TER General Board

Hooker math is lot easier than problem report
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 539 reads

If you are a hooker, you prefer problem report because it may or may not correct the issue. If you are a hobbyist then you prefer hooker maths, a lot easier and instant answer.

mistertiger2169 reads

I'm up front about my age when I first contact a provider.  I get it that ages of the providers are fudged a little in their profile, but they have a 5 year window to plug into.  

What is really disappointing to me is when I see a provider and her profile says 31-35 and when she opens the door and I see her in person for the first time, she is clearly in her 40's.  

or her profile says 26-30 and she is clearly in her late 30's.

Vagazzle829 reads

They may not be lying.

Some people just age faster due to genetics and lifestyle.  Other people look way younger due to the same factors (mostly generics)

Senator.Blutarsky959 reads

You can turn around and walk out. See it's that easy. If you stay and reward this behavior...you are part of the problem. Stop whining about it and do your part. SMH.

Over time, I've sincerely come to appreciate inicky46, GaGambler and Senator.Blutarsky's participation in the TER forums.  

Thank you Senator, for this and many other trinkets of wisdom!

This is how it always starts out....and seems to end like this....  LO

that's a good point but the provider should be told by the client why they decide not to stay.

Senator.Blutarsky598 reads

Just say something like... "I'm sorry, based on your profile I was expecting someone much younger... I apologize for wasting both our time... Goodbye"  

Now, most of us are able to do our research and are rarely surprised when the door opens. If we are, it's usually in a good way.

Or, if she says 18 but looks 30 and its a good looking 30 to you, stay and see how it goes. Mention her real age in your review and if you get talking after the session you can always politely tell her "hey, Sue, you are a good lookin lady and I enjoyed our session. Telling your real age on your ad is gonna bring you more biz"

his excellency the Senator made a valid point. You can walk away, hard as that seems....

Or are you really complaining about fake, doctored or out of date photos - in which case you can certainly raise a fuss about "false advertising" (has been done before and will happen again in the future).

Relax, close your eyes, enjoy the blow job...

mistertiger672 reads

no need to waste your time being a smartass.

Second, this is the General Board.  You don't get to dictate how people respond to your posts here.  If you don't like what someone says, poke back.  But don't tell them what form their feedback should take.  That's just being a pussy.

ValuedCustomer613 reads

If you are going to serve up the easy ones, don't be surprised if they come back at you at high velocity. I thought every body was being UNBELIEVABLY polite given how lame the OP was - and I really thought it was someone just bored and trying to provoke something.  I was expecting some seriously good zingers...  So - since you apparently don't have a sense of humor and I am feeling bored -  I'll save you some time and give you a summary of this from previous threads.  Not quite as lame as a dick size post but....it is on the level of complaining about Aldo..

1. Assuming this ain't your first rodeo - you may have noticed that nearly all women LIE about their age.  Women in this profession are no different.   Assume at least 5 years difference between an advertised age and a real, chronological age - and that's assuming they have updated their web site in the recent past.  Many hookers are not exactly technologically savvy.  First law of mongering - hookers are women full time - unless of course, they aren't women.  Actually - for what it is worth - my observation has been that women in this business are more truthful about age than civilians.

2. The ladies have NO control over elements of their TER profile age and TER does not update it automatically.  Understandably, updating the TER age is not exactly on their marketing priority list - so 10 years is probably not out of line.    If you see a lady with reviews stretching back to 2002 and a TER profile age of 20-25....and review references to "very mature" don't be surprised if you open the door and she's a senior citizen.....

3,  Fortunately - as has been pointed out a bunch of times - if you just can't stand getting a BJ from a girl who's a whole five or ten years older than her TER profile age or even her web site info then you can always walk away.  However, there may be consequences to that - she may BL you as a time waster.  And, honestly, from the sisterhood point of view - you probably are.   Not MY problem though.  And you might keep in mind that, in general, the feedback on the GD board is oriented towards our amusement rather than your best interests.  

4.  All that being said, there are women who are way over the line with their "public age" and their advertised age.  Feel free to out them on your local board.

You may decide that you are going to launch some crusade to update profile ages for several hundred thousand hookers on TER.  Well - OK - It's your time.  And I guess someone needs to do it.  We appreciate your service.

Happy Hobbying and... thank you for playing.

Ladies do have at least some control over their TER profile age.  When my previous incarnation received her very first TER review, the gent enthusiastically understated my age by 10 years, and overstated my cleavage by a cup size.  I asked TER to made these corrections...and - voila! - my profile was made as mature and svelte as I am in life.  :-)

ValuedCustomer459 reads

You as a provider do not have control over your profile.  You can ask that it be updated - and it probably will be.  But you do have to go to the trouble of actually asking - and many don't.  Some/MANY do not pay any attention to TER at all.  Your other point about measurements is also well taken.  Guys are really not good at that... not sure what TER can do about it though and the existing system of letting the guys guess and then have the provider correct it via a request (or not...) may be as good as it will get.  

Further - assuming the guy wants to actually see you again or get a reference from you - he may decide to exaggerate things in a positive manner because his experience with women is that this is by far much safer than, for example, over estimating your age or underestimating your boobs.  Nothing like a pissed off hooker to ruin your year....

All that aside - the providers I have seen have been pretty honest about their ages and weight on their website even if their TER profile is way off.  What they have told me is that they seem to feel that if the customer expectations are in line - things go more smoothly.  Last thing they want is some guy showing up at their incall expecting a twenty something spinner.

You seem to feel the same way and I heartily applaud that

If you have to have sex with two girls, and their combined age can be maximum of 26.

How would you go about the logistics?



The answer...

Fuck a pregnant 26 year old!

How do you get 10 dead babies into a bowl?





A blender.  

How do you get them out?





Tortilla chips.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
How do you get 10 dead babies into a bowl?  
 A blender.  
 How do you get them out?  
 Tortilla chips.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
How do you get 10 dead babies into a bowl?  
 A blender.  
 How do you get them out?  
 Tortilla chips.

Age is based on the first review and never gets changed. Got to the first review, and add it to the age.

Example: If the first review posted in 2005 then add 10 years to 2015 and 31 - 35 becomes 41 - 45. Problem solved!

If you are a hooker, you prefer problem report because it may or may not correct the issue. If you are a hobbyist then you prefer hooker maths, a lot easier and instant answer.

to write incomprehensible sentences no one can understand.  Tell us, fungus, what is your native language? It certainly isn't English.  We need to hook you up with "mooz and skvirrel" lady.

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