TER General Board

Fo sho? If you wanna be gangsta you need to read the Urban Dictionary.
inicky46 61 Reviews 1126 reads

It's "fo shizzle.
(My nizzle)
fo shizzle
:for sure; derived from Snoop Dogg.
This new doggyfizzle televizzle gon' be off the hizzle, fo shizzle.
by diambenz June 20, 200

luvhobby1857 reads

So without dropping any names, I went to see a very highly ranked escort on here - she has nearly all 10's in both looks and performance in almost  every review - However, upon meeting this woman, it feels like the ratings are somehow fixed or not honest. Her age was definitely older than advertised and posted on TER and while she had a great body, I don't understand how EVERYONE could give her 10's in looks because she was about an 8 and not a single person out of the 100's of reviews would give a 9 or 8???? all 10's in performance too. I was so disappointed with the fact that I feel that these reviews were not truthful for this person. I've see others that were 8's and 9's and those seem to be spot on with reviews and descriptions of looks etc ...

SO it leads me to wonder if the escorts make guys promise for 10's for better service???  

Sometimes I just think some providers ion here have inflated numbers and not sure how that can be so across the board.

ROGM1164 reads

A Provider that's a 10 to someone might be a 5 to another. It's different to alot of Guys. As far as getting better Service of a Great Review, I've never had a Provider do that to me. Better Service happens when you see a Provider on a Regular Basis for a while.

luvhobby1469 reads

Of course it's subjective and a matter of opinion. I am not disputing that. My issue is that a provider will have all 10's and NOTHING else, when she is clearly not ONE IN A LIFETIME- If it's a matter of opinion like you said then why not 8,9 's in mix at the very least?

Chickenfries1271 reads

I know that you said it's never happened to you before,  but it has happened to other.  

Posted By: ROGM
A Provider that's a 10 to someone might be a 5 to another. It's different to alot of Guys. As far as getting better Service of a Great Review, I've never had a Provider do that to me. Better Service happens when you see a Provider on a Regular Basis for a while.  
Check out the link below.

Ripoff report: yourdatewithkate.com

Zangari1454 reads

never liked the arbitrary 10 point rating system, it's one of the reasons I don't write reviews.  A woman who is actually a '10' isn't fucking strangers for $300 a throw, that's for sure.    I think a 'Client OK' system (like P411's Provider OK) would be more useful, with perhaps three check boxes:  

1.  Did the provider look like her photos (Yes or No).
2.  Was the menu description accurate (Yes or No).
3.  Would you see the provider again (Yes or No).  
 I can see a scenario where a client could answer Q1 and Q2 with a 'No', but still answer Q3 with a 'Yes'. There could be an optional comments field for a brief explanation of why you would/wouldn't see her again.   But given the nature of actual reviews, with the long & lurid play-by-play of a session, always reveals more about the John than the provider.  --z

9 times out of 10 all of the same providers that are on one site could be found on the other sites that a hobbyist visits.

NewEnglandGangsta905 reads

Whenever I see a bunch of perfect 10 I take dat shit as a sign of manipulation fo' sho!

It's "fo shizzle.
(My nizzle)
fo shizzle
:for sure; derived from Snoop Dogg.
This new doggyfizzle televizzle gon' be off the hizzle, fo shizzle.
by diambenz June 20, 200

Most people are who and what they are...and I'd venture to bet that NEG is a 57 year old white dude who's never even driven into a "dangerous area".

I think we can also conclude he's not an IT guy either  ;)

Perhaps a driver for Papa Johns?

Posted By: inicky46
It's "fo shizzle.  
 (My nizzle)  
 fo shizzle  
 :for sure; derived from Snoop Dogg.  
 This new doggyfizzle televizzle gon' be off the hizzle, fo shizzle.  
 by diambenz June 20, 2003  

NewEnglandGangsta801 reads

Imma a pimped out NewEnglandGangsta livin' it large yo.
I ain't some hood gangsta busting caps runnin from 5-0.  
I keeps it real!  


-- Modified on 10/2/2014 2:49:53 AM

I've never had control of who writes reviews or how they rate me other than giving the best service and experience I can.  I wish more guys that I saw would write reviews, not just on me but others.  I get an idea of their likes and dislikes by reading about their other encounters.  Then when they see me, I can tailor the date to what they like.  

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Whenever I see a bunch of perfect 10 I take dat shit as a sign of manipulation fo' sho!

I understand this is a business and we're all trying to be successful, but I do think it makes it harder for the rest of us that don't manage our reviews because gentlemen are less likely to take our 8, 9 and 10's seriously when they read. Another thing that makes it harder is gentlemen who give out 9's and 10's like candy to every lady they see. Because those of us who make damn well sure they forgot it was a service are bundled in with mediocre service, and potential clients reading will not take our reviewer seriously either.

NewEnglandGangsta1150 reads

It's shrewd manipulation. Sometimes they just demand 10.  Dat's how they do it.

I guess maybe TER isn't sending out that PDF to everyone yet?  Send them an inquiry and they'll be happy to send that out right away.

But simplistically follow these basic rules....

1)  Deduct a minimum of 2 points from a gals score by reviewer.  This gets you close to the real person you're about to meet.

2)  Avoid giving out your TER handle or real name especially when seeing the "Top 10/10" gals...and then make sure to write that true review highlighting the items as you've listed in your OP

3)  Generally add 5 years to those claiming to be 35-40....add 10 years to those claiming to be 40-45.  As well many of the 30-35 gals will be within a couple of years of their published ages.  There are still some gals in the 20ish range that are also pushing 40...do your search on TER and see how long they've been here.  If you want to believe she's still only 29 and has been posting since 1999....sure  LOL

4)  Be sure to get on the RO board and discuss any gals who send you threatening emails/PM's for those 10/10 scores.  Out her there and follow up with TER sending them the incriminating emails/PM's

There's much more in the handbook...unfortunately too many dudes here don't read the book...and those that do tend to be scared of "hurting a gals business" for telling the truth about her.

So this begs the question...can that many dudes all see some gal as a 10/10....nope.  Many were coerced...many were threatened..many are just thrilled to have their dick sucked.  Unfortunately over the past few years the 10/10 crap has overtaken the site.  And the real damage done here is to those few gals that honestly deserved those scores.

Posted By: luvhobby
So without dropping any names, I went to see a very highly ranked escort on here - she has nearly all 10's in both looks and performance in almost  every review - However, upon meeting this woman, it feels like the ratings are somehow fixed or not honest. Her age was definitely older than advertised and posted on TER and while she had a great body, I don't understand how EVERYONE could give her 10's in looks because she was about an 8 and not a single person out of the 100's of reviews would give a 9 or 8???? all 10's in performance too. I was so disappointed with the fact that I feel that these reviews were not truthful for this person. I've see others that were 8's and 9's and those seem to be spot on with reviews and descriptions of looks etc ...  
 SO it leads me to wonder if the escorts make guys promise for 10's for better service???  
 Sometimes I just think some providers ion here have inflated numbers and not sure how that can be so across the board.

luvhobby1092 reads

WOW- That's really helpful. Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I've been on here a while, and the 10/10 stuff is frustrating. I am glad that I am not the only person who feels this way.

I seem to recall a thread the other day from a gal lamenting the scoring nonsense as well.

Some of my gal pals have 10's and have worked damned hard to earn them....and when they see some of the "skankier" gals getting those scores it's frustrating.

You might consider a M&G....you'll be amazed at what some guys think are 10/10's  LOL  (Not to mention it will save you quite a bit of money when you see some of the "skankier" 10/10's try and charge for mediocre middle aged flabby products).

Good luck to you...and I trust your embroidered copy of "John 101...the TER handbook" has arrived  ;)

Posted By: luvhobby
WOW- That's really helpful. Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I've been on here a while, and the 10/10 stuff is frustrating. I am glad that I am not the only person who feels this way.

GaGambler880 reads

but the true 10-10s are the biggest losers. They work hard to EARN their high scores only to see them cheapened by ROB's who "game" the system by manipulation, intimidation and outright fraud.

The age calc has got to be the most accurate one I've ever seen, lol.

BUT, it's never ALL guys agreeing on 10/10.  It's all guys...who are very attracted (enough to pay) to the girl's representation of herself.  I'd be more inclined to interpret 10/10 as "Yes! This IS exactly what I was looking for!" versus "Acting as an objective judge, and taking all men's tastes into consideration, I'd assess her as a 8."   That's silly.

That's the folly in sorting by score first.  (Also probably why the top lists cause problems.)  If you find what you want, then check scores, that's got to have a better result than starting with scores

cashorcredit998 reads

1. Guys may not have any standards, just happy that any gal will fuck them.
2. The reviews are self written.
3. The reviewer has been given specific orders by the provider what to score her.  
4. The reviewer has no backbone, who maybe looking to gain favor, so he inflates the review.  

Going back to not having any standards, I've only given 3 10's in appearance and the standard to receive a 10 in appearance from me I would have to consider you playboy mag material.  Not to say that my standard should be followed, but I think their ought to be some kind of standard set to give out a 10 in appearance, you can't just hand them out like candy or you risk losing credibility.  

There's one reviewer in my area dude has given 27 10's in appearance, whenever I see a review from him I disregard it.  

Advice to avoid this happening to you again, find reviewers that you trust who have standards and go off their opinions

if 10 isnt high enough, just let the reviews go up 11

seriously, the ones that get hurt by fake 10/10s are the really good providers in the 8/9 range.  I have never gone to a provider that it thought was a consistent 10 10 because I think they dont really exist at my price range and i would not believe more than the occasional one if i did. I have given out 1 10 on looks and 1 on service in about 60 reviews

fortunately though, we have photos, so the appearance score isn't quite as critical as the answer to the question:  Does she look like her photos?  Better?  Worse?  Are they old?  If I think a woman looks like a 9 or 10 TO ME in her photos and she looks the same in person, then I'm a happy camper.  Conversely, if I'm not particularly enamored with a lady's photos, then I really don't care what her appearance score is, as I can judge that for myself with my own two eyes.  Obviously though, if the photos are extremely discreet, this could be a little more challenging...

As far as service scores i have absolutely no doubts about the 10s I have given. As far as appearance that can be very subjective and I will admit my eyes can be glazed over sometimes when my cock is buried down a girls throat and when I am cumming down said throat well that girl at that moment is a goddess in my eyes lol.

 I have seen a couple of 10/10 TER 100 girls who disappointed me greatly and maybe I just caught them on a bad day or maybe it was just me who knows? All i know is that there are some truly awesome girls out there to see and all you can do is do your research and hope for the best :)

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Wait…what was we talkin bout?


When I finally (after months and months of "schooling myself" and honing the art of improving the actual preformance..) I received my first 10/10 score a couple weeks ago...
Granted, I worked my butt off, presentation to the performance, and even tolerated um, events that were sprung on me without warning... ( a last minute double...)  
He said I earned my 10/10.

My comment back was, "I still don't feel like I am worthy of a 10."

And perhaps, I would feel a little bit less unnerved if there wasn't such a huge stigma of the Fake-10's hanging in the Hobby air.
Because if I honestly deserved the 10, by this scoring system, I reckon I aught to be getting an 11, eh?

Please don't presume though, that I think I am a 10...
Cause I don't. Maybe I am just humble like that. I see ALL my flaws and eff-ups with a microscope.
And now that 10/10... yes a moment of elation, is afterwards... more worry than elation...
Sad right

I actually texted him and told him I think he made a mistake and to change it to a 7 (I didn't know you can't edit) because I didn't want potential future clients to have unrealistic expectations of how I look up close. He said he couldn't change it and he wouldn't anyway because he did actually think I was Really Hot. :-*  I'm not blind or so full of myself. Even for men who absolutely love chubby girls, I'm "just attractive" in a normal way. I thought the Looks score had to with body proportion, face symmetry, skin (tiger stripes, cellulite, other imperfections) and other LOGICAL forms of beauty. But, he really did feel that way, and at that moment I learned beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. And, TER doesn't require logic in the Looks score. TER, however does have a point system for the Performance score, but does not enforce it. That is evident when ladies who aren't bi and don't do anal get 10's in performance.

cashorcredit1291 reads

you keep it 100

and you're right a lot of these guys are upset because they have unrealistic expectations, when they see a 7 thinking they are getting a 10 it's total disappointment for them.

8 for looks because I totally dig GND looks, and 1 bonus for attitude. Great attitude makes an average woman look more beautiful in my books, and a beautiful woman simply gorgeous...

Just sayin'... :D

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 11:41:50 AM

Hieronymus973 reads

You are much to hard on yourself! You should just relax and let the guys do what they do. I would say you are "drop dead adorable and sexy" and really enjoy giving of yourself. You are totally desirable! That's all anybody could ever ask for. We could all stand to loose a few pounds and tighten up a little. You seem to be enjoying what you are doing. Keep up the good work.  

Posted By: StinaValentine
I actually texted him and told him I think he made a mistake and to change it to a 7 (I didn't know you can't edit) because I didn't want potential future clients to have unrealistic expectations of how I look up close. He said he couldn't change it and he wouldn't anyway because he did actually think I was Really Hot. :-*  I'm not blind or so full of myself. Even for men who absolutely love chubby girls, I'm "just attractive" in a normal way. I thought the Looks score had to with body proportion, face symmetry, skin (tiger stripes, cellulite, other imperfections) and other LOGICAL forms of beauty. But, he really did feel that way, and at that moment I learned beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. And, TER doesn't require logic in the Looks score. TER, however does have a point system for the Performance score, but does not enforce it. That is evident when ladies who aren't bi and don't do anal get 10's in performance.

CoolGuy961369 reads

Write an accurate review of her TODAY luvhobby and post it!

Same goes for all on here who are of like mind that this problem is affecting our decision making ability and is costing us $$$ and the Ladies who play fair!

I'm curious whether she's utilizing the carrot (discount, freebies, off-menu) or the stick (threats, blackmail). I'm guessing the stick, which you'll encounter when you write that review. Let us know how it goes - plenty of folks are on your side!

Reviewing a provider isn't like reviewing a film or a concert or a play.

If I see a provider's pics, and if, IMO, I find her a beautiful woman as she appears in her pics, I'll spend some money on myself and treat myself to the pleasure of her company. If when I arrive, I find that the woman isn't as beautiful as she appeared in her photos, if she doesn't look the same, then she does not warrant a 10 for her looks. But if I was right, and the woman is indeed just as beautiful as what attracted me, then I ought to give her a 10 for appearance, right? Unless, of course, I had chosen to visit a woman whose pics showed her as unattractive. But why would I want to spend money on getting naked and having intimate sex with a woman who I found physically undesirable? So, as long as she is as good-looking as her site promised, and as long as I don't seek out plain janes for playtime, they should all get 10's.

Same with performance. If the woman tries to go the extra mile and be a once in a lifetime experience for me, and assuming her talents are such that her effort would not be in vain, then she deserves a 9 or 10. The sham would be if I deliberately rated her lower, sending her the message there's no use in trying to please her client.

What's the sham about? If seeing a woman with 9's and 10's scares you off, so be it. If you are seeing out women you don't find attractive or who you don't expect to be interesting in your interactions just so that you can pan them and give low reviews, and by doing so garner the love of other guys and share a laugh with them, then perhaps you should rethink what it is you're truly looking for.

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 9:05:12 AM

9 Model material (she could be a super model)
10 One in a lifetime (one)

TER defines their performance scoring but doesn't actually enforce it. A full service lady can only have a possible highest score of 8 (or is it 7?) UNLESS she offers anal (can add one point) or is Really Bi (can add another point). Technically speaking, according TER's point system, a lady cannot score a 10 if she does not offer those two things.

I've seen plenty of providers who I would give a 10 in service who are not bi or do anal. I'm not really into that stuff but I guess that's because what people consider a "10" is relative. A "10" in service, IMO is some one who is professional, nice and extremely skilled in the sack.

Posted By: StinaValentine
 9 Model material (she could be a super model)  
 10 One in a lifetime (one)  
 TER defines their performance scoring but doesn't actually enforce it. A full service lady can only have a possible highest score of 8 (or is it 7?) UNLESS she offers anal (can add one point) or is Really Bi (can add another point). Technically speaking, according TER's point system, a lady cannot score a 10 if she does not offer those two things.
TER clearly spells it out in the review FAQ. There are FIVE menu items that each increase a provider's (potential) maximum performance rating by +1. They are:

1. Kisses with tongue
3. Really Bi
4. Anal
5. More than one guy

The maximum possible is 7 unless a provider does ANY 3 of the 5. A lady doesn't have to do each act during the session, but it needs to be something she's willing to do in general. A lady CAN be eligible for a 10 without offering anal and without being really bi, if she offers 1, 2 & 5.

Of course this does not mean a provider gets a 9 just because she kisses and does BBBJ. A provider can do all 5 and she can still get a performance rating of 6, for example. These items only open the *possibility* of getting a higher performance rating

That doesn't seem scandalous...

I saw a survey that reported girls are 3 years older on average, so that seems entirely excusable to me... *cough, cough*  And of course, I'm not biased in the least on this topic...

For looks, possibly they're inflated, I have no way of knowing, but what's a 10 to you?  90th percentile?  As in on a bell curve?  Or one-tenth?  What's the comparison group?  All women?  All escorts?  All adult industry (including porn) girls in her age range?

That matters.  There are probably LOTS of pretty girls doing this that are top 10% of all women.  Hands down.  Slim and early 20's nearly get you there alone.  If, for that same escort, you're expecting 90th percentile of girls in the adult industry ages 21-25, I can see how you'd be disappointed.

Personally, I've never tried to influence mine, and I'd guess on appearance I'm being judged as top X percent (not percentile) compared to women in my listed age range (and/or maybe escorts in my price range).   Which seems pretty fair since that info is simultaneously viewable and it would be pretty useless info to, for example, rate an otherwise stunning 60 year-old escort a 6 for lack of skin turgor...

For performance, I earn that ish. ;)  Lol

If providers offer specials to guys who work at the DMV or WalMart the chances of getting a 10 on looks goes way way up.  What is it about those two places?

Posted By: MissMarieM
That doesn't seem scandalous...  
 I saw a survey that reported girls are 3 years older on average, so that seems entirely excusable to me... *cough, cough*  And of course, I'm not biased in the least on this topic...  
 For looks, possibly they're inflated, I have no way of knowing, but what's a 10 to you?  90th percentile?  As in on a bell curve?  Or one-tenth?  What's the comparison group?  All women?  All escorts?  All adult industry (including porn) girls in her age range?  
 That matters.  There are probably LOTS of pretty girls doing this that are top 10% of all women.  Hands down.  Slim and early 20's nearly get you there alone.  If, for that same escort, you're expecting 90th percentile of girls in the adult industry ages 21-25, I can see how you'd be disappointed.  
 Personally, I've never tried to influence mine, and I'd guess on appearance I'm being judged as top X percent (not percentile) compared to women in my listed age range (and/or maybe escorts in my price range).   Which seems pretty fair since that info is simultaneously viewable and it would be pretty useless info to, for example, rate an otherwise stunning 60 year-old escort a 6 for lack of skin turgor...  
 For performance, I earn that ish. ;)  Lol.  

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