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How about HER tests?? Does she allows Greek too?
!_! 957 reads

I've been barebacking with my new ATF who is now my SO. It's the greatest thing when exclusive relationship but full of risks when she's seeing other clients.

CourageousCat3705 reads

My ATF has just made the most incredible offer to me.

Like a lot of guys on here, the combination of getting up there in years plus the need for a condom sometimes makes things a bit difficult.  She's very sympathetic to the problem, but she doesn't like FCs for various reasons, so that's out.  Instead, she said that IF:  I got a vasectomy, and IF:  I could present her with a clean STD test conducted within 48 hours of one of our dates, then she would allow our dates to be...well, you know what I mean:  I'm not gonna use the acronym, because it often causes trouble around these here parts.

I was rocked off my feet.  Obviously we've built quite a bit of trust over the years, or she never would have made that offer.

Ladies?  Would any of you ever make an offer like that?  Feel free to send a PM or post your response under an alias, just like I started this topic under one.

Wow...I'm really considering taking her up on this...

My only concern is that you may not be the only one she is offering this to. But I don't know her. I would only not use a condom with a personal partner I've been intimate with for a while. I adore my clients to pieces, they treat me very well, but my work life and love life are separate things.

!_!1019 reads

Everyone should try it at least once with the right partner.

Ihaveabig1988 reads

I agree bareback is the best.I have brought my records and shown to provider.I get tested quite often, I do adult video's on side with some local providers in the DMV.

Posted By: !_!
Everyone should try it at least once with the right partner.

FIDCUOF959 reads

I left the hobby for a while to pursue a civi relationship and I still used protection.  I'm not getting a women pregnant or getting some virus for the rest of my life.  It's NOT worth the risk.  Guys you all have to play a smart game.  Don't end up paying child support for 18 years and/or getting a life time virus.

GaGambler746 reads

As for agreeing with him, I even agree with Fungy and pimples/JCA from time to time. It's just as difficult to be wrong all the time as it is to be right.

cashorcredit857 reads

I say go for it... although I wouldn't but if both of you can show that you are clean I don't see an issues

How can she know who you've been with since the test results were obtained?  How does he know who else she's done this with?  Bottom line: you're playing with fire.

I'm not getting my wings clipped for no bird.

I don't care about that part, son.  It's the disease issue that matters most for me.

This made me giggle :)  

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'm not getting my wings clipped for no bird.

cashorcredit930 reads

You have a good point Nick, it's a dicey situation. A risk I wouldn't take, however If the OP wants to take that risk I would hope he's smart enough to see her ID and a copy of her current test results.

!_!958 reads

I've been barebacking with my new ATF who is now my SO. It's the greatest thing when exclusive relationship but full of risks when she's seeing other clients.

GaGambler918 reads

and yes we enjoyed BB sex as she became my SO, but she was tested more often than a lab rat. I never felt safer going BB with anyone in my life, or at least anyone in the post Aids era.

Senator.Blutarsky813 reads

Seems very risky (not to mention costly) for questionable reward...  

Now... If she offered extended time at a deeply discounted rate... I'd consider that a pretty good offer. :)

How about it ladies?

...so if you truly feel like you've established the appropriate level of trust, then go ahead, I doubt you're in any more danger than the casual dating scene. As to your inquiry, you don't really expect to receive any positive responses from providers, do you?

FIDCUOF710 reads

Please play nice.  I'm back and enjoying the hobbying world again.  :  ;)

You may have come back in flat mode, which can cause you to reply to the wrong post.
I replied to your PM.

I know you are thinking OMG how does she know what CIP feels like without an FC or reg condom...

Calm down. LOL! Yes, I've had BB sex in my life, and while it's good and feels amazing, ugh, when they came in me, it was the grossest thing ever! Def don't have a creampie fetish or anything; but I'd rather think about how hot the sex was, and not be reminded with a load of jizz trickling down my leg 20 mins later... Somethings are just better swallowed! LOL!  

I think anyone would be pretty stupid to agree to BBFS with a provider. Not to say we aren't clean, but in the world of STD transmission and playing the numbers game, you're just waiting for something to happen. Civvie girls are grosser since most don't own up to their activities and probably assume being clean rather than get tested. IDK not going there either way.  

The best provider offer would be: keep me on retainer, monthly prepaid allowance, and then keep it simple; no crazy OTC requests unless it's a meal right after, and meet maybe two hours once a week, and bring me gifts! I'd be putty in your hands, let you do what you want EXCEPT BBFS! LOL!

Weekly or maybe bi-weekly appointments when they want. I can be pretty flexible and of course, if they were putting up for the month, they would take priority over any other random appointments I would get or would even need to worry about taking. More exclusivity? Sure why not...

Never done it and see the only reason to do it with me is if there were kids in the plan...and since there has never been and never will be, I see absolutely no need to have that stuff inside me. I hate the way it smells and all too often it changes the ph and ya end up with some vag issue. Not to mention it dribbling out ...all kinds of gross at that thought.

Oh and before some smart alec mentions a douche to get rid of it, that is yet another way to disrupt the natural order of a vagina and cause issue.

ROGM775 reads

If everything is Fine then I'd say go for it. I've been BBFSCIP with the Provider I'm seeing for over a year and a half with NO PROBLEMS.

FIDCUOF966 reads

TOO MUCH RISK here with all the FSBB.   How can you justify doing that?

GaGambler837 reads

Do you plan on openly campaigning for the award this year? Or do you plan on letting your posts speak for themselves?

I think Fungy owes you a debt of gratitude, you had the entire field lapped by November of last year, but then failed to finish out the year and gave Fungy the title by default. Although I have money bet on Fungy to repeat this year. I would prefer true talent to take the title and no one has more talent in this regard than you do. Personally, i think that now the competition is strictly for second place, no one here can hold a candle to you where it comes to the SPOTY's. Welcome back

Seriously... if she would make this offer to you, she would make it to others (and likely has)

CourageousCat928 reads

My take on BBFS had always been a huge gigantic NFW, just like everyone else. (Or, like everyone else claims, anyways)

It just came up in conversation last night.  I wasn't even hinting at it in any way.  The idea of it had never crossed my mind, until she offered.

As for what about between the 48 hours leading up to gameday:  Well, I'm a low-volume client, and she really is a low-volume provider.  If we represent to one another that there's been "nobody else" in that intervening time, I'd be ready to go to church on that, and so would she.  Like I said, lots of trust there on both sides.

As it is, I probably still wouldn't do it, just because of the need to undergo a vasectomy (and somehow explain to the Mrs why I suddenly want one, seeing as how she's past child-bearing years).

I still think it was a hell of an offer, though.

-- Modified on 10/16/2014 6:25:10 PM

Sorry but my martini has kicked in. Still don't know why you'd want to pay for BB sex. I know a bunch of civvies that would do it for a bar tab or maybe even a dinner at Red Lobster. Good luck to you. Just my opinion...

I see that you are married but one thing you said has me wondering: seeing as how (your wife) is past child bearing years. It sounds as if you are still intimate with her. If you are, that's another big no to the bare backing. Imagine your wife coming up with a yeast infection out of the blue and wondering how the heck she got it. Everything about this offer says f*%k no!

I hope you are not married! How in the world would you explain to your wife why you suddenly want to get clipped? I disagree that it is the best provider offer. Chances are great that she has made this offer to another of her long term clients too. There are condoms out there that I use and the clients say they feel like bareback. There obviously has to be trust on her part to offer this to you. Good luck, I guess, so whatever you decide.

But I must say, nurse Pham is a real cutie, she is so my type (and I love nurses too, people who care for others are +++ in my book).

Every woman needs one special man to let loose with...the std forms etc...perfect!

Please but I don't understand how people think that a bbbj is safe for every client?? Makes no sense to me why a bbbj, but cfs?? How is that safer??

same people offering these things...I really don't get how these 2 things even go together!! makes no sense!

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