TER General Board

can't add to that ... but
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 436 reads

this isn't a game. It's actually really simple.
Only you know what you WANT to do. Then
just do it. If you want her bad enough, take  
one for the team and report back. Actually,  
KISS... this stuff is quite simple unless your  
feelings get in the way.  

Go have some fun

LaffysBoytoy3940 reads

I booked with a girl in another state for a long appt. The appt is still about a month away, however she has been acting odd and flaky after I made the appt. I just don't feel comfortable seeing her anymore. I don't want to be a jerk and just cancel, even though it is plenty of notice for a cancellation. The reason being is she is coming to my city to see me. As far as I can tell, it is only to see me. Who knows?

I think it is safe to say that I am upset at her for not answering basic questions that must be dealt with prior to our meeting. I'd rather go with a regular who I already know there will not be any issues with. Yes, I made an appt and didn't get certain things locked down. I asked her in the appt request and she accepted the appt without answering needed questions. No, I didn't ask anything out there. I asked a few more times since and crickets. I don't want to be hanging there at last minute trying to figure out if she is even going to show.

At this point, what should I do?

I think it would be disrespectful to just cancel, but I no longer want to see her at all. Should I give her some of the money as a good will gesture? Should I see if she even comes into my town first or if she was screwing with me about coming- and then go from there? I really don't know what to do because should I even pay with this amount of canceling notice and her lack of business sense? I sort of feel that she did pay for the hotel already but am not sure. She has no policy on canceling.

Should I give her another chance ? I really don't feel I should. I didn't realize that she is one of those girls who takes last minute appts. There is no harm in that but then I think she doesn't know how to deal with those that make appt requests ahead of time.  

Senator.Blutarsky1026 reads

If you've changed your mind, then simply let her know and move on. It's not that hard. SMDH.  

By the way, you seem like a high maintenance kind of guy and if you keep that up, you might find it harder to get responses to your appointment requests in the future. Just sayin'  

Are you really Laffy's boy toy?

this isn't a game. It's actually really simple.
Only you know what you WANT to do. Then
just do it. If you want her bad enough, take  
one for the team and report back. Actually,  
KISS... this stuff is quite simple unless your  
feelings get in the way.  

Go have some fun

It is a game. You're talking about him either folding or jumping in with a weak hand.

High maintenance indeed!

I hope he does cancel and save that poor girl the headache

Don't bitch and moan to her about this and that, just do it cleanly.  You shouldn't owe her anything as long as plenty of notice is given.

By the way, what kind of information are you requesting that she is not responding to?

I guarantee!  That's what she gets for politely reading over it and giving him a pass..l

rando_mn457 reads

Providers hate NCNS, and after getting some experience, they tend to notice recurring patterns in the guys who NCNS. One of them is excessive communication in advance. And even when intentions are good, excessive communication can possibly indicate a client who will prove to be very demanding in person. Alternatively, if your questions were regarding specific sex acts, she might be worried that you are law enforcement.

LaffysBoytoy512 reads

In my appt request I asked for the rates as her websites do not have the rates listed for the time that I was requesting. She also has complicated discounts that is confusing as to when it applies etc.

She accepted the appt without answering the question. I waited a week and asked again, she chatted but didn't answer the only thing I wanted to know. Then I waited another 2 weeks and asked again. I did not email anything beyond asking the rates and the last one asked what restaurant I should make the reservation at. She responds but chats and doesn't answer the question.

Once I book, my practice is to only confirm. I don't send emails to chat.  

I do agree, no need to email in most cases nor to ask about specifics. My situation is just clarifying what I need to bring. I asked in the appt request and she didn't answer that, just oked our date,

Posted By: rando_mn
Providers hate NCNS, and after getting some experience, they tend to notice recurring patterns in the guys who NCNS. One of them is excessive communication in advance. And even when intentions are good, excessive communication can possibly indicate a client who will prove to be very demanding in person. Alternatively, if your questions were regarding specific sex acts, she might be worried that you are law enforcement.

If she doesn't respond to a question posed that way, let her know asap that you are no longer comfortable moving forward with the date. Don't hammer her about not answering your questions, just let it go and be done with it.  

But I recommend asking her what I said to ask first.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 3/2/2017 12:11:47 PM

-- Modified on 3/2/2017 12:17:52 PM

Usually turn out to be time-wasters and at some point the provider just days "fuck it, it's not worth it."  It was nice of you to help her realize this earlier rather than later.  For some reason guys that are low volume seem to think that having an appointment "pending" entitles you to talk with her everyday OTC.  I hobby three times a week on average and I appreciate a provider who is brief and to the point in booking the session. I will not talk to her again until the day before.

-- Modified on 3/2/2017 4:43:26 PM

me to just take off whenever. If I don't schedule in advance, it won't happen. And I don't communicate in between unless she initiates it.

Dear (insert your hooker's name here),

I am not able to see you 30 days from now.  

Ciao, babe.

(Trick's name here...emoticon optional)

-- Modified on 3/2/2017 11:49:25 AM

John_Laroche362 reads

Each passing day it's less fair if you know the date is off.
A month out and after just a few emails or other communications, you owe her nothing and she expects nothing.

First of all, it sounds like you should just cancel with lots of notice.  No hard feelings.  You sound so nervous about this that I predict a lousy time if you go through with it.

Now, if you want a reply, you try something like this:
"Your 1 hour rate is 500.
 Your 2 hour rate is 900.  
 Since you have not answered my Q, and based on some of your other ads, I am assuming that our 4 hour date will be 1100. Hell, maybe I should make it 5 hours for 1200."  

That should generate a quick, "Like hell it is!"  She will either answer your Q more clearly or cancel the date and call you a name (time-waster? fucktard?).  

BE PREPARED: If she says YES to 1100, then you're locked in.  (Well, you can still cancel with such long notice.)

the business details (donation for x hours of her time) are finalized. I will contact her again a week or so ahead just to let her know I haven't forgotten about our encounter and then a final confirmation 24-36 hours ahead of time with hobby phone number and name of hotel if an outcall date. If an incall date, I ask for either the name of the hotel or a general area so I can plan my drive time.

stucaboy435 reads

I will be in a month from now. I admit that there are a few traveling ladies that end up in Bangor Maine and I do go out of my way to enjoy their company.  However, it does not happen with any regularity.

I do. If I'm going on vacation, I usually scout out a couple of ladies in the city I am visiting and start requesting a month out. Want to make sure they aren't on tour or unavailable when I book. Once I have the our booking confirmed, I don't send her any more emails/texts, except for a "I can't wait to see you" text a couple days before.

I tour a lot these days and currently have my destinations through the end of May posted.  

The furthest out which I have booked right now is May 24th.  ;-)

This is someone whose lifestyle & schedule allows him to plan that far ahead, and has already met me so he knows I'll alert him if my own plans change.  :-)

-- Modified on 3/3/2017 12:31:20 PM

A couple of guys book already for April.Some guys know their schedule and like to plan in advance.
I always welcome advanced booking.

You made a few hobby mistakes laffy. Rule #2-Never make an appointment with a new lady so far in advance. With atfs yes. You know what to expect, whether or not they're dependable. Plus, atfs always communicate. Rule #3-Never book an extended session with a new lady, regardless of her reviews, and pictures. True connections happen about 10% of the time, while fun times happen about 40%. The rest of the time, one of you will likely want to leave early. Nothing like a thousand dollar session ending early. Book one hour, and see if you like each other. Rule #4-If a lady responds to your inquiry without answering your questions, it's over. Either she doesn't want to do them, or she doesn't care to pay attention to details. Clearly not a good sign. Rule #5-If I write an email, be it to request a date, or any type of follow up question, and she doesn't respond within a fair amount of time, it's over. Read the writing on the wall, or lack thereof.  

It's quite obvious you need to politely withdraw your request.

People may yell, "Well that's not fair!" But maybe it will help you to send her something to get it out of your head. Cheaper than therapy. ;)

But if you don't like her, then cancel. If a guy is being picky, expecting me to email him day in and day out for an entire month before an appointment, I usually am the one who cancels.

Now, if it is a duo, then you might want to talk to the girl who set up the duo first, to find out if possibly the other girl had some stuff happening in her life.

My lovers are sitting around not hearing from me as much lately over the past month, because - well - it's been a crazy month.

Welcome to escorting. Where you make your own schedule, and whiny, high maintenance little bitches can go whine somewhere else.

I'm super thankful for those who are patient, and who "get it". Beautiful things happen when your life is filled with people who don't take advantage of you, hoping you're desperate enough to beg & do cartwheels for clients for a date they already booked.

Days get busy. Life gets hectic. A responsible person prioritizes and doesn't let people take advantage of them in order to please a guy enough so he'll follow through on a date he booked a month in advance.

Guys - there are plenty of people who book months in advance for a pen-pal. If you don't answer an email for one day, they're threatening to cancel. It's a "thing". If it isn't a "thing", it's pretty annoying honestly lmao. Just book the date and go. Don't read so much between the lines. Escorts don't always tell you what is going on in their personal lives, because that means they have to stop to explain their day to you.  

I'm reading this, believing the details that are needed aren't really needed now, or are you possibly making it impossible to answer the details you are asking for, because you think she's your month-long pen-pal. You've got an entire month. Chill.

P.S. If she's only going to see you, or if she made you believe that, she's one hell of a GFE to make you feel THAT special lol! I would be pulling out my hair if you expected me to sit and email you long love letters before we even met lol!

Good luck xoxo

-- Modified on 3/3/2017 12:54:45 AM

Do the right thing and cancel as soon as possible. If you do it right before the appointment, she's gonna be pissed. I highly doubt she is traveling only to see you, though. Unless you are paying for her flights lol. Either way, if you don't want to see her at all and would rather stick with your regular, just cancel. The earlier, the better. Trust me lol

never thought I'd say me but
1.) She confirmed and then recused herself lol
2.) waited 6 wks to see Boston's #1 rated provider ... worth the wait  
3.) my most recent review ... WOWWW ... then I saw her face, and I'm a believer. Not a trace of doubt in my mind

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