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Don't much think about other people's behavior
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 525 reads

Generally, those type of thinking leads nowhere. Besides, don't have time to think about others eating problems.

I've always wondered this, and wonder if other girls are the same way:

If you take a girl out to a fabulous restaurant and she only orders a salad, wine, and picks at the bread or takes a bite of your dinner, what are you thinking??  That's she's ungrateful?  Has an eating disorder?!  

I do not like to eat much with a client, especially if we're hanging out in private later, because I don't want to get really stuffed and lazy.  Plus, I'm just a nervous eater, period, and usually don't have a big appetite when eating in public, and especially not around someone I just met.  

Next week, I'm going to an amazing steak restaurant, like the best in NYC, and I'm nervous that he'll expect me to order and eat a steak

That I eat like a bird. I eat many little half meals all day long.
So when they ask what I like to eat, I usually say.. Oh, please pick what you like to eat. I can find happiness in any menu. :)

No one has ever complained about my eating like a bird, but I am always sure to mention it first. I would think more so that if a guy didn't know he may order less concerned what I would think about him. :)

It is best to do private time first and dinner later. You both work up a bit of an appetite, and if there is a return to the room later, it can just be cuddling and talking if either or both of you feels too full for more athletic togetherness.

If I take a girl out to a great restaurant and she doesn't eat (much), that means I didn't do a very good job communicating ahead of the date or she was too shy to express her preferences. A dinner date should be at someplace both of us like, and it isn't good if she doesn't feel comfortable in public together

GaGambler852 reads

I guess the lemons can be considered a meal, right?

In all seriousness though, I think you should warn guys that you aren't much into eating before playtime. I can only enjoy a good meal if whoever I am with enjoys it too. If I know the lady isn't going to enjoy the meal, I can eat anytime, and I would rather do something we both will enjoy, like drinking a bottle of Patron. lol

I honestly think you should warn your date for next week that you will only nibble at the most. He might thinks it's his fault you aren't enjoying your meal, unless you drink enough wine of course

If I have a few drinks before dinner, I WILL eat well in a restaurant.  But then I'm tipsy.  Go figure.  Ok, I'll just tell him... Ahead of time..

-- Modified on 8/24/2015 8:02:19 PM

GaGambler707 reads

I'll send you an invoice along with my pay pal information. lol

and eating while tipsy is great, as long as you keep it down to no more than 3 bottles of wine during dinner. Otherwise he might not get the dessert I am sure he is looking forward to. I have had more than a few dinner dates where no dessert was possible, but almost every time we just passed out together and there was plenty of time for dessert in the morning. Actually come to think of it, that happens to me at least once a week when I am in Costa Rica. It happens so often come to think of it, that it's no longer any kind of a big deal to me, but for a guy who only gets out to play once or twice a month, I can see how it could be a huge deal.

When I take a lady out whom I really don't know very well as a person and she orders like that, I take that as a sign of disinterest.  Especially if she knows its a really nice place and its pre-planned

Now if this were a last minute thing and you were to tell me you don't eat very much or some other rational reason, I would have a different view of it.

L.Guapo677 reads

Disinterested means she's neutral and has no opinion.

Even as a kid, the song “Old McDonald had a Farm” always made me hungry.

If the dinner was the start of a, hopefully, eventful evening then I wouldn't think anything of it if my date were a very light eater/picker. In fact, I'd eat in a similar way as well. If, however, it were a conclusion to the night, or perhaps the main event (like if I had picked an exclusive restaurant for the purpose of making an impression) then I'd want my date to enjoy her meal. She wouldn't have to order a steak, per se, but I'd be hoping she would at least seem to enjoy her meal, whatever it was.

Either way it's much ado about nothing, as I see it. What I don't find appealing is when she orders next to nothing, but spends the rest of the meal eating what I ordered. Or when she orders a "gut-buster" meal and then barely touches it. Or, worst of all, when she orders an outlandishly expensive meal (like a FleurBurger), takes one bite and then is done. But what you described wouldn't bother me in the least.

If she orders a big meal and doesn't eat it, she could at least take a doggie bag.  It's probably more rude to waste food than to not order much in the first place.

Took a fine lady to a very exclusive restaurant on our first (and last) date. She looked at the prices and shot me a questioning look.

Gallantly, I said "don't worry - order whatever you want".

So she ordered an appetizer, a salad, not one - but two entrees, and a dessert.

Took a couple of bites of everything - and asked for doggy bags.

Then ... after dinner ... she told me that my 2 hours were up.

Oh well. Whatcha gonna do?

Posted By: Lila Aubrey
If she orders a big meal and doesn't eat it, she could at least take a doggie bag.  It's probably more rude to waste food than to not order much in the first place.

L.Guapo648 reads

There are so many great steak houses in NY and I've eaten at all of them.  I don't think you can pick "the best."  Though there are probably many lists with different #1s.  But I can't pick the best.

The last thing I'm thinking is that she needs to eat more because I happen to like my women slim or skinny but still healthy looking.  

However, if the girl I am with isn't eating much AT ALL  I would likely think "oh she probably had a dinner date before me"
and that she is just going through the motions with me

great response douchebag..

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
The last thing I'm thinking is that she needs to eat more because I happen to like my women slim or skinny but still healthy looking.  
 However, if the girl I am with isn't eating much AT ALL  I would likely think "oh she probably had a dinner date before me"  
 and that she is just going through the motions with me.  

...they want. I only ask whatever they order they eat. I don't mind paying for an expensive meal. I do mind it going to waste.

I'm not concerned about how little or how much she eats

...the most expensive items on the menu and doesn't touch them.  I have enough of that crap with civvies.

But there's an art to ordering food. Unfortunately, my stomach has never even fit a 6 oz filet. Not sure why as I don't look like I can't eat a nice steak lol!

But ordering less than a steak when you go for steak is rude, but ordering a steak and not being able to eat the whole steak is rude too. Guess I'm shit outta luck lol.

Lecturing me about my food choices in public doesn't go over well, so if someone is like that, I suggest going out for hotdogs. At least with me, because that won't end well.

-- Modified on 8/25/2015 7:09:58 AM

GaGambler573 reads

but I guess I am feeling a bit magnanimous this morning, as I won't even go there this morning. lol

There are some jokes that are funny to tell over and over again, then others that are just so dumb and worthless after the first time it's just - tired. LOL.

No offense to anyone in particular, lol. :D

GaGambler628 reads

Which is why I didn't do it, but I will disagree that is was only good enough to tell once. It was worth retelling several times, but it's not going to ever be a classic like "got rope" which still seems to get laughs several years later.

I am sure no offense was taken by any of those people you are talking about. They seem to be a rather thick skinned bunch. Comes in handy around here, doesn't it? lol

ottolbrock580 reads

I don't think about it on that kind of date. It is to easy to over think stuff in this world. I try not to overthink actions. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

From your title, I thought you were talking about carpet munching.

Order what you want. No matter to me. You can even try mine.  I don't mind.  
If you order a steak because you think you should and don't finish it, I'll take it home. But if you really don't want it, don't order it.

I eat.It does not matter if I am just meeting someone new for the first time.I am a foodie thank god for the high metabolism since I do tend to slack sometimes on the gym.lol
I will order a steak if I am at a steak restaurant and a salad.Usually the gent has ordered appetizers/drinks as well.

I tend to not eat the whole steak in one sitting if I did I would feel stuffed and not good for playtime after dinner.Most of my dinner dates are done before playtime but I also like doing dinner dates after private time.
Usually dinner dates are at a very nice restaurant that is not cheap so I would not want to go to a dinner date and pick at the food or just eat bread and wine.For that he could have taken me somewhere alot cheaper.
But everyone is different.
But I would mention it to your dates if you are someone who does not eat on dinner dates or picks at the food.That way he won't book a fancy expensive restaurant if you are not into eating in front of a client.

I know many foods I have tried for the first time as well as restaurants is thanks to the gents who have taken me on dinner dates.I would not want to make the guy uncomfortable if I did not eat after he has spent his money and time setting up a dinner date.

didn't get this booty, from not eating... haha. But this is literally not an issue for me, ever.  

And I feel bad to hear that it's an issue for others! I'm sorry OP can't enjoy dinner more. I do make a point of playing before dinner tho, that way I don't have to worry whether having dessert is going to be too much...aka dessert is never too much.  

I may not finish everything, but I'm definitely going to eat. Especially since I generally eat pretty light before dates, so once playtime is done, I'm usually ravenous. I get asked where I put it often...LOL.

Generally, those type of thinking leads nowhere. Besides, don't have time to think about others eating problems.


The reality is however that I'm the one eating the salad and fish, and she is getting the pate de fois gras, and the 16 ounce filet mignon.  I can't tell you how often the server places her dish in front of me thinking I'm the big eater.

There is one gal I take to dinner who seriously needs more calories, but of course she is always saying that she needs to go on a diet.  I tell her she needs new eyeglasses.

There was another gal who, no matter what she ordered, would end up complaining that she liked my dish better, so I had to always remember to order for her something I would like to eat, as we always end up swapping platters.

Another gal would order a huge steak, extra rare, take a few bites of the edge, then cut it up, ask for a doggy bag, and bring it home to her huge pit bull who would inhale the steak as she tried to dump it into his food dish, but the steak never even touched the dish.

My favorite is to just prepare a meal at my home.  Then at least I can eat the leftovers during the week.  Plus I enjoy my own cooking more than any restaurant's food.

I have enough vignettes about taking gals out to eat that I should publish them in a book:  When I Take a Dish to Dinner

Seriously, u should tell your NYC date what you shared here so he's not upset or at least order a steak and doggy bag it -just don't reheat it in the microwave because it will turn into rubber.

That said, I have learned to change my eating habits a lot over the past year and that includes scooby snacking vs. eating large meals. I might eat a few bites six times a day, but I do drink like a fish.  

Posted By: Lila Aubrey
I've always wondered this, and wonder if other girls are the same way:  
 If you take a girl out to a fabulous restaurant and she only orders a salad, wine, and picks at the bread or takes a bite of your dinner, what are you thinking??  That's she's ungrateful?  Has an eating disorder?!  
 I do not like to eat much with a client, especially if we're hanging out in private later, because I don't want to get really stuffed and lazy.  Plus, I'm just a nervous eater, period, and usually don't have a big appetite when eating in public, and especially not around someone I just met.    
 Next week, I'm going to an amazing steak restaurant, like the best in NYC, and I'm nervous that he'll expect me to order and eat a steak.  

.....guys often say "thank god you're not one of those girls who is scared to eat like a "normal" person in public".  
My response has been to laugh (out loud) but I'd often bring up my mom and grandmother don't like eating a lot around people they don't know and maybe it's the same for a lot of ladies you've been out with. I'm a bigger girl so i'm sure they'd probably think I didn't get so deliciously fluffy on just salad and bread so they'd maybe think she's trying to not look like such a fat ass in front of me. Generally in public dates i'll order what I want but I know what affects my body in certain ways so if I'm planning to have sexy time after the meal I probably will avoid things that make me gassy.  

Order a small meal (including a small(er) steak) and IF he brings it up just tell him straight up you don't want to get too stuffed ..... with food anyways  am I right?! *nudge nudge wink wink*

...because I'm afraid they will be alarmed at how much food can fit into such a small person (comfortably), and I also eat pretty slowly. I tend to eat relatively light on dates, for reasons similar to those you've mentioned, and because normally we are too busy talking to finish a 3 course meal within an hour.  

I think many gentlemen can relate to us in this sense though.

GaGambler737 reads

I think a great meal takes at least two bottles of wine to finish, I am hardly in a hurry to get through dinner in an hour. Talking, drinking wine, and munching on some good eats can take hours and hours in the right company.

Typically, I am completely unabashed about eating. However, sometimes if I don't know the gentleman well (it is our first date) and he chooses some restaurant where food is potentially messy, I may just order a salad. I also really don't eat any carbs outside of fruits and vegetables so if it's Italian, then I'll eat lightly unless they have some non pasta dishes available.

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