TER General Board

Did Dapper Dan come with any references?...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 377 reads

If so, let those references know, but I suspect he did not.

Now, be a good kid and report him to the various black lists for passing funny money, and by the way, the other lesson here is to count the money first, especially with a new client.

Sorry for this, but thank you for sharing it so that others learn from your misfortune

I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  

I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  

It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  

Thanks for reading.

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

ATLDAWG722 reads

That really Sux.....What a pathetic SOB this dude is.............Tough Deal.......

Thanks hun. I don't even know you but just having someone sympathize helps me feel a bit better. Not quite at ":)" yet, more like ":/" instead of ":(" like before

Always screen!   Even if you are piss broke do not take some bum with no reputable provider references.  You got an envelope of play money. Others have gotten much worse. If you're not good at screening hire someone who is.  Please be safe 😙

losing $800 is minor compared to what could have happened....safety is your first concern and good screening is very important.

Best of luck...I know you'll be smarter and safer going forward.

If so, let those references know, but I suspect he did not.

Now, be a good kid and report him to the various black lists for passing funny money, and by the way, the other lesson here is to count the money first, especially with a new client.

Sorry for this, but thank you for sharing it so that others learn from your misfortune

I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm pretty new myself and I know at first it's awkward to count to money upfront but it's a learning lesson. I had one person short change me and after that I made sure I counted everything up front. Screening is so huge. It's a learning curve to find your own method to doing it but once you go through something crazy you realize the true importance of it. Things will get better use this as a lesson.  

Posted By: Reddishblonde
I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  
 I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  
 It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  
 Thanks for reading.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

So from your post the only thing that you are out of pocket is for the hotel room and you did not provide any services to him. Like the others have said screening is most important for your safety and please blacklist this guy. I was ripped off once so I know the sick feeling you had in your stomach.  Good luck in the future and stay safe.

I'm sorry one got through your door...it's a shitty thing to do...

Take it as a learning experience...never get LAX in your process and come up with a procedure to get away from your client long enough to check the donation and put it somewhere safe...many girls send him into the bathroom to "freshen up"...

Being considerate if your clients' feelings is admirable but too much consideration is unnecessary...

NoYellowEnvelope176 reads

And if the guy doesn't take the hint about freshening up, go ahead and count the donation in front of him... slowly, deliberately, out loud. Count twice!  :)   Maybe he'll get the hint for next time.  

Also, if you don't have clear directions on your web site re what clients should do with the donation, you should add that detail.

Mscurious403 reads

That you ALWAYS need to count the money first before anything.You just got played.no sympathy from me.Hopefully you learn from your mistakes smh

I will definitely learn from this... Actually, no one brought me in, I made my way in all on my own ;) Now I do have friends who I rely on for advice, support, etc. but I'm kind of ... proud? of the fact that I got into all this myself


Posted By: Reddishblonde
I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  
 I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  
 It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  
 Thanks for reading.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

Of course you SHOULD screen!  You know this, so I'm not going to belabor the point.  
However, just so you know, before you beat yourself up any further with self-blame: screened guys have done this!  

Every rip-off guy has a FIRST TIME that he does this to someone.  Not to mention the fact that sometimes these thieves will stick with ladies who may be unlikely to blacklist him, like newer ladies or those who have little online presence.  

My point is that if someone has not yet been reported for doing this, or it's his first time, screening would not have helped.

There are plenty of hobbyists here on TER who don't want to pay until the end of the date; either they have been ripped off themselves and thus refuse to pay upfront or they just feel they should be trusted.  Some guys have even gone so far as to say that any provider who wants to count the donation first is paranoid.  Sigh..... I wish all screened guys could be trusted.

Unfortunately, I've had very well-screened guys short me or not pay at all.  It's even happened with guys I'd previously met!

Some ladies, like myself, give instructions for the handling of the donation.  If you need ideas, take a look at the etiquette page on my site.  Many other providers here have something similar or they give those instructions to each & every client via email.  

I'm mentally sending big hugs your way, sweetie!  If you need someone to talk to, please PM or email me anytime!! :-

I know there's nothing that will make you feel better, but rest assured that everyone of us, guy and gal, has been hobby snookered before, in one form or another. Wish it weren't so, but truthfully, it's part of the process. For example, I've been no showed five times, asked to leave early twice (did nothing wrong), upsold twice, given the run around once (I need fifteen more minutes several times), and not the girl in the picture twice. Let's not even mention, the blank stares off into space, watching tv, looking at the cell, the kids are running around, and counting the money in front of me.  

The thing is, all those experiences were important. Each time something happened, I would ratchet up my rules of the hobby. Nothing is foolproof, but once my final rules were in place, those types of experiences are rare now. In fact, having those rules lead me to some pretty incredible women. I've had experiences here that you wouldn't believe. Just look at my post from a couple of days ago.  

From my perspective there are several areas where you could ratchet up your own rules. One is the screening process. It takes time, and it's imperfect, but it will keep you safer. Not only will it keep you safer, it will keep me safer all the way across the country. Screening isn't foolproof, but increases your odds of having a safe experience. Next, don't be tempted by the offer of big money. Since it was six hundred in the envelope, I'm assuming he asked for a multi hour session. Snookered by the oldest trick in the book. Consider booking new clients for one hour only. In this instance, you never would have booked the session because of the overhead. A shorter first session also speeds up the process (no time for a smoke and soda), and gets rid of him earlier if you don't like him for some reason. Next would be the whole envelope thing. I don't understand why there has to be an envelope. Does it make the lady more elite? Have them put the bills on a counter spread out. A quick glance will let you know it's not monopoly money, and the correct denominations. The next little thing you might change is the 4 am starting time. Especially for a first timer. One doesn't think clearly so early. Save those 4 am rendezvous for your favs. Lastly, you allowed him to show up early? If the gentleman knocks on your door early, the session is over. That's an easy warning sign. Do not open the door. Send his sorry ass packing.  

No matter how much my cock is begging me, I do not break my rules. Bad cock!! No matter how much money he offers, stick to your rules. Gentlemen like this seek out new ladies. New ladies have fewer rules, and are more vulnerable. Best of luck.

Might want to post this on the Minnesota board too.  

I guess the only silver lining is that it makes us appreciate people who aren't like that all the more.

All in all, I think you're off to a good start.  I saw your ad the other day, and I can tell you've got the "street smarts" for this.  You merely got scammed by a douchebag who could tell that you were new.  Dust yourself off and move on.

Posted By: Reddishblonde
I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  
 I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  
 It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  
 Thanks for reading.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

Sorry this happened to you Sweetie.  
Just remember this guy will get his eventually.
He is a piece of garbage and life always eventually takes out the trash!

Lunar_Phase223 reads

You have my sympathy. People like that make it harder for the honest ones. Incall etiquette requires the person to shower upon arrival, but this is also to give you a chance to look at the envelope. I am guessing the paper written play money on it was so that the envelope weighed correctly

I myself have never been against her checking out the envelope, its those who insist on counting in front of me that have been disasters.

I would end this on a word of advice, being a thief is not related to how rich or well off a person is. Women have been ripped off at the very high end of this profession by people with a garage full of ferrari's.

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 10:51:04 AM

The great thING about life is that there's always ways to improve and grow as humans.Yes you made a big mistake as I'm sure we ALL have done.You were more trusting than you should've been and it's seems you've learned a valuable lesson.

I like yourself got myself into the game and had to learn the do's and donts.I had to figure out for myself what worked and didn't worked for me when taking others advise.Also like ou I had something similar happened.I provided an excellent service to a guy when I first started,he even requested extra time...then as he was grabbing his items to go he grabbed he envelope and ran off.I was so crushed bc I had plans to buy my daughter Christmas gifts..an I really strapped for money bc we were also homeless....But I learned my lesson nonethe less and so shall you hopefullh.

Smile,be thankful he didn't harm you...and MAKE MORE MONEY GIRL! :)

screen. If a guy doesn't checkout, then don't see him. Like others have said, at least you are safe and he didn't rob you of any personal belongings like a laptop or iphone.

Also, please let your fellow (or is it lady) providers know about this scum bag. If he did it to you, he will try again and most likely has ripped others off as well before you.

Good luck to you.

Posted By: Reddishblonde
I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  
 I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  
 It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  
 Thanks for reading.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

Posted By: Reddishblonde
I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  
 I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  
 It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  
 Thanks for reading.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

On either end, by the guy or the girl.

Sorry this happened to you.  Sounds like you've learned a valuable lesson.  Good luck in the future.

Posted By: Reddishblonde
I kind of want to cry. I'm new at this, about 5 weeks (provider). I had a guy I've been connecting with ask me to see him before work, 4-6am. He says he wants to be discreet and needs me to book the hotel. I'm hesitant but we've been talking and he finds one with a cheaper rate (like $200). He comes early, puts the envelope on the table, and we "hang out" for a little over an hour. We go outside to have a smoke and he wants a soda from the vending machine. I offer to grab him a single from my room, go in the room, get the single, come out, and he's gone. Like, nowhere.  
 I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I run back in the room and check the envelope. There's $600 alright, in printed $100s that say "play money" on them.  
 It's really my mistake. I've been lax with screening. I didn't look in the envelope out of courtesy. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sitting outside of the hotel chain smoking. He gave me no red flags that I could tell, and I'm pretty quick to say no to someone who starts playing games. I don't even know how I feel. I know I feel insulted; nothing in the envelope would have been better than play money. None of my friends who know I do this are up, I have no one to talk to, so I'm posting. I know it's my fault for not screening. It just sucks.  
 Thanks for reading.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 5:02:55 AM

ThePeopleRule220 reads

"No Stinkin' Envelope--Spread Out Bucks for Fucks"

So sorry that happened to you. I'm fairly new to this as well (9 months) and at the beginning I would neglect to check the envelope just because it felt crass or insulting to check in front of them. But I've learned to best way to handle it. I go in smiling, hug & kiss hello, grab the envelope and then excuse myself to the bathroom to "freshen up" and while I pee I count the money.  

Always always always check and count the money. Hugs, We are here for you!

I always check and sometimes guys ask me that , I check even if we have met a few times . I feel kind of awakened doing in in front of the guy so I'd rather be put it down then go use the bathroom and wash his hands . I've had guys try and short me 20 and play it off like oh it was an accident I doubt it .  

When you go to a store and buy something the cashier counts it may even check if the bills are real so I don't see why anyone should feel offended

I always ask the lady to check the gift in the envelope before anything starts just to make sure the donation amount is correct.

I'm glad you are safe.  Creeps like this make it hard for the good guys.  Lot's of gals don't check the donation but it's never wrong to.  And watch your own purse & cash too!  If you have good proceedures, you won't look like a 'mark' & hopefully this won't happen again.

What a despicable thing to do. l sure feel bad for you, even if it might have been avoidable...  best to be a little more careful from now on and just put it behind you.  The loser will eventually get what he deserves

There are dishonest guys out there, like there are dishonest escorts. I always thought the first rule is make sure the money is good, before you hang out. That is why you tell him get comfortable, go to the bathroom, and check the contents of the envelope. If it is fake money, you leave immediately.

And things happen when you are new and still learning this business.
Take this experience and learn from it.Everyone has to be screened in some kind of fashion every lady has her own way of screening.Please for your safety take the time to screen or hire someone he could have been dangerous.
And check the envelope everytime discreetly before the appt when he excuses himself to the bathroom or excuse yourself and go to the bathroom.Even if it is someone you have seen before.
Karma will get him...please believe that....people who steal and are dishonest like this will get theirs.
Is he a ter member?
Hang in there it will get better a better appt with a gent who pays and is there for a good time and not someone trying to get something for nothing.

-- Modified on 5/4/2016 11:29:07 PM

I never mind if the provider counts the money before we begin---a lot of guys think it's rude but it never bothers me. Frankly, IMHO it tends to "reassure" the provider that you're not a scam artist and that you're honoring the agreed-upon donation which always helps to start things off on a good vibe!!

Everyone reading this is really feeling for you.  I am just glad he was sick that way, but did not physically harm you.

This is the same guy that scammed my best friend Lexi Lee in Phoenix a few weeks ago. He had ripped off several Az girls and many in Las Vegas. He was going by Curtis. He may have a newhandle now. Some girls reported him having a tazer and a knife. I know you feel violated, but thankfully you are safe. This guy needs to be caught.

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