TER General Board

changes pseudo namesad_smile
1256849 23 Reviews 271 reads

She changed for a reason, maybe a creepoid? Ask her discretely and go from there. Happens More often than you think.  

Posted By: ttcttc
Let's say there is a provider "Alice." I see Alice.  Then she disappears.  
 Later, she comes back as a "new" provider "Betty."   I see Betty. Betty currently has a separate TER profile from Alice.  
 If I review Betty, should I mention that she is Alice? It seems like information that potential clients would want to know, but it also seems like information Betty does not want them to know, else she would have returned as Alice.    

Let's say there is a provider "Alice." I see Alice.  Then she disappears.

Later, she comes back as a "new" provider "Betty."   I see Betty. Betty currently has a separate TER profile from Alice.  

If I review Betty, should I mention that she is Alice? It seems like information that potential clients would want to know, but it also seems like information Betty does not want them to know, else she would have returned as Alice

If she is trying to be UTR with a stalker, ex-boyfriend, etc., then you should respect her new identity and desire for a fresh start without worries.  If she is trying to escape a history of bad reviews and trying to fool new customers that she is not the old girl with the low scores and bad reviews, then you should protect the community and request that her reviews be combined.  Generally, I would always report when two profiles are the same girl.  The LONE exception would be a safety issue for the girl.  Just my opinion.  Others are free to disagree.

...other hobbyists to know, the first thing you should do is report to TER that Betty is really Alice.  They won't take your word for it - you have to prove it.  You can do this if the photos are the same or she looks the same in both profiles.  If she doesn't have any ads linked to her Alice profile anymore, it will be more difficult.

I think you should ask her and be respectful about it.  There are many reason why girl change her name in this industry.  Maybe there is a stalker, ex-bf find out about her work, many things and of course this is probably rare....sometime girl change name because she has bad score on TER.

good luck

And listen champ.

If the only thing she is "lying" about is her name, then so freaking what? Is her service bad? Is she lying about what she does and then not doing it? Is she presenting herself as young when she is clearly old? Thin when she is clearly fat? Tall when she is clearly short? All natural when she is clearly sporting implants? Caucasian when she is clearly a Martian? An adult when she is clearly not?

If the truly essential things about her business and what these reviews were supposed to protect folks from are still good and stand true, who freaking cares if she starts a new profile and announces that she has dyed purple hair, tattoos her tongue and changes her name to Ogunde O'Leary?

There are always solid reasons why someone needs to start fresh and rebrand their business with a new name, identity or profile. Its no different than starting with an entirely new menu at a restaurant. Sometimes, it is just time to let the old brand die and start from scratch after learning how to do things differently or better.

And fact is, it is a huge sacrifice to give up former "brand loyal" clients so if a person or business is doing that, there is a DAMN good reason for it and it isn't because they are trying to hoodwink the public. If she was a con artist before, that would be a concern.

But clearly she isn't or you would have made that your first order of concern. Go back and read Rangerc79's response AGAIN. We have enough ugly mugs on TER without you increasing the population by +1 because you didn't think seriously enough about this from the OTHER side of the equation.

Be well

Review Betty.  Wait a couple of days and send in a problem report that the two profiles are one and the same. Get  2 free VIP days.

Posted By: ttcttc
Let's say there is a provider "Alice." I see Alice.  Then she disappears.  
 Later, she comes back as a "new" provider "Betty."   I see Betty. Betty currently has a separate TER profile from Alice.  
 If I review Betty, should I mention that she is Alice? It seems like information that potential clients would want to know, but it also seems like information Betty does not want them to know, else she would have returned as Alice.    

Han.Shot.First293 reads

Were her reviews bad or did she have a history of drama? In those cases, I would be inclined to report it to TER (but not write it in a review). Otherwise, I'd probably leave it. Especially if that new identity came with an improved appearance or service.

then leave things be.  Why give her any grief

the provider told me why she changed her name prior to meeting under her new name. I had no problems with either situation so we enjoyed playtime under the "new" name. Yes, I wrote a review with no mention of the name change because I thought it was no one else's business.

Posted By: ttcttc
Let's say there is a provider "Alice." I see Alice.  Then she disappears.  
 Later, she comes back as a "new" provider "Betty."   I see Betty. Betty currently has a separate TER profile from Alice.  
 If I review Betty, should I mention that she is Alice? It seems like information that potential clients would want to know, but it also seems like information Betty does not want them to know, else she would have returned as Alice.    

GaGambler308 reads

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.

Who mentioned her name?

Posted By: GaGambler
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.  
 Who mentioned her name?

GaGambler289 reads

How about if she leaves for let's say the next ten years or so, and then let's take a poll at the end of those ten years and see in just how many hearts her memory still lives? I will bet you a dollar that no one will remember her. lol

Actually, GaG, I think it would be extremely hard to forget someone whose posts are that level of fucked up.  I still remember MtDewking, and he's been gone a long time.  If Fancy disappears, and some of us are still here in 10 years, I think she'll still be in our brains somewhere.  I don't know about our hearts, though.

GaGambler236 reads

I just want her to go away for the next ten years.

My God, why is everyone on this board so fucking literal? No wonder subtle humor is almost never used here.  

sheesh, let me spell it out for you, and yes I know if a joke has to be explained it's not funny.  

I bet "one whole entire dollar" that Fancy will be forgotten in ten years if she quit posting today. IF in ten years I am proven wrong I owe "one dollar" but I have gotten rid of Fancy for ten years. I can't believe I am actually explaining this. Fuck me to tears.  

Maybe I was wrong, maybe BPJ really was funnier than me? FUCK FUCK FUCK

I still remember Cosette, and it's been a few years since she left.

Fancy is very unique and I for one enjoy her posts, I would remember her 10 years from now, if I'm still in this community.

GaGambler280 reads

Just how fucking obtuse are you people anyhow???!!!

I don't care if she is forgotten, I just want her to GO AWAY!!!

I suppose the fact you "enjoy" her posts is all the answer I need.  

Fuck you people, I am going to open a bottle of tequila and try to enjoy losing about ten grand on football today.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed in the morning, and to think I sent my little 18 year old Sugar baby home a couple of hours ago when she really didn't have to, or want to leave. Yes, Maybe I AM the stupid one afterall

Senator.Blutarsky343 reads

What were you thinking sending her home? I think you need to call her up and take her out for a nice meal then home for dessert. You're welcome 😎

Cosette has only been gone for 2 years.  
I challenge anyone here to remember someone who hasn't posted in 10 years.

Personally Inwould be happy to see fancy disappear for 10 years. I'll even reimburse GaG's dollar if he loses the bet. I would just be happy to see that bet come into play.  

Posted By: russbbj
I still remember Cosette, and it's been a few years since she left.  
 Fancy is very unique and I for one enjoy her posts, I would remember her 10 years from now, if I'm still in this community.

GaGambler320 reads

She just wasn't posting under the name Cosette the last couple of years.  

As for Fancy, I don't enjoy her posts in the least, how about if we make it five bucks instead?

She changed for a reason, maybe a creepoid? Ask her discretely and go from there. Happens More often than you think.  

Posted By: ttcttc
Let's say there is a provider "Alice." I see Alice.  Then she disappears.  
 Later, she comes back as a "new" provider "Betty."   I see Betty. Betty currently has a separate TER profile from Alice.  
 If I review Betty, should I mention that she is Alice? It seems like information that potential clients would want to know, but it also seems like information Betty does not want them to know, else she would have returned as Alice.    

GaGambler270 reads

If you are happy with her, respect her wishes. If you think the community should be "warned" due to bad behavior, then by all means do so.

Posted By: Sidney Starr
I made mistake here.Sorry

-- Modified on 10/9/2016 7:55:26 AM

There can be a variety of reasons she changed her handle, some of which could involve personal safety and security, others legal issues. She and/or her family may have a stalker bothering them; or she may be involved in a custody or divorce case in which her ex could use her status as a provider to his advantage in court. She changed for some reason obviously, so you should honor that IMHO.

-- Modified on 10/8/2016 9:54:59 AM

I am not going to mention it.  I appreciate all of the responses.

For your own personal curiosity there wouldn't be anything wrong with politely asking. But I agree with others there may be a safety reason on her part why she changed the name. I don't see a reason to announce that.

If you are genuinely a client/hobbyist, the actual right thing to DO is to see her or don't see her. Don't get involved in any of the theories as to why she changed her profile. The countless reasons as to why she must throw away a business model and begin from scratch should be of no concern to you. This could be a matter of literal life and death safety ; NOT for you to feel a moral obligation to mediate and or report. This can be a VERY dangerous business for the women in it. It is always the right thing for a client to never, ever concern themselves with sex worker management.
IF you are a client, just be one & respect that. Simple.

GaGambler385 reads

and it seems to have affected your ability to comprehend what you read.

He isn't talking about "seeing her or not seeing her" he is talking about what to put in the review.

This "could" be a matter of life and death, OR it could be a matter of some ROB trying to outrun her bad reviews. If it's the former, the reviewer should keep that info under his, but even if he does, it's very likely that others are going to recognize her too and it's better that she knows she has been recognized by him broaching the subject than to find out by having whatever or whoever she is running from catch up to her.

but let me ask you "not so sweet" Sarah, who pissed in your Wheaties today? You are in an unusually "Us against them" mood today.

Didn't mean to rub YOU the wrong way darlin ! My advice stands simply direct and true. The reviewer is old enough to decide for himself and he will or will not further participate, of course.
I've been a hooker for over 30 years and I assure you, there is often much more to a situation than either you or myself offer opinion on. The nice thing about communities is that one can gather insight from several experiences and decide for himself how he will walk these waters. Just because you don't agree with my stated insight, does not make me wrong.

Have a great weekend xo Sincerely Sweet Sarah

Your post was expressed maturely and logically Sarah. Nothing nasty about it at all IMHO, to those who realize providers can actually have adult opinions and make good sense.  Unfortunately some hobbyists who post frequently on this board have difficulty dealing with women who fall into that category.

Posted By: GaGambler
and it seems to have affected your ability to comprehend what you read.  
 He isn't talking about "seeing her or not seeing her" he is talking about what to put in the review.  
 This "could" be a matter of life and death, OR it could be a matter of some ROB trying to outrun her bad reviews. If it's the former, the reviewer should keep that info under his, but even if he does, it's very likely that others are going to recognize her too and it's better that she knows she has been recognized by him broaching the subject than to find out by having whatever or whoever she is running from catch up to her.  
 but let me ask you "not so sweet" Sarah, who pissed in your Wheaties today? You are in an unusually "Us against them" mood today.

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