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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 970 reads

Gangsta is like kid with Mohawk and rainbow hair in the mall trying to get attention.

NewEnglandGangsta3010 reads

So I was fucking this gorgeous hooker and she was eating out my ass. I had some exotic food for dinner earlier and I accidentally pooped a little bit. No joke here. Some of it got on her tongue. It was really embarrassing to say the least. We went to clean up and resumed.  I was very thankful that she still showed me a great time after. What a champ!  

When I kissed her after that, her breath still smelled like my ass but I didn't tell her. Note to self, avoid exotic food before a long appointment.

FrauleinMeisterKodern1084 reads

Wow dude, that's really nasty. OMG! That provider is a champ. I sure hope you gave her a great review omitting that accidental scat play.

But, stuff like that happens, know what I mean jelly bean? I don't blame you for using an alias for that story, Jesus H Christ. Bleh!

I got a couple gross stories, and I'll share one. I'm a total lush on date nights, and if I'm with a trusted client, I really let loose and drink quite a bit. Usually, this is fun (eliminates my shyness and USUALLY lessens my gag reflex). But, once I accidentally vomited whilst performing a DTBJ. Woodford Reserve if I can recall. No joke, mouth full of barf with his dick still in my mouth, I paused with indecision for what seemed like an eternity. "Oh god, is this happening? Does he know I've puked? I don't think he knows I have puke in my mouth." So, to save face (and save his BJ because I am one dedicated hooker), I did the unthinkable. The terrible awful.

I swallowed it LIKE A BOSS and commenced the fellatio to completion, all without him taking notice.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 1:03:34 AM

Gangsta is like kid with Mohawk and rainbow hair in the mall trying to get attention.

or find providers/partners who are into coprophillia.

  I do hope you had the decency to properly tip her!

did she snap a photo of your ID before or after she ate your shit?..

I already wasn't believing the "hooker took a photo of my ID" story, but you totally blew your troll cover with this one. At this point, the odds that you've ever even seen an escort are pretty slim. Another straggler from 4chan, y'all!

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
So I was fucking this gorgeous hooker and she was eating out my ass. I had some exotic food for dinner earlier and I accidentally pooped a little bit. No joke here. Some of it got on her tongue. It was really embarrassing to say the least. We went to clean up and resumed.  I was very thankful that she still showed me a great time after. What a champ!    
 When I kissed her after that, her breath still smelled like my ass but I didn't tell her. Note to self, avoid exotic food before a long appointment.

bitch about a hookers images. Even when those images are SMOKING HOT!. They still have to find some fault as a reply when they have NOTHING of value to add. A simpleton does that. Hence, wanna be gangsta child is a simpleton.  

Wait, just wait for his reply....

I feel weird seeing his "you're fat"/"you're a WK" responses. He's truly drowning. Apparently his other defense is outing people...to themselves. It's kinda cute.  

Best part is, he called me "honest" until I started hurting his feelings.

He is a typical butt hurt trick. Now he is stating he wouldn't see you if you paid him. Tobi, I know you're shattered at the thought of not having to service this sad little trick.  

I am surprised he has not trotted out the "scratching you off his to do list".  No he skipped that and went right to the "I wouldn't see you even you paid me".  

Well he can continue to insult you and you can continue to get paid. What some tricks don't get is that no matter how old, fat, bitchy or "fill in the blank" they feel hookers are, someone, somewhere is paying them.  

So, unless they can set up a website and peddle their dick, and make bank, I find these feeble insults a direct line to their insecurity

I read that and was DEVASTATED. To think I'll never be able to fuck this guy

NewEnglandGangsta937 reads

You do know what a "like" is don't you? You've been around for a whole year now and all. Don't disappoint me girl. Don't let me down now.

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
You do know what a "like" is don't you? You've been around for a whole year now and all. Don't disappoint me girl. Don't let me down now.
1 year, 7 months, thank you very much

But he won't share his site secrets.

I'm hoping to have mine ready to go by the end of the year.  Just not sure what the pricing should be.  

I don't want to be considered "high volume".  And I need to create that entire diatribe about my world travels and education at Ivy's.

But the real problem is Aldo is too busy right now.  And those Aldo pics are the key to getting the kind of women I want.  I am classy...and picky.  I'll add that to my front page so there's no misunderstanding.

Can I add your link to "my friend's" page?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
He is a typical butt hurt trick. Now he is stating he wouldn't see you if you paid him. Tobi, I know you're shattered at the thought of not having to service this sad little trick.  
 I am surprised he has not trotted out the "scratching you off his to do list".  No he skipped that and went right to the "I wouldn't see you even you paid me".  
 Well he can continue to insult you and you can continue to get paid. What some tricks don't get is that no matter how old, fat, bitchy or "fill in the blank" they feel hookers are, someone, somewhere is paying them.  
 So, unless they can set up a website and peddle their dick, and make bank, I find these feeble insults a direct line to their insecurity.  

NewEnglandGangsta862 reads

You started this whole thing. All you did was show everyone proof that I was nice to you in the beginning. You threw the first punch.  That is an undeniable fact and you have yourself plenty of proof. Do you think people from the main line like to put up with a bitchy attitude especially when he treated you kindly? That's not how people with class treat each other.

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
You started this whole thing. All you did was show everyone proof that I was nice to you in the beginning. You threw the first punch.  That is an undeniable fact and you have yourself plenty of proof. Do you think people from the main line like to put up with a bitchy attitude especially when he treated you kindly? That's not how people with class treat each other.

NewEnglandGangsta988 reads

You say some profoundly rude things to a guy who was polite to you in the beginning and you wonder why he's mean to you.  

Do you expect every guy to kiss your butt like how all your spineless white knights do, regardless of how you treat them?  Sorry girl, but my dick doesn't come that easy. You treat me like shit then I am not just going to take it.

I'm just saying the ad hominem attacks are pretty weak in terms of advancing your arguments. I don't "wonder why" you do it at all, in fact I know exactly why.  

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
You say some profoundly rude things to a guy who was polite to you in the beginning and you wonder why he's mean to you.  
 Do you expect every guy to kiss your butt like how all your spineless white knights do, regardless of how you treat them?  Sorry girl, but my dick doesn't come that easy. You treat me like shit then I am not just going to take it.

Panthera121123 reads

Are you going to share or not?

VIP_Boston_Companion1157 reads

NewEnglandGangster, I have been following your comments on the Boston board and here because you are everywhere, clearly having nothing better to do with your time.

You obviously hate women and have zero respect for them. I am guessing you have a small penis and are bitter that you can't get a beautiful woman for free.

This story is absolutely disgusting and I, too, am doubtful that it even happened.  

I will play ball though and believe you for now that it did. In this case, the fact that you are retelling it here is proof that you aren't mortified like you claim to be, and actually think it is funny or admirable in some way. Like it makes you look like "cool".  

In reality, it makes you look childish, slobbish, and generally foul. I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pool after any of your posts, and especially after reading this, and I pity the girl who supposedly shared this revolting experience with you.  

My guess is you work in some menial position making a pittance and are bitter that the lovely ladies on here who work hard for a living are eclipsing you in the earning department -- as well as in the personality, looks, and social arenas.

And then you go and disrespect a reputable provider on here who calls bullshit on your stupid story, saying her pictures are fake and blah blah blah. Trying to make her look bad and bring her down because you are a resentful, insecure, small little troll.  

I don't even know you and I hate you. And I am pretty sure most of the ladies on here feel the same way.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 5:51:08 PM

I mean, you're all relaxed and everything... not that NEG isn't a complete bullshitter

NewEnglandGangsta1224 reads

We can stil be friends though,  or "frienemies", if you prefer. I set my standards a lot lower,  I mean significantly lower, in order to accommodate certain deficient and rude people when it comes to friendship so consider yourself lucky. :)

and you go back to getting your ass kicked on the daily bus ride to school?

NewEnglandGangsta978 reads

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 7:08:37 PM

hotplants1175 reads

Not the 'White knight' offense. That's rough.  

So tell us. What's your new escalade---sorry escapade--- for tomorrow, designed to point out how evil providers are, or how stupid everyone but you is, or....maybe just another weird fantasy in your head that you can't resist posting on the Inet. C'mon....... give us a hint.

I can...er...can't hardly wait.....lol...

Now you're liking your own posts? Pretty damn lame.

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
We can stil be friends though,  or "frienemies", if you prefer. I set my standards a lot lower,  I mean significantly lower, in order to accommodate certain deficient and rude people when it comes to friendship so consider yourself lucky. :)

hotplants1166 reads

His posts reek of so much BS that I can actually scratch my computer screen and smell them from here

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