Suggestion and Policy

Turn them inside out and there good as new LOL!!! Eom
DJ1985 21 Reviews 2999 reads
1 / 46

The removal of Theme Days from Regional Boards is an unnecessary change. Photo threads are a great way to get look at the ladies in the local market rather than on a General Photo board showcasing providers from all over that I will likely never have an opportunity to meet. If there is a need for a general photo board, photos should be allowed on both regional and the General Photo board.

xyz23 45 Reviews 647 reads
2 / 46
Intrigued42 4 Reviews 756 reads
3 / 46

While change is often difficult, I can't see a need for this one. Perhaps it makes things easier for admin to monitor the regional photo themes? I, for one, will not take advantage of the new photo board under the TER General Boards. I like our local ladies, and the photo themes they came up with and then voluntarily chose to participate in allowed a little of their personalities to come through. I have no need nor desire to see photos of women from all over the country or the world that I'll likely never consider visiting in person. I won't sort through the handles of numerous providers in an attempt to determine who lives and provides in our general vicinity. I don't care for this move, at all. Please leave it the way it was!

hrider1 5 Reviews 560 reads
4 / 46
MSON123 44 Reviews 747 reads
5 / 46

Many of the regional boards are dead. Take away theme days any you will probably kill them.  
Just another case of TER showing their muscle and screwing with people.  
I check 3 local boards and I am luck to see 8 posts a week combined. I check another website and see 25 per day!
What is that telling you. If Ter screws enough there will be nothing left. Kind of like what happened with chat!

no_email 3 Reviews 705 reads
6 / 46

Although some including myself, could think it's a tacky suggestion.

I'm not sure if TER could technically make this work? I would like to see a Flat View option for all posts, all photos. Flat View for the entire page, verses clicking every post, to view photos.

EasyTimes 7 Reviews 713 reads
7 / 46

Photo theme days generate a lot of traffic on Regional boards.  Just look at the number of reads on any given photo.  There are literally tons of places on the internet to look at photos of women you will never meet.  See no need for what is just one more.  Posts on Regional boards at least were women located in or traveling through your local area.  If you want to do away with theme days, fine, just create Regional photo only boards.

Dr Who revived 640 reads
8 / 46

But then again I had no interest in looking at the regional photo theme threads that were (are) populated by the same old 10 gals week in and week out.  With the same old pics that they had 10 years ago.  

So putting them all in a place that doesn't clutter up a regional board may indeed shed a different light on some of the less posted regional boards.  Or not.  

Either way many cried (as in the gals primarily) when the ad boards were segregated.  And in some cases a regional board became a ghost town while others had minimal traffic.  But I liked that idea as well as it's much easier to peruse there and see if anything looks interesting at a glance.

If you need to look at the same old pics of the old hags...go to her website and whack off to it from there.

Otherwise become pro-active and start a thread every day on your regional board and discuss something of value.  Or just whine here about another change you don't care for.
Posted By: DJ1985
The removal of Theme Days from Regional Boards is an unnecessary change. Photo threads are a great way to get look at the ladies in the local market rather than on a General Photo board showcasing providers from all over that I will likely never have an opportunity to meet. If there is a need for a general photo board, photos should be allowed on both regional and the General Photo board.

palmsprings565 64 Reviews 545 reads
9 / 46

+ 1 for having the Photo board sorted by City/Region.

EasyTimes 7 Reviews 722 reads
10 / 46

Others are just expressing their opinion and surprise at the seemingly sudden change.  As tired and sometimes redundant as they may be, these theme threads provided much needed activity on some very slow boards.  And while I don't disagree with the point made about people needing to post interesting comments to keep the slower regional boards alive and interesting, I don't see where the photo themes were hurting anyone.  As several of you are fond of pointing out in your clever retorts on other boards, if you don't like something, you are perfectly free to NOT click on it.  

I really like the idea of limiting use of the same photo, as they have done on the new photo board.  It is just my observation, but it seems that a few rules could have been changed to resolve some of the main complaints without removing the threads completely.  

No whine, just fact!

Panthera12 717 reads
11 / 46

As I can see new whimsical rules popping up on that board.  

I don't dislike theme threads although I can do without them. I do look at some of the photos on them as long as I know that I won't get ill.

missymore See my TER Reviews 687 reads
13 / 46

it doesn't really matter to me, or basically anyone else, what i say or think... so i'm just gonna be a blurter and ramble like a 'tard ;) lol  

this whole business of blowing off the regional & bdsm photo theme SUCKS! (imo)

really!! was it broken?

 i really wish that ter had spent my hard-earned vip dollars on making it so that i could read the threads without going to flat & then reading out of context & looking stupid for posting outta context.  

i wish so many things, but hey, if wishes were rainbows, we'd all be unicorns; riding each others fucking unicorn horns. right?

so in closing, i say "meow, my friends. meow!"

just my silly 2 cents,...

ps- i may be one of those "old hags that are always hoarding the photo theme days & keeping the other hotties from posting on their regional board" but at least i'm not a fucking closed minded whore ;)  

so, rip me to shreds, then eat me;) hahahaha
i'm not whining, just venting.

love ya, missy

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 625 reads
15 / 46

I could care less about looking at pictures of escorts in cities I will never get to. I don't want to scroll down an entire page to find pictures of escorts in a city I will be visiting g. It wasn't broke, why did you try and fix it.

brilove See my TER Reviews 703 reads
16 / 46

It was fun to come up with ideas every few days and see how creative the girls are in posting pictures in response.  

Now we can post a photo everyday on one board .... Yet there are no themes ... No organization ... And who is going to be the one to make sure someone doesn't post the same pic in a 30 day period???

The activity on the photo board seems dismal... Very few views. if people don't want to look at the pictures on the regional boards they don't have to click on them. But there are those who come to the regional board mainly to view the pictures on the theme threads then read another thread and post a comment.

-- Modified on 1/11/2014 7:52:15 AM

Agnar 29 Reviews 594 reads
17 / 46

Based on the number of views that they received on the regional board/s I look at, they seemed pretty popular with some posts occasionally getting over 1k views or at least the high hundreds.  Now over here... I can hear crickets chirping.  I would think the ladies will stop posting if they don't feel they are getting any attention and I would certainly miss that.  The photo themes were often something to shift the mood on the regional board in a positive direction.

my_2Cents 582 reads
18 / 46


brilove See my TER Reviews 626 reads
19 / 46
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 772 reads
20 / 46

They brought fun and excitement to the regional boards, most of the guys loved them, AND it gave visiting ladies an additional way to visually say "hello" to the guys I the region they were visiting.

The photo theme days literally breathed life into the 60' board, it will now be a desert wasteland on that board.

Honestly I wish all of the ladies would just NOT post on the new photo board in support of bringing the regional photo theme days back!

But there are those who won't do that. I always had special pics taken for Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day and July 4th to put on  the regional board. It makes me sad that it won't be available on my regional board any more or any regional board where I have a visiting ad.

PLEASE give us back our regional photo theme days, even if you take one day away, like Saturday. Maybe 2 days would be better then no days.

And I took a look at the Photo Board and just shook my head. It has no personality what so ever. It's just not any fun to me.


Steph from NC.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 691 reads
21 / 46
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 711 reads
22 / 46

And I'm one of those "old broads" who try to take good care of herself, because one absolute truth for me is there is someone younger and totally HOT around every corner for me.



vorlon 119 Reviews 631 reads
23 / 46

Those who weren't interested could easily skip them while those liked them could readily find pics of local and touring ladies.  Having all pics on one board is something I am unlikely to visit unless I have a specific reason to go look for pics of a particular provider.  Even then, I am more likely to look for an ad or website.

Dr Who revived 620 reads
24 / 46

I guess I left out the fat and ugly ones...didn't meant to discriminate.

I also see that after a few days of the new photo board not many hits on the pics.  Guess taking them off the regional boards really was a good idea.  Seems no one is chasing down those pics that often are 10+ y/o and repetitive.

At least TER is trying to get the gals to get in shape and take new (as in recent) pics and present themselves accordingly.  Hopefully a few of them will  ;)
Posted By: MatureGFE
Plenty of under 35 yr olds were there.


case321 31 Reviews 694 reads
25 / 46

My first reaction was to WTF? Maybe there is an explanation or good reason for the change I don't seen one but I as the other members would love to hear the reasoning behind this change.
Not only did the regional theme threads encourage flirting and friendliy banter between us fellas and the ladies they were also great for a quick look if traveling to a new area.  
The present layout is not organized in any way and other then maybe some 13 year old kids coming across it for spanking material it is pretty much useless.  
For me as for a lot of other fellas the regional threads helped us know who was in our area and maybe cultivate communication through our flirts and their responses. I'm sure it was  much better for the ladies from a business standpoint than the current board.  
I am very interested to hear the reasoning behind the change and how it is supposed to benefit our little community. More local board activity should be encouraged it's better for everyone.

Panthera12 757 reads
26 / 46

Remember, I am supposed to gag on every single woman on Earth over the age of 35. However, I know this place about 12 parsecs from Earth where their life expectancy is about 300 of our solar years.

floyd1039 10 Reviews 684 reads
27 / 46
floyd1039 10 Reviews 653 reads
28 / 46
brilove See my TER Reviews 778 reads
29 / 46

Will there be any answers or replies to the comments: complaints about the photo thread change? At the very least it would be nice if admin would explain the reason for the change.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 626 reads
31 / 46

You're still new around here. :) While admin has occasionally posted on boards, and explained some change, it is a very rare occasion. TER has made tons of changes over the years with no explanations whatsoever. Don't hold your breath.

By the way, there are a lot of folks who are happy with the photo board change.

brilove See my TER Reviews 597 reads
32 / 46

That is probably true for some boards which exist of mostly photo threads but there are some boards where is added fun. Instead of restricting the photos to just one board why not invote some more interesting discussions on the regional boards. Just my opinion and worth about as much as a used condom ... although from what I understand there are few providers who will reuse them lol.

Panthera12 754 reads
35 / 46

Another useless piece of work and waste of bandwidth. In his defense though, I have doubts that mrfisher is responsible for the photo board. The actual suggestion and implementation time line does not fit with a rusty wheel. More then likely this new "bored" was in the oven for quite some time.

DJ1985 21 Reviews 770 reads
36 / 46

The change wasn't ment to make things better, it was ment to eliminate complaints about photo threads and the work that TER support staff had to do to deal with the complaints.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 609 reads
37 / 46

Theme Days allowed an opportunity for a touring lady as well as locals not only strut their stuff with pics  but to share a little of their persona. Clever banter and playful comments always added to the board.

As someone who travels I found the Theme Days a useful tool as I considered who I might wish to meet. I have lost that service from TER.  

I actually think the addition of the photo board is a good idea. But as an added service , not a trade off. It looks like a good place for a lady to catalog their pics should someone wish to do a search. But it certainly lacks the fun of the Theme Days. It certainly can not be considered a value added deal.  

I fear TER has bowed to the loudest members. Many who I am convinced would like to see TER prohibit any participation from the ladies .  No girls allowed !

What bothers me is there seemed to be no considrations of reasonable options or compromise. A reduction of Theme Days to once a week is an example.

It appears to me a certain segment of TER membership has exceptional influence over TER policies.

Too bad.

-- Modified on 1/14/2014 1:31:30 PM

HotCougarMilf See my TER Reviews 584 reads
38 / 46
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 695 reads
39 / 46

But I can tell you they went to a lot of time and trouble to put the no photo threads on regional board, and to add that waste of time Photo Board, IMO.

And I'm betting they anticipated catching some flack. and OMD that Photo Board is EVERY DAY POSTING! Of course if it doesn't generated a lot of participation a or "reads" (which can be manipulated, maybe we'll get our regional board theme day back!



brilove See my TER Reviews 701 reads
40 / 46

Is it possible the lack of views is because there is no organization and its nation wide not specific to regions? MN board had several hundred hits most pics and many over 1000.  I would think the 10 year olds would utilize the new photo board considering it has more pics and no filtering through the chats.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 561 reads
41 / 46
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 692 reads
42 / 46

Flat mide doesn't show views, (you have to "click" on a post to raise the view count. In gkat mide, there is no clicking)  and the photo board is defaulted in flat mode. This has been mentioned numerous times in the various photo board threads.

Ron.Burgundy 713 reads
43 / 46

Tired MILFs and fugly providers need all the exposure they can get since the phone isn't ringing. They will probably ask for a photo board for each city.

2labman 26 Reviews 602 reads
44 / 46
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 727 reads
45 / 46

This will give others a real idea of how many people are really visiting the board. Maybe TER can see how many clicks are coming through to see themselves which is what i'm hoping but I think those members who aren't happy will calm down if they actually see some success.  

As with every change I have seen on TER it has been very difficult for members to accept or see the reason why. You can't make everyone happy.

I wouldn't post on a board where there is less chance of meeting anyone . I think the idea of a photo board was a good one for men who like just looking. It's good draw to get new men to come to the site just like free porn. The next move for them is to see what is really available in their area. The regional boards have been lacking in community interest and this change could have a real negative affect.  I don't think it works for regional exposure or community.
Many women posted pics but seldom posted any literary landscape here. Nothing wrong with that because most ladies feel any negative verbiage can or will affect their bottom line. Useless or troublesome is what I have seen as comments to so many of ladies posts.
What the new board does offer could be a win, win for touring ladies who now can post their locations every day. So do you collar the men and drag them there. In time it might work but TER has little chance of controlling their old posting rules about pictures and touring.  
Let's face it the boards are a very low percentage of traffic to TER. They are not what most men come here for but those that do expect it to offer regional entertainment and updates that affect them. Forget about the ladies because the essence of this board is for the man who is looking for safety in numbers.
I could go on but lastly l will say "a picture is worth a thousand words". Not easy to put your foot in your mouth, shows participation and grabs someone's attention.
My vote not that it matters is, I wish they added the new board and kept the local board as it was.
Kisses Hale

LookMaNoHands 1053 reads
46 / 46

Lol....yea, so providers can keeping clicking their post to make them look "popular".......that's what the MILFs, BSC providers & Fuglies would do all day long

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