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There is no reason to have to check your reviews multiple times a day.confused_smile
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 322 reads

You are averaging a few new reviews per month. Why would you need to check "multiple times a day?" Just set yourself as a "favorite" and TER will email you every time a new review posts. Check it then.  

I am still a pretty new provider (started feb 2015), but since I started getting reviews I, also, have started getting fake reviews. Ranging some really disgusting stuff to just leaving me a bad score. A few months ago I hired a Private Investigator who proved that all this nonsense was being done by another provider! Looking into this womans history I happen to not be the only woman she has & is still doing this to.  
I completely understand why it is hard to monitor this. & I do believe that there are some providers who don't want certain reviews up and may say it's a fake review to maintain whatever reputation that they have. However, there has to be a way to stop the fake reviews. Maybe TER & the provider can work together on this. For example, before the review is posted maybe the provider can ok it? I dunno I know that kind of goes against the review process, but I just feel that there has to be a way to stop the fake reviews.

so eternal vigilance is required.  

You can turn over the info that your tec came up with to TER, and they then should take action by not only removing the fake reviews, but banning the provider who created them.

I have done that! They told me I have to continue monitoring my reviews then contact them if an fraudulent activity happens.  
The huge issue with that- one I have to constantly monitor my reviews & 2 to get the fake reviews down usually takes months!

hey, newbie here, but hearing you talk about having to monitor your own reviews, yeah, sucks, but it's business I guess...your profile is an asset you have to protect so I totally support you staying on top of each and every review you get, your reputation is at stake.  The good news, if you're an outstanding provider you'll get good reviews and complementary reviews are accessible globally!  

Follow up question: you said it takes months to get fake reviews pulled?  Have you successfully done this before?  I'm just curious, I imagine it is a big issue.  Wonder if there's a certification process that could be installed, without threatening anyone's privacy/identity...

I def feel like there should be some type of verification process with the reviews. I actually didn't take into account that people also do fake reviews to get a free membership to view the juicy details & maybe it's not all my "stalker". Yes I did accomplish to get the fake reviews down but there was a really disturbing one that took months to be taken down, which led to all types of interesting & disgusting requests & phone calls. I understand why its hard to monitor the fake reviews & even harder to tell if the provider or reviewer is lying or who's telling the truth. But there has to be a way?  

because there are so many ways to make up fake browsers and use other IP addresses it's really hard to prove the TER is her. The only thing that I can prove is that i had harassment come for her work phone which happens to be in her real name & her husbands regular phone. & it came from her IP address which is linked to her home address. When it comes to TER they are very strict about releasing IPS.- So I guess I can't actually prove the fake reviews are her. But honestly with all the other nonsense that I can prove who else could it really be?
I wish that it was only reviews and fake social media she did but she even crossed the line of sending stuff to my home address.

>>I hired a Private Investigator who proved

This likely did not happen. A PI isn't going to "Prove" anything, if that's the impression you got then you've been taken for a fool here. IE, the PI just told you what you wanted to hear in order to collect a check and be done with it.


>>maybe the provider can ok it?

Why in the world would any provider OK a less than stellar review? They have no incentive to be honest if they were having an "off" day. If anything, this would make the reviews and the scores more fake than they already are.

If you're having reviews that you think didn't happen, you need to contact the Admins about it. They'll look at it, and if anything looks odd, they'll ask the reviewer to provide proof that they indeed contacted you.  

On top of that, if your TER profile says that you're providing services you don't offer, you can take ownership of the profile and request edits to it that will fix the information presented. If you've already done this, I don't see why you're worried about a review when it's in cleartext what you do and don't offer.

Looking at the reviews that you've received, I'm not sure why you're upset. You're getting mostly 10's in looks, and 7-10 in performance. Those are perfect scores for the services provided.

Here are the official review policies on what the maximum scores refer to:

In short, You can't get a 10/10 every session if you're not providing the right services. I'm not a fan of this system, but it's the system that's in place all the same.

only that they were fake, and one of them clearly talks about doing greek, when her profile says that she does not do that.

As for the PI thing, maybe a PI can or they can't come up with hard evidence, but if they do, it ought to be turned over to TER for their action, or lack thereof.

>really disgusting stuff to just leaving me a bad score.

Did you even read the OP?

Yes that is true I do not do greek. I do not like it it's painful. The review is a true review however. He's a very close friend of mine. We see each other very often and have become very close over the years. He has begged me for so long to do it with him- this particular day I gave him a special treat.  
I do not offer greek as a menu item. Yes I have done it & in that time it was fine, but I don't want to be listed as doing it or have it be a thing that just anyone can have with me. Sounds kinda bitchy but I think you can probably understand? I like my relationships to be organic and it really depends on our chemistry. Some things ill do with everyone yes but some things are a little sacred lol

ok so first I understand completely what ur saying about the PI scam thing. & I realize now I couldn't get all the info that was promised to me in the beginning, but I am happy with the money I gave him for the information that I did get. Matching IP addresses don't lie and that's exactly how I know it is her. When it comes to TER I cannot prove that the fake reviews were her, but honestly after all the other crazy stuff that's happened that I can prove that it is her I don't have a doubt in the world that the fake TER reviews aren't her as well. TER won't release IP address for obvious reasons but other companies did and they proved that my harassment was indeed her and her husband :/ ..  
And the reviews that are up now are the real ones. The fake ones have been officially taken down. & when they were up I was mortified. It seriously had me so scared and I was getting all types of crazy calls requesting disgusting acts. I seriously just turned my work phone off & took a week vacation out of the country.

I hate that system too. Im one of those weirdos who like to be the best & I feel like it makes it so hard and it makes it even more difficult to get a gent to even write a review

How did you get the fake reviews off? I have three that TER won't budge on? They are so annoying when I look at them as I know they are fake. one even mentions fake rates and a fake height and TER will do nothing? So I am very, very curious how you got them down as Ever time I see the three fakes it bugs the crap out of me. lol

A few years ago, I jokingly volunteered to be a TER Secret Shopper who would arrange to visit Providers and authenticate or invalidate questionable reviews and to verify Profile data. TER would have to reimburse my expenses but everything else (time and effort) would be voluntary. I would bring a portable scale, tape measure and other specialized equipment. What I see with my own eyes (her height - weight - ink - etc.) and experience with my own, hmmm, "self"  would then be used as an honest basis for authentication.
Reviewers who are flagged would then be questioned by me, via TER authentication, to determine if they really saw who I saw. "Perky or puffy? Really? Landing strip or bare? Is that your final answer?")  
Because I am honest, trustworthy and true blue, my judgement would be final.

Posted By: Cossette
Re: fakes..
How did you get the fake reviews off? I have three that TER won't budge on? They are so annoying when I look at them as I know they are fake. one even mentions fake rates and a fake height and TER will do nothing? So I am very, very curious how you got them down as Ever time I see the three fakes it bugs the crap out of me. lol
EDIT: fixed typos

-- Modified on 6/25/2017 7:22:15 AM

LMAO!!!! I love it! That is clearly the ansrwer. lol but you being a secret shopper will validate the info of the providers but how would u make sure that the reviewers are in fact reviewing a real date? lol. The issue is 1 i feel like fake review r posted usually by other jealous envious providers and 2 by reviewers trying to get a free membership. So mr secret shopper lol what will u do for that?

Posted By: MissAlexaJayde
Re: Secret Shopper Authentication
LMAO!!!! I love it! That is clearly the ansrwer. lol but you being a secret shopper will validate the info of the providers but how would u make sure that the reviewers are in fact reviewing a real date? lol. The issue is 1 i feel like fake review r posted usually by other jealous envious providers and 2 by reviewers trying to get a free membership. So mr secret shopper lol what will u do for that?
I wrote:
Reviewers who are flagged would then be questioned by me, via TER authentication, to determine if they really saw who I saw. "Perky or puffy? Really? Landing strip or bare? Is that your final answer?")

That is, TER would notify the reviewer that someone who knows the Provider (me, the Secret Shopper) is going to ask them some Qs. If the As are not consistent with what I saw and experienced, the Review be declared a fake and the Reviewer sanctioned.  
And to clarify to others, in the TER Secret Shopper program, the Provider does not know that she is being "authenticated" by the TER Secret Shopper. I'm just another client, as far as she knows. It's just like some restaurant reviewers do not ID themselves at the restaurant, because they want to be served what everyone else is being served in order to provide an honest review for the hoi polloi.  
I just haven't worked out how to get TER to go along with the Secret Shopper program and reimburse me for my expenses.

I honestly think that's a great idea! There are too many ways for these ladies to make all sorts of accounts and make their own reviews. Please come secret shop me ;) lol. I, also, think that we as ladies should be able to get 10's. I actually emailed TER about how to get 10/10 and I actually do all the stuff listed except for greek- with the exception of long term relationships, but a lot of people don't understand or simply don't have the time to keep going back and forth with TER on how to get the 10/10. Ive had men make me reviews and told me sorry ter would only allow me to give u a 9. Which yes I am one of those crazy ppl who want to be the best so it's very annoying when these men tell me they wanted and tried to give me a 10 and ter wouldn't allow. Like I said previously I am new to the hobby still but I find it very hard to believe that these women r finding men who know how to review the 10/10. Who knows maybe I'm crazy and going on dates with ter illiterate men.. I don't really know.  
Sorry, I got a little off topic-  
But Yes I agree they're should be a mystery secret shopper. lol.  
That would actually weed out the fake reviews.  
But then the next issue is still not allowing the disgusting fake reviews that are posted as well. Like I said after my investigation I discovered it was another provider. When I found this out I was extremely shocked, but it completely makes sense! I'm sure this happens very often. Women make fake reviews of other women in hopes to lower their TER score so they're top of their city or perhaps even national. These women are clearly not stable- and we need to figure out a way to put this ludicrous behavior to end.

Posted By: MissAlexaJayde
I am one of those crazy ppl who want to be the best so it's very annoying when these men tell me they wanted and tried to give me a 10 and ter wouldn't allow.
First, determine the max score (7 - 10). A GREAT performance at the 7 level gets a 7-out-of-7 = 7/7. A mediocre performance at the 10 level gets a 7-out-of-10 = 7/10. I am one of those guys that would be more interested in a 7/7 than a 7/10. I have had some FANTASTIC 7-out-of-7s!
Let's face it: TER should just put me in charge of this place. Maybe after they remove me from moderation. :-)

omg I honestly have no clue- My one fake review that was so bad was up for 2 months and no matter what I said they wouldn't take it down. Like it was bad .. said I didn't use protection I had a heroin problem the fake reviewer relieved himself inside me there were used towels all over. Like it drove me insane my heart, my safety, my confidence everything- I was so mad and no matter what I said TER wouldn't do anything. There was one of the TER support who was completely rude. Kept just replying to me with "It stays" that's it. Like wtf?. I have an assistant who helps with my bookings and she was emailing them too. I really don't know why they took it down bc they never told me it was just down eventually. I emailed them probably every other week asking them to remove it- they ignored a lot of me messages though. I really feel like it all depends how who you deal with in support. There are some people who are really nice and I always wonder if they're females lol. I feel like it's never an easy way to get them down & that by far is my huge complaint about TER. I just wish there was a way to make sure what goes up is the truth. But how can that be monitored?

I had the same exact thing happen to me, TER refused to take a fake review down. Guy claimed that he saw me in May and I had no record of him for the month of May. Clamied I had a new tattoo on my arm and I messaged them and told them the review is fake have no clue who this guy is and that I did not get any tattoos on my arms and I keep record of every hobbyist I have seen. They say that our opinion on here matters, clearly it does not. There should be a section for providers to review users that are cleints. I feel like it's only fair. I'm constantly checking my reviews now. It's ridiculous providers should not be worried about losing business because of fake reviews intact reviewers should have to show proof that they have seen the provider and approved before they can even write a review.

TER does not allow the mention of drugs in reviews. That has always been one of their rules.  You said you had a fake review that mentioned you had a heroin problem. That is hard to believe bevause TER would never have posted that. If they did by accident (sometimes things slip through the cracks) they would have pulled it as soon as you (or anybody) reported it.

I don't read reviews but I can believe it.

I think I've even read reviews before where the reviewer mentioned track marks. I think I even read a review where the dealer came to the door during the appointment.

I 100% agree. Did you ever get the fake review taken down? It's insane I hate that I have to constantly check my reviews to make sure there's nothing fake up. Luckily Ive been safe lately- But I def check multiple times a day!!! Which takes away time where I could be doing other things... LIKE PLANNING my dates.

You are averaging a few new reviews per month. Why would you need to check "multiple times a day?" Just set yourself as a "favorite" and TER will email you every time a new review posts. Check it then.  


In reality, almost IMPOSSIBLE to enforce.  :(

Supposedly, if you get an UNDESERVED bad review and can PROVE it's undeserved, I think TER will work with you to find a SOLUTION.

Other than that - the best DEFENSE is a good OFFENSE, meaning if you build up a library of GOOD reviews from vetted, TRUSTED reviewers, you can withstand the occasional bad one.

But that takes TIME...and EFFORT, on your part.

(btw, saw your pics!  Yummy!  If you ever come to NYC, I'll look you up! ;) )

Stay safe, dear.

Thank you!!!! & yes I agree. But if the review isn't real I don't want it up :( .. I had someone rate me like a 7 i believe & I was really upset, but it was a real review so of course no complaints here, but the problem is when it's not real and TER won't take it down. That really bad review I keep referring to was up for 2 months and they would not believe me that it was fake. The provider who was stalking me found all my personal social media including my travel blog and she literally used stuff I wrote about (hotels) to write my fake review. Then the second fake review was up for 3 months, the second one wasn't as bad just a bad score. But the 1st one OMG it was terrible. I was getting harassing calls non stop from ppl looking for disgusting acts that I simply don't do.  
But yes thank u so much :) I am really glad that u like my photos! My base used to be in NYC. My base is now in MI, but only for the summer then I'll be back to NYC. OMG I cannot wait xx

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