TER General Board

Guys have been known . . .
sophiafun See my TER Reviews 6415 reads
1 / 143

MM.. how I love them, you can't even imagine. They know what they want and get it. In 30-35 men not sure yet why they pay for it. Mostly they are bad clients because overestimate money's power and think they are entitled to whatever comes to their mind. Clients in their 60s or 70s might fall asleep or sending you mails everyday thinking that's the way it should be. Anyway, is 40-45 golden hobbyist age or not? Your opinions please. Xo

WinonaRider 723 reads
2 / 143
hljockey 2 Reviews 610 reads
3 / 143

I wish I was 40-45 again but I'm in my 60's and I can assure you that I've never fallen asleep during a date.

And I don't get the sending you mails every day thing.  What the heck is that all about?

innyc77 29 Reviews 672 reads
4 / 143

can't speak for anyone else though.

doncord 42 Reviews 725 reads
5 / 143

any complaints from the ladies I see, and sure as hell haven't fallen asleep.  Your post is offensive and way off base.

Posted By: sophiafun
MM.. how I love them, you can't even imagine. They know what they want and get it. In 30-35 men not sure yet why they pay for it. Mostly they are bad clients because overestimate money's power and think they are entitled to whatever comes to their mind. Clients in their 60s or 70s might fall asleep or sending you mails everyday thinking that's the way it should be. Anyway, is 40-45 golden hobbyist age or not? Your opinions please. Xo

NoYellowEnvelope 529 reads
7 / 143

And I noticed you skipped right over the 50s.  I thought that was a great decade, at least for me. Peak earning years, still healthy (everything still fully functional!), decades of experience to draw on... yes, the 50s were pretty darn good.  :)

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 5:44:40 PM

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 681 reads
8 / 143

I mainly do long dates with gents well over 45. I've yet to come across anyone who snoozes during the date unless it's an overnight of course. Maybe you need to polish your game?

hljockey 2 Reviews 555 reads
9 / 143

Yeah, it doesn't speak well of the OP that her dates fall asleep, does it?

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 610 reads
10 / 143

...won't be sending you any emails!

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 569 reads
11 / 143

Weren't in the "golden hobby age". Btw, I've never fallen asleep during a session, but then again I usually take a nap a couple hours before my date.  

Posted By: sophiafun
MM.. how I love them, you can't even imagine. They know what they want and get it. In 30-35 men not sure yet why they pay for it. Mostly they are bad clients because overestimate money's power and think they are entitled to whatever comes to their mind. Clients in their 60s or 70s might fall asleep or sending you mails everyday thinking that's the way it should be. Anyway, is 40-45 golden hobbyist age or not? Your opinions please. Xo

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 559 reads
12 / 143

And while you're at it, what kind of job should they have? May as well just narrow your client list down as much as possible right now, so nobody else wastes their time or yours contacting you.

Posted By: sophiafun
MM.. how I love them, you can't even imagine. They know what they want and get it. In 30-35 men not sure yet why they pay for it. Mostly they are bad clients because overestimate money's power and think they are entitled to whatever comes to their mind. Clients in their 60s or 70s might fall asleep or sending you mails everyday thinking that's the way it should be. Anyway, is 40-45 golden hobbyist age or not? Your opinions please. Xo

FakawiTribe 513 reads
13 / 143
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 497 reads
14 / 143

No I occasionally fall asleep during a lame movie...same but different?  

Posted By: hljockey
Yeah, it doesn't speak well of the OP that her dates fall asleep, does it?

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 818 reads
15 / 143

I am sure you do, everyone does, so why I would be an exclusion?

quoderat1790 28 Reviews 463 reads
16 / 143

I just slipped out of that age range, but it was a good half-decade for me. I discovered what I really liked to do and asked for it from the providers I saw. I stayed with the ones who were accommodating and left behind the ones who weren't.  

Definitely going to try to extend the golden age as long as I can.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 658 reads
17 / 143

How is that connected with my preferences and with that that shit happens?

balljointnut 23 Reviews 652 reads
18 / 143
balljointnut 23 Reviews 649 reads
21 / 143

Me? I am in that golden age and could not agree more. Check back next year and see if I have changed my tune. LOL

Zak0326 33 Reviews 628 reads
22 / 143

I'm not entitled and I have been told by many that I am a great client.  

Some of us (us being people in there 30's) do this because we work on wall street putting in 75-80 hours a week and don't have time for a girlfriend. Getting our dicks wet every once in awhile releases our stress.
Some of us do this because we want to fix a sexual issue which is causing us a block in our real relationship
Some of us do this for the thrills others do this because they think outside of society's norms.  

We all do this for different reasons.  

I do it because it's bringing me closer and closer to getting what I want in the real world. My confidence grew every day from this. I made some amazing connections. I started talking to civilian women again and am on my way with a beautiful women who wants to cook dinner for me one night next week. No clue when I will get intimate with her (my guess is it's going to be a while as we want to take this slow) but without a few providers help I wouldn't have made this step.  

At the end of the day I thought we were doing this for a good time. Meet some interesting people make some connections and move on with life.  

Age is just a number. I'm sure if you look hard enough you will find plenty of jerks or pigs in your preferred age range.  

I might not be your dream client but I am pretty sure I am someone else's.  

Enjoy your night.
Posted By: sophiafun
MM.. how I love them, you can't even imagine. They know what they want and get it. In 30-35 men not sure yet why they pay for it. Mostly they are bad clients because overestimate money's power and think they are entitled to whatever comes to their mind. Clients in their 60s or 70s might fall asleep or sending you mails everyday thinking that's the way it should be. Anyway, is 40-45 golden hobbyist age or not? Your opinions please. Xo

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 649 reads
23 / 143

what's supposed to be golden age for hobbbyists and because you are 81 and get offended by it - be it. If you like to be a child, go for it.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 628 reads
24 / 143

You wrote to me things that indicated that you are bad client and now publicly explain why people in their 30s do "this thing"?
If I didn't have corresponence with you I might as well thought you are good client. Now you can write anything at all, it worth nothing.

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 487 reads
25 / 143

my wife came in naked --with her still great body-- and horny so naturally, I fell asleep.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 503 reads
26 / 143

not about exactly my preferences. As for older folks, who got offended by it - never mind, I see their whining for a long time and I am not saying to everyone here: God, how I got bored by you.

xyz23 45 Reviews 515 reads
27 / 143

Based on my experience if the 60 to 70 guys are falling asleep it's something you're doing or not doing as the case may be. Nothing like insulting members of your potential client base. Though if you prefer 40 to 45 yr olds I don't have a problem with that. Market to them and you'll both be happy. But I recommend leaving out the broad brush insulting descriptions.

russbbj 89 Reviews 594 reads
29 / 143

I'm 52, not sure if by your measure that places me in the 50-55 or 50-60.

But that's ok that you forgot about us, we won't hold it against you. The only thing we're likely to hold against you is our cock.

I've never been as old as I am right now. And, I've never been as happy as I am right now.

There are quite a few things about me that could/should be improved or fixed, but my age isn't one of them. I've struggled my way through this thing called life to get to this place and as Frank Sinatra so eloquently said in My Way "regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention", "for what is a man, what has he got, if not himself then not a lot", "to say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels". Yeah, I sure wouldn't want to go back to my younger days, I was too damned stupid back then.

Old, is a state of mind, it's not an age.

Nice thread though

russbbj 89 Reviews 551 reads
30 / 143
termeup 6 Reviews 384 reads
31 / 143
Y2KM900 15 Reviews 629 reads
32 / 143

Stating your preferences is fine but slamming anyone outside those preferences is another thing.  FTR, I've never fallen asleep during a session either, and what's with the email thing???

mrfisher 108 Reviews 513 reads
33 / 143

Quotes / by H. L. Mencken : All Poetry

allpoetry.com/quote/by/H. L. Mencken

Quotes / by H. L. Mencken. ... The best years are the forties; after fifty a man begins to deteriorate, but in the forties he is at the maximum of his villainy.

And I might add, earning potential, as well

WinonaRider 726 reads
34 / 143

I do prefer about 50+. My real age is in the mid-30's and I find that my very non-PSE sex style seems more compatible with people older than me. The ones younger than me do seem more porn-like (in my experience.) The older hobbyists I've seen often make efforts to dress nicely, which is not expected, but appreciated.  

 I will say that there is a higher age range where some clients start to have more trouble having O's and I only mind in the sense that I want them to leave satisfied. But, if they seem truly happy, I'm happy.

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 6:05:04 PM

HofFer 504 reads
35 / 143

I wonder what their ages were ?

What a dumbass !

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 580 reads
36 / 143

even though you are.. mm where? 60-70? You'll be my SD/SB thing. Xo

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 519 reads
37 / 143

You can kiss my 56 y o ass. I'm much better now than I was at 40!

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 511 reads
38 / 143

That's really all I care about lol

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 533 reads
39 / 143

How and where did I slammed someone? Please point to it. And enough already with " I never fall asleep". Here is everyone somehow extremely offended by it. About e-mail thing I'll tell you a bit later when I know you better and when stars align.

micktoz 41 Reviews 447 reads
40 / 143

And I'm getting laid by ladies who give me there all every time. From Phoenix to Los Angeles to Las Vegas to Dallas. Every one shows me that they are happy to see me.
I wasted my "golden years" fucking one woman 3 to 4 times a week.  Actually, it wasn't a waste at all. It was awesome.

My point is, the OP started a thread. I have no clue why. But, whatever her preference, it doesn't insult me. It doesn't cause me to feel less than. In fact , it means nothing. Other than it got a lot of us to contribute to the board.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please enjoy fucking each other silly.
I know I have been and I'm going to some more

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 643 reads
41 / 143
balljointnut 23 Reviews 527 reads
42 / 143

I thought I was agreeing with you. Do you comprehend much?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 386 reads
43 / 143

You're doing us 50-somethings proud. Keep up the wood-work . . er, I mean, good work.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 687 reads
44 / 143

an appearance average just under 7 and a performance average just over 7. So based on this small sample size, you know it all. Not so fast.

I guess guys in their 50's don't exist because you didn't mention them. The 30-35 year old guys are bad clients but I guess the 36-39 guys don't exist either.  

And guys over 60 should not bother to try to spend time with you because they might fall asleep as you stated in your OP.  Are
you that boring? Mechanical in what you do or don't do?

Congratulations, you are the first provider in about 15 years to make my DNS list.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 668 reads
45 / 143

60 year old men, know how to treat and appreciate a woman, We/they know how to make a regular date alittle more romantic, we know how this game works....Now I wonder how old your last two reviews were...bet to guess they were 40-45?? Just guessing here.....and it looks like I won't be booking you my dear, you just don't "get us".

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 497 reads
46 / 143

And I also thought you were agreeing with me. That wasn't about you, it was about another people. Xo

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 580 reads
47 / 143

well, good to know that I made your DNS list. And that you so proudly put it. You look like hero to me.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 689 reads
48 / 143

Thank you for stating your views so candidly and not hiding behind an alias. I believe that candor is important here, so that hobbyists and providers can ensure that we are a good fit for each other before booking appointments.  

I had actually put you on a list of providers that I had been thinking about seeing (although I did my research before your two most recent reviews, so I would like to thank the other posters for pointing those out). Now that I know your views on hobbyists in my age bracket (I am 35), I think that I will be better off spending my money on other providers.  

I did not see anything on your website to indicate any age requirements or preferences. Perhaps it would be worth explicitly stating your preferences on your website, so that younger and older men are aware of them before they start researching you or book an appointment with you.

I dispute your claim that men in my age bracket do not know why they are hobbyists. I know EXACTLY why I am a hobbyist. In fact, I addressed this issue recently in another post (see the link below). I remain single by choice because I value my independence above all else. In the absence of a significant other, I have determined that this hobby is the most cost-effective way to fulfill my physical needs.

I also dispute your claim that younger men believe too much in the power of money. I cannot speak for other men, but I have come to believe more and more in the power of money as I have aged and had more life experiences (including, but not limited to, this hobby). I hardly believed in the power of money at all, when I was younger and idealistic.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 501 reads
51 / 143

nor I don't understand why you decided to remain single. By the way, there wasn't a need to put a link where you elaborate your concept. All I can say that this is a little early for your age group and very few people realize it. You are exception. As for different claims that you like to call it, I don't have policy for singling out any age. That was just thought of mine which apperently you don't grasp. Perhaps I'll try to add addendum to my post on what I consider golden age for hobbyist, but I better go to sleep or.. maybe tomorrow? Let's see how I'd feel tomorrow morning. Have a good night.

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 7:23:47 PM

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 443 reads
52 / 143
mrfisher 108 Reviews 427 reads
53 / 143
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 642 reads
54 / 143

I am having more fun in the business now than at any younger age.  

Maybe I should become a "hobbyist"?  LOL.

Actually, I do enjoy male companions but ladies who do so don't typically use the term "hobbyist" or  "monger".   ;-

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 408 reads
55 / 143

Trend lines, her next review will be 5-5.

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 9:30:59 PM

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 648 reads
56 / 143

Looks, style, age, communication skills, managerial tasks, marketing techniques, fee, etc.. So it is not for very young girl. So maybe 35-40? But that's for harcore independent bombshell. Younger maybe got help from a good people and can be successfull as well. More experience, but not as fresh as a college student. Though I know escorts who go to college at 45. Xo

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 479 reads
57 / 143

where a guy in his 60s or 70s falling asleep.I see quite a few gents in the age range of mid to late 60s and 70s and they all seem to be pretty active to me.
Never dealt with excessive emails everyday.Not sure who you are seeing.
Majority of the gents I see are in the age range of 40-early 70s never had anyone falling asleep.
I used to have an age requirement of 40 and over however I have taken that down.I have enjoyed a few dates recently with gents who were in their early 30s and they definitely didn't think they were entitled and they were great guys.
As long as a gent is respectful and provides the adequate info to verify I don't care if he is 35 or 75.Just my .02

xyz23 45 Reviews 601 reads
58 / 143

...and communicate (e-mail) everyday. You slammed 30 to 35 year olds for being bad clients and not being sure why they pay for it. Those statements are insulting. You have made it sound like all 30/35 year olds are like that and you made it sound like all 60/70 year olds fell asleep and e-mailed too much. I don't understand why you can't see that you're comments are put downs of those groups. You only complimented the 40/45 year olds.

 There is nothing wrong with saying what your preferred age group is but insulting other age groups is wrong. What you did is similar to a client saying all 20 year old providers are drug addicts. That is clearly not true just like not all 60/70 year olds fall asleep with a provider and not all 30/35 year olds are bad clients who haven't figured out why they are paying for it and act entitled.

Just to be clear slamming is the same as insulting. You slammed 60/70 year olds and 30/35 year olds with your insulting comments about them.

xyz23 45 Reviews 477 reads
59 / 143

I know you won't understand the reference but many readers will get the joke. It's on you.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 636 reads
60 / 143

Can you imagine it as a joke? Can you imagine that not all words have literal meaning? So whore or a hooker sounds just fine, right? Nobody get insulted, everyone is happy. But when an escort say that some guy fall asleep it is whole tragedy. And slamming and insulting. That's just plain rudiculous. For now, I am just not excited to see a bunch of guys who are just behaving like kids and who can't differentiate "golden hobbyst age" and THEIR age. There is no connection between the two

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 476 reads
63 / 143
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 389 reads
64 / 143

the only job that low is piss boy, carrying around the bucket so the brokers don't have to leave their desks to relieve themselves.  Try not to spill any on your shoes. Zak.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 482 reads
65 / 143

1) I need to exit the profession because two bad reviews.
2) You want to explore my mind and body
3) You fear some exit point with me
4) None of the above.
5) Something else

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 425 reads
66 / 143

what I've heard, too, almost every session.  

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 11:36:49 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 439 reads
67 / 143

low scores . . . . maybe she only gets wet behind the ears.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 446 reads
68 / 143

you're pissing off the few people on this board that agree with you!

i agree with hiddenhills above, your last two reviews must have been over 60 because they sure didn't enjoy being with you!

i think you have the entire concept of escorting wrong...it's your job to show the guys a good time, not visa versa!


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 449 reads
70 / 143

refers to herself as a hobbyist.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 459 reads
71 / 143

His life is good, but sounds like commercial. Anyway, he likes his life and his cheesburger.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 532 reads
72 / 143
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 383 reads
73 / 143

A two-hour session, a 15-minute power nap for me and the lady after round one, then on to round two with renewed energy.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 498 reads
74 / 143
impposter 49 Reviews 523 reads
75 / 143

Spitzer is gone but I wonder if AG Lynch would make a date with Sophia to deliver a subpoena and bring her into court for violation of federal age discrimination laws. :-)  

(I'll be back in 20 minutes ... gotta take a little nap.)

Whaddya mean, fall asleep??? You must be able to do SOMETHING to keep the guys awake and interested!

-- Modified on 7/8/2016 10:22:09 PM

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 425 reads
76 / 143


MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 496 reads
77 / 143

and a woman ahead of her time. Please don't compare the Scarlett character to this chick. And Scarlett had quite the wardrobe, if you catch my drift... ;-)

Steph xoxo

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 399 reads
80 / 143

Wife might be at hwr horniest.kids are aroun.....50 ti 55

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 520 reads
81 / 143

If you like the tongue, you should try the penis. My last three civilian lovers were 58, 57 and 62. Trust me on the penis thing! ;) I know some ladies may think oh he is old and he may have trouble getting it up blah blah. Yeah ok lol. They get it up and in (oh fuck yeah!)

micktoz 41 Reviews 437 reads
82 / 143

Posted By: Erin Keevy
Your confidence is very sexy
Thanks Erin.  Funny thing is I didn't have that confidence in my 40's. It has developed in my 50's . I've got nothing to lose, may as well have fun.

micktoz 41 Reviews 474 reads
83 / 143
micktoz 41 Reviews 486 reads
84 / 143
micktoz 41 Reviews 607 reads
85 / 143

Aside from a few exceptional younger (25-39) providers. Most of my favorites are 40 plus. And one of my absolute favorites is in her 50's.

There is much to be said about experience and sexual desire when it comes to skills.
Or perhaps I have just lucked into some really exceptional women

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 400 reads
86 / 143
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 454 reads
87 / 143

Are we too old for you?  I'll bet not...but I wish I was still within the age range you mentioned.

-- Modified on 7/9/2016 3:41:56 AM

ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 373 reads
88 / 143
eroticspirit 27 Reviews 536 reads
89 / 143

OUTSTANDING post...my man!! Everything you stated is 100% truth!!

WildJimmy! 383 reads
90 / 143
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 449 reads
91 / 143

That's great!  I was less confident in my 30's . Now in my 40's I am far more confident and truly comfortable in my own skin. It surely makes for greater sexual experiences  😊 we are both Cancers...maybe that adds to it 😉

Posted By: micktoz
Posted By: Erin Keevy
Your confidence is very sexy
 Thanks Erin.  Funny thing is I didn't have that confidence in my 40's. It has developed in my 50's . I've got nothing to lose, may as well have fun.

mojojo 1 Reviews 564 reads
93 / 143

Especially the old guys. And the young guys. Nothing like a little weekend fun. But don't forget, each person here, lady and gentleman, has their own golden age group, based on a variety of different reasons. I enjoyed reading about your golden age group.  

I've been a hobbyist since I was 20, and as a lifer, my own personal golden age was 53-61. Wow, the women were beautiful, I had discretionary money and time to spend, and the atfs were rampant.  

So what's the golden age for a provider. Is it 20-29 because you're young, fit, and tight? Is it 30-39 because you're a little more experienced, and are reaching your sexual peak? Is it 40-49 because you take your time, and give men a little more of yourself than just your body? Is it 50-59 because you love sex so much, and are still searching for your sexual peak, you're still here? That should wake up a few more.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 558 reads
94 / 143

Does she also hire male companions?

Sorry if I wasn't more clear, but I was specifically referring to women who hire male companions.   :-P

And I'm sure there are a few of those who use the term, which is why I specifically said it wasn't "typical", not that it's doesn't happen.  LOL.

GeorgeSpelviniii 188 Reviews 488 reads
95 / 143

read this thread I may not have ever gotten started in the Hobby!

xyz23 45 Reviews 621 reads
96 / 143

...line in Sophia's post that made me think of Scarlett.

Zak0326 33 Reviews 605 reads
97 / 143

I never said I work on Wall Street I was describing people in there 30s who could possibly be doing this. People think I'm fat and bald as well. People only see perception not reality.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...on Wall Street.  You should learn to keep your lies straight:  

DariusX61 507 reads
98 / 143

It will also do wonders for her reputation.  Won't exactly help finding new clients or retaining either.  Good job, Sophia!

xyz23 45 Reviews 625 reads
99 / 143

You should notice I never do. I explained why your original post was offensive by answering the question, Where did you slam somebody? You have so far decided to argue the point by pointing out other bad behavior.  

Now it's up to you to take what has been said and learn or not.

DariusX61 513 reads
100 / 143

Brilliantly written, 10v3...!

DariusX61 472 reads
102 / 143

So.....where does this leave the 50-59 age bracket ? Lol

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 341 reads
103 / 143

Posted By: sophiafun
MM.. how I love them, you can't even imagine. They know what they want and get it. In 30-35 men not sure yet why they pay for it. Mostly they are bad clients because overestimate money's power and think they are entitled to whatever comes to their mind. Clients in their 60s or 70s might fall asleep or sending you mails everyday thinking that's the way it should be. Anyway, is 40-45 golden hobbyist age or not? Your opinions please. Xo

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 508 reads
104 / 143

When I was that age I would get 3 pops from a provider before going to sleep (7 to midnight). 1 at 3:00 am and another at 7:00 in the morning for an overnight session.  There were a few times I got 3 pops in 2 hours. I each case I was well prepared in terms of diet, exercise and rest.  

One time at 50 years old I got 3 pops in 3 hours. I went to gym and swam 20 laps. Then went to Boston Market for dinner. After the the 3 hour session the provider told me "You are well fueled and well prepared". I laughed and said to myself I wanted to get my monies worth lol.

The other caveat is the provider must be attractive.  

In my 40's I would fuck the wife 2 times in the morning on a Saturday, go workout, eat lunch, go fuck a provider 2 times. Come home and then fuck the wife at 3:00 am another time at 8:00 in the morning.

VOO-doo 489 reads
105 / 143

I've had a few clients say to me that they consider themselves ideal clients. I've had a few others say that they have the specific goal to be my favorite client, ever. They've generally turned out to be the ones I dread seeing.  

The nice/cool guys don't have any other expectations or grandiose conceptions of themselves as some sort of uber-client who needs to stand out from all the rest. Because of that, there is much less of a need for pretense, and our interaction feels more real, open, and relaxed... also, I find that stance vis-a-vis me very respectful of myself and my boundaries as both a person and a service provider. (I also consider it a mature outlook.)

Most girls *would* tell their clients they're great clients, and they do know exactly what you want to hear. But my favorite clients don't need to be flattered to that extent... in fact, such flattery would probably embarrass them (again, I see older guys who tend to be more mature).  

Not for nothing, but you're also saying that girls refuse to see you. That's as per your own words...

A lot of guys go through this hobby and never get anything but an enthusiastic and friendly response when they contact a girl...

There will always be someone who WILL take your money. But since you never really know what she's truly thinking and feeling, it's considerate (and mature) to not approach her like, 'I'll be the best client EVER, you're gonna LOVE me and want to see me again and again.' I mean, imagine trying to approach your doctor or waitress like that? They'd find it obnoxious. Why do you think we're different? I'd personally be strongly tempted to just say 'Pass!' unless things were really slow.  

Just one provider's viewpoint.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 656 reads
107 / 143

They articulate better.

Ain't it the literal truth

Mutame 397 reads
108 / 143

Let me get this straight. You are basically a "newbie" to these boards with 5 really mediocre reviews, each one worse than the last. You also have a poorly designed website with shitty pictures. You then figure out a way to insult the majority of guys on these boards with an idiotic, stupid, irrational posting. I see dozens of guys lining up to see you. I guess your PM and email are crashing with all of the appointment requests. You are a fool who is not long for these parts.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 444 reads
109 / 143

To the guys offended yes. To the other guys she is on their radar now lol.

xyz23 45 Reviews 499 reads
110 / 143

I have to be fair and bring this up now that I found it. mrfisher in the thread just below (see link) this recounted a time he fell asleep on a provider. Sophia questioned him about it and he explained. Somewhere in this (40-45 y.o is the hobbyist's golden age..) thread she said the falling asleep comment was a joke. It seems to me now her statement here could have been a reference to mrfishers posts about falling asleep. (I had noticed this before but didn't really pay attention to it and it just now clicked that it could be related to what Sophia said here.)

I know this doesn't explain the other things but I believe it's pertinent here. It makes me wonder if somewhere there isn't a comment about 30 to 35 yr olds being entitled bad clients etc. and she was referencing that.

souls_harbor 558 reads
111 / 143

Yeah, after five or six decades or more of never hearing anyone call you handsome or sexy or a great lover, it just comes off as awkwardly funny.  I know they are shining me up, but on the other hand it's just because they think since I am paying for it, it is what I want to hear.  So I understand why they are saying.  Just wish they wouldn't though. I don't need it.

Posted By: VOO-doo
Most girls *would* tell their clients they're great clients, and they do know exactly what you want to hear. But my favorite clients don't need to be flattered to that extent... in fact, such flattery would probably embarrass them (again, I see older guys who tend to be more mature).

souls_harbor 424 reads
112 / 143

It's hard to interact with people and not begin to wonder how they really feel about things.

So I actually appreciate the candor.    Also why should I take offense at someone's preference?  

I can say (under the cover of my alias) that I don't prefer providers that have put on too much weight.  I also realize that a certain cohort of people will get angry at me for expressing that preference -- hence the use of an alias so as not to suffer blow back from the providers on the forum.  

I happen to be an old fossil.  Your statements about preferences for a certain younger age group do not offend me and would not cause me to NOT book you.  That's because I already assume most of the ladies are seeing me because I am paying them, not because they are paleontologists.  I assume I am already a distant memory to them five minutes after I walk out the door.

VOO-doo 577 reads
113 / 143

But they just don't like that type of dynamic.  

Words are just words... actions have resonance.  

I mean, if I think a guy is awesome, I'll want to see him happy. It's much more meaningful (and genuine) to do something special for a client, rather than just tell him he looks muy caliente in his new glasses.

Also, if I truly appreciate a client, that's generally reflected in my overall demeanor toward him, and my attitude toward the session. It definitely gets the point across w/o me having to continually reassure him that I like him..

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 628 reads
114 / 143

As soon as we walk out, SOME providers will us drugs and/or get drunk.

DariusX61 472 reads
115 / 143

Yah, I checked her site out too.  Hey, at the very least her post is getting some traffic to her site lol.  I did notice some I particular detail on her pics.  Sure, she had her face blurred out-no problems there, but there was some visible cellulose on the legs.  Just sayin'

WinonaRider 482 reads
116 / 143

Someone really should have mentioned the added thermal and sound insulation in her reviews.:-)

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 559 reads
117 / 143
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 403 reads
118 / 143

To talk out their ass, but never their penis.

GaGambler 539 reads
119 / 143

Needy, clingy, AND a LIAR, not a great combination there tubbo.

Your father might be a humorless fuck, but at least he isn't a liar.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 529 reads
120 / 143

And you really need to re-read what I told you before. The golden age is not what age you or other respondences are. Golden age is well golden, when man has the most vitality and money.

GeorgeSpelviniii 188 Reviews 539 reads
121 / 143

Even if I was in her designated age range I would not be interested as her attitude is in line with mine.  I prefer more open-minded people to associate with.

Posted By: DaveMogal
To the guys offended yes. To the other guys she is on their radar now lol.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 454 reads
122 / 143

There are many fine fossils. It is good to look at the present through the prism of the past. Dinosaurs, all kinds of reptiles, simply amazing. And the gems, in their rough ot faceted form? And I don't know why people get so nervious and get so personal when topic not really about them, but about scientific hypothesis. Xo

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 544 reads
123 / 143
sophiafun See my TER Reviews 551 reads
124 / 143

If this is my ad and by your words "it doesn't make me any good", why would I give an ad which is not beneficial to me? So, it is not ad.

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 570 reads
125 / 143

Older guys in this biz and outside have really surprised me. One of my regulars in his 60s now knows that afterwards I am the one that goes to sleep lol.

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 538 reads
126 / 143

Why would a provider give you grief if you express your preference for providers? As long as you are not disrespectful and purposely mean such as calling them pigs, hippo, moose, etc. I have read that men say they like short women and only white women. I have never been short and the black girl thing, well lol but really we all have preferences and there is nothing wrong with it. Don't berate people while expressing your preferences and you are fine. :) One tall, black, plus size woman's opinion. ;)

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 582 reads
127 / 143

You are black girl and he is Anglo-Sax or a jew. He is saying that he knows that all women needs from him is his money. But he so get used to it, so almost don't care to whom to pay. Nice company, fine diner and a almost PSE bed time of course. At the middle of it you use the names that only Ghetto could reborn. That's a nice story about a prince and some hommie black girl in which one day the spark ignites and all troubles are left behind. Nice story, nice.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 434 reads
128 / 143

we do agree. Apparently I missed the colon. I will do my best not to miss your colon in the future. If you are ever in AZ I would love to discuss the often used but seldom understood colon with you. Between us, I bet we can figure out the proper use for a colon!

xyz23 45 Reviews 585 reads
129 / 143
sophiafun See my TER Reviews 534 reads
130 / 143
sophiafun See my TER Reviews 319 reads
131 / 143

and probably will be there till September. We'll be with you like virtual firends, ok? Xo

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 410 reads
132 / 143

with your broken English I am not clear what you are trying to convey but it sounds a bit insulting. Also what story? He can be Anglo-Sax or Jewish. I am open to all. I've know idea if you bumped your head and started this post but what a way to make an impression, girl!

earthshined 488 reads
133 / 143

I bet not one escort ever said  she wanted to get in this business to find a dream client.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 457 reads
134 / 143

All were examples of what someone in his age group might be doing "this" for. That's how I read it.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 7/9/2016 3:05:04 PM

souls_harbor 590 reads
135 / 143

I visited the NY MONH just a few years ago.  It wasn't anything like in the Ben Stiller movie.  Pretty cool though.

Posted By: sophiafun
There are many fine fossils. It is good to look at the present through the prism of the past. Dinosaurs, all kinds of reptiles, simply amazing. And the gems, in their rough ot faceted form? And I don't know why people get so nervious and get so personal when topic not really about them, but about scientific hypothesis. Xo

xyz23 45 Reviews 540 reads
137 / 143

...I determined TSTTT applied so I gave up and moved on. That took place sometime after this post.

-- Modified on 7/10/2016 9:56:10 AM

12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 600 reads
138 / 143

only 5 reviews you need more time before you jump to conclusions.   Lol.    Treat your old clients right and they will help you get your score up and keep them awake.    Never gone to sleep getting a BJ yet.    Lol.   Can't imagine.

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 564 reads
139 / 143

And 27 years old whom I never would guess that they are just 27 and they should be in way better shape.. same as 35 old as well  
What is very interesting that older males in states generally have more normal bodies and can be slender no extra padding while 35 old do look as football players and are wore out - I think - It is style of life and food and general stress levels in modern society and less time and desire to take care about own health - youth in states looks way more older then it should be... Sorry younger men.. you need watch what you eat - yet I do admire older gentlemen who maintain healthy diets, stay active and seem even look better then now days 35 old  
It is very rare to meet 27 to 37 man who is slender and do not have belly defined already while older gentleman have more proportional bodies even at their age  
I have been on dates where he fix the dinner soooo healthy while youngster ( 27 35 want eat in Irish pub burgers and drink bear and do look already heavy,  
That it my experience
Not judging youth - just state fact - they their lives put more stress on them yet they have not good life habits while  older men know it better
I actually and do not like to be involved with young men as their unhealthy eating habits and lazy way to relax instead of biking hiking fitness - if they go to fitness - they then take it to extreme -substute all life with fitness  
While older are more balanced...  
Just saying

I_like_escorts 22 Reviews 515 reads
140 / 143

I was 22.

The providers' response to me was rather interesting.  Many reacted negatively.  My first one went as far as giving me fake directions for the cheap thrill of it.  One agency in my city practically threatened me when they heard how young I sounded on the phone.  Other providers I actually visited with were better.  Although it was still a mixed bag, both when scheduling and during appointments, I had enough good experiences to keep going.

Things started to improve when I was 25 or 26, when a few younger ones were even pleased to see someone close to them in age, and the GFE factor I was getting improved dramatically; not to mention it was easier for me to suspend disbelief.  Years 2007 thru 2009 were the golden age of my hobbying, you could say.  That was due to me discovering M&G's and attending them.  I got my foot in the door with great providers in their 30's who otherwise wouldn't see me because of my age.

Now I'm well into my 30's, my recent hobby experiences were nothing short of wonderful.  Younger providers still feel comfortable with me, because I don't look that old to them, and older providers already feel comfortable with me because I no longer remind them of their son/nephew/etc.  In fact, the providers that now hit on me the hardest at M&G's, are the ones in their 40's which wasn't the case 5 years ago.  Their flirting is very heavy on the kino, unlike the lighter, more verbal flirting younger providers use.

-- Modified on 7/11/2016 12:03:05 PM

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 409 reads
142 / 143

polishing his knob before he takes a snooze.
That keeps me alert and on my toes ... lol

Lariyah_Cash See my TER Reviews 401 reads
143 / 143

I have found that all men are different no matter what their age is.

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