TER General Board

And yet again you refuse to answer the real question I raised.
inicky46 61 Reviews 1097 reads

Because you can't, I guess.
Here's a litte advice: responding to every post on your own thread is weak, especially when you don't even answer the questions raised.  Worse still, your game is weak as well.
Better give it a rest before you appear a total fool.  Oh, right.  Too late for that.

AnotherJohn3079 reads

Why is that? And why do so many of the more respectful gents (and some women, I might add) allow it to continue?

Can someone respectfully answer this for me? I am at a loss.

And what have you done with Don?

Posted By: AnotherJohn
Why is that? And why do so many of the more respectful gents (and some women, I might add) allow it to continue?  
 Can someone respectfully answer this for me? I am at a loss.

AnotherJohn1436 reads

This board is littered with you dissing the women here. You and your few sycophants as well I see.

There's a few others here as well that fall into the BSC bucket.  I suspect you are one of them and need to use this alias to avoid further smackdown.

So...ready to cite something so I can answer this respectfully....or are you just generalizing your insecurities?

Posted By: AnotherJohn
This board is littered with you dissing the women here. You and your few sycophants as well I see.

AnotherJohn1133 reads

That's exactly the recipe for every losing argument.

Come on friend...it's easy.

No one will blame you for not doing so....but if you want to make a point cite at least ONE example.

Or just toss out some ad hominem....you and your friends are good at that.

Remember...you just praised cooper for his thought on the reasons....it's anonymous.  You can do this.  


Posted By: AnotherJohn
That's exactly the recipe for every losing argument.

AnotherJohn1194 reads

The people here that knew you best, couldn't and wouldn't provide you any cover whatsoever on the charge of you being disrespectful to women here.

What better example could I have found than ones own friends not coming forward to defend you to prove my point

Your credibility is nonexistent as a result of all your lies on this thread.  You are an official joke.  I wonder who you really are.  You are beneath embarrassment.

He's actually very helpful to a lot of ladies here. There are some mean ones on here, but he is definitely a really cool, nice guy.

 I've had lunch with him many times, and we have a lot of fun and great chit chat. I personally like him. I guess I don't need some dude to tell me what to think about another dude. Lol. This is P4P - we can all like and dislike who we want, but please don't try to influence me to think one way or the other about anyone but YOU.

If someone has a problem, there's always a PM. You should try it. But if you aren't willing to have a conversation without being willing to see the other side, well, then it's really your problem, not his.

I think the ladies here are much more thick skinned than you think, and can read between the lines. We're not dumb, and we really don't need some guy we don't even know to stand up for us as a whole.

Maybe use your real handle and help a lady out in a brawl on here. Randomly pointing out that 'guys are disrespectful to ladies' will get you flamed, just like it will a lady randomly doing the same. Deal with each issue as it comes, but this is not going to change the world as we know it.

This board is meant for fun banter, (I think,) but all in all, I am not so sure you're correct about us getting beat up here. If anything, I've learned a lot here, but have also had a lot of fun. Oh. And I've met numerous people on this board, and have had tons of fun. If someone doesn't want to actually get to know another outside of GD banter, they won't ever know reality, since - this is simply for online discussion.



-- Modified on 10/25/2014 8:44:12 AM

The use of other people's brains to the person who owns that brain. It works better that way. ;)

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 10:12:17 AM

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
He's actually very helpful to a lot of ladies here. There are some mean ones on here, but he is definitely a really cool, nice guy.  
  I've had lunch with him many times, and we have a lot of fun and great chit chat. I personally like him. I guess I don't need some dude to tell me what to think about another dude. Lol. This is P4P - we can all like and dislike who we want, but please don't try to influence me to think one way or the other about anyone but YOU.  
 If someone has a problem, there's always a PM. You should try it. But if you aren't willing to have a conversation without being willing to see the other side, well, then it's really your problem, not his.  
 I think the ladies here are much more thick skinned than you think, and can read between the lines. We're not dumb, and we really don't need some guy we don't even know to stand up for us as a whole.  
 Maybe use your real handle and help a lady out in a brawl on here. Randomly pointing out that 'guys are disrespectful to ladies' will get you flamed, just like it will a lady randomly doing the same. Deal with each issue as it comes, but this is not going to change the world as we know it.  
 This board is meant for fun banter, (I think,) but all in all, I am not so sure you're correct about us getting beat up here. If anything, I've learned a lot here, but have also had a lot of fun. Oh. And I've met numerous people on this board, and have had tons of fun. If someone doesn't want to actually get to know another outside of GD banter, they won't ever know reality, since - this is simply for online discussion.  

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 8:44:12 AM

Sooo...YouWanna1193 reads

Considering you have very publicly been every single stereotype that he insists every hooker is...  

Now, do you really think he was helping you? Or do you think he read your posts, and you are just another opportunity for him to feel better than providers? Did you forget how brutal he was to you when you first came on here? Or do you really believe he thinks YOU are so different than girls he doesn't even know? Literally? This does shed some light on his distorted views though, if he already targets girls who are having trouble.  

I'm being honest here, be careful Court. You've been too trusting before and you know how that burned you. I can't see this being a healthy thing, even if you don't see it yet.  

Is this day three, or day four, of Who bringing my name up to prove I'm the one obsessed with him? Lol!

Let us all just marinade on that for a minute. I'm not sticking around for the BS cause I know how it'll go and it's honestly boring at this point, just some interesting turns of events here for those keeping track at home.

It's the "Only trust people like me." people I very carefully watch. That's when someone gets burned.

Do I agree with everything the Dr says? Nope. My purpose in the above post was to challenge the OP. "Why isn't any woman talking?" I'm not waiving flags, trying to stand for "Hobbyist rights." It's a simple, "You're wrong, don't tell others what I think based on my silence."

That's it. No secret love affair hoping to run off into the sunset..

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 11:04:13 AM

Funny thing is, LR turned out to be a pretty cool person. I finally got her to admit what her aliases were, and yep. She was pretty nasty to me. She, just like many others, are the "Guilty until proven innocent" people. It wasn't until some PM exchanges that we began to get along. I ended up flying out to spend Christmas with her, and had a very fun time.

Though we've had our differences, over time those differences gave us some great laughs in the end. I will always remember her as a good soul.

People have also told me to stay away from churches and God because I've been burned in the past. Why not just understand that people are people, and won't always represent religion the proper way, but go and benefit from it anyway? If I get in a car accident, does that mean I shouldn't drive anymore? If someone betrays me at a religious function, should I never attend one again? Nope. I just learn which boundaries to set up when I go.

I would rather get to know someone personally to really see what is behind the curtain. I personally don't have faith in anyone, even myself, when it comes down to the nitty gritty. But I would rather be one who thinks the best than one who thinks the worst. I can definitely say, though there have been some rough patches, I lead a pretty satisfying life, in spite of it not being perfect and coming across mean people. Life has been much better when I started taking ownership for my own thoughts and beliefs, and not letting other people tell me what to believe, think, or feel. I also don't like when people assume that I think one way or another, and broadcast it to others.

Perhaps you and I are buddies outside of the alias. I have no idea. Or perhaps we've crossed paths and you have decided not to communicate with me anymore for one reason or another based on the season of life I was in at the time. I tend to listen to those who are continually in my life, and don't just pop up when they feel I need advice or a life lesson to be taught. I like those who celebrate my successes and allow me to celebrate theirs as well.

I edited, because I'm mixing up soo youwanna with someone else. Maybe mistook with another one of LR's alias' ha.

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 11:57:00 AM

Anyway, I disagree there's a lot of disrespect "for the ladies on this board."  There is disrespect for idiots of both sexes.  Lots of "guys" take reams up shit and deserve it.  A few ladies do, too.  But a lot of ladies get along here just fine.

GaGambler1260 reads

but I would say that at least half of the pissy little cunts on this board that get treated like pinatas are male, including I suspect, the OP.

AnotherJohn1108 reads

All the cattle are coming home. Guilty complex?

Senator.Blutarsky1066 reads

I'd say that it's more like 75% of the pissy little cunts that get treated like pinatas are male.

Now maybe he'll be satisfied and go away.  But, damn, I couldn't find any footage of Doc! Fuk!

AnotherJohn1316 reads

You realize you just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. I am sure you do.  

So answer me this. Do you think Doctor Do Little is respectful of the ladies?

Doctor Who is a Time Lord....and Doctor Doolittle talked to the animals.

Afraid to simply address me directly?

You seem to know my postings here...maybe you're one of the board pinata's that GaG is speaking of?

And perhaps I may have berated one of your beloved hookers who bloviates bullshit on here?  Yep....you're just a WK now  LOL

Feel free to throw some ad hominem out here....it's the latest craze by your pals.

Posted By: AnotherJohn
You realize you just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. I am sure you do.  
 So answer me this. Do you think Doctor Do Little is respectful of the ladies?

But since you ask, I'll be happy to elucidate.  I do, indeed, have nothing against aliases even though I almost never use mine.  I had 200 in the old days and had a lot off fun with them.  There are still valid reasons to use an alias to protect your handle when asking certain questions.
But in your case it didn't seem to me your subject matter required an alias.  But that wasn't even the burden of my post, which disputed your basic premise.  And I don't see you rebutting my main point.  Perhaps because you can't.
In any case you're wrong.

Be a big boy....your gal pal(s) are counting on you to uphold their honor.

And even as an alias (which presumably you need to protect your Princess) you fail to cite ONE example of these horrible attacks.

BTW....thanks for the thread...always fun to bat around another tool.   ;)

Because you can't, I guess.
Here's a litte advice: responding to every post on your own thread is weak, especially when you don't even answer the questions raised.  Worse still, your game is weak as well.
Better give it a rest before you appear a total fool.  Oh, right.  Too late for that.

AnotherJohn901 reads

In your opinion has Doc ever disrespected a lady here?

Now we're getting somewhere.

How about just ONE little link to a post you deem disrespectful?

I'll lay odds that any gal that has bantered with me has more often than not held their own.

You...not so much  LOL

Posted By: AnotherJohn
In your opinion has Doc ever disrespected a lady here?

AnotherJohn1082 reads

And these are your friends? Ha ha

You don't need any enemies then. Guess I shot down all the tough guys. Not so tough, huh guys?

You can all go back to disrespecting the women again.

My work is done here. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So no answers for you...just that you needed to vent because you were being harassed by a girl.

That's OK...there's a need for trolls like you here.

Many of us count on it.

Thanks for playing.

Now ask TER to change your alias and give this a shot again in a month or so.  

Posted By: AnotherJohn
And these are your friends? Ha ha  
 You don't need any enemies then. Guess I shot down all the tough guys. Not so tough, huh guys?  
 You can all go back to disrespecting the women again.  
 My work is done here. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

I did enjoy it when you declared victory and then fled.
Really a pitiful performance.

At least he/she's consistent.  He/she doesn't reply to anyone's posts unless they agree with him/her. And, of course, the OP doesn't grasp he/she has no game.  None.
Thus I have no respect for the OP no matter what it's sex is.

First you reply to my first comment about your use of an alias but declined to respond to the gist of the rest of my post, which actually replied to you.  I pointed this out several times and you have yet to reply.  It's now obvious why. And now you want me to comment on Doc?  You don't deserve an answer until you, at long last respond to my original post.
What a 'tard you are.  Or is it a 'tardette.
You do know you're embarrassing yourself here, don't you?

AnotherJohn1001 reads

No defense of Doc because there is no defense. You know he is disrespectful of women and your too scared to say so.

Nothing could prove my point better than your refusal to answer. ;)

I'd like to think that you can at least retain some words for more than 8 minutes....but apparently not.

YOU believe that I'm disrespectful...duly noted.

Please provide ONE link as an example for the class.

If you won't...or can't....then I have to conclude that you're afraid of some weird internet repercussions.

Odd how that works...is your gal pal sitting next to you as well?

Posted By: AnotherJohn
No defense of Doc because there is no defense. You know he is disrespectful of women and your too scared to say so.  
 Nothing could prove my point better than your refusal to answer. ;)

AnotherJohn1287 reads

You see, what I have brilliantly done is to pit their defense of you versus them lying. They chose not to lie for you. They know, at least on occasion,  you are highly disrespectful to women.

Use a little logic next time Doc. It will wonders! I swear! Ha ha

I guess if you say it enough times and loud it must be true.

Time for your meds...delirium is a problem with you.

But I'll give you another chance to put up a link...any link.  And TER has said they'll gladly change your alias later this evening as well.

You're good to go.

Posted By: AnotherJohn
You see, what I have brilliantly done is to pit their defense of you versus them lying. They chose not to lie for you. They know, at least on occasion,  you are highly disrespectful to women.  
 Use a little logic next time Doc. It will wonders! I swear! Ha ha

AnotherJohn1381 reads

And it's hysterical, you, amongst all your little cronies here, CANT muster ANY defense of your "respectful" character.  

When they find that, or Big Foot, get back to me. LOL!!'!!!!!!!

And nice ad hominem by the way. I just new you'd blink first. ;)

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 9:52:16 PM

hotplants1208 reads

DR who.....you are not only disrespectful, you're astoundingly argumentative, and arrogant, and just about the biggest blowhard imaginable; although, admittedly,  that's a close race between a few of you.  

To hear you talk, you'd have everyone think you are the defacto expert on 'hookerdom'. You know exactly how providers think, how they run their business, who they do business with and why, how they spend their money, how ignorant and uneducated they are, how they can't 'pay their rents', what they "should be doing".....and blah and blah and blah and blah....over and over and over....

You don't discuss anything. You attack. You insult. You antagonize. You bait. You take every cheap shot that you repeately accuse others of taking. Nobody needs a link. All they need to do is read your posts.  

And...yeah....I know. I can actually hear the rest of the GD board contingent getting loaded for bear now...

First of all, Doc is kicking your ass -- not that it's hard.  Actually, with your abysmally weak performance you are kicking your own ass.
Epic fail

It seems that a large number of participants on this board enjoy the disrespectful verbal battles. This likely is the result of anonymity that the internet provides.  

Posted By: AnotherJohn
Why is that? And why do so many of the more respectful gents (and some women, I might add) allow it to continue?  
 Can someone respectfully answer this for me? I am at a loss.

AnotherJohn1398 reads

Did you see all the guilty parties come rushing out of their bee hives to answer first? Very predicatble, isn't it?

if no one posted on your troll thread.

So how about friend.....cite an example.

Or are you too afraid to out the gal(s) you're WK'ng for?

That's OK...you've got the alias to protect you...and as cooper said, it's the anonymity of the internet.  How about it Braveheart?

Posted By: AnotherJohn
Did you see all the guilty parties come rushing out of their bee hives to answer first? Very predicatble, isn't it?

AnotherJohn1044 reads

That it doesn't matter if someone uses an alias? Or do I have you confused with someone that will actually answer that question honestly?

Especially with an alias...you're safe...right?

How about friend...ONE little example.

William Wallace is counting on you to deliver.

Maybe you've noticed that only ONE member on all of TER is using their REAL name.  And she hasn't posted in quite a while.  Come on Braveheart....you can do this.  It's OK  ;)

If you prefer just toss out some F bombs....make an internet threat...post some ad hominem.  Or be the big brave OP and cite ONE measly example of the beratement you posted about.

Posted By: AnotherJohn
That it doesn't matter if someone uses an alias? Or do I have you confused with someone that will actually answer that question honestly?

but kindly list them under this post so I can see what you are babbling about.

There is nothing else in this thread (thus far) that remotely discusses your OP by you.

Please attach a link to a post that you are finding offensive...that would shed some light on your rant.

Posted By: AnotherJohn
Hypocrisy much?

GaGambler1405 reads

Quite the contrary, many people know exactly who we are. Anyone with 30 seconds to spare and a sixth grade education can get all of my "real" information if they are so inclined.

It's the OP who appears to be the coward and is hiding behind the anonymity of an alias.

I have a question of my own. Is it really being disrespectful when a poster is literally begging to be taken out back and flogged for posting like a moron, regardless of which sex that person happens to be? I say, people who deserve respect here, by and large are treated  respectfully, those that don't, are not. I can not think of a better example of someone undeserving of respect than the OP him/herself.

ADJ was a well respected poster here.  

This AJ is simply one of the board WK's who's pissed that myself, Jack and !_! have gone after some of the latest BSC gals.

But he won't cite an example as that would out who he is WK'ng for.  And perhaps out himself with his handle and reviews.

William Wallace would not be pleased  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
Quite the contrary, many people know exactly who we are. Anyone with 30 seconds to spare and a sixth grade education can get all of my "real" information if they are so inclined.

It's the OP who appears to be the coward and is hiding behind the anonymity of an alias.  

I have a question of my own. Is it really being disrespectful when a poster is literally begging to be taken out back and flogged for posting like a moron, regardless of which sex that person happens to be? I say, people who deserve respect here, by and large are treated  respectfully, those that don't, are not. I can not think of a better example of someone undeserving of respect than the OP him/herself.

GaGambler977 reads

This idiot? Not so much.

but he/she really should be thanking us for playing along. There no worse treatment towards a troll than ignoring him, and we were kind enough to feed him/her.

Nope...he's been beaten into submission by one of his gal pal(s) who has taken a recent smackdown.  There's a few in the past week or so that qualified as BSC.

So if the OP is too afraid to cite even ONE example....I hope that the gal who put him up to this will at least come on here and fend for her own honor.

This tool can't even uphold a gals honor with the use of an alias....that's the epitome of pathetic.

Posted By: GaGambler
This idiot? Not so much.

but he/she really should be thanking us for playing along. There no worse treatment towards a troll than ignoring him, and we were kind enough to feed him/her.

HandleWithCare1512 reads

A lot of what may seem like disrespect is playful banter, going both ways. It can get pretty thick, but those involved know it's nothing personal.  

And then there's the guys, I think and hope in the small minority, who do seem to really disrespect the ladies here and on other boards. I think there's multiple reasons. I think some mongers generally disrespect women who are paid for sex. They're just whores, after all, in the minds of these guys.  And there's some guys who disrespect women in general, and the ladies here are just some of their targets. But often it's more targeted disrespect, to providers they view as being "BSC". Just what constitutes "BSC" varies a lot.  

You realize, of course, who is ultimately responsible for allowing the disrespect to continue here. And you wonder why. You might check out the threads a little down the page on train wrecks to understand why.

AnotherJohn966 reads

I hope it is a small minority but when I see the girls talked down to, the use of vulgar language to them, nit picking fights over the most innocuous things, etc it just makes me sad.

Why don't you answer Dr Who's question?

Posted By: AnotherJohn
I hope it is a small minority but when I see the girls talked down to, the use of vulgar language to them, nit picking fights over the most innocuous things, etc it just makes me sad.

But I think she now realizes that she's befriended a complete loser in terms of discussion boards.

That's really quite sad...as it's not live and he could try and get some assistance from someone to help with a reply that is/was germane to the topics being discussed.


Posted By: USGrantlover
Why don't you answer Dr Who's question?  
Posted By: AnotherJohn
I hope it is a small minority but when I see the girls talked down to, the use of vulgar language to them, nit picking fights over the most innocuous things, etc it just makes me sad.

HandleWithCare1158 reads

If you want respectful, thoughtful discourse here, the first thing you need to do is set an example with your own behavior.  Don't expect others to be respectful if you cannot be.

1. This is an adult forum

2. This is not a women's rights forum

3. There is no democracy her

That doesn't mean I want to hang out with them either. However they would take offense to this statement.

Even when I'm being respectful, on forum which isn't designed to shower people with respect.

nor do we have any interest in hanging out with you either.

hotplants1372 reads

don't disrespect "straight people" either. I don't even mind 'being around them'. Cripes...some of my best friends are straight [insert drum roll]. Even thinking about straight people  having sex doesn't completely disgust me. I know...right? Crazy.  

Us GAYS might be more inclined to believe you if you didn't qualify your respect by making sure you pointed out you have no interest in being around "us"

Why would sexual preference even come up?

Sexual orientation isn't relevant to every setting and/or conversation...  

Unless of course some one is gay, then they have to make it known. I don't catcall at every woman I see, and describe every depraved thing I want to do to her, because I like the curves on her body. I'm a civilized man.

Are you telling me women like that kind of attention?

But somehow that is hardly surprising.

You are the one whom doesn't want to hang out with me, and for no other reason than stating my opinion.

... an opinion that is irrelevant to the conversation.

I don't want to hang out with gay people because, we (I) and (gay people) most likely do not share any of the same interests. Why can't you accept that we are different?... I accept those differences.  

Don't be intolerant of tolerance.

All I did was reciprocate similar feelings back to you.
I accept and rejoice in the fact that I am miles away from you in all aspects of my life.
And YOU are the one who brought gay people into a conversation in which we had no involvement.

I am tolerant of tolerance.
I am saddened by your apparent dimwittedness, tho.

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 11:00:05 PM

Gays are pretty much like anyone else.  Most do not look or act like what this dimwit would call "gay." If he had any friends I'd say he has more than a few who are gay but he just doesn't know it.

I don't hang out with people who are attracted to the same sex. We do not share the same interests.  

You are the one who fails to understand. Therefore you are intolerante of straight people.

You are truly clueless and incapable of comprehending the context of even a simple discussion. I now understand why you get the types of slams from many here. You bring it on yourself with your tunnel vision mentality and inability to recognise simple statements. But I suppose being a simpleton must have some advantages..... like not having the capacity to understand basic ideas which must keep your existence very simple.

You post that you don't hang out with gay people because you don't share any interests. I reply that we gay people feel the same way about you. And this makes me intolerant of straights, but it doesn't make you intolerant of gays?

Nice convoluted logic there, Einstein.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 9:14:10 AM

Read my response to the OP.

Why are you disrespecting my opinion?

I'm not intolerant of gays, I am intolerant of gays who are intolerant of my tolerance of intolerance.

hotplants1139 reads

What about that? I think the totality of the intolerability of this topic tells us gays that being told we’re being intolerant of your tolerance of intolerance, even though intolerably intolerant, is something we’re gonna have to try to tolerate.  

Answer the question.

I find it interesting that you felt the need to defend a position that wasn't threatened.  

Which reinforces my observation that many gay people want to feel subjugated based on their sexual preference. My belief that gay people feel so strongly about this rebellion of tradition. They must hold on to their detachment from social norms at any cost, to form an individual identity.

Do lesbians respect women?

Many of the ladies on this board show no respect for us johns so why in turn would we show them any respect? Respect is earned not given. Unless of course like a puppy you roll over on your back and piss all over yourself for any attention received from a hooker.

AnotherJohn1179 reads

For admitting that women are dissed here. Everyone here is not so honest.

One little link...that's all I need to see.

You can ask TER to give you a new alias after this thread so you can still hold your head up with honor....somewhere.

Seems like you're getting quite a bit of disrespect here....is there a reason for this?  Perhaps it's the same reason that any poster gets flak...man or woman.

You simply can't fix stupid.  Just in case you are wondering why any of this applies to you.

But in your case it's not just that....you've got to uphold some gals honor.  There are a few of you in Chicago.  

Posted By: AnotherJohn
For admitting that women are dissed here. Everyone here is not so honest.

My first post here, to which you utterly failed to respond, acknowledged women were disrespected here -- when they are idiots.  And that men are disrespected here -- when they are idiots. But you've ignored that and refuse to respond.
You are a rather boring combo of a troll and a WK.
I'm now finding it impossible to take you seriously.  I hope you don't find that disrespectful.
No, actually, I do.

What would you like to see that's different, what kind of change would you like to see?

Neither myself, or any other posters have to agree with your proposal. However you should share your vision.

How are we to evolve?... if you don't share.

However I don't know how you personally define respect. We might even share the same definition.

Yet see things differently.

Just hiding behind the alias is not going to help you much..  

Like the old English adage goes.. "The Leopard can't change its spots.."

Although I am a NATS fan, I too wish O's were playing in the WS.. Just sayin'...

It's simple.  

Boys...Get a grip.  

It continues, because it continues AJ, and always, I mean always, will, whether you (or anyone) wants it to or not.  

Most just simply can't be bothered, as it's proven to be a neverending battle. That's all there really is to it.  

Might I remind you, William Wallace did not fight the battle alone.  

It still takes an army to defeat the enemy no matter who the leader is.  

Without the army to defend him and his honor, he would've perished in the first scene I'm afraid.  

And that is what happens here over and over again.  

Carry on gentlemen...your way

But really, my little lunchmeat, please re-read your post.  It was quasi-incoherent.

I think.  

Seems pretty coherent to me. Perhaps you should read it again. What's not to get?

Here, I'll spell it out in terms just for you Nick...  

You gentlemen (the board boys) are one army. The other posters who probe at your army every once in a while and go in for an attack (such as this gentleman right here), well, we can't claim him as an army, he comes in as a lone soldier. He has no army. Or let me rephrase, perhaps he does, but they are hiding out in the weeds wayyy in the back too fearful to come onto the battlefield to rightfully fight for the same thing.  

Now, without each of you defending each other (your army, which has all the same soldiers time and time again)...well, this lone soldier has zero chance of winning any battle on here without that army standing behind him. Doesn't matter if what he is fighting for is valid or not. Ya see, wiithout that army to back him up or defend him, he stands alone on that battlefield completely solo whilst being attacked over and over again..and the rest just sit back and watch. Yes, it's a horrid sight lol. It is him, against all of you. And I think, as in the dawn of time, no matter how brave any lone soldier is for going out and fighting in what he (or she) believes in, eventually he(or she) will go down. That's inevitable.  

In summation, your army with the same soldiers always wins the battle against any lone soldier who has no army. And ya see, this scenario (specifically here) happens time and time again. Quite honestly, I'm still trying to figure that one out for myself. I have been here long enough to see history repeat itself over and over.  

So the Battle of the Boards....will remain.

I don't know Nick. Seems like a pretty simple concept to me. It's not like I'm rewriting history here or something. Geezk. Get it now?

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 7:21:23 PM

Some self-editing is called for.  At least if you want me to actually read it.

It was written specifically for you lol.  
And how would you know it needed self-editing if you didn't read it?  
Oh well, I won't question you.  
But I take it you didn't like it.  
I did write it in a way I thought you would.  
Awww shucks.  
Can't win'em all I guess.  

I liked my story anyway  ;)

I opened it, scrolled down its massive length and said to myself, "No fucking way am I reading this!" Then I closed it.  Got it now?  Honestly, I'm just not that interested.

The enemy of your enemy is my enemy.

If Johny claims to understand your post and I do not then you are officially incoherent. Johny is sort of our official barometer of incoherence; the canary in the coal mine.

I tried to defend the lady's position before, but she doubled down on crazy.

you know I have no problem with you or anyone here really (ok maybe one or two lol). But let's be honest...noone's been a part of my army here (at least publicly) which is totally cool with me. Are they in the weeds, yes...plenty. But for you to say you 'defended' a position of mine before? I don't recall. I don't appreciate the lil jab either.  

I believe the OP is speaking of respect. You have to give respect to get respect. And most here have crossed that line and thensome in not understanding the 'give' part. They certainly feel they are owed it which puzzles me because I believe 'give' comes first.  

Anyhow, there should be a line drawn...somewhere in that sand.

My persona is a play on the persona that was a spoof of my persona

AnotherJohn968 reads

That NONE of the tough guys here could say that respect for women was important to them personally, nor could they take Doctor Do Nothing's back when asked repeatedly if he disrespected women on this board.

They took the 5th on that one! LOL

I'll give you this though guys. I can't accuse any of you for being liars, that's for sure!


As for "declaring my respect for women" this is the first time you've made that a requirement, LOL.  What a weasel you are.  But I don't mind addressing your weasely question.  I'll bet every woman I've reviewed (and the many I have not, for reasons of my own, or their own) would tell you I was respectful of her.  Of course, we can't do the same research for you, can we?
As for Doc, he called you out repeatedly to answer his question to back up your claim and you utterly failed.
Bottom line: YOU LOSE.
Now, for the love of god, please go away.

Sure, guys with testosterone can tend to go over-the-top with a lot of the crap slung around.  Aren't all females over the age of 3 aware of the general nature of males?
But also, the ladies here, in their own, way can be pretty damn acerbic too towards hobbyists in general.

Shouldn't all of this be taken with a grain of salt?

Check out my first post on this incredibly stupid thread.  So what's my excuse? I'm posting while watching the World Series with vodka.  It's not that hard.  Unless you're the OP.  Then it's really,really hard. Impossible, in fact.

Panthera121135 reads

Damn, it only took one thread for you to be owned and I didn't even participate. It's too late in the thread for real answers, but take a shower, discard the soiled boxers and come back tomorrow.

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 10:07:09 PM

Panthera121185 reads

And you know that I hate to be late for a party. Tomorrow could bring another social gathering and she may take some testosterone injections tonight.

AnotherJohn1432 reads

Oh, that's right. During Halloween season, Walmart extends their hours

Panthera121430 reads

I highly doubt that Walmart has a staff on call, you moron. As this thread progressed you were more desperate for material and your IQ started to really show.

AnotherJohn1204 reads

On his pony.  

And just like most pussies, he arrives after the fight is over.  

But I am sure your BF's here appreciate the effort. ;)

Why can't you provide just one link? Man you are one angry gal...............

Posted By: AnotherJohn
On his pony.  
 And just like most pussies, he arrives after the fight is over.  
 But I am sure your BF's here appreciate the effort. ;)

Panthera121276 reads

You must not have much of a life to put some of us under such high praise.  

By the way, had I seen your thread earlier the branch manager would have cut off a couple of more limbs and you would have scurried off a lot sooner then you did

AnotherJohn1074 reads

My foot is sore.

Now go try and find your little drunk, gambling friend from Georgia as I am worried about her.

Make sure you check under the bed. That's where little girls go when they are scared.

But I understand your confusion.  You've been pummeled about the head so much you're delusional.
Here's your mug shot.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 8:29:33 AM

Romantical1076 reads

God, OP hit it dead on, straight outta the park. Seriously, it's like the rest of you guys put everything you had into proving him correct. This here might be the sorriest thread in TER history. And that is saying ALOT.

bigguy301770 reads

You are trying to kiss so much provider ass and sound like a bitch.
The disrespect goes both ways at times and yes it should not happen.
We don't need your bitch ass coming on here to lecture us.
If two adults can't resolve their issues, then the Ter moderator will step in to remove them.
So you are not at a loss, you just want to be a ass kisser!

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 2:30:40 AM

bigguy301121 reads

Then why do you start attacking people, you disagree with on here right away?  
You sound like a fool and defeat the purpose of your thread hypocrite!
We all can see your purpose with this thread and it was to fight with people you don't like on here.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 4:09:59 AM

and it cuts both ways. If you consider how many men and women post, I'd guess (admittedly anecdotal) that there are proportionally as many mysogynist as misandrist posts and opinions expressed. Quite frankly, I understand both sides of that coin, and can accept the results when it gets tossed. Offering a counter-opinion is not at all disrespectful.  

What I find objectionable is the need to endlessly battle in the face of different beliefs, or crusade forever for converts to a particular set of beliefs. Disagreement is not a glove-slap to the face.  

My opinion on this thread? You (the OP) and those that you have engaged in the endless battle/crusade, are much the same. You approach a topic of disagreement as a zero sum game, not realizing that an internet forum is more like a game of tic-tac-toe... there is no real winner possible.

Posted By: AnotherJohn
Why is that? And why do so many of the more respectful gents (and some women, I might add) allow it to continue?  
 Can someone respectfully answer this for me? I am at a loss.
Because human nature hates boredom.  
Most people love palavering... If they have nothing if importance to say nor to contribute, they palaver.
And a lot of people here, like the rest if the world..  Love to push buttons. 'Ol button-pushers.

A person will learn quickly (or succumb)  to lace their boots up and put on their big boy/girl panties... Leastwise become board-piñata.
I don't blame you for wanting to play white knight, but Bruh... This is a lost cause.  
Someone is always going to be a bully, a dick, a woman hater, and man hater, a bitch, a cunt... Etc etc times infinity.  
And for a lot of us, there's really a limited amount of decent online hobby places to "hang"- so, here we sit. This is a lot of people's entertainment during down time.  
You didn't really think they are all just going to "get along " now, did you??  

The funny thing about it really is, some if these folks really think they can "win." Win WHAT EXACTLY???  
hell if I know..  lol
Someone pass the popcorn!  

To be honest I have experienced a lot worse on other boards.. but I have to admit as a provider in the industry i find the discussions on this site are not easy to get into.. they are often just BRO discussions and show little respect for the ladies in the industry.

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