TER General Board

damn, despite all my best efforts to play this game safelyteeth_smile
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 626 reads

I still got caught by the police.  Fortunately just the Word Police this time - but who knows, if I don't tighten things up, it could be real LE next time...

timesrbetter893 reads

I would try and figure out if she is Bat Shit Crazy, cause the crazy ones are the best sex.

RaymondDonovan899 reads

Feel free to pass on some of them and keep some of your 2 cents to yourself.... It's ok not to know everything. Now we have the "Comment King"....lol

GaGambler852 reads

Too bad she couldn't have found a smarter one.

I hope you know it's better to be known as a smart ass than a dumb ass, but I guess you can take solace in the fact that you most definitely don't know everything, and I hope she rewards you with some OTC time for rushing in to defend her honor. lmao

RaymondDonovan608 reads

So to put down is your MO,that's cool..class clowns get their beat down one day...and you just got yours..so deal with it...Next time just roll your eyes and move on, just like I do.

GaGambler779 reads

what a sheltered life you must have lived.

Of course, what do you expect from a BSU candidate, you guys aren't known for brains or balls. That's why you have to suck up to providers on a fuck board in the slim hopes that one of them might bat her eyes at you and say nice things to for defending her honor.

When you put up that "offensive" comment you actually had been absent from the board for at least a day. So when I saw these two calling you out for posting "on every thread" I wondered WTF they were thinking.
And you know when someone claims to have inflicted a "beat down" they are generally delusional.  The only exception is when I do it. LMAO!

yep. so true.

Posted By: RaymondDonovan
Feel free to pass on some of them and keep some of your 2 cents to yourself.... It's ok not to know everything. Now we have the "Comment King"....lol

Posted By: skarphedin
I would love to answer this, and I am quite open with my clients about this.. we need to set a standard I think.

wrps07814 reads

Does she have health insurance. Does she get a checkup every year. How often does she get STD tests. Is she saving for retirement.

Skyfyre911 reads

First question would be: will I be charged for coffee time?

if I ask you potentially personal questions about the hobby?", before proceeding much further. Some questions are best left for an anonymous forum.  

Which reminds me... new thread coming up!

Can she get those D-backs to move to the right places...and not leave receivers wide open.

I'd also need to know if she can get Jay Cutler to stop dropping the ball or passing it to the other team.

With the right replies I think I can get her an interview with Virginia McCaskey.

And can she spot BSC hookers from a distance.  If she has that skill as well she's got a job moderating the Chicago board.

I trust she's picking up the tab for coffee as well?

Posted By: The kelly
What are the questions about the hobby or her, would you ask?

GaGambler1001 reads

How much business do you actually get by posting blatant threADs on the GD board?

My second question would be, "Can I please have something stronger than coffee?"

My third question would be, "why are you perpetuating the myth that hookers are from another planet, and that having a cup of coffee and simply  "chatting" with a hooker  is such an extraordinary event?"

I would tell you my fourth question, but I am sure you will have left the table after the first three. lmao

I apologize if you're offended by it. I am working on writing a book and I want to make sure the content is stuff that people want to know. This is a good place to research

Posted By: GaGambler
How much business do you actually get by posting blatant threADs on the GD board?

My second question would be, "Can I please have something stronger than coffee?"

My third question would be, "why are you perpetuating the myth that hookers are from another planet, and that having a cup of coffee and simply  "chatting" with a hooker  is such an extraordinary event?"

I would tell you my fourth question, but I am sure you will have left the table after the first three. lmao

It's a legitimate question and is even a little thought provoking.   There is no external link to her website, only the mandatory "see my reviews" link of which she has no control.  Are you saying any lady who posts here is de facto advertising?  It's ok if you want to play board cop.  But do you have any definitions or parameters?  Or are you just cranky?

The answers are much like describing how sausage and American Presidents are made to a young boy.

Panthera12824 reads

Flying qubits and teleporting are obviously out of the question, but any sit downs or serious chats with providers are usually only casually or collaterally related to the hobby. I don't need nor want the baggage but I will have discussions in other areas.

If I asked her anything about herself, it would depend on who I perceived her to be. For instance, the woman I would question about zebras, zorses, and zonkeys I would not ask about hot air balloons because...well, that's hard to explain. Trust me. Many of the questions I still have about life I would save for people who might have definitive answers, and it would be a real roll of the dice that a provider would have that particular expertise.

Often having coffee with a provider results in conversations about money matters or unhappy relationships. Which is fine but usually boring.

GaGambler896 reads

It's for the same reason that hookers call themselves "providers" rather than hookers, Most people here are secretly ashamed of what they do, and they think sugar coating the fact that they fuck prostitutes by sanitizing what they call it will somehow make them feel better about themselves.

Yes, I am a john that fucks hookers, see that isn't so hard now is it?

she is very likely to share a glimpse of "who" she is, and that's cool

Posted By: The kelly
What are the questions about the hobby or her, would you ask?

at almost every session.

I am just REALLY curious as to how a woman could go down this road.  Mind you I am not judging but I am seriously interested as to how one makes that leap.  I mean I need these women to be Providers:)

It all seems to come back to the $$$.  And I get that.  I don't go to work because I like the air there or some HR bullshit about I am "passionate" about my job.  

But it baffles me as to how so many college educated women are Providers.  One would have to admit at some point this is not just about money.  

Many young college-educated women just get on about the business of life at some crappy first or second job and work their way up to wherever they want to go in life.  Most people I know have fond memories of making little or no money starting out and consider that period to be formative in their social/professional development.

So from an existential POV you have to conclude that there is a psychological factor at issue when one chooses to become a Provider.  

Then you add in that some of these women are DAMN good at their job.  And you realize it can't just be the money.  I mean I have left some sessions going damn REALLY!!!!  She did all that for $$$.  

I don't know if its just me but some of these women go above/beyond the necessary.  And trust me I been around - I know sexual BS when I see it.  

When you pay a woman $$$ for sex and she gets mad because you don't pop 2 or 3 times.  That ain't actin' Buckwheat:(  That's the psychological need to sexually dominate a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Just my 2 cents.  Anyone else care to chime in pleas do so.

"The" RT Out

wrps07735 reads

Some providers have told me that they considering being a provider as dating a man. Others told me that if they were not providers they would not be able to have sex because they can't find any good men they want to be with. Every one that I have fucked more than once always asks to see me again.

"When you pay a woman $$$ for sex and she gets mad because you don't pop 2 or 3 times. That ain't  
actin' Buckwheat That's the psychological need to sexually dominate a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"

OK ladies if that is true; please, please I beg of you, sexually dominate me. I'm all in.

JackDunphy724 reads

"How much under your asking price will you take to fk me?"

"Why won't you fk black guys?"

"Now that Rosie's back, do you still watch the 'The View'?"

"Have you ever been in ROGM's car?"


You know, the normal shit.

You go BBFS with all of them?

Really...you were on the Maury Povich show?

How many different stage names are you really using now?

If she was in ROGM's car...I suspect all three of the above questions are fair game.

Posted By: JackDunphy
"How much under your asking price will you take to fk me?"  
 "Why won't you fk black guys?"  
 "Now that Rosie's back, do you still watch the 'The View'?"  
 "Have you ever been in ROGM's car?"  
 You know, the normal shit.

JackDunphy681 reads

the number of stage names is based on how many personas the girl has to fk over unsuspecting johns out of their money for the same piece of ass.  

Not that anyone HERE would ever do that. They wouldn't dare pull that kind of shit then have the ovaries to post on the GD, would they?  

I don't even think ROGM would let those hos in his Yugo.

Jay Cutler would still make a pass at them, but sadly it would be intercepted.

that I don't give two shits about her opinions of the hobby or her future or what makes her feel all warm and fuzzy. NO, not really. I would ask her if she could fall for a guy like me and when can we have kids. NO, not really. I would ask if she has daddy issues and whether or not she really likes taking it in the ass for money. NO, not really. Good God!!! I completely just talked myself out of it. Why would I want to chat with a whore?

Posted By: balljointnut
that I don't give two shits about her opinions of the hobby or her future or what makes her feel all warm and fuzzy. NO, not really. I would ask her if she could fall for a guy like me and when can we have kids. NO, not really. I would ask if she has daddy issues and whether or not she really likes taking it in the ass for money. NO, not really. Good God!!! I completely just talked myself out of it. Why would I want to chat with a whore?
Here is my question... why are you on this site spewing venom??? You seriously just cock blocked yourself from quality providers with that attitude...

I have to say... most of these answers sound a little bit like a college- bromance...

Just add “during the act," to some effect, regarding the hobby after each question; here they are:

1. What is your favorite word? (during the act)
2. What is your least favorite word? (during the act)
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? (during the act)
4. What turns you off? (during the act)
5. What is your favorite curse word? (during the act)
6. What sound or noise do you love? (during the act)
7. What sound or noise do you hate? (during the act)
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? (Beyond, during the act)
9. What profession would you not like to do? (an act not worth living)
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? (When the act is no more

never wanted to talk about that so I avoid the subject.  

only once did a provider "spill the beans" on her life story/escort history.

Posted By: The kelly
What are the questions about the hobby or her, would you ask?

It says, some guy named "Anonymous".

I guess he was one of those ancient Greeks fellows.

I wish I had read past chapter 4 before I got married, that's for sure.

I end up sitting down having coffee (and stonger stuff) with gals all the time.

We end up talking about all kinds of stuff, little of which I can recall afterwards, but I do recall enjoying it as it went along.

I think this proverb from the courts probably applies to small talk with escorts as well:

Never ask a question unless you know what the answer is already.

It will spare our itty-bitty feelings.

..and I am interested in war stories.

Banking720 reads

Its not a date.  I'm going to lie, you're going to lie, hopefully that part goes quickly and then you get me off a few times, and you pretend to let me get you off.

I would ask her what SHE would like to do on a date.  What would be her ideal date if she got to choose.  We know most of the time that they are pleasing us.  So what would please them, just curious...

Posted By: The kelly
What are the questions about the hobby or her, would you ask?

For various reasons I told a girl it was "her session" and to pick what she wanted to do.  One wanted to be a naughty schoolgirl, caught teasing the boys and forced to give up her virginity.  The other wanted me to be her "ex," who was missing her and wanted to see her again.
The results in both cases were wonderful, at least for me.  The girls seemed to like it, too.

After getting to know a girl - and if there is some connection and trust - I'll try to alternate choices of activities with her.

Some very creative ladies have shown me some great times.

Recently she got a couple of third row tickets to a concert by one of our favorite blues singers, otc, as a prelude to our evening.

truthful answers would be provided - to differentiate from other provider-client conversations.

Honestly, there are many many questions I'd like to know the answer to in the hypothetical, as I like people and their stories and certainly each provider has a unique story to tell.  Truth be told though, the answers might make me MORE interested in the provider "the person" but LESS interested in paying to have sex with her.  While this hobby is clearly about the $, if it is only 100% about that for a lady, and everything else is just purely grin-and-bear-it, then I wouldn't want to spend P4P time with that lady.

Aren’t they normal people.

Some are smart as hell and carry on intelligent conversation. I always have fun.

Some of the answers were insightful, some were nasty and unrelated.Regardless, I appreciate all of them. Thank yo

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