TER General Board

Different level of trust and we could say the same thing for guys
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 110 reads

who are willing to stick their d*ck in a provider yet not provide their employment info. So you trust her enough to buy that she does not have an std, but not enough she won't out you? See how that works?

I trust them enough to engage in a discreet relationship for the time they pay for..nothing else. If I wanted anyone to see my face, it would be on my website. Don't think I am attractive when you arrive? Leave and owe nothing. Look at all the men and women who are outed falsely on NBL and come back and tell me about trust. I trust them with my body an hour at a time, not my family...simple.

-- Modified on 5/30/2012 4:47:59 PM

What are the general opinions on sending out face shots if your asked?

Do you ladies send them out via email or are you all too aware that they maybe could show up on a site somewhere on the internet?

because nothing is 100 percent discreet. Men can post your pics if you piss them off, if you don't offer them a discount, or all out do it for free. No thanks. I have never shown my face and never will in association with escort services. If the pics you send are coming from your hooker email, that is all the connection one needs to pin it on you in the future. It is one thing to say, "Go look at this link and you can see my face," and it's on some legal board such as match.com or facebook. Even if they do "say" this is so and so, that picture does NOT have anything to do with your escort persona. Sending out the very same pic on your website only not blurred, is defeating the purpose of being discreet.

Posted By: London Rayne
because nothing is 100 percent discreet. Men can post your pics if you piss them off, if you don't offer them a discount, or all out do it for free. No thanks. I have never shown my face and never will in association with escort services. If the pics you send are coming from your hooker email, that is all the connection one needs to pin it on you in the future. It is one thing to say, "Go look at this link and you can see my face," and it's on some legal board such as match.com or facebook. Even if they do "say" this is so and so, that picture does NOT have anything to do with your escort persona. Sending out the very same pic on your website only not blurred, is defeating the purpose of being discreet.
Thanks hun!

sending a face pic via email is a far cry from posting a pic on you website.  Frankly if you have screened properly I'm not sure it is a problem, just don't send a unblurred pic from your site.  Most guys like to get a idea of how you look above the neck as well. Most of us want to be discreet, and the last thing we want to do is share your unblurred image with others. I personally find it far more discreet then pm'ing everyone that reviewed you.  Perhaps just a pic in big sunglasses.  just my .02 cents

When it happens to you as a provider, you might understand why some are not that stupid. Again, just skip over the providers who don't show their face. Don't expect them to change for you regardless of whether or not you are screened. Many guys get screened for an atf just to fk with other providers. I know women who had their face shots sent to area hotels in an attempt to have them busted. When you know how severe these things get, you might be able to offer advice on what providers "should do."

Have you ever heard of eccieleaks? Nuff said.

As for a face pic with big sunglasses...I have that on my damn site lol. You still can't tell what a person looks like through sunglasses, so what's the point?

-- Modified on 5/29/2012 12:21:42 PM

my point was more most of of guys like to see a face pic, even if it is partially obstructed, if it's a deal breaker they can move on. Ive personally have never asked.  But I can completely understand wanting too.  Some of you providers what a face pic of us. That's not happening either.  The majority of us value your discretion, and are very discreet ourselves .Some ladies set up their sites so unblurred photos are password protected.  This is there choice.   And by the way i can getter a better idea of your looks with sunglasses then your whole head blurred. IMO

There has to be honor and some level of trust in this. Otherwise, the entire thing falls apar.

Using your logic, I shouldn't provide any information because you may use it against me if you get pissed off, right?

Posted By: London Rayne
because nothing is 100 percent discreet. Men can post your pics if you piss them off, if you don't offer them a discount, or all out do it for free. No thanks. I have never shown my face and never will in association with escort services. If the pics you send are coming from your hooker email, that is all the connection one needs to pin it on you in the future. It is one thing to say, "Go look at this link and you can see my face," and it's on some legal board such as match.com or facebook. Even if they do "say" this is so and so, that picture does NOT have anything to do with your escort persona. Sending out the very same pic on your website only not blurred, is defeating the purpose of being discreet.

I know I lose business by not showing my face...don't give a flip. Guys have every right to also skip over providers who demand personal info...no one is forcing you to do anything.

I never did send them when I was not showing. BUT, I always gave an option of them to leave if they did not like what they saw.

It is a privacy issue.. some ladies have more to loose than others.  Some are just not comfortable showing their face to the world.

I know a provider who always asks for the mans picture FIRST.. then she watches him walk up the driveway.. if it is not him, she doesn't give out the room number.

I am not sending out a face pic to anyone who asks for one.If I wanted my face out there I would just post pictures showing my face.I just had someone recently ask me for a face pic I explained for my privacy I could not do so.This guy says"Oh,it is only for me I have been burned in the past by ladies with blurred pics so I want to make sure I will be attracted to you."
I feel between my reviews and my pics(I feel I show enough for a person to get an idea)is not enough then we will not be a good match and he should find a lady who does show her face if it is a deal breaker.

These type of emails irritate me guys asking for a pic I say No that should be end of the conversation regarding sending face pics but some will still try and a few will get an attitude if the request is declined.
If I send a face picture I have no way of knowing what a person will do with it.He could say it is for him only and then share the pic on the internet.Maybe someone else has access to his email,he gets mad,etc. just too many things could go wrong.

You can't expect a provider to do what makes her uncomfortable for you and we can't expect that from you either. Each person provides the info. they feel secure enough to provide. I would never force a man to give me his personal info. if he does not want to...see someone else.

I read the reviews if she has them. Many  veteran hobbyist when they write a review of a provider who blurs her face, will say something like "don't worry about the blurred face pics"  Even if they don't if the review appearance scores are 7 or higher and the juicy details are enticing I'll take a chance, and book with her. So far, so good, but I know it's a risk.

it helps me to make my decision as to who to see. Without the face picture, it's just one additional unknown. If I walk away from an appointment then I would have wasted a lot of time. It may mean the difference between enjoying my hobby or not for that day or week or month. I don't know how many of us have a lot of time to waste, but I try to avoid it as much as possible. Of course, providers have the right of refusal. I won't take it personally. I may or may not see the provider. It all depends on the competition.

serpius115 reads

Hey AmberLuv,

It's your option to send face shots by emails.

Keep in mind... you cannot guarantee that the face shot won't show up somewhere on the internet.

Unless you have a real good reason to send out a face shot, I wouldn't do it.


Posted By: Amberluv1
What are the general opinions on sending out face shots if your asked?

Do you ladies send them out via email or are you all too aware that they maybe could show up on a site somewhere on the internet?

Justin_Beaver169 reads

And I do appreciate them trusting me with them, and I have NEVER revealed them to anyone else. Strictly for my eyes only.

that had no face or blurred face pics and have had them verify me, then get my ph number and text me the face pic. They did so of their own, I didn't even ask. I agree that at some point trust must come in play.... both ways.

If a new client is able to pass your normal screening process, then you are already willing to take a risk with him anyhow.  In that case meeting him in person.  If you trust the guy enough for this then you are basically back peddling.  Where do you think more harm could be done?  In the bedroom with a stranger, or with mere photographs?

saturnsky88 reads

I get personal info if I can and my clients have no problem providing this. If one of them decides to misbehave, he knows I know who he is...a good deterrent, not perfect though. If, before meeting this well screened client, I give him a face image, I have no idea whee this might end up or if in fact he will show up. It's a tough call.

Would you be okay with posting your face image on a site called www.hobbyistsrus.com? or handing over a face image to an asp not knowing where she might place it?

It all comes down to what you are comfortable with. Personally I would not ever ask a guy to send a face pic.

who are willing to stick their d*ck in a provider yet not provide their employment info. So you trust her enough to buy that she does not have an std, but not enough she won't out you? See how that works?

I trust them enough to engage in a discreet relationship for the time they pay for..nothing else. If I wanted anyone to see my face, it would be on my website. Don't think I am attractive when you arrive? Leave and owe nothing. Look at all the men and women who are outed falsely on NBL and come back and tell me about trust. I trust them with my body an hour at a time, not my family...simple.

-- Modified on 5/30/2012 4:47:59 PM

whether you have a website, just ads, or send pics via email...this is the internet.  everything you do here is remembered and filed somewhere.  there is no such thing as real privacy here.

if you dont want your pics to pop up somewhere, then i would suggest not posting, sending or even think about it, or it will surface one day.  (if anyone is looking anyway)

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