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Did your wife know about your date? (eom)
Pimpathy 543 reads


I had a great session on Monday and have been in a great mood ever since. The only thing bringing me down is the knowledge I couldn't afford to see that girl as often as I'd like. When I say good mood, I mean really,noticeably happier.  Anyone else ever experienced such a sense of euphoria that lasted for days?

several days after a date.  It seems I can almost walk on air.

If I am seeing someone new, then the day before and day of the date is like the day of a big game (when I played competitive sports).  You are hyped up, think you know what to expect, but there is always a chance of something unexpected--both good and sometimes bad.

there are those experiences where everything comes together perfectly and I am lifted.

The first time I saw a provider I felt fantastic for damn near a week, like walking on air. A few other dates stand out for me as being so good the "glow" lasted for a few days. But every one, with very few exceptions, lightens my steps for a while.

I've got a good vibe going right now after an early date this morning. Hope it lingers throughout the weekend.

Back_In_Black597 reads

Posted By: Asslater
I had a great session on Monday and have been in a great mood ever since. The only thing bringing me down is the knowledge I couldn't afford to see that girl as often as I'd like. When I say good mood, I mean really,noticeably happier.  Anyone else ever experienced such a sense of euphoria that lasted for days?  

Cosette515 reads

Making people happy and in turn knowing you contributed to her financial well being, thus making her happy too.  


-- Modified on 4/11/2014 11:40:41 AM

Here's a story I swear is true:

Many years ago, I was a foreman of a construction crew on a building.  I had a pair of fuck-ups on the crew, I used to call them Frick and Frack.  They made my life a hell, but times were busy and help was scarce, so I had to put up with them.

Well, each morning upon seeing them my mood instantly soured, and I seldom had a kind word for them to start the day with.  But on one day I had a great date the night before, and the endorphins were still in my bloodstream when I came upon them.  I felt so good that I gave them a cheery "good morning" and didn't carp about their work from the day before.

So Frick (or was it Frack?), shouts out to everyone else on the crew in ear shot:  "Hey, the boss got laid last night!

She's the one I was humping.

We had just met and it was our 2nd or 3rd date.

I've been  incredibly lucky so far , never had a day so sad I needed depressing  music to help me sleep .
  Most of the providers  I've seen were well worth my time and repeat .  
 I love my job , I love my life , every day I wake up is a beautiful day .
   I'm often asked by ordinary citizens not accustomed to glee ,    "WTF you smiling
 about , you laughing at me "?    
  Don't get me wrong , I love hookers too ,  
when I'm dreaming about her  walking  to my  car ,  
 "believing "  she loves me too  ,  sure was worth my time ,
   then  I sing while driving  home . :-D


Posted By: Asslater
I had a great session on Monday and have been in a great mood ever since. The only thing bringing me down is the knowledge I couldn't afford to see that girl as often as I'd like. When I say good mood, I mean really,noticeably happier.  Anyone else ever experienced such a sense of euphoria that lasted for days?  

With popular shows , I'm not too bright ,  
  TV is my weakest link ,
  Channel one  through  sixty two ,
  I have no clue .
  Other  things to do ,  
  Music is my favorite show ,
  Don't you know ?  
  When  a lady friend  
calls my phone ,  
 Mr. Happy guy ,  
 Come on over ,
 watch Glee with me .
 My reply ,  
Sweetie pie , Have no fear  
  I'll be clear ,  
 Something  I'd rather  do  .
 That TV box looks too full   ,
 like solitary time in a two man cell .
 One mans Heaven ,
 The other guys Hell ,
How bout I bring  some wine ,  
 I'll sing you a song .
 We can make  our own show ,  
 Channel sixty nine .  

  Cosette , I'll be sure to  check out Glee for the first time in my life , in case I meet you we'll have something to talk about besides Math . :-D

Posted By: Cosette
I love Glee. Good show.
-- Modified on 4/11/2014 4:38:31 PM

An hour later you'll be hungry again. Keep up this shit and you'll end up competing,with RodTool for biggest "bullseye" on the PO board.

Get an interest that has a greater yield than pussy

It's been my experience that when you have that good of a session, the next time is as good or better. These lovely ladies are awesome and almost all of them put me in a good mood

as you remember.  But the strongest remembrances are later that same day when I smell her scent on my hands.  That's very primitive and powerful and stops me in my tracks every time, with a wonderful swirl in my brain.

keeps going back to it throughout the week, and I often have to take, ahem, a minute to think about sports or Janet Reno before I get up from my desk, or out of my seat on the train, or walk back to the lockers from the shower at the gym, etc.  Was that kind of week for me!  Great, unbeleivable date last Saturday, will need to write a review for this special lady soon...

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