Suggestion and Policy

It's static at 1024 x 768
GirlinDC 4 Reviews 8448 reads

Which poses a prob on monitors with 800 x 600 or say I dunno...the many many TER guys (and girls) who like to sneak a look during the day.  You could size the old site to a small browser and see everything ok, which is very very good if you like to keep things discrete and multi-task with lots of different things open.  Unfortunately, the staticness of the new site makes that difficult.

One of my web friends suggested this: Right column needs to have its width removed and the buttons along the top need to be in a separate table.

Perhaps you understand what that means. I am not a web techie, just passing on that message.

-- Modified on 4/9/2005 9:59:30 PM

okay, why is the new site too big for my computer screen.  to click into the vip community, i have to hit scroll bar at the bottom of the screen and move it to the right.  damm annoying, especially when trying to read the discussion pages, reviews, etc.  

not a problem on the old web site,  and yes i can problem go to browser and change stuff but out of 100s of websites, only the new ter website is bigger then my screen

help/hints appreciated

I am guessing here, but the new site was probably designed for the bulk of newer machines/monitors out there that run in at least 1024x768 display resolution.

the site is built to fill up most of that, since it is almost the defacto standard display resolution these days.

In my case, it's too small for the screen.  
I have a 19 inch, and it doesn't fill the width of the screen.
The discussion board wraps lines much sooner than it should.
There's an artificial right margin that stops only 2/3 of the width.  When you combine that with the left menu section, the main body is very narrow and almost all subject lines wrap to a second line and it's difficult to read.  The old format always shows each subject on a single line, and the indenting looks good.

-- Modified on 4/5/2005 10:17:44 PM

Which poses a prob on monitors with 800 x 600 or say I dunno...the many many TER guys (and girls) who like to sneak a look during the day.  You could size the old site to a small browser and see everything ok, which is very very good if you like to keep things discrete and multi-task with lots of different things open.  Unfortunately, the staticness of the new site makes that difficult.

One of my web friends suggested this: Right column needs to have its width removed and the buttons along the top need to be in a separate table.

Perhaps you understand what that means. I am not a web techie, just passing on that message.

-- Modified on 4/9/2005 9:59:30 PM

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