TER General Board

All depends....
davincib1 89 Reviews 263 reads

On the level of both or either or.  If the home is nice, I don't mind at all, same for the hotel.  Either way it's incall when I am in my AO and outcall if I am traveling on business.

In general, do you guys prefer when the provider has a hotel incall or a private residence incall? Pros - cons?


ROGM520 reads

It saves from getting a Hotel Room. A Provider has to charge more if she gets a Hotel Room to recoup her cost. If she's exceptional then I don't mind seeing her at the Hotel and paying the extra cost to see her.

I am like most I think: When I am out of town with no transportation and already have a room, I always do outcall. When in my own local area or traveling but have wheels, I prefer incall.  
I really believe the incall provides the better environment as the lady generally has the room set up nice and romantic and she always look so sexy when you arrive. Plus she is generally more comfortable in her incall environment and thus the show gets on the road much quicker.

Private incalls can be more comfortable and intimate environments for both client and provider...and it has been my experience that most women prefer their own bed...but I have been to a couple incall locations that were either somewhat cluttered or had neighbors we had to be careful not to disturb...

Hotels add expense and the difficulties of staff interference and elevator keys, but they also have the benefits of room service and housekeeping...and the potential for more opportunities to meet touring providers...

I tend to prefer private incalls but do not hesitate to meet in hotels...

-- Modified on 4/23/2016 7:04:22 AM

there is an intimacy to a ladies private incall that makes it more comfortable.  Hotels are fine, but the private residence enhances the possibility that "chemistry" or "connection" will occur.

There are discomforts to a private residence, though.  I met a lady in the fall that had three huge dogs BCD with us.  When we got on the bed, she sent them to their separate doggy beds (in the same room with us) while we got on with business.  Over the course of the next hour, standing doggy with her holding the post of her four-poster occurred, and she was a fairly vocal lady -- I couldn't help notice that all six canine eyes were riveted on us while we were quite obviously enjoying ourselves a few feet away....hmmm...one wrong step and I was Alpo....lol...

as hobbyist, i do prefer private incalls.  I have seen provider who uses hotel and there are pros and cons in both situations.

On the level of both or either or.  If the home is nice, I don't mind at all, same for the hotel.  Either way it's incall when I am in my AO and outcall if I am traveling on business.

Neighbors next incall apartments must certainly know something is going on over time.

cuppajoe235 reads

Article recently on HuffPo that said hotels were sexier places to have a rendezvous. I would agree and I generally like it better that way, a little more predictable.  

That said, one ATF hosts me at her apt. when she is not touring.  I've gotten used to the cats, we keep them out of the bedroom.  But she's young, still in college, and the place is somewhat of a mess.  In a different way, its pretty hot for me, to be shagging her in her unmade bed, with the sun coming in the window, being able to see the street below from out her window, then hitting the 'fridge after for a cold one.  

Posted By: sasha2cute
In general, do you guys prefer when the provider has a hotel incall or a private residence incall? Pros - cons?  

...so if a lady has a private residence with assigned parking it is the perfect scenario. I'm not too concerned about clutter and I LOVE pets, especially dogs

Outcall to my house or if traveling to my hotel. To me this just makes things easier. No waiting in parking lots for texts on room info or other delays while lady is not ready. Also no walking through unfamiliar building lobbies.

I don't do  well with some Hotel security guards or pompous Hotel residents.
  If someone is staring at me I find it difficult to ignore without comment.

I usually carry a weed eater and car wax in my trunk.  
 If her neighbors are outside snooping, I'll trim her yard before I knock on her  door.
   In winter when weeds are not as easy to find I'll wax her car before knocking.  
  With so many Gals putting their face on the internet there's a better chance Hotel management  
   might recognize her.  
  I doubt many snoopy neighbors search online for hooker photos.  

   Private residence she's usually much more relaxed and not in a hurry.  
    If I know where she lives she has a lot of trust in me.
    Trust goes a very long way during  a short appointment.  

Posted By: sasha2cute
In general, do you guys prefer when the provider has a hotel incall or a private residence incall? Pros - cons?  

You are kidding ! Wax her car !  

Posted By: quadseasonal
 I don't do  well with some Hotel security guards or pompous Hotel residents.  
   If someone is staring at me I find it difficult to ignore without comment.  
 I usually carry a weed eater and car wax in my trunk.    
  If her neighbors are outside snooping, I'll trim her yard before I knock on her  door.  
    In winter when weeds are not as easy to find I'll wax her car before knocking.    
   With so many Gals putting their face on the internet there's a better chance Hotel management  
    might recognize her.    
   I doubt many snoopy neighbors search online for hooker photos.  
    Private residence she's usually much more relaxed and not in a hurry.  
     If I know where she lives she has a lot of trust in me.  
     Trust goes a very long way during  a short appointment.  
Posted By: sasha2cute
In general, do you guys prefer when the provider has a hotel incall or a private residence incall? Pros - cons?  

I was exaggerating a bit with my car wax scenario  to make my point.  
In reality the only wax I carry in my vehicle is surf board wax, though  
 I've never had  any issues waxing  a Gals car if it fit in with my plans.  
   I was concerned I might be recognized at a Beach Hotel when I booked with a  provider I had never seen, since I know a lot of people in town.  

  She was staying at a  Hotel on the boardwalk.  
When I went to see her I was carrying my surf board.
 I've done that a few different times.
  I figured if I see anyone I know I could ask where's the John, they would never  expect they were looking at him.

When I knocked on her door she  laughed and told me I blend  in very well.
  She said she'd never had a customer come to her door wearing a bathing suit and carrying a surf board.  
  I thought to myself she must be low volume. :-D
   A couple years later she got married and retired though we keep in touch occasionally, by phone or email.
   I asked her one day on the phone if she ever thought we might get together for old times sake.  
She said I asked at the right time, her husband is out of the country for two weeks, she'd like to see me but her neighbors are snoopy and she wouldn't feel comfortable in a Hotel.
 Since I lived  four hours from her home bringing her to my place would involve too much driving.
     I told her I could take care of the subterfuge, with no problems, guaranteed.  
  The day before I left town to visit her I stopped at Goodwill, bought a green shirt with a landscaping Company logo, went to Kohls, bought a pair of khaki pants for the first time in my life.  
   When I got to her town,  I stopped at a car rental agency, rented a truck for the day, went to Lowes, bought a few small plants and a shovel.
  She came outside, pointed where she wanted the plants and went back in.  
  Fortunately the dirt where she lives is very sandy, I had the plants in the ground in no time.  
            She let me in the back door.  

 I wouldn't do all that for any Gal but she's special. To give you an idea how special she is,  
 I probably would have asked her to marry me if she hadn't told me she would  never marry a customer.
  I wondered for a quite awhile  after she retired, if I should have asked her  to marry me.
The worst  she could have done was say No, and likely not let me plant bushes in her yard.


Posted By: Greenbacks2
You are kidding ! Wax her car !  

-- Modified on 4/23/2016 12:26:58 PM

Then she takes a turn waxing me.

I keep a tool belt and hard hat with me in the trunk.

If you are wearing those, there's no place on this green Earth you can't go.  No one questions you

The big issue is the condition of the venue.

I've gone to some cheap motel locations that were downright creepy; and some provider's places were dumps.  This was mostly back in the pre-TER days, so fortunately, I don't run into that too often now.

Clean and discreet either way will work out fine

Medium to upscale clean Residential incall with easy/discrete parking.

I dont mind hotel or private residence .
As long as you have AC  

Many times i go to especially the big appartment complex and you get to the room  
And its like sauna in there ...  

Crap ! Do i hate that ,
I like nice and cooler environment about  
70 degrees not 170 lol

I like it when she has lots and lots of birds in her apartment.  Birds that drown out our lovemaking noises, parrots that perch on my shoulder while I'm doing her doggy style.  The birds would draw too much attention at a hotel.

LOL Fish.  I was trying to make a joke by referring to the famous "bird lady" review, but I guess no one connected the dots.

1) when at home
-out call to my private residence
-incall to her private residence
-incall to her hotel

2) if traveling
-outcall to my hotel
-incall to her private residence
-incall to her hotel.

Posted By: sasha2cute
In general, do you guys prefer when the provider has a hotel incall or a private residence incall? Pros - cons?  

MartiniMonster263 reads

Doing Incall to a hotel can be a bit problematic depending on the facility.   Some of the 'By The Week' places some providers have used are seedy and even slightly scary.  Traditional hotels have their issues as well, I aborted one meeting when I met the lady downstairs and it was obvious to me that Security was watching her and knew what she was doing.  

Apartment houses seem to work well as there are many people coming and going (so to speak).   I've visited a few ladies in very traditional single-family homes.  While this gives me a good sense of security, it does make me wonder if the nosy neighbors are taking note of men arriving and leaving an hour or so later.   I would presume all these homes are rentals as it has been discussed how a home owner could lose her home under Asset Forfeiture should LE ever get involved.  

Since I'm writing, I'll add the biggest reason I do incall (other than the obvious that, as a local, I don't have my own hotel room) is the added security of being on her turf.  Reading the 'Rip Off' listing in TER, I have never seen one at an incall - ok, someone tell the story of a rip-off at an incall, sure I guess it has happened but it is rare.   There can't be a 'cash and dash' from her own place and other issues are less likely as, lets face it, you know where to find her.   Having said all that, using TER and well reviewed ladies takes most of that worry away anyway.    


Horrible dirty not save places and this wording as INCALL outcall motels and security?  
Why you would not have own little(or big)  apartment ( or "dacha" just for your pleasure?  
That means all of you have lives that your wives do know all of your properties and you can't escape to own world and escaping is just those motels and hotels? Husband's recommended have own place at any count - even on count of divorce!  
Set up own love nest so no one would not know just you and your established well reviewed women  
You may even find yourself falling in love with one and making her your regular and giving her the key from the place so she already be waiting you there when you want to stop  
Single men do not have such need as have second house :) But married - should start work on that from fist day of marriage.

souls_harbor169 reads

A million here, a million there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.

If he was a billionaire.

But it is again  about meeting YOUR needs.  

After I read here online how  may be 80 % of gentlemen do feel when they visiting
"incall" " Outcall" Dirty motel.. Hotel where staff just eating him up with eyes and security follows his date-
 seems as more stress then fan.

I still do believe that  that there is way more safer ways to satisfy desire to be naughty and kinky and loved then expose yourself to working on travel high volume women who are also just surviving ..- god save all of us people and help and protect all-
 yet - do you know a joke about HOW God helps?
Flooding comes - everybody leaving area - just not one man - he stayed at home - car stopped and stranger offered him a ride - he did answer-  
"Thank you but god will help me"
Water is raised so now man is standing in the water - boat comes and offered him ride- Thank you - God will save me.
Water raised so high that he needs to claim a roof - helocaptor offered him help - Thank you - God will save me.
 So he drowned.. in the face of the God he blamed God - God God Father - I so beloved in you  an you not saved me !!

And Gos told him - and who , you think, sent you and car and boat and helicopter..

I do understand religion THAT way  and instead of complaining on  so stressful environment  of going to high volume security watched establishments -

Gentleman have a choice to arrange a meeting with one woman of his choice ( may be tow if he wish ) and take care about logistics so he would feel good.

It is all in our hands gentlemen YOUR HANDS . Do not go with flow - make this flow to be YOURS.  

Then one million here  comes -one million from there -and pretty soon it will adds up to real money .

And then women will chasing you- and not you chase women at their  "INCALLS" "OUTCALLS"

You would use other language then language of professional prostitutes ..

May be  for some one it is turn on - then forgive me .. - I find  such terminology simply not safe and bit minus - as matter of the fact - I just never will book someone who would ask me that way for a date.

-- Modified on 4/23/2016 12:14:12 PM

It raises a question to me:

If there were no sexual attraction, would there be no business, and hence no civilization?

Sometimes I wonder.

Maybe Freud had all the answers all along

A private residence is fine for later meetings, but for a first meeting I prefer a hotel.

Overwhelmingly I prefer hotel rather than personal residence. Hotel is typically clean, neutral, safer. I have been to several residences, and almost all of them are not nearly as clean, neat, etc. as a hotel. Also, for me, its odd seeing pictures of kids or boyfriends or family in terms of the fantasy I have created in my head!!

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