TER General Board

Ah, but you already DO smite people...regular_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2358 reads

and I always seem to enjoy it.

The G.O.A.T. Says5698 reads

I have a few points to make in regards to these sensitive people (you know who you are).

First, let me say that I feel sorry for you if you base your whole entire worthless life around chat. If you think you’re socializing by engaging in chat 24/7 then you have a bigger problem at hand. If you think you lost a piece of yourself because you can’t stand rude people in chat, then you’re slowly undergoing a process of impoverishment through substitution. You’re becoming the victim of  your own cyber world that leads you to believe that you’re experiencing reality. When the truth is, you’re making  a sad, pathetic fantasy (chat) a part of your real life.

1. Chat is for real people and real friends, WTF?

Let me start by saying this, if someone makes a rude remark or comment and they’re not talking to you, why in the world are you getting involved? If someone says, “Hey stupid” why do you keep turning your head and answering the call over and over again? Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Those are your FRIENDS that are getting insulted and you’re going to stand up for them, right? Do you want to hear something really weird, do you want to know what other people do with REAL friends? They actually pick up the damn phone and CALL them. Therefore, you shouldn’t have to sit around and wait for your “friends” to log in. . If you really care about someone or a significant other, you would give them a call and let them know. But it’s obvious that you guys don’t understand that concept because most of your friendships are based on time, rates, and availability. So don’t try to feed me that B.S. that the people who are getting hurt during chat are your REAL FRIENDS.

2. Most of the people who complain or should I say, “Cry” about chat being too rude or chaotic (shaft, Gdc, Tra, etc.) are a bunch of free-loaders who don’t even pay their TER dues.
Tell me something guys, how can you go into chat and claim that you see very expensive, upscale providers and yet can’t afford to pay your $20 for VIP? Maybe if you paid, you wouldn’t be having this little problem, don’t you think so? If anything else, if someone wasn’t behaving in the Lounge, you could always go with your other buddies into any of the other rooms, am I right? But no, you’re too cheap and therefore you’re susceptible to constructive criticism, just like the one I’m providing right now. Now shut your mouth, because I know what you’re going to say next, “Who in the world is the G.O.A.T. to tell me what to do?” Well, I’m no one special, Just don’t call me “Common Sense”. lol!  
In addition to that, how can you ask TER to ban certain people when you don’t even pay your fees. Think about it, “You get what you pay for”. So the next time you want to make some suggestions or cry, why don’t you think before you act, and keep  your 2 freaken cents in your empty pockets . How about dropping a $20 bill instead, maybe you’ll have a better chance at getting  some results.

*And that’s my $20 bucks for ya.

-The Greatest Of All Time (G.O.A.T.),
So act like you know....

"First, let me say that I feel sorry for you if you base your whole entire worthless life around chat."

You'd do better jacking off with a razor blade than waste any brain cells on idiots in chat rooms. To make matters worse the great gal that you thought you were sucking up to is a guy named Bob and he is your freaking neighbor.

-- Modified on 6/7/2005 8:37:39 PM

Or worse, it's SGT. Bob from LE looking to make a bust.

And his operation is scheduled for next month. ;) Seriously, chat can be fun if you're bored, but people should keep it in context, blah, blah, yaddah, yaddah, see my post on page two re: chat.

WebTerrorist2317 reads

Heya Goat.

You know I have to answer this one...

Quote: "First, let me say that I feel sorry for you if you base your whole entire worthless life around chat. "

and I you if you base yours around feeling superior to those in chat...come on, having to point out you're better than those you deem worthless...not a huge acomplishment to have more value than the "worthless".

Qute:  "If you think you’re socializing by engaging in chat 24/7 then you have a bigger problem at hand. If you think you lost a piece of yourself because you can’t stand rude people in chat, then you’re slowly undergoing a process of impoverishment through substitution. You’re becoming the victim of  your own cyber world that leads you to believe that you’re experiencing reality. When the truth is, you’re making  a sad, pathetic fantasy (chat) a part of your real life."

And what exactly does it say if you have a need to monitor those that do what you are saying?  You are the voice of change and reason in a fantasyland?  You are the moral compass for the imaginary?  Good job...you get benefits with that?  A 401K?  Dental?  

Quote:  "Chat is for real people and real friends, WTF?"

I don't know that they are real "friends"  but they are real people...come on, the member list doesn't even update in the new chat....so I doubt it has advanced bots with good enough AI to carry on even simple conversations.  As for being friends...they have the potential in some cases to become friends....and even if it is a ruse, a game of personas....can't one persona defend another...I mean when personas interact aren't they equal if only by virtue of being virtual?

Quote:  "how can you ask TER to ban certain people when you don’t even pay your fees. Think about it, “You get what you pay for”. So the next time you want to make some suggestions or cry, why don’t you think before you act, and keep  your 2 freaken cents in your empty pockets . How about dropping a $20 bill instead, maybe you’ll have a better chance at getting  some results."

Hey...i paid for a year....I guess that makes me all but a TER G-d...at the very least....since I did pay, does that mean I get to smite people?  I would like to be able to smite people...I wouldn't actually smite anyone...but it would be cool knowing I could.

*that's my $180 for ya...ha...gots ya beat there.

(the proceeding was written mostly in jest...though with a some points alluded to.)

Take Care Goat....I'll act like I know it Beyyotch.  *grin*

Edited to fix typos...

-- Modified on 6/8/2005 7:58:24 AM

About others - poor baby... and paying for membership is not necessarily better... personally I believe if you can contribute, rather than just use, everone is better off for it... most of my TER membership days are obtained thru updates and suggestions.
Dropping twenty is nothing... but it IS stupid if you don't have to... would rather spend the $$$ on my ATF and get her a nice attachment for her Hitachi magic wand.

sicnarf2410 reads

What does TER sell, Information.  What do some of us provide???  INFORMATION, without which this would be nothing other than a self-limited discussion group....  try AFF for that.

Please note that on occasion it is appropriate to be sharp with the comments - but 24/7 is not the way to achieve real lasting impact....   Its all about the message - baby!

BILL183564197 reads

its a friggin rumor mill filled with wash women that love to share dirty little secrets.

...or dirty little secrets. In fact, whenever I go in there about 20 people suddenly say they're tired and have to go...which is really odd since it's only 9 p.m. Pacific Time.

BILL183563250 reads

to bring the dirty laundry with ya Lex

We are all 6 degrees from one another, sexually speaking.  So lets get back to sharing.

You are not logged in3383 reads

It's been coming for a long time.  Conclusions reached over the past 3 years or so:

1) Familiarity breeds - sometimes contempt. A lot of times, simply the act of breeding.  That's what brought you here in the first instance  ;-) Becoming familiar has led to some very nice relations[ships]; it has also resulted, in some instances, things horrific.  It's a risk you run deviating from the 'Hit n Run' general principle of the game.

Virtual familiarity - leads to 1) above

The malaise that TER chat finds itself in today?

Well, there was a time when the sheriff/warden/[you fill in the blank] was always near by to prevent the inmates from running the asylum.  Not in recent times, for the past year or so by my reckoning.  A good guess is he's busy doing other things.

LA room used to be a sanctuary from the occasional troll - that is, the troll not dedicated to making chat a generally unpleasant place to be. Apparently there are Al Qaeda trolls here now.  Over the past year or so, LA room  became abandoned, except for pm's. Some non VIP ladies who frequented only the lounge is the likely explanation.  

But the difference is not VIP vs the Lounge.  Simply, its the fact that TER chat generally is no longer moderated.  Yes, staff came in for a day or so and lurked like  an unoccupied black and white police car in a speed zone.  For the most part, the inmates now run the asylum.  

Good luck to the veterans who still frequent chat.  Gracias y Vaya con Dios to those from the olden days who now find it inhospitable and, unfortunately, uninhabitable.

-- Modified on 6/8/2005 11:01:16 PM

There seems to be a lack of accountability or responsibility felt by those in chat for their actions and words. It has become an open form, for a few miserable individuals, to spew their hatred and contempt for others, by spreading  malicious lies and vicious rumors, and never having to answer to anyone for their actions or deeds. We all know that misery loves company, and these sad, angry people's only joy is in trying to make someone as unhappy as they are. Yes it use to be fun, but no longer.

It sounds as if you are talking about yourself.I wish you would take your own advise. Anyway, nice speech specially coming from someone who goes around punching other providers, lol

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 1:18:41 AM

AlSwearingen2453 reads

Sometimes a person's alligator mouth results in getting their canary ass kicked.

you have made some good posts on here and the LA and politics board, and I for the most part agree with you.  You seem to be a well intentioned guy.  As such, I feel the need to tell you that you are being duped regarding this scenario, and while I think your desire to be a white knight is well intentioned, you really don't understand the situation, my friend.

Regardless, don't you think it is time to get over this?  It isn't even relative to you.

Oh and the "lol" was clever, but I don't think it fooled anyone.

Fools Cum2333 reads

Mr SD the white knight,

It is you that has been duped my friend but you are right about one thing. It's time to let this go and it isn't relative to you.

Any hope of you "imparting your wisdom" to me, given the scenario in this particular case, was lost with the introduction of an alias.  Of course, you are welcome to PM me and enlighten me.

Oh, and you are right...it isn't relative to me...but I haven't been the one keeping it alive, and I support my friends when they are attacked.  Doesn't take a white knight for that...just a friend.

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