TER General Board

Boston and NE
sgtrock432 55 Reviews 398 reads

Are my home boards. I've only been following the boards for about 6 months. I don't really troll any of the other states. I find that the most activity on my home board is when the aliases come out to trash other people. Not what I'm into. When someone brings up a good topic then I contribute. Believe it or not that's how I decide who I might like to see. I read a providers comment, what they say how they say it. If I like it I look up their reviews and if I like them. I reach out to them for an appointment.

No two board's are alike. Each has their own characteristic's, just as we do. So, how do we sum them up?? By gathering your opinions.  

 No Naming of Provider's or Hobbyist, just the Regional Board's that you think will be included in your answer.

First, What is your home base board?  

In your opinion, which Board's  

1.) Are the most or least active?  

2.) Do you think are the most or least creative?

3.) Are more like Hard porn -vs- soft porn?  

4.) Have the best or least overall provider and hobbyist attitudes?

5.) Are you most likely to participate in when you're not on your home base board?
6.) Do you Troll the most just out of curiosity?  

That's all I can think of, so please add more if you want!!

Thanx for playing, Happy Frolicking!

what in the world you are talking about?

You can go and look at the boards to see which ones are active and which are dead. Has got nothing to do with our opinion. Its a fact.  What does porn has to do with regional boards or any boards.

Also, I think in # 6 you meant to use the term lurk and not troll.  

Are you the one Hound was referring to earlier this weekend? :D

Poor Conan the Grammarian is going to have a fun time here, but to address your topic:

I find the feel of the Over 60 Board to be the most friendly and community oriented.

The Photo Only Board is my second favorite for obvious reasons.

The GD Board is the place to view train wrecks.

My home boards are the Boston or New England ones, but usually there isn't too much brewing on them.

I agree about the over 60 board being the friendliest.

The level of grammar here is so abysmal, he has sunk into a miasma of disgust and can no longer summon himself to swat down a mere apostrophe.

GaGambler459 reads

Maybe she suffers from "Random Apostrophe Syndrome" which I imagine must be a first cousin to the "Random Capitalization Syndrome" that has afflicted ROGM?

Are my home boards. I've only been following the boards for about 6 months. I don't really troll any of the other states. I find that the most activity on my home board is when the aliases come out to trash other people. Not what I'm into. When someone brings up a good topic then I contribute. Believe it or not that's how I decide who I might like to see. I read a providers comment, what they say how they say it. If I like it I look up their reviews and if I like them. I reach out to them for an appointment.

My local board is boring. Still...
There are many well-trained yet spirited providers on it. Mostly ISO rush jobs. Nice and easy girls and rambunctious farm boys.

GB appeals most to me. I get off watching sickos. A few freaks, but mostly pimply geeks pretending to be sports icons or CEOs. I use it as a creative writing workshop, and as a goose-the-world vent fest.

Newbie is interesting as a school for sluts.

Political board is mostly dominated by neocon fascists hate-mongerin' and calling everyone else communists. Thought that would result in more Sado-Masochism, but it seems just nerdy instead.

Erotic Literature is sometimes interesting.

New York and Boston seem sexier than most.

Chicago has too many people trying to be beautiful. Very disappointing.

-- Modified on 9/7/2014 9:37:37 AM

I like GB because it really is like a fascinating train wreck. You just can't look away.

Newbie board is another great place. Even tho I'm a newb myself, I will try and help out if I can, especially relating to LA area stuff or to rare female hobbyists who may come looking for help.

I visit both LA & Vegas regional boards (and ad boards) to see who is in town, out of town, who is retiring :( and who is brand spanking new.

I check out the K-Girl board occasionally to see how many new posts are from PL's bitching about not getting K-Girl responses ;)

I don't bother with the other boards too much, tho the Suggestion & Policy board is sometimes interesting.

Fuggedaboud Politics. Too volatile. Sometimes makes GB look downright civilized.

-- Modified on 9/7/2014 5:54:24 PM

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