TER General Board

Aren't you forgetting something...
Some Nerd 5039 reads

I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure most women have a "period" of time each month that force them to the sidelines.  I have always assumed that most providers are only available 3 weeks a month. Am I wrong?

First of all I hope my math is right :-| ...
If a provider sees four clients a day at a rate of 300, thats 1200 a day and if they have this steady pace for a week then thats 6000 a week. If they keep at it for a year then thats 72,000 that year. Thats more than what I make!!

I'm just taking into account a normal day for a provider and nothing else. I know their'll be expenses such as gas [for car], rent for incall location and other MISC. items.

complaining, and so on and so on.  

As for touring, that's another story, but some ladies do it once a month for a week or so then go back to "regular" life.

prov2236457 reads

You have to see enough people to make the room worthwhile.  You can't see 1 person for $500 and pay $300 for a hotel room in NYC.

And, I would literally go crazy if I saw that many clients a day!!!  In fact, I can't even handle it every day!  If I did I could NOT enjoy my encounters, and feel fresh emotionally.

Of course I realize that some ladies require $6-10,000 for an overnight, but I wouldn't know the frequency of their encounters.

-- Modified on 5/14/2004 5:12:28 PM

Sorry, I took my estimates from the providers I have seen. Most seem to make themselves out to be quite busy. And also some get lots of reviews plus they have regulars. I had figured most providers see about 3-4 clients a day...But maybe not...

What is the normal amount of clients?

Stealthmode5031 reads

…this creates urgency and an appearance of being in demand in any business.

Of the providers I have seen and have developed a friendship with, 3-4 clients a week may be the norm, at least if they want to keep their head on straight…but these ladies work on getting higher rates and multi hour bookings, also helps keep the traffic down.

One thing I have never understood is why anyone has so much interest in what another is making. Being a business owner myself, I certainly would tell you to go F/O if you wanted to ask me how “comfortable” my lifestyle was, and try to figure out my income level…


a lot of us will say that we must get ready to see another client.  Even though there is no other client.  Our time is often wasted by others who want to set up appts and then not show up, along with a lot of other business related things, so personal time to clear is MOST precious.

And before you conclude that you have done the math, remember that each person has special circumstance.  Some are using this business to pull themselves out of a financial crisis; maybe have several people to support; maybe need to maximize the opportunity to do college (in which case, school MUST come first, regardless of income...), or to tend to a very ill/terminal parent (was in my case).  So seeing 3-4 clients a day is a near impossibility in these circumstances.  And for some ladies,  even one a day can be distressing, especially when the client is one who puts more stress on her.  

Don't mean to sound harsh, but these are some of the realities.  Your question has been posed before...btw, so it's not so odd to start noodling around in the math dept when it comes to THIS end of things, esp. when your discretionary income is perhaps that discretionary.


-- Modified on 5/14/2004 7:18:15 PM

prov2235717 reads

I never see more than 1 a day.  I have seen more before but it's exhausting.  I hate it when your just busy with personal stuff and clients think you can't see them because you are seeing another client that day.

I have never seen that many clients a day except years ago through an agency and that did not last long for me. I usually see about 3-5 clients a week at the most. I'm sure your numbers are correct for some providers, although I don't think they have that many calls every single day but I could be wrong. We don't all work like that. I admire that they are so motivated but it's not for everyone. And that would definetly raise suspicion for incalls as someone mentioned here.

Turkana4120 reads

In my experience, while it would appear that providers have substantial income, I have yet to meet one who appears to live lavishly.  Some, I know, are not terribly good at managing money; I suspect the ones who are good at it don't let it be seen.   Wise women.

This was not a good question to ask

overclocked6010 reads

if a provider sees 2 clients a day, 5 days a week, for 300 an hour, that is 156,000 a year, for 4 clients a day (but I doubt your average provider sees that many) that is 312,000 a year.  

you would think being a provider for a few years is enough to make someone wealthy, but in reality most providers I've seen are at best middle class.  some still struggle to make rent and car payments, go figure.

PrettyOne5063 reads

Well, you are assuming that all ladies or some are seeing 3 or 4 clients a day. Maybe a few start out that way to make $$$$ so that they don't have to keep up that pace which will surely wear a person out, both physically and emotionally.

Furthermore, are you speaking of escort(more intimacy) or just massage? There is a difference between the two appointments. Many ladies see massage clients @ a minimum of $120 for a half hour or $160 or $180 for the hour. Many command more depending on the type of session they provide, i.e., various therapeutic and relaxation methods. Therefore, a lady doing massage and not escort, can make upwards of $1000 per day.

Now, keep in mind, if these ladies are working on establishing regulars(which is the sensible thing to do), then they don't have to see more than 3 clients per day, if at all. They can see them when it's convenient for them, as long as it's taking care of their needs. That's why I will never understand why most men who see providers would prefer an 18-22 yr old, who typically flakes out or is just not very professional and lacks interpersonal and social skills, instead of seeing someone regularly who is the antithesis of this kind of behavior. I know, I know, I've heard it too many times before, "men like variety".

Ok, "what's good for the goose is damn good for the gander". That's when ladies decide to raise their donations so that they can weed out those who want to "play loose and fast" for those who want to spend 2 or 3 hour sessions for $500 and enjoy the company of the same woman who provides what he needs.

So, bottom line is: many ladies make varying $$ amounts depending on what their goals are and who they decide to see and how many. Many are satisfied with making $1000 per week as oppossed to $1000-4000 per week. It really just depends on the maturity level of the lady or her needs and goals.

prov2235389 reads

The split is usually 50/50...I highly recommend being an independent.  I make 4 times as much and I work less.

I have never worked for 50/50. The agencies will take that if you let them. I would not accept less than 60/40 and usually made more than that. You can make good money through an agency but it is hard, I think to work for one once you've been independent and have your own screening, schedule, etc.

I think calculating hourly appts on a daily basis like was done in this example isn't really an accurate perception of the revenue stream. Your forgetting multi hour, overnight, weekend, and extended stay appts which are very lucrative. It's somewhat staggering to hear stories of guys paying $10K to take a lady on a business trip and they only want arm candy, nothing in the bedroom. As many have noted, the majority of ladies don't see 4 guys a day every day either.

One time I was discussing investing/stock market stuff with a provider and she said that she made $190K in cash last year. I've had similar conversations since then with other ladies and their numbers ranged from a minimum of $200K/year up to $500K.  

Whenever I hear these figures my jaw almost hits the floor. These are all (or mostly) tax free dollars. 99% of the working population will work their whole lives and never see annual earnings like this.

What I also found interesting to hear from the ladies was what they do with their money. A couple ladies said they have nothing to show for it which is beyond belief (to me at least). They cited that they get off work and have cash in hand and blow it at stores, $500 bottles of champaign, etc..  Most of the ladies owned homes (smart idea), all of them owned expensive vehicles, many of them owned more than 1. Only 1 lady that I talked money with actively invests (outside of owning a residence). My guess is that this is due to the paper trail of the money.

Ladies........invest at least SOME of your money. Damn, I'd work for a 2 or 3 years and save every penny, then take the next ten years off!!

So, to answer your question......they certainly make enough to live very comfortably, but what each lady does with her own money and how she lives isn't always directly in proportion to the income they are bringing in.

-- Modified on 5/14/2004 6:20:03 PM

I will agree though about the $500 bottles of champagne.  Haven't come close to one, and would feel very wasteful indeed.  I start thinking about what other people in my family (nephews, etc) or what my goddaughter might need)


As with any business gross earnings are far different from net or actual profit. Also as with many businesses there are slow seasons along with the need to constantly work or market the business. Most GFE providers I have talked to would not wish to see more than 2 clients a day regularly because the physical and more importantly emotional drain is far to great.
  At a quick glance it would seem that providers have most of us hobbyists beat hands down as to gross income. When the real costs are tallied up and the factors of their careers short shelf life, lack of a bennifits package, possible legal costs  etc etc are considered they end up with much less net income than one would think.
  There are some very successful providers out there who will retire comfortably. As with any business venture it will only be done with a dedicated work ethic, good money management and a set goal.

Some Nerd5040 reads

I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure most women have a "period" of time each month that force them to the sidelines.  I have always assumed that most providers are only available 3 weeks a month. Am I wrong?

prov2234855 reads

Sorry if this is too much information, but most girls use a sponge or diaphram.  You would never know.

The ones who actually average four a day are likelier in the 2$ category, and even most of them don't get that every day.  Even in the 3$ range sometimes a week or more will go by with one call, or even none.  Then there's 'that time of the month'.

And I think you underestimate the expenses.  Hotel rooms or a trick pad probably run 1K a month or more, there's extra phone lines, advertising, etc., etc.

So the answer seems to be that most make considerably less than your estimate and a few make a whole lot more.

I myself have been curious as to how much the average provider makes in a year. In my opinion if they are a good provider they deserve to make great money. One girl told me her best year was 250K. Also most providers will have a limited window of time to maximize their earnings.
Put it this way a provider can probably work 15-20 days a month. Say she averages three clients for those days at $300 per hour that comes out to be 15K to 18K per month times 12 months and they are looking at 180k to  216K. If they don't report the income that would be eqivalent of a civilian making $230K to $260K. Add back their travel and hotel expenses and thay are back to the $180K to $216K. There are providers that probably make $400K to $500K and ones that make $50K to $100K. Keep in mind the girls that work for agencies usually split 60-40 and would probably average less money. Seems to me if a provider were to work 5-7 years and manage their money right they could live very comfortably if that is what they wanted to do. Again I feel they are providing a great service which they should be compensated for. Just my 2 cents.

Guz...don't feel too badly about some of the pissed off responses you got.  It is reasonable to consider how much any professional makes and how much business they do.  I wonder this about my doctors or tax preparer.  Is he or she getting greedy, making a mint and not concentrating on the quality of the serrvice?   The math (as outlined above) at 300/session, 2 sessions/day, 5 days per week...and let's say 3 weeks off per year is 147K...not bad.  This being said, I have always had a preference for 'mature' providers who often have 'real' jobs (their word for it) and supplement their income with providing.  Again, the combined income from what they have told me is very good.  They are enjoyable too because they have other avenues in which they lead their lives and see far fewer clients per week and usually no more than one per day unless it is a true escort for a dinner party.  The part of your math that may not add up is that for most men, having sex 2-4 times per day every day (maybe Sundays off) and getting well paid for it doesn't sound emotionally exhausting...physically it would probably keep one in shape.  But, unlikely in this lifetime to every happen--but I am willing to try--but then again, if my clients all looked like me, it might be terrifying!.

..the average provider makes about $2000 a month, or $25k a year. While the average HOURLY rate is nice, the actual average monthly amount is anywhere from $800 - 2000 a month.

What this does, however, is provide TIME FREEDOM - to work, go to school, tend to children and family, own another business, etc.

No, most ladies are happy just to be able to have it provide the essentials, and be enjoyable, and be so liberating.

MistressM4922 reads

When I was a stripper, working 8 hrs could net me around 300-400. Very cost effective use of my time. Now, working 2-3 hours can net me the same amount - even better. I can take care of my kids, spend time with family, finish school, work another job, etc.

I'm one of those who only works as much as they need to. I've had as many as 4-5 clients a day (massage) during specials but that was very draining. My ideal at this point in time would be just 5 clients per week.


prov2235122 reads

I would be surprised if that was the average in New York or LA. I'm in NY and I make about 3-5,000 a week as an independent.

This question comes up soooo often that it just gets a little annoying. Yes there are providers that make a ton of money, but most of us are just making a living.
There are so many factors involved in a providers income. Her hourly rate (based on what the local market will bear), her responsibilities, her work related expenses, how appealing she is to the mass market (I admit, I do NOT have mass appeal and I accept that and do my best within the limitations of the demand for my type) i.e. the number of appointments. I have had weeks in this business where I did not have a single client. Some weeks you may only have one or two clients. Those weeks suck, and unfortunately they are a little more common for many providers than many people think, and many providers will lead you to believe.
I'm really not doing this for the money alone, and the likelihood that it will make me rich is slim.
As another poster mentioned, for me it's a quality of life decision. I enjoy what I do. I enjoy the fact that it affords me time to do things that I enjoy and are important to me. It pays the mortgage and the bills (most of the time) and I appreciate that. I love no longer being a corporate automaton. That was KILING my soul.I love never having to deal with office politics, catty bullshit, wearing a suit, getting up at 6:30am and fighting rush hour traffic. That's why I do what I do.
The long and short of it is, I remember a time when it was considered rude to ask someone what their income is, or to even ponder the question. I have NEVER asked a client what their income is, and I would never dream of it. A little reciprocation on this issue would be just great! My humble opinion. xxx Octavia.

And for me, the Corporate world was KILLING my soul, too.
And I agree with your whole last paragraph! Thanks!

Ci Ci4726 reads

Remember the ole' saying, "When you assume, it makes an ass out of you and me."  That's partially true. Not all of us can or wish to work every night. Some months might be great and others terrible. Don't calculate each week by the hourly rate, because we're all different. Wow! If I made $6,000 a week, I'd already be retired.


Four clients a day. Where do you get your numbers? One a day 5 days a week and I feel like Im doing great. Other girls I know maybe 2 never more than three.

ryjay6019 reads

Why do we always seem to care what other people make?  Are we trying to compare our worth to someone elses worth?  It seems like we feel everyone makes more then they deserve, but "I" make less and work harder.  The reality is...we all make what we demand...not want we deserve.  Time and time again...at least in my business experiences...those who demand more will always make more.  And money is not the ticket to happiness and a quality life!!!

I notice a lot of providers don't return phone
calls.  Is that because they have already met
their quota (whatever that may be) for the day or
week, and its easier to just ignore the phone?

The advantage to being a provider is that you can choose who you would like to call back. For some providers, compatability is very important, it's not all about the riches. In order to make our job tolerable and enjoyable we have to be able to weed out those that we don't click with. If a person sounds creepy or suspicious on the phone then I won't call back. I don't want to put myself in a bad situation.

if they are making 6,000 a week (at the 1,200 a day you mentioned, 5 days a week) then, in one year that is actually 6,000 x 50 weeks which is 300,000 a year not 72,000.

I think there are many escorts who make more than 72,000 a year. I think that very few reach the 300,000 mark. but some surely do.


ChrissyStone5837 reads

First, I think it's fine to discuss the income of providers on these boards.

It would be rude to ask any individual his/her income, but to ask general questions or ask a range is fine IMO, just as you might check an employment site to find career and pay data. TER is an escort site, so I think it's an appropriate place to ask questions.

I make good money and I do live comfortably.

To be honest, I think I'm probably overpaid for what I do, but this isn't the easiest job in the world either.

We need to be compensated to some degree for the hazards and downside of the job--LE concerns, the stranger-danger anxiety, health risks (STD's), and doing intimate activities with men we are not necessarily attracted to--downsides not present in other jobs.

I wouldn't be here unless the money was good, and I suspect that is true of most of the other high end quality ladies as well. Yes, we love sex and enjoy this job, but that's not the main reason we're here. They and I have other abilities and educational backgrounds to allow us to work in other fields if we so choose.

If my income were to drop below a certain level then I'll be back to my former occupation which was intense but very lucrative.

(I do sorta miss the board meetings where I would show up in a cute business suit with as short a skirt as I could get away with...then add a string of pearls to look conservative.LOL.)

Anyway, enjoy your moments with your favorite girls and don't begrudge our incomes too much. :)

-- Modified on 5/15/2004 12:21:16 PM

nosugarcoat4919 reads

and thrown in the slammer, beat up or robbed. And yes, this DOES happen to high end providers.

ElleWoods4516 reads

that say it all we risk much to do this, family friends and careers

ElleWoods4223 reads

Consider this general expenses (this is honestly about the most expensive biz to be in)

general costs/estimates:

Monthly advertising and website $300-1,000.00

Cell Phone $150.00

Hair Makeup Nails etc   $250.00

Work Supplies (lotions, goodies, safety, candles etc): (excluding Incall costs $100.00-300.00 (low est)

Clothing, Shoes, Lingerie, Panty Hose, garters stocking (they run all the damned time-1 pr @ Vict Secret is $12.00 luck to get 2-3 uses) (Men pay for ladies to look their best)
$200-$500.00 per month

Gas $200-500.00 per month

Incall expenses varies $500-2,000.00

Medical Expenses: $150-250.00 every 60-90 days

If you are lucky health insurance $150-300 per mo

Car Insurance (if you are honest and say you use your car for work triple your cost here) $100-250 per month.

General living Expenses rent/mortgage/car note/food/college or loans- $1,500-4,500.00 per month depends on demographics.

Time spent answering emails, setting appts, screening, returning phone calls-40-100 hrs per month, income generated for this time invested-$0 income unless date happens.

Most ladies do NOT see 3 guys per day 5 days per week!!!
Those that do usually 'flip' and take leave for a longtime, making them unreliable, and suffer financially because of it.
Itr is not reality to think ladies are machines who can do this for more than 90 dyas max 3-5 5 days per week, it doesn't happen, it makes burnout a real thing-the revs show it.

Most may see 1-2 guys 3-6 days per week-let's not forget the numerous no shows.  And the bad weeks and months, so any reserve the lady has gets eaten up, and if she gets ill-well they don't get unemployment of course nor sick pay.

don't forget:

Yearly Photos $250-500
and other unforeseen expenses (cosmetic surgery not withstanding) :)

I tried to hint at this, but for obvious reasons you have far more detailed information than I ever could.  If I ever find myself in a similar discussion again, I'll refer back to this post for information.

$300 - $1000 per month for website & advertising expenses?  Are you serious?  Why so expensive? My website costs only the cost of registering the domain name and Yahoo hosting using the basic small business starter package which is USD12 per month.   Who is ripping you off?

Can I also suggest that you buy your stockings in bulk from a wholesaler - you should be able to get them for around $6 a pair.

Can you tell I'm a CPA ........;)

ElleWoods4267 reads

if you only advertise in the freebie places and don't market yourself elsewhere it is cheap.  But what does cheap get you?

I prefer to reach a larger market and be able to select who I see, the best way to do that is to advertise.  I imagine you have yet to pay for an online ad placement anywhere.

As for the bulk stockings, ick! I couldn't wear them, I prefer to feel as nice as I look.   I also like to color corrdinate my lingerie with the better stockings.  And the men aren't paying for ladies to wear 50% wool stockings lol

if she did, she'd be living in a studio over a garage in the West Valley.  $72k in LA is scraping by money.

RacquelOC3810 reads

WOW!  How many providers are really THAT busy?  Four clinets a day seems a bit much.

vannessa5490 reads

That's a very busy revolving door!
I doubt any provider sees that many hobbyists in one day.
She would have no life and she would be defeating the purpose of living comfortably.

Paramour4202984 reads

I Prefer to only see a few a week...unless I am offering incall somewhere (and then it's to cover the cost of the room) When I provide the location I like it to be nice and as lavish as possible, for my companions comfort.  I was in a bind financially not too long ago and I had 3 dates in one day (breakfast, lunch and dessert- a first and last for me) To be honest I was so exhausted afterwards that I was in a fog for days afterwards.  I ended up disappearing for 2 weeks just to recover so that I could bee refreshed and "eager" to see my companions.  My norm is usually 2 a week, and I am able to pay the bills, and I see relatively the same people repeatedly.  If I see more than that it is out of personal choice.I chose to become a provider  after being layed off and having no luck finding a decent job.  With 2 children (1 very outgoing and expensive and one with special needs) this allowed me to spend more time with them and still meet the bills each week.  I too assumed that providers lived grand lifestyles until I experienced just how expensive it is to maintain. I spend quite a bit each month just on appearances and such.
Example monthly cost:
Fixed expenses
Tanning - $200
Manicure - $60
Pedicure - $120
Hair Care - $150
fitness membership $50
Cell Phone - approx $100

flexible expenses:
Fuel, travel & car maintinance
room fees
Board membership fees
website expenses
clothing & lingerie
toys and props
protection needs
STD testing (without Insurance coverage)
All this adds up quickly.  Although some ladies do not partake of some of these expenses many of us do. I prefer to travel regularly so my out of pocket tends to be a bit on the outrageous side sometimes but I do so out of personal preference, plus I enjoy the variety it provides me. I think that this tends to be a very common misconception within the hobby, but when you break it all down the picture changes quite a bit.  Good luck and be well

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