TER General Board

5 years without a review
TwoMints 497 reads

And you went to see her?  That's on you, no matter what happened. Yes, she should have been prepared.

I had this recently, was told it was okay to confirm really early, after my 3rd text, and then an email she responded 2.5 hours after I started to confirm... Then more then an hour later she was just getting out of the shower and the date didn't start on time. It was a meh experience, should I have expected anything less? Nope. It sucked, she showed she was lazy, her GFE, she was so proud of was at best average. Little passion/enthusiasm.  Whatever its my fault. I had my phone out to call someone else when she finally responded, I shouldn't have responded and moved on.  

As for being delayed, it happens. Had another lady the week before tell me she needed 15 minutes to be ready. It was about an hour before date time. No biggie as she was outstanding. To bad she travels, I'd see her regularly.
Posted By: joejoedell
This is my first post.Therefore, please excuse me if this is not the right area.  
 I am a mature man, good hygiene, oral and other, well groomed and manicured. I would never think of going out or meeting someone without a shower, clean, shaved and ready.  
 Why is it considered acceptable for a woman to set an appointment. Upon arrival, we are to wait while we watch you brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on teddy, and put on make up. Then we are greeted by the 5 o'clock shadow below. An apartment with an unmade bed, (probably used several times prior to our arrival, dishes in the sink, the smell of smoke, chipped nails. If you are selling yourself, why not take pride in yourself. Bath, dress, cleanup and be on time.  
 If we are expected to be clean, well groomed, clean shaven, and on time, why not you.  
 Twice, I was told they are going to spa after my visit.  

This is my first post.Therefore, please excuse me if this is not the right area.
I am a mature man, good hygiene, oral and other, well groomed and manicured. I would never think of going out or meeting someone without a shower, clean, shaved and ready.
Why is it considered acceptable for a woman to set an appointment. Upon arrival, we are to wait while we watch you brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on teddy, and put on make up. Then we are greeted by the 5 o'clock shadow below. An apartment with an unmade bed, (probably used several times prior to our arrival, dishes in the sink, the smell of smoke, chipped nails. If you are selling yourself, why not take pride in yourself. Bath, dress, cleanup and be on time.
If we are expected to be clean, well groomed, clean shaven, and on time, why not you.
Twice, I was told they are going to spa after my visit

I didn't bother reading any of your reviews...but I suspect the answer lies in there.

Maybe see some hookers that aren't using CaPs and $$ and RosEs in their ads?

Sorry pal...this is on you!

Posted By: joejoedell
This is my first post.Therefore, please excuse me if this is not the right area.  
 I am a mature man, good hygiene, oral and other, well groomed and manicured. I would never think of going out or meeting someone without a shower, clean, shaved and ready.  
 Why is it considered acceptable for a woman to set an appointment. Upon arrival, we are to wait while we watch you brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on teddy, and put on make up. Then we are greeted by the 5 o'clock shadow below. An apartment with an unmade bed, (probably used several times prior to our arrival, dishes in the sink, the smell of smoke, chipped nails. If you are selling yourself, why not take pride in yourself. Bath, dress, cleanup and be on time.  
 If we are expected to be clean, well groomed, clean shaven, and on time, why not you.  
 Twice, I was told they are going to spa after my visit.  

Run Forest Run!!!

You may want to reconsider how you select.  Whatever you are doing - do the opposite.  

You have a bunch of reviews - surely not all of these are this type of experience.  If they are - I have no idea why you would continue with this.   Join a monastery and give up your life of sin!  

With this many reviews, you could join the Reviewers Only Board and possibly find some guys in your area to give you some hot tips.  If nothing else you could act as a resource to keep your fellow clients away from such a horrible fate!

he shows a satisfactory posting history, which he does not have by his own admission.  Having the 10 reviews is not enough.  While I have not read his reviews, it seems like from reading your post, he needs to upgrade his to-do list, or ease up on his grading.  Maybe his selection process needs revamping....


Pink_Panties613 reads

and got a horrific case of dysentery.  I'll never forget the pain.  I also no longer eat at restaurants with value menus.

I can't comment on LJS...but I do like the value menu at Denny's.

How do you remember the year?  I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch today!

And Walker Bros...in a few locations

Not to mention plenty of small indy places that serve some great breakfast foods.

pancakes? Pancakes are a much better alternative to casings and for only a few bucks more you can throw in a crispy side of bacon please, coffee and o.j.

I'll let you know when I come out...now, we can try this again. Geezk if you said breakfast the first time......my goodness :)

T xx

Btw, you still have to drive downtown lol

Sometimes you guys make me so hungry!  That's a good session.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I can't comment on LJS...but I do like the value menu at Denny's.  
 How do you remember the year?  I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch today!

Epsilon_Eridani677 reads

... have anything to do with the original post?

your post doesn't make one iota of sense.

maybe unwinding your pink panties might help a bit?

Posted By: Pink_Panties
Re: In 1999, I ate a $2.99 LongJohnSilver's fish platter and got a horrific case of dysentery.  I'll never forget the pain.  I also no longer eat at restaurants with value menus.

to translate for him/her/it... I just shake my head and move on to the next dumb comment... I looked it up and there is even a cyber acronym for it SMH :)

I'd never eat at a place named after a garment of men's underwear.

I suggest you read what the veteran hobbiests write and ask questions and their opinions. I'm new myself but only see well reviewed providers.  They can help a lot

Senator.Blutarsky561 reads

You don't find too many gems at flea markets... I'm sure it happens, but certainly not every time... so to expect it is unrealistic, wouldn't you say?

Really. It rhettos me back into some Erskine Caldwell world like God's Little Acre or Tobacco Road. Steamy and sultry, like fucking in the grass under elms drenched with gloomy Spanish moss. I might PM for a list of the most extreme environments you've discovered!

Epsilon_Eridani553 reads

... you haven't figured out how to do your own "screening" of the ladies?


might want to evaluate your methods and see if it needs to be changed.

Posted By: joejoedell
This is my first post.Therefore, please excuse me if this is not the right area.  
 I am a mature man, good hygiene, oral and other, well groomed and manicured. I would never think of going out or meeting someone without a shower, clean, shaved and ready.  
 Why is it considered acceptable for a woman to set an appointment. Upon arrival, we are to wait while we watch you brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on teddy, and put on make up. Then we are greeted by the 5 o'clock shadow below. An apartment with an unmade bed, (probably used several times prior to our arrival, dishes in the sink, the smell of smoke, chipped nails. If you are selling yourself, why not take pride in yourself. Bath, dress, cleanup and be on time.  
 If we are expected to be clean, well groomed, clean shaven, and on time, why not you.  
 Twice, I was told they are going to spa after my visit.  

NoBS1504 reads

are that if you see more of the 9/9 ladies, you won't be complaining:-)

When you call, and she says she needs extra time, or you walk in her room, and things are a mess, or you knock on her door at the designated time, and there's no answer, it's time to walk. Why go through with the session when your expectations aren't met from the get go? It's guaranteed that if you're unkempt, she'll kick your ass out of there. I know, I know, the ladies are juggling hundreds of guys, not to mention their regular life, and sometimes things happen, so we should cut them some slack. But also, they're running a business, and if you're screwing your clients, your business will be in jeopardy.  

I recently knocked on a new lady's door at the designated time. There was no answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. She had just confirmed not 90 minutes earlier, so I knew she was probably there, getting ready or something. One can't knock all day long, so I went home. She was none too happy that I didn't wait around. But she also apologized for being late, and offered a discount on a subsequent session, which showed a lot of business acumen. How many ladies offer a discount if the session doesn't go right? Not too many. Since she was so professional, I decided to take another chance. Since then I've seen her several times. Interestingly, she's not been late once since that first session.  

So my suggestion is this. If she's new, then hold her to the highest expectations, and walk if she hasn't met them. If it's your very dependable atf who is having issues on a given day, cut her a some slack.

I have been in this hobby for three plus decades and I can tell you that is not the norm unless you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Most of the providers I have known put a great deal of time and effort into providing the GFE experience for their clients. A little time spent on researching reviews and seeing known providers will go a long way in ensuring that your experience is a good one

When you pay for Ford Pinto, you get a Pinto!

...and don't forget to tell her why. That is exactly what I did yesterday. The bathroom was a pigsty,  the floor strewn with used towels. Not only that, there were no clean ones left. I told her in no uncertain terms this was unacceptable and then walked. This was in a very nice hotel not a dump. She just managed to turn it into one. She emailed me later claiming I was mean and the reason the bathroom was a mess was because housekeeping didn't 't show up. Lame, lazy person who takes no pride in herself.  

-- Modified on 3/21/2015 8:18:24 AM

-- Modified on 3/21/2015 8:19:26 AM

Posted By: cspatz
...and don't forget to tell her why. That is exactly what I did yesterday. The bathroom was a pigsty,  the floor strewn with used towels. Not only that, there were no clean ones left. I told her in no uncertain terms this was unacceptable and then walked. This was in a very nice hotel not a dump. She just managed to turn it into one. She emailed me later claiming I was mean and the reason the bathroom was a mess was because housekeeping didn't 't show up. Lame, lazy person who takes no pride in herself.  
 -- Modified on 3/21/2015 8:18:24 AM

-- Modified on 3/21/2015 8:19:26 AM

GaGambler480 reads

What he did with her afterwards was directly related to how clean/dirty her bathroom was. A completely clean bathroom meant DATY was definitely going to happen, a pig sty sometimes meant that he wouldn't fuck her at all, and various middle ground scenarios.

I've never done this myself, but it does make a LOT of sense to me.

GaGambler591 reads

and by that standard, I must have really have made it as I have collected several over the years. lol

Does that mean that the dozen or so threads underneath this one that I did NOT comment on are to be considered "irrelevant"???

Your fan club has arrived, and it didn't cost you one red cent.

mistertiger and Leon who was following you all over the board sucking up.  BTW, where is Leon this morning?  Do ya think he is home "licking his wounds"?   ROFLMAO

Posted By: GaGambler
and by that standard, I must have really have made it as I have collected several over the years. lol

Does that mean that the dozen or so threads underneath this one that I did NOT comment on are to be considered "irrelevant"???

GaGambler592 reads

Funny thing is, my viewpoint leans a little bit closer to Leons than hers, but I enjoyed watching her kick his ass.

I try not to judge what other people do sexually, although I am not going to start using "PC Speak" and start referring to "real women" as "genetic girls" nor do I plan on removing the word "Tranny" from my vocabulary. Aside from not wanting to coddle anyone, I do try to be as non judgmental as possible about other peoples sexual preferences even if some of them don't just have an "ick" factor IMO, but actually make me throw up a little in the back of my mouth just thinking about them.

But yes, I guess I am having a banner week. Did you catch the Atl Board trainwreck thread by Londyn that I seemed to knock off the tracks?

That Atl thread was very entertaining.

I know you weren't commenting on that girl's rates, but really, I mean fucking really? $1600/hr?? Maybe Jack should hit her up?   LOL

We haven't had a good old fashioned trainwreck here on the "big boys" board for a while, too much pruning by Admin, I guess.  

Posted By: GaGambler

But yes, I guess I am having a banner week. Did you catch the Atl Board trainwreck thread by Londyn that I seemed to knock off the tracks?

-- Modified on 3/21/2015 12:04:22 PM

GaGambler533 reads

and then I read his review and he commented that even then he thought her price was high and that he took advantage of a "$100 off TER special"

and yes, I think I'd be interested to see what Jack could do with her. That could be even more entertaining than the train wreck threAD.

Your choices on the ladies you're making acquaintance with. I have never, EVER done that to a gentleman, nor would I, and my website, photos and reviews reflect that.

That is a blatant waste of your time, and ends up making for a miserable a session. But if you're seeing women that are $80/hr. or so, it's not a surprise. I don't know if you are or aren't, but the low rent ladies typically don't care. Why should they? You're just #12 that day...

But, I approach this with a "business" mindset first, and pleasure mindset when the door opens. I see myself as a professional. I provide services just like a doctor or attorney. You wouldn't want your doctor to show up for surgery late, not wearing scrubs with a cigarette dangling from the mouth. I hold myself to a higher standard as well. I'm expensive, so I need to show with aesthetics before performance, that you've made a good choice. Therefore I am always freshly manicured, pedicured, waxed and ready with makeup on and hair done, fully dressed.

Spend time on a lady's website...it everything spelled correctly, did she take care building her "brand"? Look at her photos and read her reviews throughly prior to scheduling an appointment.

Good luck!

Your site is exquisite. It is apparent you are a superior woman anyone would enjoy spending an hour or more.
You are a little out of my budget.  
I only visit a couple of times a year. I would never visit low rent individuals.  One of my 2 bad visits were with an upper price range beautiful woman with great reviews.
I believe some men provide a good review looking for a discount on their next visit. Sad but true.  
Maybe one day, I can afford an hour to give you a massage

Aww - thank you!

That's too bad you had a less than kosher experience with an otherwise upscale lady; unfortunately I'm sure it indeed still happens from time to time. Personally, I'd rather reschedule or cancel than be less than 110%.

I hope no one approaches me with that offer. It'll be a bad day for us both. I've never needed to buy reviews, nor would I. Maybe start reading the other reviews the gentleman wrote...you'll be able to tell if he's scoring one much higher than he usually does. Lots of research, I know, but it may be the key here : )

Perhaps our paths will cross!

I think all shaving would do at that stage is produce some razor burn.

Someone said it the other day, it's all about the money.

Posted By: joejoedell
This is my first post.Therefore, please excuse me if this is not the right area.  
 I am a mature man, good hygiene, oral and other, well groomed and manicured. I would never think of going out or meeting someone without a shower, clean, shaved and ready.  
 Why is it considered acceptable for a woman to set an appointment. Upon arrival, we are to wait while we watch you brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on teddy, and put on make up. Then we are greeted by the 5 o'clock shadow below. An apartment with an unmade bed, (probably used several times prior to our arrival, dishes in the sink, the smell of smoke, chipped nails. If you are selling yourself, why not take pride in yourself. Bath, dress, cleanup and be on time.  
 If we are expected to be clean, well groomed, clean shaven, and on time, why not you.  
 Twice, I was told they are going to spa after my visit.  

TwoMints498 reads

And you went to see her?  That's on you, no matter what happened. Yes, she should have been prepared.

I had this recently, was told it was okay to confirm really early, after my 3rd text, and then an email she responded 2.5 hours after I started to confirm... Then more then an hour later she was just getting out of the shower and the date didn't start on time. It was a meh experience, should I have expected anything less? Nope. It sucked, she showed she was lazy, her GFE, she was so proud of was at best average. Little passion/enthusiasm.  Whatever its my fault. I had my phone out to call someone else when she finally responded, I shouldn't have responded and moved on.  

As for being delayed, it happens. Had another lady the week before tell me she needed 15 minutes to be ready. It was about an hour before date time. No biggie as she was outstanding. To bad she travels, I'd see her regularly.

Posted By: joejoedell
This is my first post.Therefore, please excuse me if this is not the right area.  
 I am a mature man, good hygiene, oral and other, well groomed and manicured. I would never think of going out or meeting someone without a shower, clean, shaved and ready.  
 Why is it considered acceptable for a woman to set an appointment. Upon arrival, we are to wait while we watch you brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on teddy, and put on make up. Then we are greeted by the 5 o'clock shadow below. An apartment with an unmade bed, (probably used several times prior to our arrival, dishes in the sink, the smell of smoke, chipped nails. If you are selling yourself, why not take pride in yourself. Bath, dress, cleanup and be on time.  
 If we are expected to be clean, well groomed, clean shaven, and on time, why not you.  
 Twice, I was told they are going to spa after my visit.  

Now you have to be careful what you are looking for. Like i do an independent 200 pounds an hour service in London where i really only do see two guys one am one pm. I sometimes have people trying to see me through a touring incall agent i work for sometimes that do half hours and cheaper price. Of course you aren't going to get the independent service that way so search properly for girls truely only seeing not more then two gents per day. I make sure i tell people how i am working that day so they can make an informed choice you get what service you pay for but some still don't get it.

I understand how you feel about the rest of the stuff you complained about but this is a bit high maintenance.  Nails get chipped all the time and if you shave below every day you will end up with razor burn.  I prefer trimming myself, I'm a grown woman not a little girl.

Your reviews speak highly of you. Your photos are attractive.
I have been condemned for not doing research. I am selective. I do not see many individuals.  
The rate is not as much of the issue as feeling safe.  Being to concerned puts some woman off. I actually do a lot of research. Not only TER. but google, and telephone #.
Maturity creates a different need. Until you reach maturity, you do not understand the need. I am not a wam bam thank you mam.
I need to provide a full body massage, and a little DATY to a very clean, groomed woman. Safety is important.  
Thank you for your reply.

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