TER General Board

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 376 reads


1. Finances

 2. Free Time

 3. Lack of the type of girls you desire to see in your area

 For me it is the latter 2 but if I was to have more of both I am sure the finances would eventually kick in also.

FatVern592 reads

I know most will disagree, It's the overall attitude of the industry that they are entitled to your business.  

Followed by  

#3 attractive young women who aren't druggies, pimped, or otherwise questionable are virtually non existent.  

#2 Free Time, I don't like booking in advance, or going through screening to find someone who isn't in category #3. Also factor in #4.

#1 I can't afford, nor will I spend a lot of money on a session, I will indulge from time to time. However factor in category #3 & 4, and this issue is no longer a factor.

JakeFromStateFarm616 reads

if all the "attractive young women who aren't druggies, pimped or otherwise questionable are virtually non existent," you should move.

GaGambler562 reads

Anywhere that FV would move to, he'd still be there.

FatVern481 reads

They don't happen to be on the clock

JakeFromStateFarm486 reads

You are like the blind squirrel who only finds the acorn "now and then."  Except the blind squirrel is smarter than you because you say you never find it at all.
PS: The acorn is an analogy for hot hookers, in case you're not up to analogies.

You just need to show any cute girl with a foreign accent a $100 and she'll do whatever you want!

Whaddya mean "it's fake"? It's on the internets, it must be real!

...there are plenty of desirable providers in my area (too many!) And $$$ isn't too much of an issue.  

If only there were more hours in a day ;)

GaGambler591 reads

You think like a man, but have the "recharge" capability of a woman.  

I can only wish I could have sex all fucking day without having to worry about getting my dick up each time.

I have been in the enviable position of being able to have all the sex I ever wanted with literally hundreds of available women around who I could simply take upstairs and fuck at any time I wanted. If I were in my teens or twenties and had this chance I probably would have fucked a dozen different women every day, but since I was in my forties before ever having the opportunity to do as much fucking as I could possibly want to, I found 4-5 different women a day was about my limit. The mind wanted more, but the body said stop at about the fifth or sixth woman of the day.

..........to tell us all how many women you could have or did fuck in a single day? No one ever seems to ask you yet you manage to work it in to many of your responses. Just how insecure are you? I think this board can manage to go a full 24 hours without an update on you and your paid for notches on your belt. But maybe you think it can't for some reason?

GaGambler452 reads

I was answering his question.  

I have been lucky to have the opportunity to find out just how many women I would fuck if given the opportunity to fuck as many women as my heart desired, without any consideration for time or money.  

Have you ever had such an opportunity? If not then you don't really know how many women you would actually fuck given the opportunity.

and lastly, if you don't like what I have to say, don't fucking read my posts, or maybe you can't help yourself for some reason? In which case, please GFY

And my new hero. Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
You think like a man, but have the "recharge" capability of a woman.  
 I can only wish I could have sex all fucking day without having to worry about getting my dick up each time.  
 I have been in the enviable position of being able to have all the sex I ever wanted with literally hundreds of available women around who I could simply take upstairs and fuck at any time I wanted. If I were in my teens or twenties and had this chance I probably would have fucked a dozen different women every day, but since I was in my forties before ever having the opportunity to do as much fucking as I could possibly want to, I found 4-5 different women a day was about my limit. The mind wanted more, but the body said stop at about the fifth or sixth woman of the day.

GaGambler492 reads

It's rare that I even fuck two different women in the same day at my "advanced age"  

I can't remember the name of the movie, but do you remember the old Western movie starring Henry Fonda where he lived in a brothel? That's what it was like staying at the Hotel Del Rey during it's hey day. Open 24 hours a day, with hundreds of women available during the busy hours and dozens of women available even at six in the morning. If I had found the place while in my twenties I might have literally fucked myself to death. lol

The Cheyenne Social Club.  Great movie.

...decide to eat and fuck themselves to death.  What a way to go

JakeFromStateFarm356 reads

I saw it again a few years ago and it held up beautifully.

Skyfyre425 reads

QV (quick visit) or is it QK (quickie)

If time is an issue that is..

lack of free time.  From day one in my hobbying, scheduling was always more of an issue than financing the debauchery.  I'm primarily in SoCal, so lack of choices was never an issue.  Traveling is sometimes a challenge in finding good quality girls in other cities.

John_Laroche511 reads

because I have the time, financial resources and adequate  and collection of regulars to hobby all I want; but when I am in the mood for someone new then research time, being able to trust reviews, initial contact/scheduling, screening, etc, concerns about cancelling and no-shows, and first impressions make looking for a new provider more of a chore than I'm up for on a regular basis.

No problem with number 3, however.

I notice you did not mention it, but weakness of the flesh will one day be the downfall of all of us.

So far, however, so good

to do my first double because of this.  Learned how to work around the handicap.

Skyfyre351 reads

If money is no object I would still limit myself to maybe 3 sessions a week. Just like most things in life too much of a good thing can become bad.

So, until that limit is reached I'm totally constrained by #1

My lack of free time.  I recently received a small promotion (read: longer hours) so sometimes  my schedule won't be in tune with the girl's schedule.

Finances aren't really too much of a deterrent.  If I really want to see someone that's above my normal comfort zone I simply save up. :-)


Right now I'm limited to setting $20 aside per week for my hobbying.  I'm just looking forward to the day where I'm able to hobby once a month.  Now, please excuse me while I run to one of the local bars to see if there are any horny women there.

If there's one thing I hate, it's rock hard tits. like feeling up a blowup doll.

If I have free time I not working.  If there were more $40 hooked that were worth money wouldn't be a problem.  Also I a Mormon I don't want to be caught seeing a hooker I don't mind lieing to get s temple recommend as long as I can.

I love seeing ladies: Were I retired or in a less demanding job, were I not married, were I not deeply involved in my children's and grandchildren's lives, were I not involved with a interesting consultant's life as a side job: I would engage in what I consider to be a meaningful and delightful and life enhancing experience all the time, but those other things are also important and delightful and life enhancing.  I feel extremely lucky at my age to be so involved that I can't indulge just one of life's delight's more than I do.

Then look at yourself in the mirror. You betray all those people you say are so important in your life. A true narcissist. You are the bottom of the barrel.

I will just go put down the mirror into which I am staring and re read your post.

Mostly 1 since I'm still trying to get established in my career but even with all the money in the world, I would still probably be a low volume hobbyist. Plus my new job has weird hours so my free time won't be as much

I'm retired so to me it would in the order of 1, 3, 2.

Maybe it's just me but I think you might have left out an import #4.

4. Conscience (I still have one)

Zzbottom2416 reads

No one likes chores. I treat "dates" as real dates in that I do hygiene right before, plan my day accordingly, dress well, prepare, etc. I also want to perform well and if I'm not into it that day I know it wouldn't be that fun. If I was loosey goosey and carefree I would do a lot more. I'm serious though. Even pussy is serious business sometimes but business is good.

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