TER General Board

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 953 reads

Speaking for myself only I used to be an agency lady for years before becoming independent a little over two years ago.The advantages of working for an agency was that I did not have to worry about screening,photo shoots,and having to advertise myself for business.

After years I realized what the hell am I doing?The agencies I worked for had went out of business and bought by new owners which means new rules and BS.I did not like their new way of running things and I hightailed it out of there.That was enough for me I started reading different forums TER included before I went independent.Once I slowly got a grasp on being an independent provider I made the jump and have never felt so free!The disadvantages for me working with an agency was the cattiness of the phone girls who only wanted to use certain ladies or wanted to discriminate against certain races.Also,having to run around like a chicken with your head cut off was just not working out for me.
Now,I am only speaking of my personal experience with working for agencies.

There are some great agencies out here that are very fair and treat their providers right and some not so good.
But,I would think for a guy it might be a lot easier to set up a last minute or same day appointment with the agency versus an independent especially if you have already been a client of theirs.Also,the advantages would be for the provider who is starting out and has no clue about screening etc she might want to start with an agency.Some providers don't mind screening and advertising themselves and some do not want the hassle of it so working for an agency is more convenient for them.
Just my .02

-- Modified on 5/4/2012 7:39:04 PM

Not sure if this was dealt previously, but let's hear from both hobbyists and providers on different aspects of agency vs. independents. What do you generally prefer? Why did you decide to choose agency/independents?

agencies book clients..indies book their own clients..some girls you might want to see are only available through an agency..you will never book them on your own..a lot of indies start off with an agency and become indies because of the many hassles they put up with being with an agency..all agencies are different on how they treat their girls..in the end it all comes down to how the individual provider decides how she wants to market herself...

-- Modified on 5/4/2012 7:19:48 PM

MSHSEX670 reads

Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the end, both serve the same purpose and will enable you to get laid.

Posted By: prepkid
Not sure if this was dealt previously, but let's hear from both hobbyists and providers on different aspects of agency vs. independents. What do you generally prefer? Why did you decide to choose agency/independents?

Speaking for myself only I used to be an agency lady for years before becoming independent a little over two years ago.The advantages of working for an agency was that I did not have to worry about screening,photo shoots,and having to advertise myself for business.

After years I realized what the hell am I doing?The agencies I worked for had went out of business and bought by new owners which means new rules and BS.I did not like their new way of running things and I hightailed it out of there.That was enough for me I started reading different forums TER included before I went independent.Once I slowly got a grasp on being an independent provider I made the jump and have never felt so free!The disadvantages for me working with an agency was the cattiness of the phone girls who only wanted to use certain ladies or wanted to discriminate against certain races.Also,having to run around like a chicken with your head cut off was just not working out for me.
Now,I am only speaking of my personal experience with working for agencies.

There are some great agencies out here that are very fair and treat their providers right and some not so good.
But,I would think for a guy it might be a lot easier to set up a last minute or same day appointment with the agency versus an independent especially if you have already been a client of theirs.Also,the advantages would be for the provider who is starting out and has no clue about screening etc she might want to start with an agency.Some providers don't mind screening and advertising themselves and some do not want the hassle of it so working for an agency is more convenient for them.
Just my .02

-- Modified on 5/4/2012 7:39:04 PM

Many agencies take a huge percentage of what a provider makes.  Many male agency owners will pressure a provider into doing sexual favors in order to work for the agency or to get more appointments.  Anyone can start up an agency and manipulate newbie providers into thinking it's standard practice.  I would at least try to stick with female owned agencies as the owners were most likely once providers themselves and therefore more likely to treat their providers better.

MSHSEX607 reads

I disagree. There are some respectable agencies out there that take great care of their working girls. Respectable agencies also allow their employees to leave anytime they wish. Pimps do not.

Maybe there are a few, but not nearly as many and the agencies who take advantage of the girls.  I've dabbled in working for two different agencies, the owners always try to take advantage of you.  Ive heard of at least two more agencies in my area that require a provider to have sex with the owner before they let them work.  The only agency I found that didn't do this was female owned, but the lady liked to put up fake pictures so that was a no go.

MSHSEX502 reads

Not every agency will be reputable but every pimp is NOT reputable.

Posted By: breannabreeze
Maybe there are a few, but not nearly as many and the agencies who take advantage of the girls.  I've dabbled in working for two different agencies, the owners always try to take advantage of you.  Ive heard of at least two more agencies in my area that require a provider to have sex with the owner before they let them work.  The only agency I found that didn't do this was female owned, but the lady liked to put up fake pictures so that was a no go.

carmen4111557 reads

Hello tech geeks..before that a-hole Bill Gates and his croonies Steve Jobs created the internet. You ladies and gents would have had to use the Yellow pages in your back yard. Now I'm talking about around the time starting from 1978-2000. Every guy,girl or married couples had to thumb through the 20 something pages of the ESCORT section. All of the people over 35years old would know that and those of you younger. Simply have no clue about old school advertising and the headaches it caused people. But call girls and their agency owners made real bank($$$$) back in the days. Now agencies owned by men are simple "child predator's" especially if your NOT street smart. Sleeping with an idiot for a job,,hell no!! The best agencies have always been owned by older white ladies back in the day. They had local cops and judges in their change purse section. Street pimps are scum who have no respect for their stable of whores. They will beat them,drug them and burn them out around the clock. As of late I have called around for fun to a few agencies in LA,Vegas,Miami,Manhattan and Chicago. It's easy to determine who's in charge when you are asked to  submit a bio,pictures and address it :Steve,or Mr.Willie?. No thanks...I work alone and I rather enjoy the moniker of being CEO. Yes working Indy requires much more work,screening,passing on clients and financial matter's. If you do work for a female owned agency,,never ever steal their clients. Woman can be vicious and .......lol

As a consumer I appreciate quality control.  By having sex with a new sex worker the agency owner is ensuring quality control for his/her customers.

That said I much prefer independents.  The quality control is gotten from reviews etc.

I was wrong, he was a pimp that threatened the ladies that worked for him. I listen on anther line at a lady's request so there would be a witness if he followed though. Hard to tell the difference from the clients side. After that I will never use anther agency again. I will not take the risk of being wrong again about an agency. I want nothing to do with pimps.

Yes I know not all indies are pimp free, but with an agency I now there is someone else besides the that has a stake in pushing her to take me as a client. No thanks.

carmen4111752 reads

Lately on this board there have been way too many people asking questions. Other than the general questions that most pro's and john's discuss. Agencies advertise in the Yellow pages,print and online. You must be hired face to face by applying application first. You will work by schedule,the phone operator screens and books your sessions. Most agencies have tax accts and lawyers for legal reasons to protect themselves. Also agencies pay for adverting,credit card(merchant charges) and banking issues. Typically agency owner's rent out office spaces for their drivers,escorts/dancers and operators to mingle at per shift. Some agencies may bail you out of the pookie if you walk into a sting and cover your legal fees. While if your an Indy you foot your own advertising bills,tax,banking and legal drama. Also there is more risk take for example the C-List killer,Long Island serial killer or a sting. Had the C-List killer called an agency he would have had to fork over details and the hotel would have his info on file.  You are on your own walking into a potential mind field of risks. Agency owner's who are savvy will keep data on harmful clients who may be a risk and generally will monitor an employee while she is on an outcall session. Bear in mind there are always bogus calls,rapists and clients who over book,etc. It's part of this business.........join the club!

MSHSEX566 reads

It's a message board. What do you expect? If you don't like the questions being asked, then don't read them in the first place.

Posted By: carmen4111
Lately on this board there have been way too many people asking questions. Other than the general questions that most pro's and john's discuss. Agencies advertise in the Yellow pages,print and online. You must be hired face to face by applying application first. You will work by schedule,the phone operator screens and books your sessions. Most agencies have tax accts and lawyers for legal reasons to protect themselves. Also agencies pay for adverting,credit card(merchant charges) and banking issues. Typically agency owner's rent out office spaces for their drivers,escorts/dancers and operators to mingle at per shift. Some agencies may bail you out of the pookie if you walk into a sting and cover your legal fees. While if your an Indy you foot your own advertising bills,tax,banking and legal drama. Also there is more risk take for example the C-List killer,Long Island serial killer or a sting. Had the C-List killer called an agency he would have had to fork over details and the hotel would have his info on file.  You are on your own walking into a potential mind field of risks. Agency owner's who are savvy will keep data on harmful clients who may be a risk and generally will monitor an employee while she is on an outcall session. Bear in mind there are always bogus calls,rapists and clients who over book,etc. It's part of this business.........join the club!

carmen4111595 reads

This website has become public thanks to reporters on CBS,ABC and CNN. I have a hard time believing that many of these poster's are call girls and john's? Sounds like a college student writing a paper on the sex industry? Or television writer collecting research for a t.v show about work's in the sex trade....Most john's only care about getting and going. Then again it's nice if the general public comes here..maybe we should promote this website? Therefore it will help push legislation thru to legalizing "prostitution"? Or maybe we can promote this site  and journalist Anderson Cooper may want to chronicle us on one of his show's?  Lol..NOT!! Too funny.. Happy Cinco de mayo%%%%%

to ask questions and get opinions on different topics pertaining to the hobby.
I do not see anything wrong with what he asked here if you find it a problem why respond?

lex90027565 reads

" Agency owner's who are savvy will keep data on harmful clients..." do they send a hitman to rude clients ?

Yeah yeah we got it... Agencies are fantastic and always here for the girls' "safety", that's exactly what a pimp does!

my respect to indies who deal everyday alone with all the crap you stated...

join the club?  freedom is priceless !

So ran Sir Wolf, and runs yet.

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 1:32:30 AM

anorgasmia416 reads

You'd know that if you read some of his other posts.

I do not see the value in spending the money to go through an agency.  Since  I only see well reviewed and established companions  I don't have a need for an agency that  needs to make money on the transaction. I would rather deal directly with the lady.

Posted By: prepkid
Not sure if this was dealt previously, but let's hear from both hobbyists and providers on different aspects of agency vs. independents. What do you generally prefer? Why did you decide to choose agency/independents?

Additionally, I tend to shy away from girls that have assistants.  Some times it's unavoidable, and I prefer an assistant over an agency, but the less people that know my business the better.  Don't care for the middle man (or woman).

Posted By: Niceguy75

I do not see the value in spending the money to go through an agency.  Since  I only see well reviewed and established companions  I don't have a need for an agency that  needs to make money on the transaction. I would rather deal directly with the lady.
Posted By: prepkid
Not sure if this was dealt previously, but let's hear from both hobbyists and providers on different aspects of agency vs. independents. What do you generally prefer? Why did you decide to choose agency/independents?

Not sure if it's been discussed?  Ha, probably one of the most repeated topics.  And one that, IMO, generally gets the response that Indy's are preferred.   Sure, there's no doubt there are plenty of poor agencies.  But there are also plenty of questionable indy's.  I've found numerous hott ladies with Agencies.  I just don't buy into the perception that agency gals are inferior providers!  Just like with an independent, some due diligence with your research is quite valuable.  Depending on your location, it's a good thing to have a rapport with an agency in the event a planned date falls thru and you just gotta have a booty call.  

Have ladies who does not speaks very well English & they do recruit them from other parts of the World.... I always refused to give references to d  agencies...For what???...I pity those ladies who does not speaks English well & they just rely on agencies...

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:46:07 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:47:38 AM

MSHSEX587 reads

That has to be one of the silliest assertions and criteria for being a pimp that I've ever heard. There are plenty of agencies in Montreal that recruit ladies who don't speak English very well, if at all (they speak French mostly). Does that mean that those agencies are pimps? I think NOT.

Posted By: Diwata
Have ladies who does not speaks very well English & they do recruit them from other parts of the World.... I always refused to give references to d  agencies...For what???...I pity those ladies who does not speaks English well & they just rely on agencies...

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:46:07 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:47:38 AM

LOL...They are called the "High Caliber Pimps"...Pimp is when they take any percentage of the CUM $$$$ of a Lady...Anyone who takes percentage of CUM $$$$ of a lady is a PIMP...
Why do they need to put an Escort Agency here in the US???...Only to recruit non speaking ladies to make $$$ out of them...Sorry, i have nothing against the agencies, however, there are some out there that get force from doing this and the fact that some even get abducted from the other country...And the fact that some of them are a tourist in this country and some agencies hold their passport so they cannot ran away in the event they do not really like what they ask the lady to do...Would the Escort Agency care and rescue the lady if the lady get busted by LE???...No they won't...They will hide and run....I pity those women...I cannot stomach providing if my status is illegal alien in this country...OH!...BTW...Uncle Sam is a  High Caliber "PIMP" you know...He does takes some of my CUM $$$$$...LOL...

Posted By: MSHSEX
That has to be one of the silliest assertions and criteria for being a pimp that I've ever heard. There are plenty of agencies in Montreal that recruit ladies who don't speak English very well, if at all (they speak French mostly). Does that mean that those agencies are pimps? I think NOT.
Posted By: Diwata
Have ladies who does not speaks very well English & they do recruit them from other parts of the World.... I always refused to give references to d  agencies...For what???...I pity those ladies who does not speaks English well & they just rely on agencies...

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:46:07 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:47:38 AM
-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:28:10 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:36:40 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:38:11 AM

lex90027539 reads

1/ quote: "some even get abducted from the other country...And the fact that some of them are a tourist in this country and some agencies hold their passport so they cannot ran away ..."

It's "cleaner" in the U.S., that's why they created Agencies...
I've seen some crazy shit like this in Europe...the local police was often corrupted or just closed its eyes... But shush,  not too loud, we shouldn't mention this here, we may offend hobbyists who believe that's a "clean"  and "glamorous" business only...

2/Uncle Sam doesn't mind as long as it's money... Cum $$$ lol!

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:32:31 PM

MSHSEX427 reads

No one FORCES working girls to work for agencies. The girls CAN LEAVE whenever they want. The same CANNOT be said necessarily for those girls who work for pimps.

Posted By: Diwata
LOL...They are called the "High Caliber Pimps"...Pimp is when they take any percentage of the CUM $$$$ of a Lady...Anyone who takes percentage of CUM $$$$ of a lady is a PIMP...
Why do they need to put an Escort Agency here in the US???...Only to recruit non speaking ladies to make $$$ out of them...Sorry, i have nothing against the agencies, however, there are some out there that get force from doing this and the fact that some even get abducted from the other country...And the fact that some of them are a tourist in this country and some agencies hold their passport so they cannot ran away in the event they do not really like what they ask the lady to do...Would the Escort Agency care and rescue the lady if the lady get busted by LE???...No they won't...They will hide and run....I pity those women...I cannot stomach providing if my status is illegal alien in this country...OH!...BTW...Uncle Sam is a  High Caliber "PIMP" you know...He does takes some of my CUM $$$$$...LOL...

Posted By: MSHSEX
That has to be one of the silliest assertions and criteria for being a pimp that I've ever heard. There are plenty of agencies in Montreal that recruit ladies who don't speak English very well, if at all (they speak French mostly). Does that mean that those agencies are pimps? I think NOT.
Posted By: Diwata
Have ladies who does not speaks very well English & they do recruit them from other parts of the World.... I always refused to give references to d  agencies...For what???...I pity those ladies who does not speaks English well & they just rely on agencies...

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:46:07 AM

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-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:28:10 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:36:40 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:38:11 AM

lex90027439 reads

definition: A pimp is someone who finds and manages clients for prostitutes and engages them in prostitution in order to profit from their earnings.

A pimp is a pimp whatever you call him/her/it

Hey Canadians don't count, come on it's Canada!
 French Canadians? ha ha is that speaking french? (ostie de tabarnac de français! je vous taquine mes amours, j'adore votre accent)

Posted By: MSHSEX
That has to be one of the silliest assertions and criteria for being a pimp that I've ever heard. There are plenty of agencies in Montreal that recruit ladies who don't speak English very well, if at all (they speak French mostly). Does that mean that those agencies are pimps? I think NOT.
Posted By: Diwata
Have ladies who does not speaks very well English & they do recruit them from other parts of the World.... I always refused to give references to d  agencies...For what???...I pity those ladies who does not speaks English well & they just rely on agencies...

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:46:07 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:47:38 AM

MSHSEX477 reads

I view pimps in a stricter definition context. I believe pimps do NOT allow their working girls to come and go freely, whereas reputable agencies do allow their girls much greater latitude and employment freedom.

Posted By: lex90027
definition: A pimp is someone who finds and manages clients for prostitutes and engages them in prostitution in order to profit from their earnings.

A pimp is a pimp whatever you call him/her/it

Hey Canadians don't count, come on it's Canada!
 French Canadians? ha ha is that speaking french? (ostie de tabarnac de français! je vous taquine mes amours, j'adore votre accent)

Posted By: MSHSEX
That has to be one of the silliest assertions and criteria for being a pimp that I've ever heard. There are plenty of agencies in Montreal that recruit ladies who don't speak English very well, if at all (they speak French mostly). Does that mean that those agencies are pimps? I think NOT.
Posted By: Diwata
Have ladies who does not speaks very well English & they do recruit them from other parts of the World.... I always refused to give references to d  agencies...For what???...I pity those ladies who does not speaks English well & they just rely on agencies...

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:46:07 AM

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 2:47:38 AM

lex90027455 reads

In STRICTER definition I do agree Reputable Agencies don't beat their girls and chain them in a sordid basement... I hope not....
But Legally speaking anyone who takes a commission from a sex worker's income is a pimp... 

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 3:16:30 PM

MSHSEX596 reads

Thanks. I'll stipulate the legal definition of pimp. It seems rather harsh to group reputable agencies with those who beat up and coerce working girls by way of the legal definition (pimp), but I suppose it is what it is.

Posted By: lex90027
In STRICTER definition I do agree Reputable Agencies don't beat their girls and chain them in a sordid basement... I hope not....
But Legally speaking anyone who takes a commission from a sex worker's income is a pimp... 

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 3:16:30 PM

For a guy the benefit of an agency is you only need to screen once.  You can see all the girls that come and go thru that agency with a simple phone call once you are screened.  With an agency, someone will always pick up the phone.  The girl you want to see may be busy when you call, but available in two hours.  The agency can set your appointment while she has someone else's dick in her mouth, and give you the room number while she is brushing her teeth.  Indi girls you need to book ahead and they sometimes cancel/change tour schedules for a variety of reasons.

For a girl, the agency does all the screening/booking.  All the girl has to do is suck and fuck, and clean up in between.  Some girls need to be with an agency because they don't have the business sense it takes, are naive of dangers that lurk, or cannot attract enough clients as an indi.

A lot of girls start agency, then go indi once they establish a client list and/or their own good reputation.

That means they have your info on file. LE mostly targets agencies over independents because of this. Just google Hush Hush and Charlotte and you wil get a good example of the dangers of using agencies. Ruined many wealthy men's livelihoods. Ain't no way I'd ever use agencies.

-- Modified on 5/5/2012 10:46:18 AM

Do agenices get busted everyday, nope, but when they do get busted it can be brutal for many clients. I'm not gonna tell anyone that one (agency vs indie) is better than the other.
Hobbyists can come to their own conclusions

crazyshit473 reads

Agencies generally take 50% of what you pay, and so the girl only gets 50%.  The questions I always ask myself are:

1.  Do I think that the agency's value added is half of what I am paying?  Do they screen not only me and other clients (so that there aren't LE problems) but also their girls (so we don't end up with a nut or a bad experience)?

2.  Will the girl be happier if she sees me independently and isn't in direct competition with the other girls from the agency?  If so, will get a reduced rate from what I paid that is still more to her net, or will she give me much better or longer service than she would from the agency?

In other words, I think about the same thing that you guys think.  I have seen great girls from certain agencies, because the agencies know where to find the hot talent.  I have also seen some great indies over the years.

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