TER General Board

Charlie is a girl sweetie. Pay attention to the thread...e
JackDunphy 1022 reads

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 10:20:41 PM

I am constantly surprised at how expensive over night rates are relative to hourly rates.  A typical situation will be a provider that charges 350 per hour and 3000 for an overnight.  That suggests to me that the provider thinks of an overnight as the equivalent of about 9 hourly sessions.  But I would think that an overnight would be a lot easier, less tiring, less work, and more pleasant than 9 hour-long sessions and if so that providers would charge less than noted above for overnights. After all, 9 sessions is 2 full days of work, maybe more.  And, as a client, at that price structure, I am going to go for 9 hourly sessions rather than an overnight

13rdrf1278 reads

what if the guy snores or farts all night long and the provider cannot sleep or breathe:)?

Meahsky1134 reads

Logically stated.


Realistic overnight rates go for 1000.  

Your logic is spot on.

Never again. The guy thought I was in love, because if have him a discounted rate, AND complained that I wasn't a freak all night long in the sack. We had a morning adventure and a night adventure.  

He then proceeded to threaten to blast my info all over the internet, and said very mean things over the internet.

I already had a deposit for the next appointment, and offered to return it to him. He proceeded to email me very mean emails, yet never told me how to get the money to him.

He then emailed two months later and copied four other ladies, telling them crazy things about me.

Every guy I've ever made a deal with has stayed way over, and later used the discount for reasoning to get serious discounts.

They are all no longer my clients. We don't speak, email, or talk.

It very rarely worked out.

Posted By: phi68psi
 Realistic overnight rates go for 1000.    
 Your logic is spot on.
-- Modified on 1/15/2015 12:43:54 PM

JackDunphy951 reads

why would it be "very inaccurate to state to negotiate."

What does "negotiation" have to do with "inaccuracy"????

Not following your point Elle.

JackDunphy1045 reads

Many, many ladies negotiate and do so to their benefit.  

Elle, you would have no way of knowing what the "majority" of girls do.  

I think its best to speak for yourself.



-- Modified on 1/15/2015 1:41:54 PM

And I suppose it's appropriate for her to speak for the MANY ladies who state clearly that it is not ok to negotiate.

My overnights are 5x my hourly rate for a 12-14 hour date.  That is 7-9 hours FREE.  If someone wanted to negotiate, I would either hit delete... or, should I have a glass of wine in me, shoot back a snarky response before hitting delete.


When you are ready to acknowledge that everything is negotiable is when I would consider you a real business person.

Until then you're just another person who somehow doesn't get what business is all about.  I trust you would never ever use Priceline for your hotels....heaven forbid  LOL

But yet you post that someone who pays 5x your hourly rate is getting 7-9 hours free.  Where is your logic in free?  Seems all you're doing is discounting your hourly rates for longer sessions.  

Seems you and many others are conflicted with how to actually conduct business.  

Still doesn't mean that we can't have a fun exchange resulting in nothing.  If one doesn't ask...one generally doesn't receive.

Posted By: SolaLove
And I suppose it's appropriate for her to speak for the MANY ladies who state clearly that it is not ok to negotiate.  
 My overnights are 5x my hourly rate for a 12-14 hour date.  That is 7-9 hours FREE.  If someone wanted to negotiate, I would either hit delete... or, should I have a glass of wine in me, shoot back a snarky response before hitting delete.  

Do you drive over to their store, tell them that they don't know how to run a business, and then insist that they're really just giving you two items at half price, not one free? Come on...

BOGO's are simply marketing tools...often not creating a real value to an astute customer.

I thought you knew better!

Those ads are for you, and those like you.  There's no shortage of uninformed consumers.

Posted By: OhCharlie
Do you drive over to their store, tell them that they don't know how to run a business, and then insist that they're really just giving you two items at half price, not one free? Come on...

For "smart" business women...some of these gals have NO clue how business works

Saying we don't know how to run a business and shouldn't charge so much, then you turn around and do the same thing over using marketing to our advantage? Make up your mind, don't just try to argue.  

I would also love to know how an "astute customer" behaves, since you don't think they do exactly as you suggest, and look for good deals. How are customers who know what they want, and get it for the price they want, uninformed? Simply because they like something different than you or I? I would also love to know what an "astute consumer" like yourself does to get a better deal than buy one get one free. Do you walk into the store, berate the manager, and get yourself a better deal than that? Do you have some secret website where you can buy shirts at less than wholesale? If you have a serious answer to back this statement up, I would like to hear it. Telling me I'm stupid doesn't count though.  

I appreciate that you like to negotiate. There really is nothing wrong with asking because some will take it (IMO, obviously everyone feels different), but you are really grasping at straws here just for the sake of it unless you can explain your flip flopping.

I could care less what anyone posts as a rate...I have said that repeatedly.  What I have said is that I don't see how negotiating is not something that many savvy (smart) business people do.  How you see that as being argumentative....well, that is puzzling.

As for an astute customer...you are echoing what i have discussed.  When a consumer decides they want a product/service, many now have the opportunity to compare those prices without ever visiting the vendor.  When a service vendor quotes a price however...the smart (savvy) consumer will take that quote and compare it prior to simply accepting their "generous" offer.  And in many cases (at least with the vast professional contacts I have known over the years) a service provider is open to discussing (negotiating) their initial quote.  Again a smart consumer (customer) is one who is informed.  And certainly NOT afraid to negotiate with anyone.

As for berating some store manager...nope.  I simply prefer to discuss prices with the owner.  That's the real decision maker.  You should try it sometime.

Why you are suggesting you're stupid seems to say quite a bit about your self-esteem.  I don't believe I have ever said, or suggested that you are stupid.

I don't flip flop generally.  Unless someone can succinctly show me that my original hypothesis is in error.  You haven't done that so far.

Posted By: OhCharlie
Saying we don't know how to run a business and shouldn't charge so much, then you turn around and do the same thing over using marketing to our advantage? Make up your mind, don't just try to argue.  
 I would also love to know how an "astute customer" behaves, since you don't think they do exactly as you suggest, and look for good deals. How are customers who know what they want, and get it for the price they want, uninformed? Simply because they like something different than you or I? I would also love to know what an "astute consumer" like yourself does to get a better deal than buy one get one free. Do you walk into the store, berate the manager, and get yourself a better deal than that? Do you have some secret website where you can buy shirts at less than wholesale? If you have a serious answer to back this statement up, I would like to hear it. Telling me I'm stupid doesn't count though.  
 I appreciate that you like to negotiate. There really is nothing wrong with asking because some will take it (IMO, obviously everyone feels different), but you are really grasping at straws here just for the sake of it unless you can explain your flip flopping.

"Google it". How do you think people find us?? Who do you think they're talking to when they inquire? Hahahaha, astute, average, same thing, right?

All you do is call people stupid and flip flop for the sake of an argument. Thanks for playing though. We have all been THOROUGHLY educated.

Prices are posted publicly as a starting point....and for reference on how comparable products/services are priced.

Sorry you don't understand this.

I am available for consulting.  I don't believe you can afford my hourly rate however...but as I have stated here, speak your case and I'll probably find a way to accommodate you.  I have spent my entire life negotiating, haggling and arguing with others over the price of their products/services.  Don't worry about offending me with a low ball price either...that's how the game is played.

It's just business.  Perhaps you should try reading up on this.  Or just continue arguing the lack of merit that you continue to invoke.  It's easier that way.

Posted By: OhCharlie
"Google it". How do you think people find us?? Who do you think they're talking to when they inquire? Hahahaha, astute, average, same thing, right?  
 All you do is call people stupid and flip flop for the sake of an argument. Thanks for playing though. We have all been THOROUGHLY educated.

JackDunphy935 reads

She is obviously a very young and inexperienced gal whom I am sure her guys suck up to her to some degree. She's not wise on business matters and thus comes the anger.

In time, she will see the error of her ways. Or not.

But whatever she thinks now, she will think differently when she experiences other things in life and matures.

It's not her fault really. There is no substitute for experience and she doesn't really have any at this point.

I just hope it happens faster for her than what is apparent in these boards b/c she posts even younger than her stated age.

But as you comment...lack of experience are keeping her from understanding the intricacies of business.

I'm sure she thinks that she is a real business person too.

I guess the old saying that youth is wasted on the young is true  ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
She is obviously a very young and inexperienced gal whom I am sure her guys suck up to her to some degree. She's not wise on business matters and thus comes the anger.  
 In time, she will see the error of her ways. Or not.  
 But whatever she thinks now, she will think differently when she experiences other things in life and matures.  
 It's not her fault really. There is no substitute for experience and she doesn't really have any at this point.  
 I just hope it happens faster for her than what is apparent in these boards b/c she posts even younger than her stated age.

JackDunphy1003 reads

And why am I paying you? Does she know something I don't? Should I place a stop pay on that check?

Come on. Come clean bro.

I believed him when he told me using an abacus was actually high tech and made my tax returns even more accurate. I feel like such a putz.

Charlotte is actually one of the more intelligent gals I've had the opportunity to meet -- in the hobby or not.  

I'm glad she doesn't display her best because I doubt this board could appreciate it

And I have a legitimate financial advisor, thank you very much. Not some Podunk who plays one for desperate hookers.  

Let's see... Make a valid argument, circle jerk with Jack. So many hard decisions today for our little whodafuk

Congratulations....capitulation was expected.

Of course you have a financial advisor...JLS?

Get those deposits...shorten a tour that is a disaster...promise to make it up...change websites.

You're learning from the master  LOL

You can look at it as you will, I do consider those hours "free".  

Using my hourly rate, overnights would be $4800-$5600.  I offer them for $2k.  Anyone who doesn't think that's one hell of a deal?  Go see someone else.


JackDunphy868 reads

But I m sure you hold firm at 2g's, right Sola?

If a good client offered $1800 you would DNS him? Or would you "tank" the session? LOL

Rent payments are due...the car needs fixing...shoes to buy  LOL

Oh what's a gal to do  ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
But I m sure you hold firm at 2g's, right Sola?  
 If a good client offered $1800 you would DNS him? Or would you "tank" the session? LOL

hotplants1001 reads

Don’t BE a pussy. Save up to 60% on one now!

For Deeper Discounts - Name Your Own Price and jack-off at home alone.  


JackDunphy835 reads

I save about 25% from what the softer johns are willing to spend.  

How much do you save when you negotiate plants?

hotplants1124 reads

For $19.95 per month (less than 1 penny per day!), I’ll share my secrets for negotiation free pussy.  

If you call in the next 5 minutes, I’ll double my full rate and let you negotiate it down by 25%. That's right!  

Don't wait. CALL NOW!!!! 1-976-FRE-EVAG

(Limited time only. 1 to a customer

JackDunphy909 reads

NOBODY wants your pussy.  

Not even for $19.95/month. :D :D :D :D

hotplants933 reads

not even at a discount? I guess I'll have to learn how to live again. Somehow.

JackDunphy888 reads

I'd have to get you liquored up first as I really cant believe you are this sour 24/7, but I could be wrong.

I have TONS of lesbian jokes too. Ok check this out:

How can you tell you’re in a lesbian bar?

Even the pool table has no balls.


And if there is ever a lull In the convo we can always talk about our mutual love for pussy plants. :

hotplants891 reads

A man sitting at a bar sees two lovely women across the room. He says to the bartender: I want to buy those two a drink.

Bartender says: Won’t do you any good. They’re lesbians.

Man says: I don’t care. I want to buy them a drink.

Bartender brings drinks to the women, and they acknowledge with a nod. A while later the guy approaches and says he’d like to buy them another drink.  

Both women reply: Won’t do any good. We’re lesbians.

Man asks: What are lesbians?

The women answer: We like pussy.

Man says: Bartender—-three beers for us lesbians!

I don't believe that a penny a day equals $ 19.95 for 30 days  LOL

I'd fire your ad agency immediately  ;)

And find someone who can add....no wonder you pay full price!

Posted By: hotplants
For $19.95 per month (less than 1 penny per day!), I’ll share my secrets for negotiation free pussy.  
 If you call in the next 5 minutes, I’ll double my full rate and let you negotiate it down by 25%. That's right!  
 Don't wait. CALL NOW!!!! 1-976-FRE-EVAG  
 (Limited time only. 1 to a customer)  

If they asked I would tank the session, or reply with a lecture on negotiating..

JackDunphy977 reads

My knowledge of business is that the CUSTOMER determines what is, or what is not "value" and "exceptional value" to boot.

Tell me, when you buy your dresses say, do YOU determine value or does the dress salesman determine it for you? Hmmm....

Seems like you have things ass backwards Sola.  

No surprise. Many girls here don't understand the customer service part of p4p.

Those girls think its all about "them." ;)

If the "value" is not there for a client, he should just move along - as I clearly state on my website.  No harm, no foul.  However pushing clearly stated boundaries, such as the request to not discuss rates?  I would consider you rude and disrespectful at best, dangerous at worst

JackDunphy787 reads

And please tell the gals whose pocket I line on a regular basis at less than their "requested" rate how "dangerous" I am. Lol.

They would get a kick out of that as they pay the rent with that money or pay for a sick child.  

But they shouldn't worry too much. I am sure you would be there for them if I chose to go to their competitor next week. Lol

After years of offering references, directly referring clients out to friends, arranging peer support events and skill-share educational opportunities for ladies, fundraising to take care of health needs for ladies and their children in need (not to mention coordinating funds for them to attend various educational functions), my recent forays into direct street outreach, etc etc...

Many ladies might just value my "being there for them" as much as any single client.

And if not?

I'm ok with that.

JackDunphy899 reads

I would be flattered if someone offered my and my biz big bucks but you seem offended for some bizarre reason.

Are you really bigger and better than the rest of the world that does negotiate?

Sad you look down on these people.

But guess your life is so put together you can make these silly statements of yours.

Maybe I should be flattered!

I have no issues with anyone who feels my price is out of their range.

Over the years I have thought long and hard about my rates and have set them at the minimum that I need to stay happy and to have the volume of business I need.  My rates are not arbitrary.  Even so, I have no issues someone who doesn't perceive the screaming deals I offer on extended dates.  

I do have issues with someone who would ignore the CLEAR request on my site to not discuss money.

It's not about bigger and better, I'm suspecting someone in this conversation has their ego wrapped up in it all -- and it ain't me.

JackDunphy1029 reads

There is a gal on one of the regional boards who is having trouble getting $250 per her post. You don't think 2k is a lot of money to her? Or a woman with a sick child? Or a gal that was laid off from her civie job?

Yeah, Ms Snoot in the Air, 2k is a lot of money to many in this biz.  

Sorry you think yoir shit doesn't smell. Bring your nose back down out of the clouds and maybe you'll smell the stench

Did I say $2k wasn't a lot of money? No. $2k is real money.  However if you think it's enough money to reevaluate a business plan (quote, "a ton of money") your economy scale puts overnights out of reach, and thus your acrimony is better understood.

I well understand that it is a lot of money to some.  I don't consider $2k "a ton of money."  How do you get from  there to ASSuming shit about my character?  

You want free time with me?  I challenge you to a test of character - join me on on the streets handing out socks and soap and condoms.  Donate your expertise or money for the next outreach project peer support that I decide to organize.  I won't even charge you for the time.

What are YOU doing for that poor lady desperate for $250?
Feel free to have her email me.

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 7:52:31 PM

JackDunphy836 reads

And all it took was a dick poster. Welcome to "human" honey.

And no, I already made clear I want to spend zero time in your presence, even for free.

I like girls without anger management issues and who are fun.

Sorry sweetie. You don't fit the role.

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 11:22:03 PM

I see.  You don't want to do or financially support outreach to those in need, but if they're desperate enough to negotiate their rates with you, you'll stick your cock in an orifice to help the poor lass out.

Got it.

You may be riled up, but I just happened to be bored and procrastinating a protest letter to the city tonight.  Did you know that the City of Seattle has changed the terminology of "patronizing a prostitute" to be "sexual exploitation"?  Now THAT has my dander up!  You?  You're just my toy tonight.  Thanks for playing!

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 9:34:56 PM

hotplants776 reads

This post is right up there with a 5 yr old telling mommy he's going to run away from home and, boy, is she gonna be sorry when he's gone.  

Ya know jack, if YOU stopped being such a fucking dick, ALL_the_time, you might find women have more fun around you. Might even go a long way towards clearing up some of these (self-inflicted) negative responses you attribute to others' ....umm...lack of anger management.  

Trust me. I'm not lying.....sweetie....lol...

hotplants1162 reads

Talk about talking shit out of your ass.

I don't care what you charge by the hour when seeking a multi-hour date.  I only determine what I'm willing to pay for the service.

If you're able to get enough dudes to pay you $ 2k to sleep and shit...that's great.  Is it a value?  Not for me, nor for many others.  However, if you get the desired results then it's a winner for you.

As I just told Charlie...no shortage of uninformed consumers.

Posted By: SolaLove
You can look at it as you will, I do consider those hours "free".    
 Using my hourly rate, overnights would be $4800-$5600.  I offer them for $2k.  Anyone who doesn't think that's one hell of a deal?  Go see someone else.  

JackDunphy1303 reads

are the very same ones who actually do negotiate in private. LOL

Its all a just a dog and pony show to stand with the girls in unity. If those other gals really knew what you and I know! :D

Just a few months ago a gal was on the NB saying how she lets guys "buy down dates" but she NEVER negotiates. LOL. Oh....ok.  

One persons "buy down" is another's negotiation I guess! :D

GaGambler859 reads

See that is really the point, EVERYONE negotiates at some point. It's just a matter of at what point, and who has the leverage at the moment.

Would you negotiate over a hundred bucks? of course not, but would you negotiate over a million? Quite a different matter isn't it.

Now let's say times were REALLY tough for you, I bet your threshold over WHEN you would negotiate would be a lot lower than when times are good.

None of this is bad, or wrong. It's simply a fact of life. I have to negotiate all the time in my business, and I never allow an insulting offer to actually insult me personally. Although sometimes I will tell them quite politely to FUCK OFF, the same as you. but times change and just like some oil properties that were for sale but only at "full price" and no lesser offers accepted or even considered are now going for millions less than they were just a few months ago. It's not personal, it's just business.

Yes, I will negotiate 3+ day vacation - because it's not an option clearly listed on my website, and that conversation would have to happen in some form.  For anything less than what is listed on my website - I would cut you loose as a client for asking for a discount.

If times were REALLY tough for me?  I would lean on one of my other businesses for cash flow or even sell some of my liquid assets long before I would negotiate on any session.  Yes, believe it or not, some of us hos have options and other places to turn for our survival.

Honestly?  I think gents who try to negotiate are disrespectful.  I set the value of what my time is worth.  If it is not worth it to you I understand completely - and I ask that you kindly move along.  If you can't accept that request, you are an asshole.  "Gents" who try to negotiate are trying to prey on the potential desperation of a lady - as per all the "if rent is due..." comments.  It disgusts me.  If a lady is feeling a pinch, it is well in her rights and options to offer a special.

GaGambler1023 reads

and you can bet your ass that when times are tough, I will negotiate my time.

Honestly? I think hookers that think their shit doesn't stink are disrespectful to their customers and immediately go on my MUST MISS list. I work hard for my money, and although I make more than any hooker I have ever met, or ever will meet. I still respect the value of a dollar and if I were as rigid in my dealings as some of you hookers "claim" to be, I would have gone under years ago.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts she doesn't even know what a liquid asset is.

I'll also be that this is her sole source of income...and that when the rent is due her idea of hitting her "other business" for cash is calling, actually texting or emailing, one of her mangina johns crying about how her rent is due and can he come over for a few hours...in exchange for enough to cover her rent.

Yep...some of these maniacs are so delusional that they reek of the entitlement virus.  I'll bet she couldn't even afford to get her GPS flu shot this year.

Posted By: GaGambler
and you can bet your ass that when times are tough, I will negotiate my time.  

Honestly? I think hookers that think their shit doesn't stink are disrespectful to their customers and immediately go on my MUST MISS list. I work hard for my money, and although I make more than any hooker I have ever met, or ever will meet. I still respect the value of a dollar and if I were as rigid in my dealings as some of you hookers "claim" to be, I would have gone under years ago.

JackDunphy840 reads

Can you imagine being so "disrespected" by a client or potential client? I wish they dissed me every fkin day like that. Lol

She clearly doesn't know what she is talking about and doesn't know how the world works.  

But my real hunch is she has gotten low balled too much lately and is trying to put a stop to it publicly,,At least.. Maybe in her mind the "offers" will rise a bit by so bitterly complaining here? Yeah, maybe some soft johns will buy in.

No, I am sure she takes nothing less than every red cent she "requests."  

Just like every hooker and business does. LOL

"he's fat, old and ugly"

Simply rhetoric from someone who has no idea how to prove a point.

Charlie's trying the same technique up above...although she's trying harder.  And at least hasn't devolved to the "you're disrespectful" nonsense.

She does seem to have me confused with the assholes here who seem to think every gal is stupid.  It's not every gal...or guy.  Just those that can't make a case, or won't stop digging when they are in that hole.

Disrespectful....gotta love it  LOL

Posted By: JackDunphy
Can you imagine being so "disrespected" by a client or potential client? I wish they dissed me every fkin day like that. Lol  
 She clearly doesn't know what she is talking about and doesn't know how the world works.  
 But my real hunch is she has gotten low balled too much lately and is trying to put a stop to it publicly,,At least.. Maybe in her mind the "offers" will rise a bit by so bitterly complaining here? Yeah, maybe some soft johns will buy in.  
 No, I am sure she takes nothing less than every red cent she "requests."  
 Just like every hooker and business does. LOL

JackDunphy1045 reads

So she has moved past "disrespectful" and onto "dangerous." LOL

Simply because I would make her an offer of potentially thousands of dollars.  

At the speed that the Sola train is moving right now, she should be in BSCville by midnight. Lol

Hey, if a lady does not make the CLEAR request to not negotiate?  Knock yourself out!

If a lady makes a CLEAR request that you not?  It is disrespectful to do so.

If you can't understand that?  Please, by all means - put me on your DNS list.

Super simple.

JackDunphy927 reads

The ladies make clear that they won't fk me for money on their disclaimer.

Should I ask them if they do it for free then?

I mean it's on their website so it must be true, right Sola?

I think that after twelve years in this business, I do have a sense of how the world works.  Or at least, how the world works for me.  And you know what?  I love my work because I have found the ways that DO make it work for me.

I simply don't get low balled, I rarely interact with discussion board "hobbyists" (as you can see from the number of reviews that I get), and thus have no interest in trying to manipulate the boards to stop the non-existent low balling that I get.

My experience is just mine.  This is how my world works.  I can only speak for myself, not "every hooker and business."

You are one of the assholes I was referring to who assumes that all hos are desperate and have no other viable means of survival.  I have assets that are in various stages of liquidity - savings, money market, IRA, real estate...

This is one of just three different business that I operate.  While the most pleasurable by far, I definitely still consider it a business.

I do not discuss my "rent" with clients, and I do not ever schedule sessions "within a few hours."  The day I need to cry to a client about my financial state asking for a bail out is the day I will retire.

You wouldn't lie.

What exactly is a corporate accountant?

Just an FYI...real estate is NOT a liquid asset. Nor is an IRA for that matter.  And why would you just have an IRA...a brilliant ex-corporate accountant like you would have set up his/her SEP.  That allows for much larger contributions based on your earnings.  Maybe you set up a Corp...then you might consider other vehicles like a 401k plan.  You do have some earnings...don't you?

I also know you don't discuss your rent with clients...it's called "honey, can I see you soon.  I miss you so much".  

No charge for that either.  I doubt you could afford my rates.

Posted By: SolaLove
You are one of the assholes I was referring to who assumes that all hos are desperate and have no other viable means of survival.  I have assets that are in various stages of liquidity - savings, money market, IRA, real estate...  
 This is one of just three different business that I operate.  While the most pleasurable by far, I definitely still consider it a business.  
 I do not discuss my "rent" with clients, and I do not ever schedule sessions "within a few hours."  The day I need to cry to a client about my financial state asking for a bail out is the day I will retire.

Of course IRA and real estate is not liquid, I specifically referred to "various states of liquidity", diversification.  Some chips I can cash in Now, some would take a couple of months, some are long range investments that would cost me too much to cash out unless it were an emergency.  Regardless of where my assets lie on that scale, I would not take the quick fix of allowing a client to low ball me because I need rent.  

"honey, can I see you soon.  I miss you so much"

This only speaks to the type of ladies that you see, that you would get such emails.  The only unsolicited emails that I send (aside of my opt-in newsletter) are more along the lines of,  
"How did your dogs surgery go?"
"Your 6-visit prepay package is up for renewal.  Shall we look at good times to meet?"

As to affording your rates?  I wouldn't offer you $1.

hotplants971 reads

She is still here. She's comfortable with what she's doing and how she's doing it.  

In all sincerity---I cannot fathom why it is that jack, who and---even you, apparently....have such a hard time accepting a provider that is comfortable charging what she charges, and is not interested in negotiating.

The fact that a provider prefers not to negotiate $ physical access to her body has nothing to do with thinking her 'shit doesn't stink'. Her body is NOT a widget. She can choose to do with it what she wants. The only person who can place a value on her body is her. HER.  

Is it really that hard to accept a woman telling you "NO?"? What then? What is all of this ugliness about?  

Try to negotiate if you like. Go for it. Knock yourselves out. Slap yourselves on the back if you get a discount.  

But, if a woman tells you she is not interested in negotiating...move the fuck on. Let it go

JackDunphy981 reads

Do you really think what a hooker says on this board is what they do behind the scenes? Or what they put on their websites is written in stone?

How many hookers here say they won't exchange sex for money? So they are giving us free sex or are they bullshiting?

Even you can figure this out. Why do you think so many gals are so apoplectic about this topic? It's THEM that can't let it go.

If they tell the lie long enough and loud enough, they hope softer johns or the know nothing crowd with their candles in hand will just wilt and pay MSRP for all.

I know you are smarter than this plants.

Be honest here and just tell me I am right on this one. Don't front for the hookers. You know the real deal.

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 9:16:54 PM

hotplants854 reads

You believe ALL hookers are lying...about everything. Fine and good. You've made that clear.  

I don't know what ALL providers do behind the scenes. But neither do you. You don't. You keep saying you do. But you don't. Whether a provider is willing to negotiate an hrly rate, or a weekly rate, or is not open to any negotiation at all, is completely irrelevant to me. IRRELEVANT. That is ENTIRELY her business.  

The amount of time you spend trying to prove all hookers are lying about negotiating is surreal. Not to mention that continuously challenging every singly woman who says she doesn't negotiate is ridiculously futile. Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn't.

The true test is to lowball her rate and see what she says. And, as I keep saying---go for it.

JackDunphy920 reads

Why did you dodge my point? You know I am right and just can't say a dick poster is right so of course you want to say "that's not remotely the point." Lol

Remember these aren't "just" women plants. They are small business owners. So they are out here bloviating their bullshit and you want to give them a pass but some of us don't.

If everything on their website is gospel, why do they say no sex for money? They are lying plants. Just like they lie about negotiating but they want it both ways.

They want to negotiate it privately but deny it publicly.  

There hair is on fire because we are speaking the truth.  

Think about this last thing. If we were full of shit, they would just ignore us.

But they don't. They type dozens of posts to try and convince future clients not to haggle.

Well you can condone it but I call bullshit on it.

Me thinks they protest too too too too too much. LOL

hotplants1122 reads

I mean..that shit has got be heavy to carry around. Do you worry about weight limitations on elevators?



-- Modified on 1/15/2015 3:07:30 PM

But most gals post that this is ONLY for their time.

Guess all those reviews discussing things like BBBJ and MISH are free?

Or did they not happen at all?

JackDunphy925 reads

Yes, Sola, many here deny in public what they do everyday in private.  

No shock there

You are only paying for her time and nothing more?

JackDunphy1054 reads

And our interpretation is that "no negotiating" on websites is meaningless because you gals don't even follow your own rules! :D

GaGambler1068 reads

Car dealerships PREFER it when their customers pay full sticker price without a peep out of them as well. And I am sure that car salesmen will also agree that their "best" customers deal that way. Does that really mean that the guy who only pays $500 over invoice is a "cheap client" not worthy of the same service?

The seller NEVER wants to negotiate, a good buyer always knows their is usually some wiggle room. Just because it's your pussy you are selling/renting or excuse me "your time" doesn't change a thing.

the lady has her prices written, A guy trying to see if she will give special rates for him.

maybe she will but her rates are posted and in end she isnt gonna feel good about lowering her standards to please some one,

I never feel good about the specials i do for people after and get angry i did it after.

But many people enjoy the art of negotiation as well.

If you don't like it, that's fine.

Plenty of others do!

hobby999951 reads

With about a 50% success rate.  And only did it when the ladies were out of my hobby budget, and I was very straight-forward and honest about this.  My still very generous offer was essentially a counter offer.  Perhaps this is negotiation, but it's not haggling.  Haggling is something you do in a street market in Budapest.  Not for high-priced luxury items.  Or think of making a house deal - you negotiate that, it's not haggling.  Also, wouldn't do this with every lady out of my budget who caught my fancy, but just a VERY select few who it was worth the risk of hearing a "no" from - nothing ventured, nothing lost.  And it has worked out a couple times, so pretty hard to argue against that.  Also, this helped me to check my biggest bucket list ladies off, so I really don't have any overwhelming "must see" ladies left right now.  And now that I've been with the hottest ladies I've ever seen, other 10s will have a pull, but not as strong as before I'd seen my first Playboy ++ quality ladies, not enough to make me want to negotiate or to go over my budget.  Also, I should note, if a lady clearly stated that she didn't negotiate, I've always respected this and just moved on if she was over my budget.

I never quite understood that equation either... I think my overnight rate is pretty reasonable, I enjoy the no rush no worry that comes with overnights, almost like a siesta from life. Even better when it includes good food, a night on the town and quality company :

Of a provider I've seen a few times. Then i started thinking of it from the ladies' point of view. As Tallguy implies, it may not be the most romantic time that can be had and they may not want to spend a whole night with a virtual stranger.   I think a high price is a way of saying they don't really want to do it.

I like the reply I received from SkinnyMinnie a few weeks ago when I asked precisely what is the "fantasy" everybody refers to?  Her answer is that we get to see each other at our best.    The overnight introduces the bedhead, the farts, going to the bathroom, no makeup for the lady, etc.   An overnight could ruin the fantasy for some and I can see why a lady would prefer not to do it.  

Personally, I don't care about any of the above.   Silly to pay to sleep next to a woman?   It depends on who it is, I happen to like - dare I say it? - cuddling.    To each his/her own.

Funny913 reads

I agree with your point in principle.  It is very similar to when a provider charges $500 per hour or $800 for two, and then you ask for her couples ratee and its $1,000 per hour, period.  That tells me that she really sin't into seeing couples if she is charging more than double her normal rate.  The same could apply here.  In one hour, chemistry isn't that big of a deal, she's in and out - pun intended.  In an overnight, there is much more of a risk that she has committed to being with some for 9, 10, or 14 hours, that she really dispises.

you see you are paying for their time.

I think it has to do with whether or not the gal enjoys them or not.

Also many gals do not even advertise an overnight rate and prefer to work it out on an individual after she has gotten to know him so she can determine whether she enjoys being with him or not.

I might, if I had the money, do a 3-4 hour session at night and then have her come back for another hour or two in the morning, but unless she was not only providing but was a trusted friend as well who wasn't On the Clock.  Why pay for something you are unconcious for?

GaGambler874 reads

and lots of people do not.

I am somewhere in the middle. I LIKE to sleep next to a hottie, AND I like nothing more than starting off my day with sex, but would I pay standard rates for the privilege? Not likely.

I do overnights all the time, and on average I pay about 3-4 times the ladies hourly rate for the pleasure of her company for the entire evening. Now if I were asked to pay lets say 8 times her hourly rate, I would most likely pass, but that is not the case, so I enjoy them frequently. Each to their own.

If you hobby long enough (and you have) you'll discover that rate structures are all subjective. How much should I be compensated for the amount of time I am spending with a client.

While what you describe is one example of a rate structure ($350 for an hour and 3,000 for an overnight), I've seen just as many ladies who take the opposite approach. These ladies may charge $300 for an hour, $700 for a 4-5 hour dinner package and $1200 for a 12 hour overnight extravaganza. Heck, I've seen $400 an hour ladies, offer overnights for as little as $800.  Longer appointments are encouraged and desired.    

There is no point in trying analyze rate structures. Some do not even make sense from 1 hour to the next. All that matters is if you are comfortable as the client paying what the lady is requesting for the time spent. If you are comfortable, don't worry about whether the rate structure makes logical sense, If you aren't comfortable paying the price, don't and move on to the next lady. In your example, for whatever her reasons (again doesn't matter) this lady does not wish to entice her clients into an overnight session. Thus she is placing a price premium if you want to stay the night. Other ladies want to encourage longer dates. No rules.

hey want the overnight, can afford it, and just do it.

I've seen $8,000-$10,000 overnights - $14,000 weekends, $48,000 for a week

JackDunphy901 reads

No need to do that in the case you describe.

I don't pay hookers to sleep or read or shop on my dime but some guys do. But if you do, negotiate it down if you want.

I'd rather see the girl at night for 4 hours and have her come back the next morning for a few more. All the benefits of the overnighter without the over inflated price tag.

Jack needs to get his sleep and some hooker snoring in his ear all nite hampers that effort. No need, bro.

GaGambler860 reads

but eliminates the need for her to have to get up and leave, only to have to come back a few hours later.

I really can't imagine paying any more for an overnight date than I would for two multi hour dates. After all, I am rarely a "fuck all night" kind of guy, I need my sleep as well, so why not just sleep together? Not with the meter running at several hundred dollars an hour of course. lol

One other reason I like overnights is that I drink, sometimes a date and I will drink "a lot" and while I don't have any problems performing while drunk, I often have problems finishing, especially if it's a date where we have sex, and then go out to eat/drink/etc and then come back, have sex again before falling asleep. MANY times finishing after excessive drinking is all but impossible, so it's great to be able to wake up and be able to finish what I started the night before. I know that non drunks won't have any idea what I am talking about, so fuck them, I wasn't talking to them anyhow. lol

JackDunphy888 reads

A few have stayed, and I am fine with that, but like you, I would still stick to the original agreement re: money.

I just sleep much better alone and prefer it that way. But some girls I was doing a favor b/c they didn't care enough about the $/time to leave.  

There were making great money off of 6 total hours so rather than them doing the travel thing in the morning, they just chilled in my crib.

Again, not my preference, but if a girl asks to stay and understands no more compensation is coming, I don't turn them down.

I don't think this idea is very popular with certain NB gals however. LOL

Just a guess. :)

And that is simply not having to get up and leave (or she leaves you) after the deed is done.   Just knowing that the two of you, after a wild and tiring romp, can then lie there and fall asleep while embracing each other, which is impossible in even an extended 3 or 4 hour date is unique to an overnight.  And in addition to that, you can dream about what will happen when morning comes.  

Whether or not that is worth the extra cash is certainly debatable, but I think it is worth doing at least once with someone whose company you especially enjoy.

Using your math -  
An overnight is typically 12-14 hours long.  SO, you are ignoring the fact that you are being discounted for 3-5 free included hours hours and don't see this as a reasonable offer?  

It makes perfect sense that an overnight would be priced to compensate for two full days of work.  Do you think a lady wants to rock a full day of sessions after an overnight, or do you perhaps think that she might want some time to take it easy, to attend to her own self care, to catch up on sleep...?

Overnights are not financially possible for many clients and doing the multiple hour sessions makes perfect sense.  However even a lady that enjoys the overnight sessions is not often going to offer those at the same price she can get for a dinner date.

...if I didn't discount at all it'd be 3600. It's not common but i've seen a few who charged less and up the same amount as I not give any discount for an o/n. I've thought a few times if 2k for up to 12hrs was too low but given other things that occur during overnights (dinner and other social non-BCD goings-on he's going to cover) i'm pretty happy with that. I've never had an overnight actual o/n last less than 10hrs so my up to 12hr o/n rate covers things pretty well. Imo how some structure their rates gives a good idea of if they truly prefer longer dates or not...more often than not if they do the longer the date booked will be generously discounted compared to their hourly.

We have met prior and we are compatible. I had a horrible overnight experience as a result of food poisoning, and it was not pretty.  The poor guy had to spend the night running to the bathroom and it was a very small room. Let's just say that farting and diarrhea does not make for good foreplay.  Killed the mood for me.  I decided then that it was time to reevaluate the pay structure and keep that for special friends.    

That has been the system that works for me


Elle Vegas

GaGambler1304 reads

Often with the same woman.

There was a Panamanian chica I used to see every once in a while. I've probably seen her 20-30 times over a period of years, mainly overnight dates. Most of the time we drank, but moderately. There were however four different nights where both of us got shit faced drunk together. Two of those nights there was ZERO sex at all because she got so drunk that she spent the entire BCD time throwing up, NOT SEXY. lol but the other two times were some of the most passionate dates I have ever had that were "paid for"

Just like one night stands, some overnight dates are great. Others, not so much. I have enough fun on the good ones to be willing to risk a few bad ones along the way. I will confess, if I had to scrimp and save to "hobby" and the money I spent was really that important to me, I would most likely have a different attitude about them.

My overnight is about 12 hours for the price of 5 hours.

I enjoy overnights so I price that way to encourage them.  If the girl is charging that much more for overnights, she either doesn't like doing them or it cuts into her night time business for those that take hourly appointments all night long.

And when I say "that much" I'm not talking $3000 (which seems normal), I referring to 9 times her hourly rate.

Posted By: ttcttc
After all, 9 sessions is 2 full days of work, maybe more.
The major point that the OP fails to grasp is that an overnight IS two full days of work for the provider.  There is an entire day of prep involved so that we can be prepared to entertain you for 6-12 hours, which is actually a marathon experience for us even if you aren't the type who wants to be engaged in action all night.  Wouldn't you be disappointed if your provider was unwell, upset, stressed, distracted, or otherwise unable to focus her attention on you and enjoy herself during an overnight?  Emotionally preparing, resting our bodies so we have energy late into the evening, clearing our minds, preparing several outfits, mani/pedi and whatever special details a lady takes care of for her overnight clients all take time.  Personally, I also book a suite or upgraded room to host overnights, so that is also an added expense, and I often have drinks and fruit/snacks/dessert available for us which also takes time to buy and/or prepare.

Even if we do some sleeping during our overnight, which I always prefer to do so I will have energy in the morning to enjoy myself again, our own specific sleep-related needs will likely not be satisfied that night.  Personally, I need to sleep with a special pillow for at least 8-10 hours uninterrupted sleep each night due to some chronic pain issues.  Sleeping on a hotel bed with a stranger for 5-6 hours and potentially being interrupted by bodily functions, tossing & turning, and maybe even some middle-of-the-night action does not actually fully satisfy my sleep requirements for the night.  I personally need to schedule the entire next day OFF in my schedule to perform self-care after spending so much time with my attention focused on someone else and not getting the proper amount of sleep which I require.  I wouldn't dream of taking another booking the day after an overnight because it simply wouldn't be fair to whoever I saw that next day, since I would still be recovering from not sleeping properly the night before.  I need my alone time afterward to recharge.  Perhaps because I am used to sleeping alone and have very specific needs around getting many hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Personally, I am inclined to take the entire week off after an overnight.  It's not that they're not enjoyable, it's just that they consume a lot of prep time, recovery time, and energy compared to spending shorter periods of time with someone during my normal waking hours.  If you don't want to pay a lady to sleep next to you, why not just send her home after your 3-4 hours of play?  I personally would be fine with that, because then I still get my sleep and then have the entire next day to work on personal projects or see other clients.  The overnight is charged for as though it encompasses two entire days of active labor (plus administrative and overhead labor of course) because it usually actually does take up that much time in our lives.  Pretty simple.

JackDunphy941 reads

Most girls I know it takes a few hours or so. I am not accusing you of lying but maybe overstating a bit? Or a lot?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Most girls I know it takes a few hours or so. I am not accusing you of lying but maybe overstating a bit? Or a lot?
I personally don't take any appointments the day before an overnight or do any work for my other job or try to accomplish any major personal projects.  Any of the above could create stress, tiredness, distractedness, etc.  I'm being asked to provide a fantasy for 12-14 hours and while it is only human to sometimes be stressed out, distracted, or tired, I am not interested in presenting that experience to a client who is seeking the time of his life on an overnight with me.  When I spend the night with someone, he should be able to feel that I have been anticipating this time with him all day and preparing myself for it.  Can you imagine if I worked a stressful job from 7am-5pm and then went home and spend two hours getting physically ready to meet the guy from 7pm-9am vs if I spend the whole day meditating, getting my nails done, moisturizing, clearing all my own concerns and drama from my mind so I can focus on the guy, taking an afternoon nap so I'm not sleepy later, preparing my outfits, checking into the hotel early, preparing the room, shopping for drinks and snacks, then getting myself physically ready for the meeting?  Perhaps it's a quality vs quantity thing.  I have no doubt that some ladies who only charge $1000 or whatever for an overnight would not spend an entire day getting ready to host an overnight, but we obviously have different business models.  For me to truly give a gentleman my undivided attention and companionship for 12-14 hours, I need to spend the entire day beforehand preparing for that marathon and the entire day afterward having alone time, napping, etc to recover.  I'm not able to do work on my other job (personal chef / catering business) the day before or after an overnight, not do I see other clients on either of those days.  Which is why my overnight rate is $3000.  I only see clients 2-3 days per week anyway when I'm not on tour, so if I dedicate two days of my week to preparing for and recovering from an overnight, that might be my entire play schedule for the week.

I charge a lot more for my labor to cater events for hundreds of people than I do to provide my services as a personal chef.  It's actually a pretty similar situation.  I might charge the same to cater a one-day event for 300 people as I would to provide 5 days of personal chef services at 2 hrs per day.  In the second case I have to show up at someone's business or private home 5 days a week for two hours each, but this is during my normal working hours anyway and requires virtually no prep outside of their booked time compared to catering an event for 300 people, which requires at least a full day of planning, a full day of shopping, and a full day of cleaning my personal equipment and doing my paperwork.  Someone might complain that I charge the same amount for 12-14 hours of catering on the day of the big event as I do to visit their home five times for two hours each and why don't I charge less for the catering?, but they also clearly wouldn't understand the amount of prep outside labor, cleanup, and recovery that goes into producing such an event.  Producing an overnight is similarly an extensive amount of extra labor that many of you simply aren't aware of or taking into consideration.  And why should you - it's YOUR fantasy, and you shouldn't HAVE to think about all the specific types of labor that go into producing it.  This is why you either pay the lady's rate or you don't and move on.  I price myself according to what my overnight package is WORTH to me based on much time it takes out of my life when I could be doing other things.  I'm sure that many other providers do the exact same thing.

vary with each lady, but your reply is food for thought.   Let's face the reality, most of us guys show up with our cash in hand, our dick anxious to make an appearance and we really don't understand,  nor have we thought about, what you gals go through in order to prepare for a session.    Sometimes when I see some of the attitudes on this board it reminds me of that old joke asking what a woman is with the reply being a life support system for a vagina.  

It also occurs to me that this whole discussion amounts to splitting hairs.  I mean, I would venture to say that even leaving aside "moral issues," a majority of the population, both women and men, probably think that those of us who pay for this kind of interaction are dimwits, dumb-shits, insecure, losers or some combination thereof.    Against this backdrop, here we are, arguing with each other as to why whether an overnight is worth it or not and criticizing those who would pay X instead of Y.  Kind of funny really.

To those of you who bargain, I think it is great if it works for you, I am one of the fools who pays MSRP for services in this arena.     The last thing I want to do given the intimate nature of these services is start off by saying to the lady "hey, you have mispriced your services and your time, now let's go have a good time after you agree to my fee demands."

JackDunphy956 reads

You are certainly entitled to waste your money in any way you fit. I sure do. Knicks tickets is one. LOL  

But your lack of knowledge and you misstating what others do is troubling, buy not uncommon here.

Many guys just like you espouse the "tanking theory" i.e. that a hooker wont give her "full" game because I offered less and she took it. This has been thoroughly debunked.

Professional gals don't do it. They are business people so don't sell them short. They are more than capable of bringing their "A" game and still take my discounted offer. They do it all the time.  

The two are not mutually exclusive. But many, and maybe you might fall into this category, deceive themselves into thinking that girls must tank because that would make you feel better about paying MSRP.

You are entitled to your opinion but I can tell you from first hand knowledge that you are wrong.

How does one know that the experience may not have been a bit better if there had been no haggling about price?

Then you will have an experience to use as the baseline.

Generally the negotiating portion of this game involves multi-hour sessions.  So if you've seen SuzyCumsALot already...ask her if she'll see you for a multi-hour at a negotiated rate.

Then you'll know.

See...that was easy.

Posted By: Pangloss
How does one know that the experience may not have been a bit better if there had been no haggling about price?

GaGambler1205 reads

but yes, that's a very simple way to do it. and for the record, I have done exactly that before, with zero drop off in performance.

Funny, I did that a couple of times and the woman fucked me so silly that I gave her original rate "after the fact" even though I had gotten her to agree to less.

Truth be told the money I spend on hookers really is unimportant to me, but I don't like being treated like a chump who doesn't know any better.

The last thing I would want to do is hire a hooker at one rate and then find out that she was fucking everyone else for less. I can only imagine how the Corrine clients felt when they found out they could have fucked JLS for $200 less.

I did it one time, she lowered her price, I still had a good time, but I guess there is something about me, I felt like a shit.    As somebody else said, I guess some people don't like negotiating but the thing is that I don't mind it in other settings.   Oh well...

I tend to negotiate everything in life...just something I've always felt comfortable doing.

However, most folks are afraid to ask for things.  No problem, that allows guys (and gals) like me to take the opportunity to get what I seek at a price that I feel good about paying.

The worst that anyone can reply to that request is "No".  Which is why so many are afraid to ask.  Most don't like being told that.  OTOH if you don't ask, you don't get either.  

Many gals here bloviate that they offer their long time johns deals...but on their terms.  That's all fine and dandy as well.

It's pretty easy to spot sales people and business people.  They tend to understand and embrace the art of negotiation.

Posted By: Pangloss
I did it one time, she lowered her price, I still had a good time, but I guess there is something about me, I felt like a shit.    As somebody else said, I guess some people don't like negotiating but the thing is that I don't mind it in other settings.   Oh well...

GaGambler1232 reads

like Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs, and even accountants and Oilmen.

Now negotiating with a doctor as an individual might be a bit tricky, but doctors negotiate all the time, just like all businessmen, it's just in their case they are negotiating with hospitals, insurance companies and the government, but rest assured, they are most definitely negotiating.

As for lawyers, they too are in the very business of negotiation, but just like hookers they "claim" they don't and most people are so willing to take them at face value that they don't even try.

Lets skip past Indian Chiefs and move on to Accountants and Oilmen. Oh fuck it, anyone who hasn't gotten the point by now, never will. Life is one big negotiation, claiming that you never negotiate might fool the stupid people, but the rest of us know better.

JackDunphy1047 reads

Of course not. They know better. They would get gigged in the review for one, and two, they want to see that client again, in most circumstances.

And the guys that actually do negotiate see no difference in the gals performance or we wouldn't negotiate.

Do you really think I want a gal to have no enthusiasm for being with me? That would be insanity. I pay big bucks in this biz but I don't throw it away for shitty service.

If you notice on these threads, its guys that have ZERO experience negotiating all worried that the girl will tank. How could they possibly know if they don't do it?  

In addition, this kind of thinking looks down on women. It says they cant accept a rate that they agree to and still be a professional and be great fun in bed. They are VERY capable of doing so. Trust me. :)

Most of them are professionals and do what is in there best interest. And accepting less money at times is clearly in their best interest or they would not do it.  

Great question and I am glad I could clear this up for you

GaGambler1018 reads

I call complete and utter bullshit on your post.

an overnight appointment requires no more effort than a one night stand, and I know LOTS of women who can do one of those 7 nights a week.

Just because you are some kind of princess with all of your "special needs" please don't claim to speak for all hookers

I've done overnights at the Del Rey, only to find the same chica that I spent the night before with, already back to work just a couple of hours later. Not that I gave a shit as the only reason I saw them "at work" was that I was looking for another chica just a few hours later as well.

Everyone's threshold is different, and so is their sex drive. I spent virtually every night with a provider GF who worked everyday and saw 3-6 guys every single day, who still had enough gas in her tank to keep me quite satisfied, both day and night, and I have met women who were worn out by fucking twice a week. It sounds like you are a lot closer to the latter than the former.

Posted By: GaGambler
an overnight appointment requires no more effort than a one night stand, and I know LOTS of women who can do one of those 7 nights a week.
Some of us actually do have other things going on in our lives besides seeing clients - and other sex in our lives besides sex with clients.  And actually having a one night stand is totally different than hosting an overnight.  A one night stand is not labor and is not charged for, that is simply for my own enjoyment.  I can focus on my own desires & satisfaction, go to sleep, or leave whenever I want.  Hosting a client for an overnight is labor.  I'm sorry if that ruins your fantasy, but it's just the truth.  It's more like working a 12-14 hour shift than a one night stand from OUR perspective.  The one night stand aspect is YOUR fantasy.  Even if we love our job, work is still work, still takes energy, and still must be compensated for accordingly.  I'm sure you can't admit that to yourself and thus have to make idiotic comments like the one above.

Clearly you see women with very different business models than myself.  Quantity vs quality.  It's a perfectly legitimate choice on your part and the part of the ladies with whom you meet.  However I would never dream of meeting another client just a few hours after finishing an overnight, and I suspect that it is the same for other ladies who charge the kind of rates that I do for an overnight.  I'm glad you're happy with the quality of your overnights, but some gentlemen have higher standards and are actually paying for a quality fantasy/service/experience and not just a "one night stand".  Those gentlemen are my target audience and the target audience of other ladies who charge similar rates to me for an overnight.  You are clearly not our target audience.  If you don't like it... just move on!  As suggested by many others.

JackDunphy1059 reads

Well said. Exactly the reason I don't pay for them. I don't need a gal on a construction site. LOL

She goes home, comes back the next morning, we are both relaxed, and slept alone in our OWN beds.

The discounted price of that is just icing on the cake!

Isnt it great though how different people approach this hobby? Something for everyone really.

Enjoy your day Zoey!

Spell out on their sites that they need XX hours of sleep...to eat...time to take a dump and so on.

I get why you are taking the position you do since you don't have any incentive to spend a night for money.  Since you have this other gig you do...and perhaps the side gig of hooking is simply that.

However for many of the gals here this isn't a side gig...it's their only source of income.  

I have no interest in having anyone spend a night with me.  I like to sleep alone....fart when I need to...pick my nose without someone watching...take my dump and post on TER when I get the urge.  So to someone like me no price is worth having to accommodate someone else in my bed.  I don't want to have to hold in that fart for hours....it's just uncomfortable.

So you need to simply reply for yourself here...as many of the gals that peruse and post on these boards are in no position to spend THREE days prepping for an overnighter.  Good god...thinking about that I doubt I would want you as my caterer either.  You do seem more OCD than even I am   LOL

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Posted By: GaGambler
an overnight appointment requires no more effort than a one night stand, and I know LOTS of women who can do one of those 7 nights a week.
 Some of us actually do have other things going on in our lives besides seeing clients - and other sex in our lives besides sex with clients.  And actually having a one night stand is totally different than hosting an overnight.  A one night stand is not labor and is not charged for, that is simply for my own enjoyment.  I can focus on my own desires & satisfaction, go to sleep, or leave whenever I want.  Hosting a client for an overnight is labor.  I'm sorry if that ruins your fantasy, but it's just the truth.  It's more like working a 12-14 hour shift than a one night stand from OUR perspective.  The one night stand aspect is YOUR fantasy.  Even if we love our job, work is still work, still takes energy, and still must be compensated for accordingly.  I'm sure you can't admit that to yourself and thus have to make idiotic comments like the one above.  
 Clearly you see women with very different business models than myself.  Quantity vs quality.  It's a perfectly legitimate choice on your part and the part of the ladies with whom you meet.  However I would never dream of meeting another client just a few hours after finishing an overnight, and I suspect that it is the same for other ladies who charge the kind of rates that I do for an overnight.  I'm glad you're happy with the quality of your overnights, but some gentlemen have higher standards and are actually paying for a quality fantasy/service/experience and not just a "one night stand".  Those gentlemen are my target audience and the target audience of other ladies who charge similar rates to me for an overnight.  You are clearly not our target audience.  If you don't like it... just move on!  As suggested by many others.

I can easily see how being with a guy you don't know that well for that long could be draining in many ways, having to feel like you are on.  Honestly, I feel the same way about spending so much time with providers, which is part of the reason (money of course another) that I stick with 2 hour dates, lol.

That said, the OP specifically stated in his example that one overnight was equivalent to 9 one hour dates.  Does that add up to you?  Are those two things honestly equivalent - especially when you consider the prep time you would need to have before EACH of those 9 dates?

I'm guessing a lot of this comes down to how ladies are wired.  Seems like those who are more naturally extroverted and uber-confident in their own skin are best equipped to handle the longer dates without quite as much mental wear.  Whereas for some ladies, a 2 hour date is a marathon test of their social skills, and staying power.  And I don't mean this as a slight either.  Extroverts can be energized by being around others (granted a hobby situation is a little different), while this can really drain natural introverts (I tend to fall more on this side - need my time to myself to recharge).  So for introverted ladies, 9 one hour sessions perhaps could be better, because it's more on the surface, just short to-the-point romps, and on to the next without a lot of other GFE fluff needed.

(and yes, I get that the guy enters the equation of this all too - but I'm assuming that most ladies don't book overnights with guys that they don't have at least a decent comfort level with

"You are paying for our time, not sex” as it is said on 99.99% of provider web sites along with some white knights skewering you to win brownie points.

those from providers.  I feel like I learned a fair amount here

The reason we charge so much is simply (if she is high end like me) because she is gracing you with spending 12hrs (over night) with her presence. You literally have 12hrs with this beautiful upscale lady.  Plus upscale ladies see men who are typically rich to where 3 grand is pocket change to them.

JackDunphy1048 reads

But I didn't get that way for paying 25-30% more than I should or could.  

Don't you seek the best bargain when you shop for a dress, or a coat or a Hitachi?

Of course! Why should paying for pussy be any different.

I am sure you see the logic in this Vicky.

Skyfyre950 reads

Well I am NOT rich but I want to be. So that means I ain't overpaying for anything -pussy included.

PS: and I ain't paying to watch somebody sleeps either, LOL.

JackDunphy960 reads

You seem to place value on a buck. Many of these hookers are having trouble with that concept.  

Because as we all know, they pay the highest price they can for whatever they want. Lol

Girls never like to haggle or negotiate. They don't like sales either.  

It's only males looking for value.

We really are the smarter sex.

I see that term tossed around by many gals here.

Oddly, many of them are BP gals charging quarter and half-hours.

Maybe a real high end gal like you (as you claim) can explain this to a lowly, uneducated, poor john like me.

Posted By: VictoriaStars
The reason we charge so much is simply (if she is high end like me) because she is gracing you with spending 12hrs (over night) with her presence. You literally have 12hrs with this beautiful upscale lady.  Plus upscale ladies see men who are typically rich to where 3 grand is pocket change to them.

As you and many others know, I am the very definition of an "upscale gentleman." I am always well behaved and uber classy.

djddla909 reads

I'm looking forward to a certain overnight for $2500 vs two 120m sessions at $1200 each.

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