TER General Board

For any lady who's seen Dupy: is a session with him just a barrage of prying questions?
cocktail-party 305 reads

Sounds unbearable, perhaps even worse than the that guy who likes to fart in the face of the ladies rimming him... Which raises an appropriate question for the board - which is the worse fate, Dupy's interrogation or the stank ass farter?

Specifically for providers who happen to live in White Collar cities with clients who are in professions where there are Christmas and Fourth Quarter Bonuses.  Would you guys see an influx of business with men who receive handsome end of the year compensation packages?  If so would they come more frequently and if they do, would you receive better tips more so from regulars if they have been frequenting you regularly?

...Usually, your dopey, er, Dupey questions are directed to a specific provider.  Why are you just throwing them out there now?  You haven't posted in a while; have you been collating answers to all your previous questions even though you have nothing to collate since no one ever answers your dopey, er, Dupey questions?  Don't you get tired of asking questions?  When are you going to stop asking questions?  When will your research on hobbyists and providers be finished?  When will your book be coming out?  Who is the publisher?  What will the suggested list price be?  Will it be available on Amazon and at Costco?

Thank you

Sounds unbearable, perhaps even worse than the that guy who likes to fart in the face of the ladies rimming him... Which raises an appropriate question for the board - which is the worse fate, Dupy's interrogation or the stank ass farter?

GaGambler294 reads

Is Dopey, err Dupey ever going to run out of insipid and plain old stupid questions to ask of the ladies (and on really bad days the guys) about how they run their business

TELL us how to run our businesses. If tricks had truly good advice it would be how to maximize money while not expending too much of our resources. Nope they think the other way...how to get more for less under the guise of "advice"

Bob.Sugar312 reads

No wonder you've become the board pariah battling with bigguy30  LOL

Too bad you have no respect for those who have far more talent in successfully operating a "real" business...hence you're relegated to just being a hooker....and a pretty low end one at that.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
TELL us how to run our businesses. If tricks had truly good advice it would be how to maximize money while not expending too much of our resources. Nope they think the other way...how to get more for less under the guise of "advice".  

GaGambler303 reads

Where else do you find customers asking to be charged more?

I will confess, I did tell the owner of a Chinese restaurant who made GREAT food that she needed to charge more money so she would stay in business, and that her food was so great I would come back to eat no more how much she charged, but that's an exception, and her prices were dirt cheap, I was almost embarrassed to pay so little so I usually left a 100% tip, or even more some times.

I will further admit that on the major board in Texas, the common advice given by most of the cheap mongers that hang out there is to "run specials" and "discount" as the mentality there is that anything over $200 hr is "too much"  I know LR will agree with me, and it's why I doubt we will see her in Texas again anytime soon. The good news about Texas is that you won't find fatgirl here, that's got to be worth something, right? lol

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