TER General Board

Do you ever stfu? Eom
RichardBong 328 reads


Bob.Sugar1458 reads

This is mine...and he never loses

Bob.Sugar304 reads

I need to post as often as I do so you don't flip your alias without my bailing you out again.

Thanks for playing Dickie.

-- Modified on 7/4/2015 3:42:39 PM

You're about as entertaining as watching grass grow.

Bob.Sugar287 reads


It seems more appropriate.

I think I may have already suggested that to you as well.  Please consider it.

Posted By: AHappyCamper
You're about as entertaining as watching grass grow.

That’s why I have everyone else on “ignore” but have Bob on “alert.” TER sends me a notice whenever he posts something – that way I don’t miss his wisdom.

      We could sure use him on the P & R Board. Have you noticed who we are dealing with over there lately?

And with all the P & R Board “millionaires”, he would feel right at home…

Bob.Sugar323 reads

I think you might be collecting more stalkers here than I have.

Let's see where things are at in another 30 days  LOL

This place is fun but boogers just are too sensitive for moi. I'll return every now and again but my board days are numbered. From Alias Warriors, to Simpletons, to black and white BL warriors (Lol), to "Gents", to "Ladies" who views are so skewed in one way.......I'm Good Sugz!!!! Lmao.

Hey, you have been entertaining. Silly but very entertaining!!!!

GaGambler304 reads

Stalkers just mean you are doing "something" right. If "everybody" like you, it means you most likely have no stones.

Everyone liking me has never been the goal but damn the over the top child shit! Lol. Smh. Its all gravy and no biscuits and the gravy ain't seasoned properly to boot. I have just seen enough to lower my interests. PR board is interesting but idk if I could withhold being too emotional on that board! Lol. I'm just too passionate about a lot of those topics. I would actually get an Internet temper over there! Surely. Lol.

But hey, most of Yall are good Fun! Even when we disagree. Yeah yeah. You included Kenny!! Happy 4th man

-- Modified on 7/5/2015 12:11:10 PM

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