TER General Board

good answer, well said... Eom
russbbj 89 Reviews 341 reads

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 2:39:41 PM

This is mostly rethorical, but have you wondered what's with guys writing the 700th review for a gal? I mean... Look I'm not complaining about having reviews. It can benefit the hobbyists, just as it can benefit us as well, or hurt. But I never quite understand why wouldn someone write a review for a chick with 350 reviews. Heck, even someone with 50 reviews. seems like an overkill, specially if the review will be consistent with the others. I could see one writing a review for a provider, in case her services changed drastically, and there's a need to express that so others know... You know... Cuz among hobbyists there's such comradery lol.  

Sometimes it just us reads like a guy trying to brag about their conquests. Your thoughts? If you are pro reviews, explain why you would think it's important to write a review for a girl who has 100 reviews or more. If ure writing a review for someone with 10 reviews... No reason to explain, I get it.  

I'm only bringing this up, because in my short run (37 reviews), I already have had people saying... Oh I feel like we don't have such a good time, because we didn't do what you did with this person. Or: oh I want to do that too, etc... Don't u guys get that sex is an art? Not a mechanical act? Different guys have different chemistry with us. But reviews can hurt in that regard, and 700 reviews... Can hurt just a tad more, just a tad more lol.  


-- Modified on 11/30/2015 11:06:17 AM

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 11:12:52 AM

Alan_Nimm582 reads

someone writes a review when a provider already has tons of them:

Wanting to share with others what he/she thought was a great time--kind of a thank-you to the provider
Wanting to share an experience that was worse than typical for the provider, and he/she thought it worth telling others--especially a rip-off (I've seen that even with providers with tons of good reviews)
And of course... 15 VIP days.  

There's probably others. But this is a review site, so people will review, Ray, people will definitely review.  :)

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 10:14:51 AM

Another reason to post a review is that to stay on the top 100 listings a provider needs to have at a min. One review every 90 day or get dropped off of that list.
In looking at some of the list you will see a number of top ranked providers with convieniently spaced reviews.
Not an accident/

I usually refer to P411 and provider ads to see which providers are visibly active. Then I'll look up a provider's review page and if I see that the last review was posted more than several months ago it does make me think twice about booking, especially if she had a steady stream beforehand. Maybe she is purposely telling clients to not review her to maintain her score? Maybe all of her recent clients aren't members of TER? Maybe she just took a break for a while? A current profile sufficiently answers all these questions. However, none of this matters if I REALLY want to see a certain provider.

I've been looking at "reviews" on the primary site for Italian escorts. The reviewers don't go into any detail, either because of forum rules or because it's considered bad form. The reviews generally read the same, as in "what a beauty. She's very friendly. We had a lot of fun. I hope I can see her again."

That tells me, as a potential customer, nothing. I have no idea what she does or does not do. I have no sense of the escort's personality, her style, or her menu. Since provider profiles on the site often don't go into specifics on the menu, it's flying blind.

As a form of expression. Who am I going to talk to about these experiences? For me, this is my one and only chance to get it all out. It's kinda like my own personal escort diary. It's cathartic and relaxing and I enjoy it.

There is a lady that I've seen twice and will see as long as she provides, that I wish I could write a review for. She has rocked my world twice, and I'd like to share that with you guys. But, she doesn't want any more reviews, and I respect her and her decision.  

I too like to discuss this wonderful part of my life, here and at M&G's are my only avenue which to do so.

That's a good reason. I'm not saying I'm against mass reviews. I'm just asking what are the reasons to chime in with your own review. Your reason it's actually a very good one. It's not about her. It's about you. That's a cool answer. :-)

...and they can remind you of some of the detail you may have forgotten.

If she asks that I not review her, then I will comply (Unless I thought she was a rip-off, course.)

Most however are anxious to have a new review as many clients don't bother to look back more than 6 months to a year to find out how clients rate someone.  People do change.

The 15 days of VIP is the icing on the cake

Posted By: mrfisher
If she asks that I not review her, then I will comply (Unless I thought she was a rip-off, course.)  
 Most however are anxious to have a new review as many clients don't bother to look back more than 6 months to a year to find out how clients rate someone.  People do change.  
 The 15 days of VIP is the icing on the cake.  

It took me a while to burn through those free days, it is icing on the cake and makes perfect sense for TER, they didn't just fall off the fruit truck.

Reviews are the same thing for this side of the coin. People change. Ladies looks change over time. Skills improve. People get lazy or jaded. Business models change. Menus expand or shrink. Old reviews are just old and could be no longer valid. New reviews are needed to validate older ones. Just like old references aren't as valid as recent ones, old reviews aren't as valid as recent reviews.

FatVern489 reads

If the lady advertises on a legitimate venue she shouldn't need a reference.

You've never checked a reference (due diligence) for a roofer or a plumber or any other service provider in your personal life OR your business life? Granted, they only refer you to their satisfied customers, but who would shell out big bucks for services based on a billboard, shiny truck or slick website alone?  

Posted By: FatVern
If the lady advertises on a legitimate venue she shouldn't need a reference.

FatVern384 reads

I personally checkout the work/service provided before I hire someone.

Anybody could recommend somebody, that doesn't mean they know what they are recommending is any good or not.

Posted By: impposter
You've never checked a reference (due diligence) for a roofer or a plumber or any other service provider in your personal life OR your business life? Granted, they only refer you to their satisfied customers, but who would shell out big bucks for services based on a billboard, shiny truck or slick website alone?  
Posted By: FatVern
If the lady advertises on a legitimate venue she shouldn't need a reference.

Posted By: FatVern
I personally checkout the work/service provided before I hire someone.
... BEFORE you hire someone. That's the real world equivalent of reading reviews. You talk to Landscaper Lou and he says he did that beautiful house on the corner and it looks great. Most people would talk to the home owner to, #1, confirm who actually did the landscaping ('cause Landscaper Lou might be trying the old bait and switch hoping that you DON'T ask). The homeowner could say: 10/10 came in on time and under budget.
or all kinds of other stuff: looks good but that rock garden was an UPSELL. He's a CLOCK WATCHER - it was a good job but he finished a month later than promised. He promised me a BAREBACK horse statue but it was COVERED, with no discount. And so on.  

Who doesn't want know what they might be headed into beforehand

FatVern403 reads

I already know who performed the work, by witnessing the work performed. Then I evaluate the finished project. There is no over or under budget, as I've contracted for what the total cost should be... and I won't be paying one cent more.

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: FatVern
I personally checkout the work/service provided before I hire someone.
 ... BEFORE you hire someone. That's the real world equivalent of reading reviews. You talk to Landscaper Lou and he says he did that beautiful house on the corner and it looks great. Most people would talk to the home owner to, #1, confirm who actually did the landscaping ('cause Landscaper Lou might be trying the old bait and switch hoping that you DON'T ask). The homeowner could say: 10/10 came in on time and under budget.  
 or all kinds of other stuff: looks good but that rock garden was an UPSELL. He's a CLOCK WATCHER - it was a good job but he finished a month later than promised. He promised me a BAREBACK horse statue but it was COVERED, with no discount. And so on.  
 Who doesn't want know what they might be headed into beforehand?  

One reads; one comprehends, but can one do the first to achieve the second. (sigh).

-- Modified on 12/1/2015 2:05:05 AM

BTW, what is a "legitimate venue" for advertising? There are fake or misleading ads everywhere.  
Ads are meant to sell a product or service. They are not verification that said product or service is any good.

And the peeps that write reviews on a site like Trip Advisor, spend money on the hotel and reviewed it afterwards. TER is based on the same concept IMO.

Steph xoxo

FatVern359 reads

I'm not the one who runs around saying see TER girls.

You don't like reviews,  you don't read them and now you want to get down on someone for recommendations of "ter girls"
I would really like to know wtf you're even here for

FatVern406 reads

If a lady is found on TER, shouldn't that be enough? Why would I need to read a review?  

That's what I was talking about... You should learn how to be less reactionary, especially if you aren't clear on what you are reacting to

I just don't do stupid. I'm not the only one here that can't understand your idiotic post

FatVern378 reads

I just don't do stupid. I'm not the only one here that can't understand your idiotic post.  

I guess you aren't the only one who can't read, or follow a thread.
Posted By: FatVern
If the lady advertises on a legitimate venue she shouldn't need a reference.  

After all that is an insult to idiots. I wonder if he realizes TER doesn't screen their members nor does having a profile mean she is quality. I don't get him nor his posts ether.

Ahhhh. ...guess they'll just let anyone on here lol

FatVern399 reads

Certainly review boards.  

I don't need to read reviews in order to find an attractive woman. It's YMMV anyway, so what good is a review?

I don't want you to hurt your head banging it on the wall. LOL

That boy just ain't right.

Wanna Fuck?

Yes I do! Got your flight booked already?  ;)

So you don't need to be a reference or review. Second if you trust others to screen for you you will end up regretting it. Four P411 ladies in Utah just flipped and guys who didn't properly vet them got busted according to my sources. I was looking at one of them before I heard this doing my own homework.  

I have only hearsay, so I will not repeat but my source is reliable. Always do your own damn screening.

FatVern373 reads

How can I vet a provider? Most don't talk on the phone, I try to keep the emails to a minimum, I keep the chit chat to a minimum, and I don't say anything I shouldn't.

I could read reviews, and PM reviewers, that doesn't guarantee I'm going to get honest and trustworthy information. Anybody can write a review and answer a PM.

but I think it behooves all of us to pitch in and do so because we help each other that way.

And the world is coming to be like this anyways with sites like Yelp and others making it easier to pick out a restaurant in a strange city or find someone to paint your house, etc.

The world just plain works better when people are held accountable for whatever they do

FatVern344 reads

I don't think I'd write a Yelp review, and I certainly don't read them.

I'm perfectly fine with making my own decisions, if I make a bad choice that's on me.

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 2:39:41 PM

Who needs more than 25 really? I won't review providers who have a bunch of review unless it was really good or I have something important to share. Most of the time I think guys write reviews to relive the experience or as masturbation material.

Some people may not see me because I have to many, some people may not see me because my boobs are to big, my butt to small, but I stand by my reviews and my ability to be great at my job.  It shows consistency in service.  Hence, please keep writing them!

Btw, would you take old references to see a gentleman? People  do change, I, for one, want current references, assume guys want the same.

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:02:19 AM

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:03:40 AM

impressive :))respect  

Posted By: AngelinaDDD
Some people may not see me because I have to many, some people may not see me because my boobs are to big, my butt to small, but I stand by my reviews and my ability to be great at my job.  It shows consistency in service.  Hence, please keep writing them!  
 Btw, would you take old references to see a gentleman? People  do change, I, for one, want current references, assume guys want the same.  
 -- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:02:19 AM

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:03:40 AM

The times I saw you I felt like I was your only man and your world revolved around me.
                          Nevertheless I love you just the same.
I appreciate the fact you didn't mention those other guys  around me. :-D  :-D  :-D :-D  :-D

Posted By: AngelinaDDD
Some people may not see me because I have to many, some people may not see me because my boobs are to big, my butt to small, but I stand by my reviews and my ability to be great at my job.  It shows consistency in service.  Hence, please keep writing them!  
 Btw, would you take old references to see a gentleman? People  do change, I, for one, want current references, assume guys want the same.  
 -- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:02:19 AM

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:03:40 AM

I don't think it really matters that a provider has 50 or even 150 reviews, what matters to me is consistency, relevancy and professionalism.  I like to find out as much as possible about a provider before going to see her because looks alone have lead to great disappointment.  I often read the most recent reviews and then go back to the first couple of reviews that were written to see if there is consistency or changes in performance.  Also some reviewers add more details than others, for example said provider's profile says she gives BBBJ but if the reviews indicate that she no longer does or it is a YMMV thing, then I'd like to know that going in.  Also I agree with some of the other comments made in reference to reviewers having ego and wanting to write about their experiences, and it also helps that as an incentive TER gives 15 days of VIP membership.  As I have said before, this is a business, and a good way to grow a business, any business, is to stay current, reviews do that.  And whether a provider has 400 reviews, or 4, it is still nice to see current reviews so one knows what to expect.  

I especially like the post that says would provider accept seeing a client if his referrals weren't current, that hit the nail on the head.  

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 8:06:18 AM

I can't tell you how many ladies that I've seen because when I looked at a City's page her recent review was up on that page and had it not been I wouldn't have known she existed. Also, if she hasn't had recent reviews (and I'm talking recent years) then it might lead me to believe that she has left the arena.

I'll add that reviews are how I for one decide to spend time with a woman, numbers are subjective, but the content of the reviews gives me an idea that she and I will get along well (menu wise).

I'll also add that selfishly me writing reviews is a way for me to recall in detail the fun that I had with her. And, reading other's reviews is like reading Penthouse Forum.

So IMHO, yes reviews are still needed, if I don't want to read them, then I won't.

I'm just asking... Is there a number that becomes "too many" o "unnecessary" number to have. I'm just thinking out loud.

I absolutely adore sluts, I mean it they are my favorite people.

So, not sure that there is a too many number.

But, then again, I am a sick fuck.

I'd gladly participate in a gang bang

I personally believe that what happens BCD is between me and the woman I'm with, and sharing intimate details feels tacky and juvenile to me. Add to that the fact that a lack of detail is perhaps the most common reason for rejection of reviews...  

I write reviews when I think they serve a purpose:

1. For a new provider with few or no reviews, as a way to help her become more established.
2. For a provider who hasn't had a review in 4-6 months, and who wants one to stay current or if I think something has significantly changed from her past reviews.
3. If a provider asks me to write one, provided she does NOT try to "coach" me on what to say.
4. If I have an unusually positive or negative experience.

Reviews are important. They help us all to stay safe and make good choices (provider and client alike), and as scoed said - current reviews are important as well. Things DO change over time, and can sometimes change very quickly.

When it comes to "too many" reviews, I can only speak for myself: I don't care how many reviews a provider has. The idea of virginal clients and providers is silly IMHO, no matter the number of reviews, and I don't feel any "ick factor" based upon number of reviews or some inferred number of sex partners someone may or may not have had. Every provider and client is a "slut" of sorts, and I find no shame at all in that.

I have heard many times that every new review increases website hits and makes the phone ring more often for providers.

While reviews can often be distasteful, fanciful, inaccurate, downright cruel and sometimes fake - they serve quite a few essential purposes.

i know many guys here are super busy and do not have much time on their hands...so it makes me feel special if the guy took time to review me...give that review is positive of course...it would not matter if it is 30th review or 350th...i still like knowing that guys enjoyed their time and thought about me even after the orgasm...

while juice details do turn me on and its good feedback in order to see what kind of activities people enjoy, but Sasha has a point that chemistry is different with every person and certain things happened during one session might not necessarily occur in the other...

often look at New Reviews rather than just the Regional Ad board or even search using advanced criteria.

Senator.Blutarsky382 reads

...they do help, no matter the number.  

I've had some very pleasurable experiences with a few ladies who had a "no review policy"... However, these ladies were on P411 with established longevity, so I felt the risk was worth taking and, as I said, I was not disappointed.

I do appreciate the reviews to give me added confirmation that the gal I have my eye on and I are simpatico. That said, not all reviewers are credible. I usually skim them looking for handles I trust or who have similar tastes. After a while, you get to know which reviewers are worth reading and which are simply idiots.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

FatVern402 reads

Why am I going to spend my time making money for someone else?

I personally love reading them, especially the well written, steamy ones!
Since I'm still in the process of establishing myself, I encourage guys to write reviews if they've done it before; if they never do it, then I don't bother.  
Now, I don't mind having multiple reviews, however more than 200 seems a bit like an overkill in a two years time frame. But if a provider has been in business since 2010-11 or longer, then it's understandable.  

Businesses and individuals evolve constantly; hobbyists consistently review providers regardless of the number of previous ones, the same way Yelpers don't stop reviewing a restaurant after 873 reviews simply because they're deemed as "too many".

drp74328 reads

Former San Francisco Mayor, "Vice doesn't have to look for you, the ads and SPECIFICALLY the escort reviews give the police all the information they need to find and bust you.

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