TER General Board

almost always....
russbbj 89 Reviews 528 reads

her menu/performance

looks, yes, I want women who I find attractive

rarely does donation come into play, unless she needs an inordinate amount of money for her time and attention

typically I'm traveling so area and availability aren't necessarily a problem as I must schedule well in advance, so I already know if she's available and what area she is in

the menu/performance is what I look for when browsing, so that would be the deciding factor for me

happy hobbying

What do you look for when it comes to choosing a provider?  I know donation,  area,  availability and looks are the basics.   But say you want a blonde with massive boobs,  there are 4 to choose from.  All available,  beautiful,  nice bodies,  same price and in the area.   What would be your deciding factor in making your decision?

I would contact all four with below MSRP offers and negotiate it down from the three that usually get back to me

Bob.Sugar692 reads

Upscale gentlemen don't make offers below MSRP!!!

I would appreciate if you'd send that certificate back immediately.

Posted By: JackDunphy
I would contact all four with below MSRP offers and negotiate it down from the three that usually get back to me.  

GaGambler448 reads

if there are four different, but almost identical women that I am attracted to, I simply call them all. Duh.  

The first one to call back gets the first appointment, I see the second one to respond next, and so on and so on. See how easy my solution is?

Skyfyre578 reads

The OP did not mention but let's assume all four have somewhat similar review history.

Then it only makes sense to have them "bid" for my business. That is to start below MSRP and see who would be willing to work with me.

Of course there are always some dudes who look down on this because they're too proud/terrified of negotiating but that's why there are winners and losers in life!

It's actually more than meet the eye to assume it's just about money. The sophisticated hobbyist USE money to judge and characterize the providers.

That is, if a provider is willing to work a little below her sticker price when asked NICELY that means she's flexible, easy-going, friendly, down-to-earth, not stuck-up GPS, not-so-mercenary, not-so-greedy, etc...

In short meaning she's more likely to make for better company to be with

How attracted I am to your face might do it. Barring that, and if reviews indicate an identical menu, then what personality I can gleam about you will be the deciding factor. Enthusiasm and naughtiness are winners for me, but I also look for evidence of a fun, interesting and engaging personality. If her reviews rave about the non-sex stuff (in addition to the sex stuff), that's a good indicator for me. I'll always go for the girl whose sense of humor I share or displays some areas where we can might establish a good rapport. My least favorite encounters have been where there was nothing to talk about between rounds.

For me the deciding factor would possibly be something insignificant to most but important to me.  
It could be the use of wit or humor in the ad. It could be the sparkle in her eyes or the smile on her face? It could be the sexy pose in one of her pics. It could be showing her intelligence through her ad copy rather than stating her educational statistics. There are ways to grab my attention other than hair color, massive boobs, and nice body....I know her when I see her but it's difficult to put into words.  

Posted By: sexyveronica27
What do you look for when it comes to choosing a provider?  I know donation,  area,  availability and looks are the basics.   But say you want a blonde with massive boobs,  there are 4 to choose from.  All available,  beautiful,  nice bodies,  same price and in the area.   What would be your deciding factor in making your decision?

L.Guapo561 reads

If I know the guy and he's reliable with really good taste, I'll pick the one with the best recommendation.  All other things being equal, of course.

It can be as simple as reading your web site and seeing if what is posted catches my interest.  Or you photos, and then re you local to NYC.

like blondes with massive boobs, or brunettes with massive boobs, or redheads with massive boobs..

Assuming four physically identical women at the same price point, location and availability that are in my erection zone, the one with a board presence that gives me a glimpse of her personality will get the introductory e-mail.

So far that hypothetical has never occurred, but I have sent out introductory e-mails to providers that piqued my interest with their board presence. One of the ways to pique my interest is to use the word pique in a sentence and spell it correctly. Asking if you've peaked (peeked) my interest will not pique my interest.

I actually like to see some personality on their ads, posts and replies. All things being equal if I get a sense of a fun perspn i feel i will have a fun time.

Web site content - is is well organized and informative and does content indicate that chemistry is likely?

Reviews - DFK, BBBJ and did clients consistently have a good time?

her menu/performance

looks, yes, I want women who I find attractive

rarely does donation come into play, unless she needs an inordinate amount of money for her time and attention

typically I'm traveling so area and availability aren't necessarily a problem as I must schedule well in advance, so I already know if she's available and what area she is in

the menu/performance is what I look for when browsing, so that would be the deciding factor for me

happy hobbying

there are as many different variables. We're all different, each looking for something a little different. We think about all those tangibles you've mentioned, and more. But it's the intangible of nuance that makes her stand out. Something that clues me in that she has a chance to be a little different than all the rest. Nuance comes in many forms, and would be hard to explain. You sort of just feel it based on years of experience. But of course it doesn't always turn out. Sometimes the lady you've chosen doesn't even respond to your inquiry. But every once in awhile, all cylinders click, and oh my, the sessions are just crazy good.

The willingness to text is a plus for me and is often the deciding factor.

Posted By: sexyveronica27
What do you look for when it comes to choosing a provider?  I know donation,  area,  availability and looks are the basics.   But say you want a blonde with massive boobs,  there are 4 to choose from.  All available,  beautiful,  nice bodies,  same price and in the area.   What would be your deciding factor in making your decision?

I'll most like choose none of the above.  Why, you ask?  I'm more attracted to smaller-breasted women, that's all.


As long as I have such information available to me (from board posts especially, but websites can work well also) I look for any clues that indicate I might find her company appealing. I'm not interested in seeing someone who would otherwise have zero interest in even conversing with me, or I with her.

WICardinalfan413 reads

All other things being equal, location and TER postings.

I have had many a pleasurable experience from ladies that post on TER.  It gives me a fair idea of their personalities.

I always look into her eyes in a pic. I don't call anyone whose eyes are not visible. Tells me a lot and rarely been wrong. Of course physique and value are important indicators too.

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