TER General Board

good to know :) eomteeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 2043 reads


Florida_Evans4579 reads

This question is mainly posed for the hobbyists who consider themselves at the higher end of financial/professional success.  

Do you seek providers who are somewhat near your socio economic level/background?  How about her education level?  Do you care if she knows which fork to use at a restaurant?  Knows current events?  Generally has some gravitas?  Does any of this matter?  

Why I ask:  Often, I am in the company of clients who are much more successful than I am, and I wind up feeling like a little girl.  I'm not that well traveled, and can barely use chopsticks.  I'm also not a gillionare.  How can a young provider be at the level of her much more sophisticated client??

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 2:48:21 PM

True intimacy is not only between the legs...

Save that for Mr. Wonderful.

At an hour at a time the chit chat is highly overrated here in HookerLand.

Unless you're suggesting that you just want to meet for coffee and BS about life?

Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

Back_In_Black2484 reads

aint gonna happen

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Save that for Mr. Wonderful.  
 At an hour at a time the chit chat is highly overrated here in HookerLand.  
 Unless you're suggesting that you just want to meet for coffee and BS about life?  
Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

And has been for some time now.

Maybe she'll figure out eventually that the dudes are looking for pussy...and when they want the connection they look elsewhere.

You'd think if ZP was so smart she would already have that figured out.  Guess not.

There's a few others that are looking for that Mr. Wonderful as well...might work for a few months and then they're back with their specials as well   LOL

Posted By: Back_In_Black
aint gonna happen  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
Save that for Mr. Wonderful.  
  At an hour at a time the chit chat is highly overrated here in HookerLand.  
  Unless you're suggesting that you just want to meet for coffee and BS about life?  
Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

Back_In_Black2608 reads

where my intimacy is its in my knowledge of stuff ya no . but if you rock me its anywhere till I divorce you .

Posted By: ChgoCPA
And has been for some time now.  
 Maybe she'll figure out eventually that the dudes are looking for pussy...and when they want the connection they look elsewhere.  
 You'd think if ZP was so smart she would already have that figured out.  Guess not.  
 There's a few others that are looking for that Mr. Wonderful as well...might work for a few months and then they're back with their specials as well   LOL  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
aint gonna happen  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
Save that for Mr. Wonderful.    
   At an hour at a time the chit chat is highly overrated here in HookerLand.    
   Unless you're suggesting that you just want to meet for coffee and BS about life?    
Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

Blackhawks first round opponent is.

But if she knows that...can she name the Hawks starting goaltender?

And if somehow she knows those answers...who is the Hawks trainer?

If she can answer those with authority...we can maybe have a longer session

Florida_Evans2589 reads

The girth of her biceps and shoulders will probably outshadow any stimulating conversation

In St. Louis

Oh...Florida should see a hockey game or two.  Lots of gals love the sport, and as you know many love to play it as well.

And no biceps on those gals.  But they're in great shape.  Well, some of those Canadian gals are burly.

Do you also think we are ALL "certainly soliciting" for a SD on TER.?.  

Posted By: Back_In_Black
where my intimacy is its in my knowledge of stuff ya no . but if you rock me its anywhere till I divorce you .  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
And has been for some time now.  
  Maybe she'll figure out eventually that the dudes are looking for pussy...and when they want the connection they look elsewhere.  
  You'd think if ZP was so smart she would already have that figured out.  Guess not.  
  There's a few others that are looking for that Mr. Wonderful as well...might work for a few months and then they're back with their specials as well   LOL  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
aint gonna happen    
Posted By: ChgoCPA
Save that for Mr. Wonderful.    
    At an hour at a time the chit chat is highly overrated here in HookerLand.    
    Unless you're suggesting that you just want to meet for coffee and BS about life?    
Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

But most of ya are looking for easy money. Many times have I stuck my dick in a mouth wishing for it to STFU

0603450onThe2140 reads

the 'gals' here as a whole all the time. Does make me giggle. Oh the things you do NOT know CPA. But keep telling yourself you do. That's why your the King of TER.  

And you boys are confusing an SD with Mr. Wonderful....two totally different things. An SD is a mutually beneficial financial arrangement and Mr. Wonderful is just that Mr. Wonderful, minus the 'money' piece.  

But you are wrong, a connection can be found in 'both'.

No absolutes whatsoever.  As well take a look at Zoe's site and her begging for a SD.

And I commented that there are a few other gals seeking the same shit.

Most realize that Mr Wonderful isn't here...and that a SD is likely not trolling TER looking for a sb.

Posted By: TaylorSteele
the 'gals' here as a whole all the time. Does make me giggle. Oh the things you do NOT know CPA. But keep telling yourself you do. That's why your the King of TER.  
 And you boys are confusing an SD with Mr. Wonderful....two totally different things. An SD is a mutually beneficial financial arrangement and Mr. Wonderful is just that Mr. Wonderful, minus the 'money' piece.  
 But you are wrong, a connection can be found in 'both'.

Knowing everything is knowing NOTHING and knowing nothing is knowing EVERYTHING.. worst of all is the ABSOLUTE Assumptions..  

Posted By: TaylorSteele
the 'gals' here as a whole all the time. Does make me giggle. Oh the things you do NOT know CPA. But keep telling yourself you do. That's why your the King of TER.  
 And you boys are confusing an SD with Mr. Wonderful....two totally different things. An SD is a mutually beneficial financial arrangement and Mr. Wonderful is just that Mr. Wonderful, minus the 'money' piece.  
 But you are wrong, a connection can be found in 'both'.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
And has been for some time now.  
 Maybe she'll figure out eventually that the dudes are looking for pussy...and when they want the connection they look elsewhere.  
 You'd think if ZP was so smart she would already have that figured out.  Guess not.  
 There's a few others that are looking for that Mr. Wonderful as well...might work for a few months and then they're back with their specials as well   LOL  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
aint gonna happen  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
Save that for Mr. Wonderful.    
   At an hour at a time the chit chat is highly overrated here in HookerLand.    
   Unless you're suggesting that you just want to meet for coffee and BS about life?    
Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

Maybe it is not so much about finding a sugar daddy, but just simply feeling comfortable with your client. Connecting with them in one way or another creates a comfortability so that we can engage in the type of session a client is looking for. (when it comes to the sex) If you are unable to connect in at least one way or another-at least in my opinion- I highly doubt the session will be as satisfying to you as it should be. Connecting is very important so both people can passionately unleash and keep you coming back for more!!! :)  

I mean most of the guys always ask us what else is going on in our lives and want to know that we do more than just wait for you guys to call us lol! So, I am sure being knowledgeable and connecting is a bit more important than you may think! :)

Back_In_Black2226 reads

its in the mouth too. and occasionally in the ass .

Posted By: ZoePiers
True intimacy is not only between the legs...

which is irrelevant to the types of criteria you mention.

As far as social graces go, I've never had a problem despite seeing gals from all kinds of backgrounds.

Back_In_Black2283 reads

answer these 6 questions correctly and I may answer yours .

who the number 1 heartthrob in America right know  
who was the president when you graduated high school
do you like katy perry  
would you fuck Justin beiber
what do old balls look like ( I wouldn't know so I will take your word for it )
do you like cher  
and I liked the flintstones did you too.

Posted By: Florida_Evans
This question is mainly posed for the hobbyists who consider themselves at the higher end of financial/professional success.  
 Do you seek providers who are somewhat near your socio economic level/background?  How about her education level?  Do you care if she knows which fork to use at a restaurant?  Knows current events?  Can carry on a conversation?  Generally has some gravitas?  Does any of this matter?    
 Why I ask:  Often, I am in the company of clients who are much more sophisticated than I am, and I wind up feeling like a little girl.  I'm not that well traveled, and can barely use chopsticks.  I'm also not a gillionare.  How can a young provider be at the level of her much more sophisticated client??

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 11:58:08 AM

Florida_Evans2129 reads

Don't know or care who is the current heartthrob
Uh... George Dubya?
Hell no
No answer  
the flinstones, jetsons, etc were all goo

Back_In_Black2538 reads

how would you know about the flintstones and especially the jetsons if your young .. okay explain that to me ??? okay can I have your measurements please and don't fib I wont tell anyone I promise ..xoxoxo

Posted By: Florida_Evans
Don't know or care who is the current heartthrob  
 Uh... George Dubya?  
 Hell no  
 No answer  
 the flinstones, jetsons, etc were all good  

Back_In_Black2700 reads

whole menu , ask questions have fun . if you go to a show , read the playbill , find and learn things as you go. don't try to be someone your not and don't feel funny if you don't know something . if your with a nice guy and he traveled ask him about it . if you have free time go to a museum . your young (so you say lol) so be young cause once your old your old ... xoxo.. cant wait for your next question

And use them appropriately.  

Posted By: Back_In_Black
whole menu , ask questions have fun . if you go to a show , read the playbill , find and learn things as you go. don't try to be someone your not and don't feel funny if you don't know something . if your with a nice guy and he traveled ask him about it . if you have free time go to a museum . your young (so you say lol) so be young cause once your old your old ... xoxo.. cant wait for your next question.  

Back_In_Black2251 reads

miss spellings an art and miss ter is cute ... and id do miss America ..  

Posted By: WickedBrut
And use them appropriately.  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
whole menu , ask questions have fun . if you go to a show , read the playbill , find and learn things as you go. don't try to be someone your not and don't feel funny if you don't know something . if your with a nice guy and he traveled ask him about it . if you have free time go to a museum . your young (so you say lol) so be young cause once your old your old ... xoxo.. cant wait for your next question.  

ho the number 1 heartthrob in America right know - ACDC

 who was the president when you graduated high school - George Washington

 do you like katy perry - 10/10

 would you fuck Justin beiber - 35 & older please

 what do old balls look like ( I wouldn't know so I will take your word for it ) - old balls

 do you like cher - do you believe in life after love?

 and I liked the flintstones did you too - I never let my kids watch cartoons when they were young

I have better things to do with a girl's mouth than talk.

Yep I am sure you do. Nothing that a hard shove won't achieve right?

I don't think that I care the least bit how well traveled,  well educated,  or how much life experiences a 20 something girl has. She's 20 something,  how much life experiences can she possibly have? And her education? Why would that matter lol I'm not looking for girlfriend or a girl to get married to in the hobby.  

If however I come across one I have a romantic interest in,  then it would help that she's well educated.  Less of a bitch the better.  

Financially,  a high end girl prolly makes enough to be considered at upper or upper middle class ( although showing it on her tax returns could be a different story.)  

I don't speak for other guys but as long as she doesn't act like an immature, irresponsible teenager, and doesn't NCNS, it's all good. Having decent manners, a sense of humor,  common sense,  being mature for her age,  being off serious drugs (a pot here and there is cool with me lol) ,  being friendly,  accurate photos, clean, and a generally positive attitude would be faaaaaaaaaar far far Farr faaaarrrrrr more important.  


-- Modified on 4/13/2014 8:26:30 PM

More about her particular background. She may think her stories are uneventful but every girl grew up somewhere and had a unique life. This would interest me more than stories about all the vacations she took at different countries or States which were prolly part of her tour lol.  

I stopped reading Wall Street journal soon as I realized it's putting me to sleep fast. It isn't the best source for many investors anyway.

Plenty of advice on these boards...don't mess it up.

Don't you need money to invest with?  I don't think that Jimmy Choo's and Coach merchandise are appreciating assets....but maybe I'm missing something here  LOL

Posted By: Drunken Asian
More about her particular background. She may think her stories are uneventful but every girl grew up somewhere and had a unique life. This would interest me more than stories about all the vacations she took at different countries or States which were prolly part of her tour lol.  
 I stopped reading Wall Street journal soon as I realized it's putting me to sleep fast. It isn't the best source for many investors anyway.

GaGambler2297 reads

It's probably been 20 years since I read the WSJ, and even back in the 80's I paid someone else to read it for me and bring anything important to my attention. Reading the entire WSJ was/is one of the surest ways to end up being the most informed guy in the poor house.

I can't imagine who would have the time to read all that shit.  Most active traders feel that majority the info from WSJ is a tad outdated by the time it reaches them anyway.  intermediate or long term investors may get something out of it tho,  those that just sit on the same stock or fund for years and years even through market tops lol not that it's a bad strategy for those who can't read the indicators,  but a dumbed down one.  

I do get summaries of markets and stuff emailed to me every morning but it's from like a dozen other sources generally weighted  by popularity and quality of the info.  most of the time reading the subject line is all that I ever do lol. good enough for me.

GaGambler2137 reads

For a buy and hold investor there are some articles that are relevant.

Even a lot of those early morning email alerts are a tad outdated as it's all priced into a stock by the time the market opens. If you have the balls for "pre market" trading it can be useful, but once the market opens all it's good for is to let you know why "other people" made or lost money as it's way too late to act on.

That's when active traders sell.  LMAO  

No need to read WSJ but instead to look at the price action &  indicators and hopefully try and get the best price to dump the thing.

One of the best conversations I've ever had with a provider during the downtime was about her cats. She adopted 2 strays that were stow aways in the luggage section of a passenger bus. She said one of them must have inhaled too much deisel exhaust because it will sit there and Bob it's head side to side (and she showed me). I laughed so damn hard at that story and obviously I remember it often till this day, and she also said when it's feeding time the other cat will help the other to find the food dish, even though it's always in the same spot. Great story, with humor and compassion, from a great woman who is as hot as any woman I've ever met. This woman is in fact very bright, but she wouldn't have had to be, she just was herself for that 1/2 hour -45 minutes and that was really cool. And then she rocked my world for the second time

Posted By: Drunken Asian
More about her particular background. She may think her stories are uneventful but every girl grew up somewhere and had a unique life. This would interest me more than stories about all the vacations she took at different countries or States which were prolly part of her tour lol.  
 I stopped reading Wall Street journal soon as I realized it's putting me to sleep fast. It isn't the best source for many investors anyway.

a provider bragging about her designer bag. I can't even remember the names of those brands being a guy.  Many girls don't seem to realize that their own life stories are more interesting than they think. Now if she's taking up 30 minutes of the hour talking about it,  that would create some problems lo

in between pops to recover. Obviously I enjoyed her story, I still think about it. I've had other ladies tell me cool stories too, but I don't remember many of them...and the best part, they're hot naked women telling me stories....hmmm, I call that a win/win

Seriously, if the ladies worked on good looking guys they would be broke and more truth, The correct amount of money(actual bank account possibly not so much) and cleanliness is far more important than looks, travel blah blah blah. Hookers don't want a boyfriend, they just want to get paid for doing a job and then the guy can get the heck out until the next time he wants a nut..

0603450onThe2999 reads

Life experience is learned over a 'life' just like it states and being young you don't have that under your belt just yet. It's nothing to knock yourself about though...especially here. Maybe take a lil extra time to educate yourself on matters that you feel will fit these distinguished clients you meet to keep 'you' most comfortable with your time together. But I would highly suggest to just be 'yourself' in any event. Don't pretend to be something you are not, even in Candyland.  

These gentlemen certainly are aware of your age and have 'chosen' you for something about 'you' no matter what that may be, so embrace it. Most I would have to assume would not expect the same conversation coming from a 40 yo woman vs a 20 yo...body and mind. I know I certainly don't think remotely the same as I did 20 years ago lol. It's certainly no better no worse, just different and 'time' is something you can't rush to catch up in life experience I'm afraid nor should you ever want to.  

Education in etiquette is your best asset in this case I would think as far as 'sophistication' is concerned to keep you comfortable.

I'll take enthusiam over erudition every time.

Act like they're happy to see the guy, act like he is a great lover, act like they care about his babbling, get paid, do the job contracted for.

a socialite or PHD...   clean, polite, good basic manners, real language skills (not text speak or ghetto talk except under special circumstances).   Multi levels of tableware are not expected.  I never could get the hang of chopsticks...

Didn't realize that happened to men too.  

Having similar socioeconomic backgrounds may mean you are likely to have things in common but not having things in common can make for equally stimulating exchange. Don't sweat it, just ask for a little notice and google what fork to use and all the other things that make you feel like "a little girl". Also value yourself and namely your youth, there's a charm in inexperience and a many pay great deal for proximity to it.

For the basic mitches...

True nobody's booking an appointment based on your IQ and, luckily for some, we don't require it to screen. That said it's a valid question and goes both ways. Not everybody books single hour appointments where they prefer not to have any conversation. Some men enjoy smart pussy. It's a big fucking bonus to to a certain type of male we refer to as gentleman in "hooker land" or as Yonce would say a BOWSE.  
Similarly when a man tickles the clit between my ears I'm damn near defenseless and fireworks will follow.

Also haven't any of you heard of dinner dates, events, and my personal fav, vacations? You can't book an extended appointment with me unless I know you because if you open your mouth during dinner and stupid comes out I'm going to have to trade in my pinot for a double Glenlivet and keep them coming please; and while a man might pay a woman to keep him company on a trip he doesn't want dumb hooker etched on her forehead every time she speaks. How a person communicates is everything on extended dates/sessions. How does he/she carry themselves? How does he/she speak to people in the service industry? Witty humor much?

For some of you though yes…say less. The less you speak the less your chances of confirming your stupidity, the less chance of my pussy whispering "aw maaaaaaan" to my brain. The less likely I'll need to use lube and keep my eyes tightly closed shut picturing ANYBODY else but you.

See…both ways.

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 6:54:43 PM

those that offer silverware. While I'm not a big dinner date guy, the ladies I have been with for such a time have all been pleasant conversationalists and have had exceptional manners.  

Agree that enthusiasm for the time with the hobbyist is key to a memorable evening for both.  When in doubt at the dinner table, wait until the gentleman chooses the proper fork, etc.

Along with the texting language thing, don't chew gum either.

Back_In_Black2854 reads

she comes down and I pick her ass up at the corner .  naturally I roll down the window and a quick once over shes in the car . she hasn't seen me in a while so she removes her gum and gives  me a quick kiss hello and grabs  my crotch . off to fine dining . we enter the restaurant naturally her fredricks of Hollywood isn't appropriate so she is fitted with a jacket . as we are seated all eyes are on her ripped stockings and boo font hair doo ..chewing like a cow the old guy next to us is popping nitro to avoid a heart attack and looking at his high school sweetheart wife , he aint got laid since sputnick .. poor bastard. okay dinner lobster with fingers and shes sucking the claws like a pro 10/10 . juice going down her chin and her foot in my crotch . after dinner some nice dancing , she climbs the pole with easy and slides down the whole shaft . time for dessert and off we go to her place drab incall with candles booze and ipod music .. lol .. no mention of politics , travel the outside world .. just her me some food and some lovin .. just the way I like it .  

Posted By: keystonekid
those that offer silverware. While I'm not a big dinner date guy, the ladies I have been with for such a time have all been pleasant conversationalists and have had exceptional manners.    
 Agree that enthusiasm for the time with the hobbyist is key to a memorable evening for both.  When in doubt at the dinner table, wait until the gentleman chooses the proper fork, etc.  
 Along with the texting language thing, don't chew gum either.    

Google is your friend. And, read books. You don't need finishing school to act appropriately in public or be a good conversationalist.  

If he's talking about something you have no idea wtf it is, ask questions to keep him talking. And, listen. Sometimes people tend to try to script what we're going to say next instead of listening. Just talk slower so when you pause to think of what to say after he's finished talking, the pause will seem natural. But, seriously, questions are your best friend if you feel like the conversation is out of your league. You'll learn a lot from successful gents too. I know I have.

While in public, sit up straight, cross your legs at the ankles, think before you speak, don't use slang/curse unless appropriate, watch the cleavage and skirt length, don't wear stripper shoes to dinner, start with the silverware farthest from your plate, only play with him under the table if no one else can see, let him take the lead if you don't know what to do.  

If you're with a classy gent, he's going to help you out and take the lead in public settings. He'll open doors, guide you to your table, take your coat, pull out your chair, order for you, flag down the server, stand when you take leave to powder your nose, stand again when you come back, pay, hail the cab and open the hotel room door. You leave the classy, poised lady at the door and let your foul-mouthed, filthy slut come out then.

I keep a tiny bottle of Bird Dog maple whiskey in my purse to loosen the tongue as well. Sip it in the cab on the way to the hotel, or slam it in the parking lot in your car before you go in. Then brush your teeth in the hotel lobby bathroom. HAHAHA! Seriously, small amounts of booze helps with conversation.

Posted By: Florida_Evans
This question is mainly posed for the hobbyists who consider themselves at the higher end of financial/professional success.  
 Do you seek providers who are somewhat near your socio economic level/background?  How about her education level?  Do you care if she knows which fork to use at a restaurant?  Knows current events?  Can carry on a conversation?  Generally has some gravitas?  Does any of this matter?    
 Why I ask:  Often, I am in the company of clients who are much more successful than I am, and I wind up feeling like a little girl.  I'm not that well traveled, and can barely use chopsticks.  I'm also not a gillionare.  How can a young provider be at the level of her much more sophisticated client??

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 12:00:20 PM

Like "DA" said for me I just want a girl no matter what her age "well legal of course" be polite and fun loving and what most all men want is for you girls to tell us how great we are and laugh at all our stupid jokes.

We are very simple minded after all LOL :=)

First, Valentine's advice above is worth taking to heart.

As you are no doubt aware, Florida, I stroll through the mysterious circles of well-off twits eyeing their social graces with a disdainful ignorance. So whenever I give advice, consider the source.

In your profession, the game is to reveal very little of your non-physical self. So in conversation, draw the client into talking about HIS world. He will always know the world he lives in better than anyone looking in at it from outside. It's good manners to ask him to teach you, and for him to reveal aspects of his life and work and to express his feelings. Except in bed, most rich men will not be very good at expressing anything.

You might ask, "What do like about your work?"
That's an open question leading to more of a reply. He can't just answer yes or no.
Avoid asking closed questions like, "What kind of job have you got?" or, "So what do you do?"
Poor people have jobs (or they don't). Rich people have work. Or they don't.

If the gentleman talks politics or sports, say, "I really don't know anything about that," even if you do know a bit about it, "But I'd like to learn the basics about it. Can you teach me?!"

Then sincerely try to learn. Let him show off. Just listen and learn what you can. He'll either quickly exhaust his own knowledge on the subject, or if he is speaking on a topic he knows a great about, he'll soon get tired of teaching the basics and start talking about the immediate. And nothing will be more immediate than you.

Aside from this, it's all wardrobe and your 'do.

HooktardGold2269 reads

Though there are 'a few' guys on review boards who actually do care about all that, most are not the ones who post on the GD. I was thinking with your 'young provider' comment that you were like 19 or 20, but even if you were born in 89 that would make you 25 this year which is not all that young in hooker land.  

The way you attract the clients who do care about that is not through your age, but in your Marketing. If all you market are tits and ass, that's what you're going to attract. Rates, where you advertise and the types of photos you use also have a lot to do with what comes through your door.  

I think you just need to be yourself. If a 60 year old man is seeking out 20 something providers, let him be the one to fgure out why. All you have to do is bring your A game and not feel that you are beneath him just because you have not lived as many years as he has.

Some men would love for you to feel that way, because it makes them feel better about themselves but truth be told, MANY providers are more intelligent and have higher degrees than the men they see. Having a Bachelor's Degree does not a scholar make. Most of us had that before 24.  

The bottom line is HE picked YOU, not the other way around so if he is upset or making you feel bad for not knowing wtf he is yapping about, maybe he should have gone with someone who has the same business interests and education that he does. I mean cmon. If I put on my site that I have a Master's in Art History, it's a bit stupid for him to think I could know everything about his area of expertise which might be Math. BLUCK!

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 7:42:10 AM

No. I want to have something to talk about. If I was that sophisticated, I could help to find it and not rely only on the provider.  

Never, ever, sweat the trappings of sophistication - my experience is that much is pretense and braggadocio. Any man with a bit of interest in "connection", the ones who want the dinner dates and extended times, is looking for a human connection... and should be able to laugh off foibles and eager to teach and indulge, never to put down.

Watch "Pretty Woman" again. The forks and laughing off foibles are well explained. ;

It is easier to get along when both are on the same plane. I have met some I find hard to communicate so repeat visits are not considered.

I do not consider those with education, and higher financial means to be intelligent because I know a few who are dumber than door nail. Money does not mean they are intelligent or have class. In some case, there are more educated fools on the planet.

it should be no shock you find some "hard to communicate" with.  Given your woeful skills in that area I would assume everyone finds you hard to communicate with.

Funny thing is that hes the one who is the village idiot.  
He has to get on a plane because where he lives there are mold infestations...  LMAO

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 7:51:53 AM

Heard of Plane Geometry?  

Probably not. Too busy pretending to be smarter than every one else.

who would want to stoop down so low in order to be on the same plane as you

GaGambler2340 reads

His bar is set so low, you could roll a bowling ball right over it.

Go fuck yourself and take drunken and finicky with you.

Apparently it went over all of your pea brain heads and all of you are trying to wiggle like worms. Go bury your heads in shit where you guys wiggle around.

My answer to all of you going to be go fuck your selves

Poking fun at YOU. We weren't laughing with you. We were laughing AT you. LMFAO

I have some land for sale in Florida, interested?

I make a pretty damn good living but I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. So what I prefer when I see you is that you remain true to yourself. I enjoy Golf and Baseball, but I don't want you to pretend you do for my sake. I can afford fine dining, but I prefer good food. I can afford 5 star hotels but I prefer Hampton Inn. My point is that I don't eat places, stay places, drive cars, wear clothes and/or jewelry to impress anyone. I eat, stay drive wear what I like.

I like a provider that can role play, but my ATF was terrible at it. She made me feel like a king and told me I deserved to feel like a king (so perhaps she was a good actress in that respect), but I know that for the short amount of time we were together she was real with me. I may have been smarter than her intellectually, but she was smarter than me on an interpersonal level.  

Be true to yourself, the confidence you exude when you are being you will be ultra sexy to just about every client you see.

I'm not anyone to give advise, so the preceding is my opinion.

Like Anything in life if you want to be successful you have to work really fking hard and hope you catch a break!

Pimpathy2358 reads

I know what Geisha is, I'm not sure why they practice the art.

Also, is geisha strictly Japanese, or do other Oriental cultures practice geisha like say the Chinese

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