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And he "liked" his on post...again!!! -e-
bonordonor 900 reads


emsjhs20092291 reads

why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???

Why? Probably many reasons, expressing individuality, they don't think they are ugly, to honor someone they love or have lost, to piss off people and I'm sure there are other reasons.

Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???

why would they put it on their back if they can't see it?

Some people really get off on tattoos.  Some like small titties and hate implants.  Some like BBWs, some like spinners.  Why judge?
If you don't like tats, check out her reviews or even ask her.  Pix are unreliable because many gals have their tats airbrushed since it's a way to confirm her real identity.  Asking about tats isn't the same as asking about services.  Many women mention on their site that they have tats (like Tobi Telford, among others).  So it's easy to avoid them.
I have a couple of tats myself.

But I am sorry they make your labia shrivel.  Then again, because of your age limitation we'll never meet so it hardly matters.  But on behalf of your clients I hope you were merely engaging in hyperbole.
My tats.  Just had to share

..I came across him somewhere, somehow. Talk about fucked up.

I call it "Tats for Twats."
This was our first effort.

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 1:10:47 PM

I would think this charity is quite competitive by now.  

Also, I always thought a queef escaped down and out, not up and to the right - or the left if that's a selfie taken in the mirror.

Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???
Because not everyone has the same standards of beauty as you.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???
 Because not everyone has the same standards of beauty as you.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???
 Because not everyone has the same standards of beauty as you.

bonordonor988 reads

I would tag that in a heartbeat!!!

Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???

I once felt as you do, but then I saw a gal who had an enormous work of art covering half her back and shoulder.  It really took me back at first but then an amazing thing happened:  It brought out my kink and suddenly I was getting a boner just touching it.

Don't be afraid of attempting something new in this hobby.  Not every experiment will work (I've had some disappointments.) but when things do go well, then you've got a whole new vista to enjoy.

Those amazing black wings on her back are sexy as hell.

It was over ten years ago; a gal from a small now defunct agency.  Her photos did not reveal the body art so it was totally a surprise.

Since then I've experienced two other gals with just amazing body art:  Babalon Drifter (Charlotte) of Chicago who is now, alas, retired, and Amsterdam, who last I checked was back in Denver.

Those gals ought to be exhibited in a major art museum.

And kinky as hell.  Actually, I found her "tats" kind of overwhelming.  Do you remember her story about riding the subway in Brooklyn with a vibrating egg in her pussy that shot out and shattered on the floor of the subway car in front of everyone? Hilarious. And, knowing her, probably true.

Ladies if you aren't getting paid for sporting your tattoos, you are in the wrong business.

bonor your analogy was lame.

My other car is a Buick Park Avenue.

(My Park Avenue does not have any bumper stickers on it.)

Posted By: mrfisher
My other car is a Buick Park Avenue.

(My Park Avenue does not have any bumper stickers on it.)

associated with specific social groups i.e. bikers, gangs, military, various tribal designations. Now it's just normal for anyone under 30 to have tats.


I don't think it RUINS a woman's body but  I do think many go overboard. Have you ever been in someone's house who is a sports fan and they have team posters. cups, rugs, jerseys etc. ALL over the house? that's what it reminds me of. What would ruin the look is having so many that you can't even see what they are. It's just a jumbled mess.  

Have you also noticed that some ladies particularly, the Gen Y ers find tats  (as a requirement)  attractive in a man? I don't think I've ever heard a dude say a woman MUST have tattoos for him to be attracted to her.

Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???

As long as they're not huge or in certain places that I like (face, tits, pussy, etc.)  It depends on what the lady looks like too and where they are. While I'm not a big fan of them I have seen some cool ones.

In the end though, everyone has the right to do what they want with their bodies.

Some I like, some I don't it's not a big deal to me.

I'm amazed that your question hasn't received an actual answer, only that your post has turned into a debate of do you like tats or not? Personally I'd like to see the fad go away, but it seems to be growing. Taste full tattoos, along with tattoos that look professional are okay to look at.  I will never understand the appeal of getting a tattoo.  

This coming from a guy who would rather not see women dye their hair.

I see tons of it in stripclubs. I really enjoy tats that have deep meaning and love to discuss them, if the gal is comfortable discussing it. What I don't like is graffiti scribble of some ratchet dancer's baby daddy's name scrawled across her ass like a badge of honor. Ugh.

Because they like tattoos, artistic nature, artistic expression, impulsive nature, because of rejection, not  thinking before they inked, self expression, peer pressure, passion, good memories, bad memories, to honor deceased loved ones, to honor living loved ones, to honor their religion, to honor their devil, insecurity, security, to appear tough, because they belong to gang or mafia, boredom in prison, boredom with their  life, to appear meek, to find a crowd to fit in, to cover blemishes and birthmarks, because their parents don't like tattoos, to draw attention, to be trendy, substitute for addiction, drunken night near tattoo parlors, to cover previous  tattoos, to alleviate anxiety, to advertise, to display their patriotism, to have them removed.......  

Posted By: emsjhs2009
why do so many beautiful women ruin their perfect bodies with large ugly tattoos ???

though the secondary question is, why not other forms of expressing these things, manners that wouldn't be so permanent.
And I suppose the answer to this would be that the human body has become more and more acceptable as the template for this expression.  No taboo in tattoo so to speak.

And expression of individuality.
Small ones can be cool, nice little expressions about yourself.
Huge ones?  To me they're like using ALL CAPS or talking very very loudly all the time - manners of communicating that aren't exactly subtle.  Then again, we are all different - and some people are far from subtle.  Not generally my cup of tea - but hell, I'm too reserved and like a boy scout for many.  So to each their own.  And regarding the quest for beauty and perfection, we often like to state that this is subjective - but lets face it, some efforts hit the mark a lot better than others.  Michael Jackson didn't exactly help himself with all his strides for perfection (of course ruining your face via plastic surgery is on a whole different level from even the ugliest of tattoos).

But really, all the above is obvious and goes without saying.  But I generally agree with your main point - the female body is already a pricesless work of art, so it can be a shame when you see something that detracts from that.

89Springer909 reads

it makes me think that she's independent, a bit of a rebel, and not afraid to be different.

which by definition means that small beautiful ones are OK as are large beautiful ones.

Most people dislike ugly things.

But when tastefully done as art as opposed to graffiti I can see body art as rather nice.

Now that being said.  80% of all the tattoos I have seen lately look like they were done at Tattoo Lou's in a strip mall shopping center and mostly look shitty.

The refinement and class of a GOOD tattoo can be limitless.  But to pick a design out of a book like a cookie cutter is simply keeping up with the herd.

Originality and art.m that's the ticket.  Or else stay a blank canvas and let God's work shine rather than man's.

I don't have tattoos and perhaps 10 years ago I would have felt the same as you do.  

Fortunately for me, I've grown up a little since then. I have had the chance to to kiss and touch and fondle a few women who have multiple tattoos and I asked them, before I started my body worshiping journey, to tell me about what each tattoo's relevance is as I get to each one. It's amazing because she is telling you what the relevance is and her voice starts cracking a little as I'm kissing and touching that part of her body, it's really very erotic. I don't think anyone gets a tattoo that doesn't mean something to them, and so she's giving you a glimpse of "who" she is, and that little bit of connection has paid off in spades in the rest of the session.

I am very cognizant of the fact that if it weren't for the arrangement I'd never have a chance to be with these amazing women and I understand completely that the session is just that a session and at the end of the session we are both going our separate ways. But I've found that if I can get her engaged in this mental way then the session is amazing as opposed to being good.

That is my long, verbose answer. The short, concise answer is, its her body and she can do anything she wants to her body.  

There are ladies who mask the tattoos in their site photos to ensure they aren't recognized IRL by them, but these ladies will tell you on their site that they are doing so, others don't and you know from their photos that they are adorned with multiple tattoos, so if you don't like tattoos don't choose to spend time with these women, its just really that simple.

behind body art. You bleed, there is a sting of pain, there is some adrenaline. Then , you have a sort of new piece of jewelry to wear. Only this piece doesnt annoy you as you jog or fuck or do yoga.  
    My tats came and sprang forth from painful emotional experiences, and my sittings were a form a therapy, then the reward the beutiful art to express myself.  

   I cant explain why but i have also done numerous scarificacions and even at age 11 would pierce my own body over and over, I must have pierced and re pierced my belly button seven times . I even pierced my hands a few times.


    I think body adornment and body piercings is a very ancient tribal ritual. It has come back full force because we are returning to our tribal ways its not something we can control oits an evolution thing.


   Tattoos: cannot be explained, You either get it or you dont. Which is a QUOTE FROM PAUL BOOTH,  A dear friend of mine and former lover whom is known as the "godfather of tattooes"

For some it is a right a of passage for me, It became an endurance test. i began to want to sit through 5 hours of agaony as some form of pleasurable drug free out of body experience,  

I had my back tat done not once but twice and the skin is now raised because second time round it created scar tissue.

I also have numerous scarifications i have done myself for just simple waching blood be drawn and pain pleasure,

I guess you could say . simply put, Because i am afreak! that is proberly the easiest most simply put response i can give you.

The most painful of all my piercings and ink was the double nipple piercing . i got both nipples pierced same time.

I think it is more a "my genration thing" and cannot be explained to closed minded old fogies like yourself.  

My own father had a tattoo he had done himself as well!

   i think it like awarrior branding themselves, and also i for me feel sexier with all the black dark art across my back, I buy special clothes and even have all my shirts altered for summer to show it off!

There is a dry cleaner up street and i go in with all my shirts and i have them brought up several inches to haletrs, and then often i cut the shrts so back is low cut.

   I also ALWAYS have found men with lots of tattoos attractive. I had a thought ne day that in order to grab thier attention, if i get a bigger better eye catching tat than most ladies i have met it will and trust me it has ! gotten me alot of attention from the men with whom i wish to get attention from, which is young guys with lots of tattooes, like myself. Which is "my thing" and what i happen to like for my pleasure.

   I wonder what angelina and brad pitts responses would be??????they are both highly successful creative people whom love acting and stage and angelina is now even directing.  

I am curious what there responses would be?

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 11:59:46 AM

my world is not now, but when i began the back piece. It is 16 hours total but mind you it has been done 2 times, There was a few years i did not get any additions to it. During those few years it faded. When I picked up where i had left off and decided to finally finish it,  

the artist whom did the remaining additions, Paul Booth, whom is 300 an hour with a 3 year waiting list . His tattoo theatre and shop is in new york.  

   he said well i know you feel you went through the pain once and got that behind you, wel sorry to tel you i have to go over all the wprk you have had done again or the tattooe on back will be 2 shades since the previous work had already begun to fade.....

it turned into me just enjoying the blood and the bearing down of the needle. I had him once intentionally just do an entire area all filled in then we took pictuires of all the blood dripping down.

i guess you could say i was into masachism, or enjoyed pain and or got addicted to the sensation of being tattooed.  

I actually had had some severe back pain at that time of my life, aND  oddly enough the pain from the tattoo being done would provide temporary relief from the non stop pains in and across my back i would suffer from, sometimes leaving me bed ridden................................


I was later diagnosed with a nerve/pain disorder called fibromyalgia maybe like 5 years later, but oddly enough, I would at times not be able to use my right side for periods of times, and it was not just mentally wearing on me it made me miss school for weeks once, I was in hair dressing schoool and i remeber i tryed to move out on my own away from boyfriend, I remeber being bedridden with pain in my back, which i know know is called fibromyalgia it was not in fact pulled muscles...........like i haD BEEN BEING TOLD OVER THE YEARS THEN SENT HOME TO GET BED REST TIL THE PAIN HEALS.  


    it prevented me from being able to get my hair dressing license actually, I was trying to practice for state boards and the fibro in my neck, was so un bearable i wasnt able to perform nessecary tasks for the exams,  

   I was also in metal bands and it is the norm for lead singers to be heavily inked, its just a different world and either your in it, and live it and get it, or your in another world, and dont get it, My mum for example would never grasp why we do it, or why we get inked , It horrifies her, ...................................I love my tats and do not regret them in any way, I would love to get fully sleeved one day by the same artist, paul booth, and the theme would be same, blaCK N GREY, AND I WOULD WANT ONLY DARK, ART.  

 from darker side of life, Not flowers or colorful tats, i like the more demonic styles bats skulls, macabre blood. devils demons, maybe some native american imagery but i am not into the flowers and hearts for tats, not my style. I d go with al dark gothic, imagery............................

one my favorite artist named h.r.giger was the inspiration for my back tat. it is supposed to be wings made with saber swords as feathers, it is a style called bio mechanical art. if your into art you may have heard of this style. common style for a tattoo, many other people like bio mechanical body art... I love it, to me it simbolizes how very much out bodies and minds are like wel oikled machines, I guess i should stop now i am getting off into left field, and one wanna real me back in?xoxoxo

to me it also is symbolic of my ability to self discipline, When i first embarked on my back tattoo journey i was straight edge, vegan and in a strict martial arts school....


   The imagery of bio mechanical dark art was to me symbolic of my life and the discipline i was living in self imposed. I felt strong at that time of my life and well somewhat like a well operating machine, Yes i am crazy you can say it!!!


my world any how. xoxoxo xo tats rock!
    oddly enough you never hear people WITH tats asking why every else doesnt get tatted up as well. Shows how differnet some peoples minds can be,


I love my tats and many reasonings why i got heavily tatted...many.


  But to me, if we flipped the scripts, I personally would never ever, push my view style and likes on that of another, Nor would i judge, Only god can do that..

   i guess there are control freaks, there are free spirits, there are artsy fartsy freaks.  

Then there will always be those whom feel there way is the only way, and they will channel negative energy and hate towards that which they may simply put not understand like body art/


To pose a question why get body art is one thing, To pose it in a manner like you have, WHY RUIN YOUTR SELF WITH UGLY TATTOOS.

that in itself is sign of a person i know i wouldnt be able to soend too much time around they would drive me dare i say "batty?"


  but lets picture me goin on here and stating a thread titled..." why dont people with bare un adorned boring looking stuck up preppy bodies, why dont th  ey get inked up too?.."


do you see how silly and rude you sound by even posting such nonsense?

      maybe you could fair well from just not worring about why people do things that disinterest you.


I definetly dont get into trying to figure out why some people eat junk food daily and let themselves get out of shape, mentally n physically from poor diet and no excercize.

I certainly wouldnt go as far as to post athread interegating them on why they live this way,

you d fair well to simply live, enjoy breathe and not try n figure out people whom you have no reason to care about anyhow, you say yourself you think it is ugly and ruining oneself, so why are you soending time trying to understand the zen of it all?

its a rude ly put thread post, but i hope i may have enlightened your closed minded brain for the day....................................................

GaGambler980 reads

It reminds me of my youth when long hair on a man started out as a way to rebel until EVERYONE did it, and then growing your hair long became a way to fit and "prove" you were a rebel by conforming to the norm.

I hope you see the irony in this as the same thing now applies to young people with tats and piercings. lol

Personally I do not have a tattoo but I have friends and acquaintences who do and who tease me mercilessly and tell me pretty much every day that I should get one.

While I have nothing against body art in general, I refuse to get one for the simple fact that I have not ever decided that I liked a piece of art enough to have it inked onto my body.  I feel that it should be an expression if me, my personality and something that I will like for years to come.  Problem is I get bored with things easily and would probably wish to change it shortly after getting it thus making it obsolete before I get it.

GaGambler873 reads

Knowing myself, the moment I realized that whatever tat I just got was FOREVER, I would immediately dislike it and want it gone.

I don't even book airline tickets more than one day in advance so I can always change my mind.

Getting rid of a tattoo is about as painful as getting rid of a wife, and I've already gone through that pain, and I have ZERO desire to repeat.

I've been divorced twice and tattooed twice.  Getting divorced is infinitely more painful...and expensive.

GaGambler928 reads

the REAL pain comes when you try to get rid of either the tattoo or the wife.

Getting married or getting a tat is the easy part.

You are doing the right thing not caving to the peer pressure!
I used to work with a guy at Applebee's who waited 2 years after choosing his design before taking the plunge.  He put a picture of what he wanted in his bedroom so that he had to look at it every day. After 2 years, he still liked it just as much as he did at the start of the 2 year period, so, he went ahead and got it.
I really wish I had done the same, or at least waited and thought about it more...but no, I wanted a tattoo and I wanted it right then and there lol! So now I regret what I picked lol.

Posted By: Fridays117
Personally I do not have a tattoo but I have friends and acquaintences who do and who tease me mercilessly and tell me pretty much every day that I should get one.  
 While I have nothing against body art in general, I refuse to get one for the simple fact that I have not ever decided that I liked a piece of art enough to have it inked onto my body.  I feel that it should be an expression if me, my personality and something that I will like for years to come.  Problem is I get bored with things easily and would probably wish to change it shortly after getting it thus making it obsolete before I get it.

In the past year I had two different ideas, 9 months apart.  They have to do with life experiences I've valued. I told my kids I did it so they'd be able to identify my headless corpse if it ever turned up in an alley somewhere.

GaGambler1033 reads

With the short time you likely have left, it's doubtful you will tire of them. lol

yours is the one most likely to be found next to it. LMAO!

GaGambler856 reads

Besides, you made it quite clear that you don't venture into alleys, which may keep you alive for a while longer.

and unlike what yet another BSC hooker in Florida has to say, staying out of Parque Morazon at night will also add some additional time to your expected lifespan.lol

I happen to find it atractive, I fucked him many times and not for money.  

what you find large and ugly another may find sexy and endeuring,

tattoos YOU may think are large and ugly, to me that just may make my pussy wet, I like "scary" looking, intimidating looking men, with large black tattoes.

  I take that you i would find ugly just as a person because of your attitude, This is what you can muster up as a topic?

I have a large tat, and it is all black n grey work, and its goth styles, So are you singling out me and my dark tattoo?
who are you mentioning as having bog ugly tattoos, and why dont you have a life to post about somthing more positive or polite. Maybe I would find your face ugly? your attitude certainly is,
   ugly is a attitude , a tat cant make any one ugly and if people like dark art then to them it isnt ugly,  

I find people whom pose as fluffy and flowery and turn out to be empty doushe bags ugly,


you can dress sumthing up however you like, maybe a man has no tats and wear a suit, doesnt make him pretty, he could be uglier inside than any one with a tat ever will be........................


open your mind and see what your saying,  


a person with a dark tat like the man in the photo could in fact be a beautiful human being worhty of love and a great friend, when you judge you only show your own ugliness you have inside you.  


plenty of women with or men with just one simply happy tat of maybe a rose or flower could turn out to be just as ugly in spirit.........................embracing darker side of life and gothic art work simply put the defineition of ugly is a vibe and state of being, which you acting as though you may be inside, hence why calling others that....


usually when some one cals some one else something its cuz they are in fact that, Maybe you are the ugly person inside so your projectin it on people with tats, for somereason to make yourself feel better?

either way its a lame and negative attitude and post, smarten up, bucko. or go home to your mama and cry to her, waah why do people get tats waah. what a fuckin loser

Tattoos can be like a "bumper sticker" if they look crappy.  But they can also be done nicely.  The nice ones are like the horse decals on the Ferrari! Lol.
Some people think they're beautiful, artwork, or a form of expression.
Some think they are for vanity or to be cool.
Some think they are pointless and shallow and don't have any real meaning.  Like just another material item. (So many people put someone's name on themselves, thinking they'll be with the person forever and then of course they break up.)
Some do it cuz everyone else does it.
But nowadays I think it's like 60% or something crazy like that, of younger adults that have them. They're in style. When you were younger, did you wear bell bottoms? Well nowadays those are considered ugly...
I don't like mine anymore. I don't really think about them. They're kinda just there lol.

Was the original insignia of the Alfa Romeo formula 1 team during the 1930s, run by Enzo Ferrari, then the team manager.
After WWII when he started building his own cars, he used it as his logo. Here's a shot from the '30s of the "Cavalino Rampante" on an old Alfa.

People probably do not pay much attention to their own tattoos once they've got them.

Posted By: Katie_krush
Tattoos can be like a "bumper sticker" if they look crappy.  But they can also be done nicely.  The nice ones are like the horse decals on the Ferrari! Lol.  
 Some people think they're beautiful, artwork, or a form of expression.  
 Some think they are for vanity or to be cool.  
 Some think they are pointless and shallow and don't have any real meaning.  Like just another material item. (So many people put someone's name on themselves, thinking they'll be with the person forever and then of course they break up.)  
 Some do it cuz everyone else does it.  
 But nowadays I think it's like 60% or something crazy like that, of younger adults that have them. They're in style. When you were younger, did you wear bell bottoms? Well nowadays those are considered ugly...  
 I don't like mine anymore. I don't really think about them. They're kinda just there lol.  

I have a number of tattoos, all of witch are photoshopped out of my pictures (too distinct) however my profiles state I have tattoos. Some I guess you would call large (my side). I spent quite a bit of time researching artists to make sure I got amazing work each time. They all have meaning to me and I spent 6+ months thinking about each before getting it. I also try and shape and place them to accent my body. I have not had a complaint yet and most guys love them.  

I think as long as tattoos are well done and placed rite they can be sexy as hell. Tattoos were not legal here until a few years ago. There are quite a few "backyard tattoos" walking around here, Ive seen better jail tattos. When its something like that I think it greatly takes away from someones attractiveness.  
I dont think you can make a blanket statement like "tattoos are ugly" it really needs to be on a case by case basis. I wouldn't pass on someone either just because they have a few tattoos.

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