. So to speak.

If it's not working for you other than as some theoretical concept do something else. No one here can fix humpt dumpty after the fall.

Ignoring all the above responses that try to delve into some possible hidden meaning or possible agenda implied by your question, I shall try to answer the "face value" questions with a "face value" response:  

I do not tire of it and I hope I never will.  

I had my 1st provider session when I was 18 and found a beautiful woman on the Strip in Las Vegas that offered to make me happy.   She did, but that was in 1980 when you could reasonably expect such a "street" encounter to be moderately priced and relatively safe.  After all, the taxi ride to her hotel room at the "Dunes Hotel.. um I mean Motel 6" only cost me $2 plus tip.  Ahh.. memories.  

I'm going to have my last provider session on the day I die in my late 90's or early 100's - at least that's my plan as of today.  Even if I get too old and/or too poor to actually have sex, I just know that seeing a hot 18 to 29-ish woman naked and willing to blow me, fuck me, etc., will still stimulate my brain, even if will no longer stimulate the rest of my body.  

The "logistics" you mention are really no more complicated or difficult than arranging  a non-hobby,  civvie date.

GaGambler458 reads

I am just a bit older than you, I moved to Vegas in 78 at the ripe old age of 19. I remember I five dollar cab ride would take you completely out of town. lol

Didn't really start regular visits to Vegas until a few years later.  Then it was the hooker bar at the Trop and just about anywhere at the Imperial Palace, especially the Polynesian-themed bar by the guest elevators.  

A few years later it was the pedestrian bridge between 4 major strip hotels.  You could always find a pro or a female tourist looking to spice up her trip there.  

When I went to the Hard Rock for AVN in January, there was plenty of opportunity between 1:00 am and 5:00 am at the small bar near the Casino Tower elevators and at the Center Bar in the front casino area.  

First of all, since my first sex experience was with an escort, that got hardwired into my brain. That was 44 years ago. I don't think that will ever change.  

Secondly, all of my escort experiences have been different. That's part of the fun because I never know what to expect. It runs the gamut of strong connection atf to one and done. I've seen one atf over 100 times and counting. While all of her sessions have been different, I wouldn't mind it one little bit if they were all the same. She's that good.  

Lastly, and logically, as I age I'm slowing down. So yes, I don't miss the intense chase for pussy. Now if it happens, nice. If not, I'll spend my money on one of my other hobbies.

Is the only way I can explain it.  There are a ton if other options that would save all of us a shit ton of time and money.  So I can't quite put my finger on it as to what keeps me going, but it started in 2002 on a deployment to Spain and it's still as fun as it was the first time.

GaGambler442 reads

There are also a shit load of options that are a hell of a lot more expensive as well.

Have you ever asked a man who went through a divorce to calculate just how much it cost him on a "per pop" basis how much it cost him to fuck his wife during the course of his marriage. I am not saying marriage is all about sex, but if you do the math.....

Ah, yes. The cost per pop.

In 2002 I bought my ex a brand new car as a surprise for Christmas. A couple of years ago I did the math on the cost of that car, and how many hours I could have gotten with providers with that amount of money. Many dozens of hours.

Did I get anywhere near that many hours from my ex? Not even a fraction. Hell, I was hoping for a blowjob that Christmas Eve and didn't even get that, even though she knew that's all I ever wanted for any holiday or birthday gift.

I don't expect "free milk from the cow", I gladly pay for it on per use basis.

There are things I suck at, being a boyfriend or husband and I have zero "game" for picking up women at a bar.

Then, there are things that I'm good at, stuffing an envelope and personal hygiene.

Like water, I take the path of least resistance. And, I don't have to listen to or deal with the drama.

Different days, different partners, different courses, but same thing over and over when you get down to it. Some people do it their whole lives, some quit after a month, a day, a decade. Some never start. I'm sure there are patterns and types. Ask a sociologist.  

The reason people have called you a troll is that these are the types of unanswerable questions that lead to arguments. It's the way they're phrased. Plus, you said you didn't want to sound negative, which is a giveaway. But mostly because of your attitude, which is provocatively sour. That's a word you used to describe someone above. I borrowed it, thanks.

GaGambler276 reads

yep you can guess what is coming after that lead in.  I agree with your point entirely

Is why I think people like to use the word troll. Hey, the only people who get upset over unanswerable questions, are those who believe they have something to lose, if those answers are anything other than what they want to hear.

I cruise the ad board, and even BP for a last minute appointment, and when it comes down to it, I don't feel like wasting my traveling the fifteen minutes, or sending the email to be screened.

I'm trying to figure out why. Perhaps I have grown to despise hookers

My disclaimer was added because my post sounded negative.

In my profession, I deal with liars on a daily basis, I can usually pick up on what is BS, and read what a person's motives are.

I don't think so.

Someone in this thread thinks a person could live with out eating, that must be some good pussy.

that's why it'll ALWAYS be possible  
to receive that

"same experience"  

of contented fulfillment  
whenever one desires.

Posted By: EuroModelsShown
How long does it last, before a man tires of seeing providers?  
 I still like the concept of p4p regardless of its form, and spending time with women. However, and I don't want to sound negative, I don't think I can enjoy the process ever again.  
 Do career hobbyists exist? and how do you not tire of booking/keeping dates, along with paying for what is basically the same experience?

One year ago today, I had eye surgery to save the vision in my right eye from an aggressive cataract that basically blinded my vision in that eye.  Although my opthamologist assured me that the surgery had  95% plus percent chance of of success, and his track record was stellar, I knew I would be out of action for few weeks.  Instead of sitting home nervous that night and fretting, I opted to see an ATF who I knew would be sympathetic, as I needed to be with a friend rather than being alone.  Looking back, it isn't the sex that I recall in particular, since it's always spectacular with her...it was just being with her for a couple of hours, and not having to think about the next day.   Kind of like what many hobbyists in my area probably did tonight in advance of the nor'easter bearing down on us tonight in the NYC area, but with a more serious twist.  

BTW, the surgery was successful, and I have only good thoughts and feelings for my lady friend, whom I need to see again soon.   She's a friend, incredibly sexy and gorgeous, and her being there that night will be remembered fondly for the rest of my life.  And that's just one good hobby memory...I have many more, though the one I described is special indeed.      

All that being said, I respect and understand where you are coming from.  You want to play the game, and have a variety of great and unique experiences...we all do.  If it's not working out for you at present, maybe it's time for you take a break, and reassess your priorities.  If the hobby can't or isn't meeting them, then it's time for you to consider moving on.

We are not all the same...even those who see the same lady for years can improve or mix it up to heat things up.

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