TER General Board

Hepburn by a neck and a face
daviss 5 Reviews 3497 reads

Still early and not yet official--BUT---believe Kate is in the lead.

I tried to post this earlier but believe I got timed out or someting---here goes again.

I replied to a post about P Hilton----said "I just don't get it"
Started thinking about what I DID get.
This list is from my pubescent years---the time when you started beating off and worried about Mom walking in on you. So, here goes (and not in any particular order--other than where noted)
1) Natalie Wood (my ATF---will always be numero uno)
2) Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind---a diagnosed Nympho)
3) Mary Tyler Moore (no kidding--check out the old black and white TV videos--in her reproductive years--she was exquisite)
4) Ingrid Bergman (the ultimate in class and sophistication--go Bogie go)
5) Ann Margaret (at 60 something---I still get hot)

I know---S Loren---M Monroe et all aren't on my short list---AND I know I'm missing a few more---but these came to mind---I'm still in heat over them.
I'm from an era when my buddy would call me and tell me his Dad just got this month's Playboy mag-----I'd jump my bike and ride like hell to meet up.

For those "youngsters" not familiar with these names--go out and rent a movie---scan the satellite menu---

Beauty and sex appeal are timeless----and I hate leaving off any "stars".  Where did I "brain lock"---Let me know

Lex Luethor5429 reads

Raquel Welch. I was in love with her once, but since I was 10 and she was 30... well, it just didn't work out.

I think she "peaked" in her 50s. What a sexy, sexy woman.

Some of my ATF's of my youth are:

Anne Francis - "Honey West" - that mole alone gave me wood.

Irish McCalla - "Sheena" - she knew how to swing.

No doubt---how did I forget ?----total class---total style---Spencer Tracy--what a stud.

Rachel somehow didn't light me up like you'd think---but got better as she aged.

How about  Lauren Becall--but only in her very early flicks---when she was like early 20"s----very exotic--IMO
However, she did not age well at all---by the time she hit 30 it was over for me.

Barbara Eden - first saw her on an episode of "I Love Lucy"
Dawn Wells - Gilligan's Island
Linda Evans - Bachelor Father, The Big Valley
Barbara Feldon - Agent 99, "Oooh, Max"
Jeanne Riley - Billie Jo Bradley, Petticoat Junction
Donna Douglas - Elly May Clampett

I knew I was hetero at an early age. These ladies had CURVES.

Barbara Eden---holy cow!!  How could I have forgotten about her? (still good look'in IMO).
And yes, Dawn Wells too----when I was a kid---G Island was on right after school----it was always a must see---just for the females.

Barbara Eden was the atomic bomb! Oh was she hot. Beside's being absolutely gorgeous she alway's seemed sweet as can be.

Lee Meriwether (one of the cat women on Batman, and Barnaby Jone's daughter) was alway's a favorite of mine also.

Senta Berger

Stella Steven's

Milf's of my earlier day's.

  Can't believe someone actually remembers Senta Berger. She was smoldering, and I thought she was hotter than Sofia Loren. As for Stella Stevens, she was one of my ATF's. She once appeared on the cover of the Sunday Magazine section of the old New York Daily News. I framed her picture and it hung on my wall till I when in the navy. Wish I had a nickel for every time I "beat the bishop" looking at her. I was about 14, and this was way before she ever became well known or appeared in Playboy. Farrah had one of the best set of nipples I have ever seen, and I could almost come looking at Natalie Wood in her prime. I would have given anything to see her nips back then. Donna Michelle, who was Playmate of the year in 64 was perhaps the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Just my taste of course! She's dead now, but what a looker. Can't believe she never attained stardom or recognition. Hef banged her, but then, he banged most of em! In later years Jaqlyn Suzanne used to make me drool, and in her prime Teri Hatcher was stunning. If you ever get a chance to rent the movie "The Cool Surface" you will see the best footage of her naked that's available. As she told Jerry Seinfeld, "Yes they're real, and they're spectacular!"

All of the other guys choices are right on, but Senta Berger and Stella Stevens were to die for!

Here are some of my favs from the 60's and 70's

Barbi Benton
June Cochrane, 5'2"
Pamela Anne Gordon, 5'1"
DeDe Lind, 5'2"
Liv Lindeland, 5'7"
Candy Loving, 5'7"
Karla Conway, 4'11"
Gwen Wong, 5'0"
Susan Denberg, 5'7"

Note the height on some of the girls, spinners. Today they are more statuesque.

Recent talk is that she's losing her looks.  I've been spending the last few days trying to find them for her.  She still gets me revved up.

Just put my 2 cents in for Elke Sommer, Jill St. John, and Stephanie Powers. Yikes, I feel a pup tent forming.

Damn---Jill St John--OF COURSE!
and who cares about the acting deficit--in this case

is my number one...and always will be.  

Vivien Leigh walked the walk.  Passion ruled this woman, until she began to lose her mind. Before that, though, those eyes cast their spell and caught me up in their web.

I thought for sure someone would name Annette or some other Mouseketeer as the first to cause sexual awareness/arousal.

But for me, based on movie viewing, Grace Kelly is the epitome of femininity.  Another in this realm was Bergman.

Oh yes, and Donna Reed.  Ultimate MILF.

  Many of us had our first sexual experience with Annette! To bad she couldn't have been there to enjoy it with us! Lol!

I used to fall asleep thinking of Donna Reed.  And Grace Kelly. Yum.

What made her even more interesting was that she was a clinically diagnosed nymphomaniac---no kidding.
Imagine that !!
Can you imagine that creature was also a nympho?

How about Susan Hayward.  In I'll cry tomorrow.  She played the role of Barbara Graham.  A prostitute who was wrongly accused of murder and executed.  No physical evidence, she was basically convicted because of her lifestyle as a hooker.

It's now on my must see movie list--thank you.

First celebrity crush was Kate Jackson on "The Rookies".
I had completely lost interest by the time "Charlie's Angel's" came out.

Second celebrity crush was Diane Keaton in "Annie Hall".
That lasted until "Mrs. Soffel" came out.

But it was Meryl Streep in "Deerhunter".  Then "Sophie's Choice".
I took a brief break from Meryl to enjoy Lena Olin in "Romeo's Bleeding" but it didn't mean anything.  I swear.  I was young and foolish.  Now Meryl and I live peacefully in my mind in a New England Cottage.  We watch Clara Bow movies on DVD and fool around.  (Clara Bow makes us both frisky)

Solly's Deli in the valley as well.  What that woman can do with a tray full of matzo ball soup...grrrrrr.

Jacelyn Smith---my favorite Angel---Does she ever look so out of place in the KMart ads

    I certainly would never question your taste in woman, but I found it interesting that you chose Kate Smith over Jacklyn Suzanne, although you did say that you liked Kate way before Charlie's Angels. As for Meryl Streep, I always thought that she was one of the most over rated woman that ever graced the silver screen! Granted, her acting abilities are unparalleled, but looks wise, I just could never see the attraction. If she were a provider, and I had to rate her on looks, I'd give her no more than a 6! Glenn Close was another one that I could never understand the hoopla about. Lena Olin, Yeah! It's true what they say, "One man's meat is another man's poison"! I decided to check out your reviews, and I see that our tastes in woman are very divergent. I always like your posts Jockey. I'd be interested to hear what some others on the board think about Meryl streep?

choose women by hair color or boobie size.
If she can write a good dirty limerick or quote from Rilke I get a chubby.  There's no rating system for that on TER.

How can you say Meryl is over rated if her acting abilities are unparalleled?  Kate Jackson has a much better sense of humor than Jacqulin Smith.  (I've never seen an interview with the author Jacquiline Suzanne but Kate Smith of "God Bless America" fame was a great laugh...)

I have to say until Fatal Attraction Glen Close didn't do anything for me. When I saw her in that movie I was converted. Damn she looked sexy as hell in that movie, IMO. She's one of those women that I wouldn't say is absolutely gorgeous but damn she's sexy as hell.

I for one---agree with your taste/s
Never "got" Meryl Streep nor Glen Close---This has nothing to do with the fact that I "have it" for brunettes BTW
Good look-in women are just that---but I sure wouldn't rate these two in the "good look-in female" class----IMO

We are on the same page, my friend

Did you see that shot of her ass while she was CG in "Bridges of Madison County"?  That is one sexy, sensuous woman.  Serious intensity behind her eyes.  She also can cover the range from sage to tralier trash, and be credible at all of it.  That means that you could have unlimited fantasies with her.  Plus, she is smart, expressive, and has good values.  

I would fuck Meryl in a heartbeat.  She is a beautiful woman.

lseek4977 reads

Just one. I'd only need one.

Katherine Hepburn during the Hepburn/Tracy days (40s/50s.)

sodiumfree3618 reads

Kim Bassinger, how could you see her in LA Confidential and not get hooked for life. And of course Jayne Mansfield, but then I'm a sucker for Blondes with big boobs!!

I'm on the late freight on this but it seems that Trojean69 share the same (wet) dreams in Annette F., Donna Reed and the ultimate combination of class and ass in Grace Kelly. I'd add Elizabeth Montgomery ("Bewitched")and, to add some flava, Pam "Foxy Brown" Grier. On the anime front, it didn't get better than Little Annie Fanny!

Sophia Loren simply has to be on any list of mine...classic beauty---convincing looks whether as a queen or a harlot.  Of course Gina Lollobrigida & Claudia Cardinale weren't half bad either.  Natalie Wood...but only after she turned 30yo & developed a womanly body.  Jacklyn Smith, Linda Gray, & the ex-model Jennifer O'Niell weren't generally thought of as sex symbols but they each appealed to me.  And one who wasn't beautiful at all but who somehow simply exuded sex appeal...Brigitte Bardot (in the original file "And God Created Woman).  These just came quickly to mind...I'm sure I've left out many others.

I applaud your choice of the exquisite Ingrid Bergman!!! Oh my!!!!  Elizabeth Montgomery, Meredith MacRae ( Petticoat Junction) , Kate Jackson ( Rookies)  Jacyln Smith, Farrah and Dawn Wells were also easy on the eyes!!!! ;o)

Totally unofficial---and incomplete returns--BUT here's tonight's latest:
Kate Hepburn----3
Natalie Wood----2
I Bergman---------2
Jill St John-----2
V Leigh----------2
Barbara Eden-----2

Others (oh my God)----1 each.

Check the numbers---but this is my compilation-----
Maybe we should just call it a TIE---across the board ?

jax042749 reads

How could anyone forget!?  God she was gorgeous.  I'm a youngster, but my parents brought me up on the classics.  also Audrey Hepburn and Leslie Caron.

Susanne Pleshette. I had a lot of virtual sex with her.

Joy Harmon, she played "the girl" in Cool Hand Luke. Remember the car wash?

For an old fan of "The Avengers" she was unforgettable.  A, droll, stylish, overpowering, ice bitch from hell in custom-designed leather costumes which showed off neck-breaking curves.  She had an ample rack, too, which she carried effortlessly like an Olympian.    

Before stuntwork had reached it's "Kill Bill" state-of-the-art, you would never doubt, just looking at her, that she could do all of her own stunts.  

BTW: in one fight scene, Emma Peal got attacked by a guy twice her size, who, despite her beating on him, picked her up by the hips and threw her against the wall, (I thought: "That had to hurt!") and she sprung out of it with high karate kicks in the same shot. Eat that Carrie-Ann Moss!  No "Matrix" special effects to help her, either!


tifosi44658 reads

I'm new to TER and am still catching up on old messages.

One lady I always liked that I didn't see mentioned is

Candice Bergen

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