TER General Board

romeogolf 34 Reviews 103 reads


-- Modified on 3/6/2012 8:02:57 PM


                      -----  D A Y   S E V E N  -----

I recently solicited 15 different scrumptious ladies who frequent the General Board and asked them to send me a secret known only to themselves. The subject of their secrets will range from the serious to the sexual, the humiliating to the fantasy but all are completely and unquestionably true. This I am certain because they told me so and I believe everything that I read.

Anyway, each day I will showcase a different Lady along with the list of secrets, (I added a few extra fake secrets to make it interesting). Your job if you decide to play is to simply vote which secret belongs to which lady.
Its that simple... Yeah right !

At the end of each day the Showcased Lady will divulge her secret along with any explanation necessary. We will keep score on a daily basis and Crown The Highest score Male as well as Female winners at the conclusion of this competition.

AND DON'T FORGET... Admin has generously agreed to donate One Free 30 Day VIP Membership to that lucky Male -and- Female Winner at the end of this competition.

Good Luck to you all, your going to need it !


         WELCOME TO Today's Scrumptious Lady...  Angela Petite2 !!!
1) I didn't lose my virginity until I was sixteen but before I turned eighteen
  I had sex in my car countless times, a walking trail in the woods, a park
  bench in January, in a tent and the basement of a fast food restaurant.

2) I have an inner Goth Girl that only comes out to play when I'm not on a
  date. Torn jeans, strange graphic T-shirts and heavy dark make-up. This
  persona also includes Lolita type fashion, dressing in clothes that are
  little girl like, along the lines of Victorian Dolls.

3) In a moment lost in deep reflection I once walked out into the snow
  completely naked.

4) My first MFM was with two seniors when I was a Freshman in HS. I f**ked in
  every single classroom, the faculty lounge and assembly hall at one point
  or another. I also gave a hand-job to a boy in Freshman health class during
  a movie on reproduction issues. It couldn't have been a very good HJ
  because he went on to be a Pastor.

5) When I was sixteen I was so horny that I used a summer squash out of my
  grandfathers garden to satisfy my urge.

6) Many years ago walking with a friend back to our homes, a man crept out of
  the wooded area and with open arms started to hug my girlfriend from
  behind. I took out my Taser and zapped him ! Never having used it before it
  was such a treat to finally have good cause because I couldn't have ever
  man-handled him.

7) I have an extreme phobia of vomiting, roaches and revolving doors.

8) I was once pulled over going 115mph. It was in a state where most people
  are arrested and required to pay the fine immediately. I however was
  written up for 90 mph and sent on my way. I was young and dumb then.
  Today I would simply say, "when you're done writing me that ticket, how
  would you like the best BJ of your life?

9) The first time that I ever experienced a warm tongue on my butt was several
  years ago when I was living with my then boyfriend. I had just stepped out
  of the bathtub and was drying off. I bent over to wrap a towel around my
  wet hair when his Irish Setter helped himself to my exposed ass.

10)Once in a graduate level statistics class I had an assignment that utilized
  a list of 100 top athletes. I asked my professor what was the probability
  that I had dated or been asked out by 9 of the 100 men on that list.

11)When I graduated from High School I wanted to make it a bit different so
  my girlfriends and I worn absolutely nothing but flip-flops under our
  commencement gowns.

12)During a swingers party event that I attended a M/F couple who had been
  eyeing me all night essentially kidnapped me to their room and molested me.



Day 1)  brneyeguy... who accurately guessed Natasha Lynne's secret.
       #10) I was suspended from school during my sophomore year because I
       skipped class and got drunk with a friend then returned to school
       where I vomited in American History class.
Day 2)  PowerGuy3 & SirNigelButts... accurately guessed Sexy Carolinas Secret.
       #6)  I once gave a guy a blow job for two tickets to a Yankees v Red
       Sox game at Fenway Park.

Day 3)  JuliasLilSecret, Kendradc2011 and Quadseasonal guessed Londons Secret
       #4)  When I was 16 I did a football player on the horse outside of
       Kmart. It was one you put quarters in. It was broad daylight and I was
       dressed in my cheerleader outfit and I don't think any of the people
       coming and going right by us knew what we were doing.

Day 4)  Sweet Carolina.. OldTed.. and Quadseasonal guessed Ms Jessica's secret.
       In a fit of anger during my divorce I used my ex-husbands gun and shot
       several holes in his speed boat.

Day 5)  Scoed  &  OldTed ...    accurately guessed Naomi_Sweets Secret
       #1) The night that I lost my virginity my boyfriends car ran out of gas
       and I had to help push it several blocks to the nearest gas station.

Day 6)  Kendradc2011...         accurately guessed Mature Bridgets Secret
       #7) I once worked as a Bio-Chemical Engineer for a time until I
       realized how much I was missing out on sex. I love sex !!!

I didn't want to copy Tiffany's answer.

 # 6 Final answer

6) Many years ago walking with a friend back to our homes, a man crept out of
 the wooded area and with open arms started to hug my girlfriend from
 behind. I took out my Taser and zapped him ! Never having used it before it
 was such a treat to finally have good cause because I couldn't have ever
 man-handled him.

followme124 reads

Check the answer for day 2. I think it was another number.

Thank you
2012 = 28

There's a two in her handle.

No seriously, I ran all the data thru,  every post she has ever made was analyzed word for word.  Also sentence construction, vocabulary and bra size.  

Computer came back and said "WTF You gotta be kidding Just say 0110'  Thats computer for 6.

LOL I feel so followed now

Posted By: Roadshow2
No seriously, I ran all the data thru,  every post she has ever made was analyzed word for word.  Also sentence construction, vocabulary and bra size.  

Computer came back and said "WTF You gotta be kidding Just say 0110'  Thats computer for 6.

followme112 reads

been followed until you have been followme'd.

Thank You
2012 = 28

Posted By: romeogolf

                      -----  D A Y   S E V E N  -----

I recently solicited 15 different scrumptious ladies who frequent the General Board and asked them to send me a secret known only to themselves. The subject of their secrets will range from the serious to the sexual, the humiliating to the fantasy but all are completely and unquestionably true. This I am certain because they told me so and I believe everything that I read.

Anyway, each day I will showcase a different Lady along with the list of secrets, (I added a few extra fake secrets to make it interesting). Your job if you decide to play is to simply vote which secret belongs to which lady.
Its that simple... Yeah right !

At the end of each day the Showcased Lady will divulge her secret along with any explanation necessary. We will keep score on a daily basis and Crown The Highest score Male as well as Female winners at the conclusion of this competition.

AND DON'T FORGET... Admin has generously agreed to donate One Free 30 Day VIP Membership to that lucky Male -and- Female Winner at the end of this competition.

Good Luck to you all, your going to need it !


         WELCOME TO Today's Scrumptious Lady...  Angela Petite2 !!!
1) I didn't lose my virginity until I was sixteen but before I turned eighteen
  I had sex in my car countless times, a walking trail in the woods, a park
  bench in January, in a tent and the basement of a fast food restaurant.

2) I have an inner Goth Girl that only comes out to play when I'm not on a
  date. Torn jeans, strange graphic T-shirts and heavy dark make-up. This
  persona also includes Lolita type fashion, dressing in clothes that are
  little girl like, along the lines of Victorian Dolls.

3) In a moment lost in deep reflection I once walked out into the snow
  completely naked.

4) My first MFM was with two seniors when I was a Freshman in HS. I f**ked in
  every single classroom, the faculty lounge and assembly hall at one point
  or another. I also gave a hand-job to a boy in Freshman health class during
  a movie on reproduction issues. It couldn't have been a very good HJ
  because he went on to be a Pastor.

5) When I was sixteen I was so horny that I used a summer squash out of my
  grandfathers garden to satisfy my urge.

6) Many years ago walking with a friend back to our homes, a man crept out of
  the wooded area and with open arms started to hug my girlfriend from
  behind. I took out my Taser and zapped him ! Never having used it before it
  was such a treat to finally have good cause because I couldn't have ever
  man-handled him.

7) I have an extreme phobia of vomiting, roaches and revolving doors.

8) I was once pulled over going 115mph. It was in a state where most people
  are arrested and required to pay the fine immediately. I however was
  written up for 90 mph and sent on my way. I was young and dumb then.
  Today I would simply say, "when you're done writing me that ticket, how
  would you like the best BJ of your life?

9) The first time that I ever experienced a warm tongue on my butt was several
  years ago when I was living with my then boyfriend. I had just stepped out
  of the bathtub and was drying off. I bent over to wrap a towel around my
  wet hair when his Irish Setter helped himself to my exposed ass.

10)Once in a graduate level statistics class I had an assignment that utilized
  a list of 100 top athletes. I asked my professor what was the probability
  that I had dated or been asked out by 9 of the 100 men on that list.

11)When I graduated from High School I wanted to make it a bit different so
  my girlfriends and I worn absolutely nothing but flip-flops under our
  commencement gowns.

12)During a swingers party event that I attended a M/F couple who had been
  eyeing me all night essentially kidnapped me to their room and molested me.



Day 1)  brneyeguy... who accurately guessed Natasha Lynne's secret.
       #10) I was suspended from school during my sophomore year because I
       skipped class and got drunk with a friend then returned to school
       where I vomited in American History class.
Day 2)  PowerGuy3 & SirNigelButts... accurately guessed Sexy Carolinas Secret.
       #6)  I once gave a guy a blow job for two tickets to a Yankees v Red
       Sox game at Fenway Park.

Day 3)  JuliasLilSecret, Kendradc2011 and Quadseasonal guessed Londons Secret
       #4)  When I was 16 I did a football player on the horse outside of
       Kmart. It was one you put quarters in. It was broad daylight and I was
       dressed in my cheerleader outfit and I don't think any of the people
       coming and going right by us knew what we were doing.

Day 4)  Sweet Carolina.. OldTed.. and Quadseasonal guessed Ms Jessica's secret.
       In a fit of anger during my divorce I used my ex-husbands gun and shot
       several holes in his speed boat.

Day 5)  Scoed  &  OldTed ...    accurately guessed Naomi_Sweets Secret
       #1) The night that I lost my virginity my boyfriends car ran out of gas
       and I had to help push it several blocks to the nearest gas station.

Day 6)  Kendradc2011...         accurately guessed Mature Bridgets Secret
       #7) I once worked as a Bio-Chemical Engineer for a time until I
       realized how much I was missing out on sex. I love sex !!!

first effort didn't register.   Not saying my second try last will be any more accurate.   #8.

MSHSEX103 reads

Posted By: romeogolf

                      -----  D A Y   S E V E N  -----

I recently solicited 15 different scrumptious ladies who frequent the General Board and asked them to send me a secret known only to themselves. The subject of their secrets will range from the serious to the sexual, the humiliating to the fantasy but all are completely and unquestionably true. This I am certain because they told me so and I believe everything that I read.

Anyway, each day I will showcase a different Lady along with the list of secrets, (I added a few extra fake secrets to make it interesting). Your job if you decide to play is to simply vote which secret belongs to which lady.
Its that simple... Yeah right !

At the end of each day the Showcased Lady will divulge her secret along with any explanation necessary. We will keep score on a daily basis and Crown The Highest score Male as well as Female winners at the conclusion of this competition.

AND DON'T FORGET... Admin has generously agreed to donate One Free 30 Day VIP Membership to that lucky Male -and- Female Winner at the end of this competition.

Good Luck to you all, your going to need it !


         WELCOME TO Today's Scrumptious Lady...  Angela Petite2 !!!
1) I didn't lose my virginity until I was sixteen but before I turned eighteen
  I had sex in my car countless times, a walking trail in the woods, a park
  bench in January, in a tent and the basement of a fast food restaurant.

2) I have an inner Goth Girl that only comes out to play when I'm not on a
  date. Torn jeans, strange graphic T-shirts and heavy dark make-up. This
  persona also includes Lolita type fashion, dressing in clothes that are
  little girl like, along the lines of Victorian Dolls.

3) In a moment lost in deep reflection I once walked out into the snow
  completely naked.

4) My first MFM was with two seniors when I was a Freshman in HS. I f**ked in
  every single classroom, the faculty lounge and assembly hall at one point
  or another. I also gave a hand-job to a boy in Freshman health class during
  a movie on reproduction issues. It couldn't have been a very good HJ
  because he went on to be a Pastor.

5) When I was sixteen I was so horny that I used a summer squash out of my
  grandfathers garden to satisfy my urge.

6) Many years ago walking with a friend back to our homes, a man crept out of
  the wooded area and with open arms started to hug my girlfriend from
  behind. I took out my Taser and zapped him ! Never having used it before it
  was such a treat to finally have good cause because I couldn't have ever
  man-handled him.

7) I have an extreme phobia of vomiting, roaches and revolving doors.

8) I was once pulled over going 115mph. It was in a state where most people
  are arrested and required to pay the fine immediately. I however was
  written up for 90 mph and sent on my way. I was young and dumb then.
  Today I would simply say, "when you're done writing me that ticket, how
  would you like the best BJ of your life?

9) The first time that I ever experienced a warm tongue on my butt was several
  years ago when I was living with my then boyfriend. I had just stepped out
  of the bathtub and was drying off. I bent over to wrap a towel around my
  wet hair when his Irish Setter helped himself to my exposed ass.

10)Once in a graduate level statistics class I had an assignment that utilized
  a list of 100 top athletes. I asked my professor what was the probability
  that I had dated or been asked out by 9 of the 100 men on that list.

11)When I graduated from High School I wanted to make it a bit different so
  my girlfriends and I worn absolutely nothing but flip-flops under our
  commencement gowns.

12)During a swingers party event that I attended a M/F couple who had been
  eyeing me all night essentially kidnapped me to their room and molested me.



Day 1)  brneyeguy... who accurately guessed Natasha Lynne's secret.
       #10) I was suspended from school during my sophomore year because I
       skipped class and got drunk with a friend then returned to school
       where I vomited in American History class.
Day 2)  PowerGuy3 & SirNigelButts... accurately guessed Sexy Carolinas Secret.
       #6)  I once gave a guy a blow job for two tickets to a Yankees v Red
       Sox game at Fenway Park.

Day 3)  JuliasLilSecret, Kendradc2011 and Quadseasonal guessed Londons Secret
       #4)  When I was 16 I did a football player on the horse outside of
       Kmart. It was one you put quarters in. It was broad daylight and I was
       dressed in my cheerleader outfit and I don't think any of the people
       coming and going right by us knew what we were doing.

Day 4)  Sweet Carolina.. OldTed.. and Quadseasonal guessed Ms Jessica's secret.
       In a fit of anger during my divorce I used my ex-husbands gun and shot
       several holes in his speed boat.

Day 5)  Scoed  &  OldTed ...    accurately guessed Naomi_Sweets Secret
       #1) The night that I lost my virginity my boyfriends car ran out of gas
       and I had to help push it several blocks to the nearest gas station.

Day 6)  Kendradc2011...         accurately guessed Mature Bridgets Secret
       #7) I once worked as a Bio-Chemical Engineer for a time until I
       realized how much I was missing out on sex. I love sex !!!


-- Modified on 3/6/2012 8:02:57 PM

I must say I am AMAZED with this outcome. People who don't know me KNOW ME! YIKES!
This was a wonderful contest . Thank you Romeo for being such a wonderful game show host.

The following members who guessed # 6  have won !

6) Many years ago walking with a friend back to our homes, a man crept out of   the wooded area and with open arms started to hug my girlfriend from   behind. I took out my Taser and zapped him ! Never having used it before it   was such a treat to finally have good cause because I couldn't have ever   man-handled him .







I must admit that some of the answers had me over a barrel! Especially who ever thought of me as # 4 !

I laughed till I cried this was so much fun.

Years ago this very creepy looking guy in North Carolina  followed us while I was walking with a friend
who had children in a stroller and both of our  kids on bikes . Out of nowhere came this scraggly looking hippy all dirty looking . What did I know? Did he have a knife on him ? What was going to happen to my friend and possibly me or any of the kids? So yes I zapped him in the GROIN and yes I meant it. He called me a CRAZY BITCH and when he tried to run one of his legs didn't work right so there he was hopping and dragging his leg with him I think one of his arms were kinda bent too . I can now vouch for those stun guns they sure rock!

Congrats to all of you ! Now you know me but I am a lover not a fighter.

Kisses N slurps!  

Thank you Mr Romeo for making this place so much fun .

It was a big day for so many but let me try and understand how we ended up with so many winners.

Quadseasonal is either really lucky or has somehow hacked my computer and has my "Master List" to help him rule this tiny world of ours.

Roadshow2 with the help of some geeky computer algorithm has somehow found a successful pathway to pin pointing the exact answer for the day...
...and Pawnbroker seems to be his little toady !

I'm guessing that flirty JuliasLilSecret most likely pulled out all the stops and bared her breasts to Roadshow2 if he would share his answer with her.
If that were the case I'm sure that Roadshow2 wouldn't be able to say no but made Pawnbroker cover his eyes.

I believe that the man of few words Scoed is probably not even reading the daily list but simply choosing a random number by closing his eyes and pointing.

Welcome to our newcomers BillfromMD, DaveMogul, Link.Taylor, Followme and OneLastRide who I am guessing were all shot in the groin at one time or another by Angela.


I cant wait to see tomorrows winners who are not here tonight to respond!


Choosing the story I like best. I am clueless guessing, but not at random! Now I will have to find two more stories I like and pick the one that most fit the lady. The summer squash story is speaking to my inner food fetish. Need a second for those squash don't work for, likely the snow story as that speaks to me as I have done that. Hell I did my wife in a snow cave.

As having just a few words, I am posting at work or chemo. Hard to find time for long answers. Now to celebrate my second correct guess a Met-Art.com photo of Henessy A and Roza A.

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