TER General Board

Because they are soft and smell nice. 8o) eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 684 reads


shaka7003247 reads

Do you providers expect gifts from your regular clients? Also, what dream gift would you want from a client?

For the guys do you normally buy gifts for your favorite providers?

Do we expect them  ? No
Do we like them ? Yes

dream gift ?
Any gift that a client brings...
I can afford my own dreamgifts

When I first began the hobby several months ago, I didn't bring any gift with me.  But I see a gal regularly now and most of the time I will bring a gift with me.  It's nothing extravagant, as I'm not a wealthy man, and coming up  with the donation is the main thing for me.  But, as I've seen her several times now, I"ve learned a lot about her, her likes and dislikes.  So, I like bringing her a little something, it's just a personal touch that I like to do. It seems that she is genuinely touched if I bring her something that she likes that may have come up in a  conversation that we had(just regular conversation, not a conversation about gifts). I don't feel that she expects it, but I do feel that when I do bring her a little gift, she does appreciate it.  


The dream gift would be impotence. Then they wouldn't have to put up with sex they don't want from somebody they don't care about.

I personally love sexy lingerie but a gift certificate to my favorite lingerie store is fun because I can buy a gift with that particular client in mind and wear it for him as a surprise the next time I see him. Shoes are another fabulous gift certificate and for the same reason. It's something I love and then can show off to him on another visit. It keeps things spicy in my opinion with regular clients. BUT I love the idea of sharing treats on the date as well. Good idea! Sex, shopping and food... all favorites :)

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 10:38:25 PM

nothing to extravagant, but usually hand crafted things that you might find at an arts and crafts fair.

The way I figure it is, you give it to her, but then she wears it for you so that you can see it, while she can not.

Sort of a win-win I'd say.

I think it is very thoughful, for a gentlemen to go out of his way, to bring you something special.

I have recieved cards, flowers, a day at the spa and a full length mink coat and I loved them all!  

Anytime anyone goes out of there way for me, I appreciate it very much, as they did not have to do it and were thinking of you :)


-- Modified on 9/27/2007 6:45:24 PM

We're paying to get laid...it's a business!!!  Why would you spend more money than you have to when it's a sure thing?  The idea of showing up with anything more than the donation is silly to me.  This is the world's oldest profession, not a real date.  I know, I know, it's about the "fantasy" of a "girlfriend experience" so hence the flowers and chocolates and shit like that.  I'd rather save my money towards the donation for the next provider.  But hey, that's just me.  I'm under no illusion that a provider will fall for me just because I show up with something extra.

Its about respect, etiquette and having the sense your mamma gave you..

apparently , she didn't give you a few smacks in the head :)


Perhaps , too many :)

...but he is basically correct in his thinking.  IF we can all agree that this is a business proposition (meaning that MOST of the women in this industry wouldn't sleep with MOST of the men here without financial incentives) then it doesn't make much sense to bring gifts for someone you've never met before.  When I need a medical checkup, or an oil-change, I bring money to pay the doctor or the gas station.  I don't bring a gift, even though I'm on a first-name basis with these people.  It would just seem silly.  Having said that, I've brought a few presents for providers in the past, and I always feel like an idiot afterwards.

It's a turn-on. But it's an action that either does something for you or doesn't.

If you need to be cynical about giving gifts to a provider, think about it as an investment. You bring a gift - the provider smiles - she gives you a better experience. Of course she won't fall for you, but a gift might brighten her day.

You mean, you are telling Moe to treat a lady with respect ? Dont you know woman are for cleaing and fucking only ?

Whatever will Moe think of you now ? ROFL

From my previous post which has also drawn a comment from you, what did I say that leads you to believe I am disrespectful and comment that my mom should have smacked me around?  Can you name one provider who thinks I'm a bad client?  Oh I get it, it seems like according to you, if we don't bring gifts this somehow implies we don't have 'respect' and are lacking in 'etiquette' (your words).  Reread my post, I said nothing that would lead anyone to believe I am disrespectful or lack etiquette when with a provider.  Perhaps YOUR mom should have beat the shit out of you and taught you a few things then maybe you wouldn't be in this line of work.  I will refrain from calling you what you are.

I think you may have just proven her point.  I don't think gifts are a necessity, but if someone chooses to bring one, so be it.  Your comments seem to fall into the "well she's just a whore, so why should I be nice" category.  IMHO, if you are nice to people, they are often nice in return.  Just a thought.

Where do you get the idea that I treat ladies with the attitude "well she's just a whore so why should I be nice".  Do I have a history here or anywhere else of bashing providers?  I gave a candid opinion to the original question without the intent to offend, and she and you immediately pass judgment on my character.  Why don't you reread Ciara's comments toward me and concerning me and then you can redirect your quote "if you are nice to people, they are often nice in return" to her.  

-- Modified on 9/28/2007 4:23:48 PM

I know this sounds corny (to some),
however I decided to 'date' when I
began to see Les Dames du Nuit.
Guess I need(or desire) the emotional
GFE side. 100% of dates are outcalls.

Normally a lunch or dinner out;
then 2-3 hours chez moi.

I always have a table set up with
flowers, a sexy outfit, chocs and
other goodies. Many times it's a theme.
The Ladies take home whatever is on
there at the end.

At 'half-time' we'll eat fresh fruit, strawberries, cream, cheesecake and so on.

And I'll take some sexxy pix (with permission)
when the Lady models the aforementioned
sexy outfit. :wink:

Too much? Some will say so.
However, i'm happy and so are my companions.
That's my 'date' formula; and i'm sticking with it.

I was totally taken by one provider.  I read with great interest her myspace web site - poured over it... figured out what she would like... and brought her some things....

well, although the session was as promised - somehow we did not click... (just two people, who were - on that night - not on the same wavelength.. she was wonderful - great beauty - both inside and out.  but as I say - between us, there was no chem) BUT!  I could tell that the present I gave her, fascinated her... and that she liked it.  Really not a problem... Probably made the night go better than it might have...

Like additions to my investment portfolio. I've gotten more gifts out of a sense of grudging respect than for any other reason, I believe. Why do I say grudging??? Because no client wants to believe that I make more money and invest better than he does.

But my favorite gift is still a pair of sultry red stilettos. I am very picky about my clothes and especially about my shoes, so most guys are afraid to buy them for me.

you are hot!  and I don't mean just good looking but I have the feeling that you'd be fun... and not just in bed... and that IS what I look for.

as for investments, I know that your statement "Because no client wants to believe that I make more money and invest better than he does." is true...  It is more likely that I would ask the routing number for your portfolio investment # and provide a present that way...

I buy stocks  - and with the LAST Three investments within 30-60 days after purchase  - they plummet.... but then again, I was buying them on the anticipation of an FDA action.... and although the FDA acted, they just did not act as I thought they would.... Bwahahahaha....

But when I bought my son an asset - not only did the stock go up - but  it split - and then went up again! lol!!! but DO NOT listen to me!  When ya cummin to Philly!?????

Wonderful perspective!  As a newbie I always brought gifts, Victoria Secret garter belt and stockings.  Appreciated, modeled, and then the next guy got to enjoy it on my tab.  Then migrated to 2doz roses.  Their cats loved and munched on them.  My current FAV's are just happy to see me, that I'm clean, and make them happy too.  Dumbest ever was gifting Qwicken software.  Only other dumber was giving my first wife a first aid kit for Christmas.  Jeeze, I was really stupid in my 20's.

-- Modified on 9/28/2007 12:22:35 PM

Thank you, Helena.  Do you see, guys?  Yes, of course, they can make more money than we do.  I'm cool with that.  Think of it this way: for those of you who ever fantasized about making it with a rich trust-fund babe or a high-powered businesswoman, just call a high-class provider who's been in the business for at least two years.  It's pretty similar, if you think about it.  The provider is rich because of her pussy; The trust-fund girl is rich because of...umm...her mother's pussy!  LOL.

And Bizz, I was in Philly and did terribly with the Brickel agency. Now I am just hoping the right man gives me a reason to hop a plane back there. The downtown area is spectacular.

epping710 reads

"Like additions to my investment portfolio..."

How would someone give an addition to an investment portfolio (assuming privacy needs to be maintained)??  Give a stock certificate?

lotusling337 reads

I don't expect gifts but they do put me in a good mood!

I have received
- lingerie (my choice at shop)
- sex toys ('our' choice at shop)
- perfume x 2 (Don't give perfume! I certainly can't wear it with married clients or clients with gfs)
- mooncakes x 2 ('cos I said I like them)
- Lancome makeup set
- Dior manicure set
- jewelry i.e. earrings
- book
- chocolate
- shopping vouchers
- bathrode ('cos I mentioned I needed one)

It is a lot less personal but I like receiving tips the most. It allows me to get what I get, when and when I want... and I could use it to pay the bills. Providers work hard and are pragmatic people.

EXCELLENT response Jadetan!!!  I agree with you oh so much!!  I am not a materialistic person, and would rather pay bills/old debt, than receive a gift card, or what not.  Don't get me wrong, I do love to shop, but I don't see many clients a day/week, and the money really is the factor!!!  Keep it up girl!!

For the ladies:

Does an additional gift affect how you treat your client??

Trust me on this.  Nothing like a pair of knee pads to say "you're special" to a provider and it voices a concern about their petillas, a much appreciated endearment, believe me.  Of course, if you see one-legged providers, a pair will last twice as long.  Nuff said.  Thank me later.

I don't know of any providers who "expect" gifts, but of those who make it an option, I don't understand the rationale.  Gift giving is usually implies a reciprocal relationship.  A provider might create the illusion of that for a duration of time, eg, a GFE, but when the session's over, so is the illusion.  It's a business.  A rapport might develop over time between a provider and hobbyist but that rarely goes beyond established hobby boundaries.

So what is the thinking behind it?  What other professions, besides waiting tables, does one ask for something extra?  In the waiter's/waitresses case, their minimum wage is lower than other civvie professions.  I don't remember why that is.  Either way, providers make significantly more than wait staff.

So is it a "gift" or a bribe?

I don't think any of the ladies EXPECT gifts, but yes, most of sure do appreciate them!

For me personally, it means a lot when a man brings me a gift because it most likely means that he cares about me as more than just a plaything for an hour or two.

And similar to what someone said in an earlier post, gifts sure do help to put me in an even better mood than I might have already been in.  Gifts make me happy and more importantly, feeling appreciative towards the giver, which puts me in a giving mood!  ; )

For your repeat clients do you offer them iPods, clothes, gift certificates, and extra free hour every 10th session?  They might improve OUR performance! How would you feel if we showed up with a wish list?

Gifts are about reciprocation in a level relationship.  The hobby is not that.  I once saw a post on the Phoenix board [?] where a provider wanted to point out that guys still blur the line between hobbying and dating.  She said that seeing a provider a couple of times and getting along with her is not a reason to ask for time to hang out off the clock.  Duly noted, but conversely, it is also a reason for providers not to ask for "gifts".  That's only appropriate in a civvie relationship.  I don't know how much providers make but I'm sure it's too much to even suggest a gratuity.

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