TER General Board

Any way to cover this with your insurance???regular_smile
xenopus 25 Reviews 2069 reads


It looks like the stomach and the back pains are two different problems that happened concurrently.  I'll be seeing my GI soon, but it's quite likely now that the pressure under the ribs has to do with my stomach lining.  

This means I need to hobby more.  :-)  

The back pains probably have to do with the fact that I've been sitting at a computer 14 hours a day for nine years.  It got bad enough to where I felt them deep in the ribcage.  So, the doctor prescribed 6 weeks off work, staying off the computer, and CG physcial therapy by a tremendous provider(s) at least five times a day paid for by insurance...

Well, in an alternate universe that's what my doctor did.  There, I've got my prescription already and my team of PT providers flown in from around the country, would include NetMichelle, Nicole, Candy, Topanga, Tina, Misty and Ciara.  That would be the initial team, other specialist would probably have to be brought in as well.

That's the alternate universe.  In this one, I guess I'll see a chiropractor... and then NetMichelle, Nicole, Candy, Topanga, Tina...

I want to thank everybody here for their expressions of concern.  I have aches and pains, and I had a terrible time this holiday, but I'm better in all areas now.


-- Modified on 1/5/2005 9:38:01 AM

Take two GG martinis...get layed ...and call me in the morning.

Next patient...

Cheers Zin!

Too bad...I could have saved you your coinsurance payment.

Sorry the holiday wasn't too good.  But it sounds like your plan for recovery is well thought-out.  Let us know who's handling your funeral after the girls get done with you.

:) Zin. Here is to a healthy and Happier New Year !!!

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