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+1 Maybe he is Sy from One Hour Photo. eom
random133 117 Reviews 393 reads


i think she's like a 7 in these pics. definitely non-primitive and a point or two above average. fairly robust yet feminine skull/face, high E body, somewhat healthy hair (lush and thick) + nice eye area but something about her lower third or mouth/nose area looks a little off. maybe she was a mouthbreather during her youth or it could just be genetic. it's not necessarily a bad thing tho. also her skin is pale but it looks quite natural and healthy. she prolly has some legit HBB light-skinned arab or indian genetics in her.

looks like an average fuck to me..

CubaGoodingJRsMama431 reads

How much time do you spending online looking a photos of "celebs", judging whether they have primitive or non primitive features? ANALizing their skulls?

And your thinly veiled Caucasians/Europeans  are better looking and more advanced looking (non primitive) is insulting.

yes it's true i am a fan of aesthetics, however me calling her non-primitive had nothing to do with race. i was not trying to imply europeans are better looking than other races. there are many primitive white people out there. just look at some borrebies for example.

this girl is persian/iranian. look at how great her skull is.

CubaGoodingJRsMama418 reads

And keep digging...now whites with wider skulls are more "primitive". And remember your comment and photo showing what you thought was a huge ass (it was a round ass not huge)? Remember why you said for the longest time you didn't find those kinds of asses attractive? THEY WERE PRIMATIVE is what you said. And thanks for further proving how much time you spend looking for and ANALizing people's skulls and bone structure. What's next how to build the perfect specimen of a woman or man?  

And creepy people rarely think they are creepy. You are CREEPY and weird.

hotplants365 reads

look how great her skull is"......?  See. Now, that is definitely weird andrew. seriously.

And, when viewed along side your other weirdly obsessive posts about the perfect human according to andrew----what you call a fascination with aesthetics sounds more like eugenics; which is creepy.  

Weird AND creepy. yep

Creepy people don't think they're creepy.
Stupid people don't think they're stupid.
Obnoxious people don't think they're obnoxious.
And Andrewww doesn't know he's weird.

Posted By: inicky46
Creepy people don't think they're creepy.  
 Stupid people don't think they're stupid.  
 Obnoxious people don't think they're obnoxious.  
Seeing how I identify as being creepy, stupid, obnoxious, and even weird...

I will also add narcissistic to my list.

Really wasn't doing that.  Sometimes posts are meant not simply for the handle one is responding to but for the board in general. Have a good night.

hotplants314 reads

you caught me in the middle of a ridiculous dialog, with curly spouting more than enough manly condescension to fill my month. Yes. I'm sensitive!....lol...I can only take one dick at a time.  

It's all good;

Is she someone of importance? Another post teen, nasal voiced, auto-tuned, studio-only, over hyped recording artist? Or just another unqualified celebrity by design like Kim Kardashian?

  Yeah; I'd fuck her! But she better take it in the ass

Unless one is an adolescent female(or the mindset of) what relevance could this young woman's talent contribute to one's life?

I could see why a person in the entertainment industry might take interest.


Now, I do have to ask this question - Why is she done up like a photo of Amy Whinehouse from of a where's Waldo book?

CubaGoodingJRsMama482 reads

For the record to me she's a 8, she's hot. She's NOT trying to look or dress like a model or for a sex date.

Boom clap and who dat who dat, dude she's laffing all the way to the bank, Gandy Andy at what 22 years old? The photos you normally throw up are magazine quality. I give it maybe one more year before she's featured in Maxim all dolled up for the camera. For now this one's better then what you posted dude.

After watching/listening to several of her videos I find them replete with synthesized "auto-tune", and she sings through her nose much like 90's Country-Western recording artist Shania Twain. The lyrical content of the songs was as vapid as that of The Spice Girls if you ask me.  

  A true "vocalist" should sing from their diaphragm; Not their nostrils.

She does look good.
Had to make a concerted effort to be fair-minded though, to overcome the bizarre, emotionless, clinical description of her.
I don't think "Hey babe, you have a fairly robust yet feminine skull" will make any lists of the top pick-up lines!
Then again, perhaps chasing all the ladies out of the bar is the goal in this case...

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