Suggestion and Policy

Todd Kavonic 11 Reviews 516 reads

You do understand that computers were initially designed to compute, do you? Not to display pictures and videos.  

I could write script that would take into all the previous ratings and merge them in with a more granular rating system. It's fairly easy, no way "insurmountable". Ridiculous assertion.

I don’t like giving gals a “ten” because that condones that somehow they are perfect. If there was a personality rating system included and all were based on fractions of ten, it would be a benefit, I feel. When you look at an overall rating of a gal, what does it come up as? Fractions.

If I gave a gal a 10.0 on appearance, performance and personality, she’s mine and she will know it.
Posted By: mrfisher
insurmountable, and really the level of detail not really worth it.

You can, however, express your numerical opinion in the body of your review.

I think the “grading” system could be revised a little. I have had a problem giving gals a 10 when they deserved a 9.6 or something like that. Can the curve be expanded to 100 type points instead of ten?

Also, what I have found is that the personality of the gal brings me back to them. I go pretty high level and these gals mostly look stunning (especially recently). If they all look great and perform great…why not include another rating for their personality? Same rating schedule, only a fraction of ten.

So much annoying debate continues about how these gals are rated, this may help

insurmountable, and really the level of detail not really worth it.

You can, however, express your numerical opinion in the body of your review.

You do understand that computers were initially designed to compute, do you? Not to display pictures and videos.  

I could write script that would take into all the previous ratings and merge them in with a more granular rating system. It's fairly easy, no way "insurmountable". Ridiculous assertion.

I don’t like giving gals a “ten” because that condones that somehow they are perfect. If there was a personality rating system included and all were based on fractions of ten, it would be a benefit, I feel. When you look at an overall rating of a gal, what does it come up as? Fractions.

If I gave a gal a 10.0 on appearance, performance and personality, she’s mine and she will know it.

Posted By: mrfisher
insurmountable, and really the level of detail not really worth it.

You can, however, express your numerical opinion in the body of your review.

Possibly by "insurmountable," mrfisher meant difficult, ridiculous, and meaningless?

It isn't a DIY scale, each of the numbers has a meaning.  Are you saying for example, to get a 9.6, you felt a girl's performance was 40% "Forgot it was a service" and 60% "Once in a lifetime" and you felt unable to resolve that?  Sounds like a 9 to me...

Somewhat agree on personality, but I think it's more or less included in performance.

That made absolutely no sense to me whatsover. You need to articulate better.

Posted By: MissMarieM
Possibly by "insurmountable," mrfisher meant difficult, ridiculous, and meaningless?  
 It isn't a DIY scale, each of the numbers has a meaning.  Are you saying for example, to get a 9.6, you felt a girl's performance was 40% "Forgot it was a service" and 60% "Once in a lifetime" and you felt unable to resolve that?  Sounds like a 9 to me...  
 Somewhat agree on personality, but I think it's more or less included in performance.

Have you reviewed the ratings policies?   If you're saying 9.6, you're making up your own rating system.  Or you can't resolve a 60/40 split choice between two levels.

To rate the provider’s appearance and performance, please use the following:
10 She was a one in a million.
9 She was model material.
8 She was really hot.
7 She was attractive.
6 She was nice looking.
5 She was plain looking
4 OK, If you are drunk
3 She was fairly homely.
2 She was simply ugly.
1 I was really scared.
10 It was a one in a million.
9 I forgot it was a service.
8 She went the extra mile.
7 It was really hot
6 It was a nice time.
5 Average
4 She just laid there.
3 It was barely worth the effort.
2 I should have stayed home.
1 A total rip-off.

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 9:14:14 PM

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. Yes I have read the criteria for reviews but I think it could be better. Some gals expect a 10 but they normally aren't "1 in a million", but some are very close, thus the fractions make sense to me.  

The reviews get fractioned anyway by the average, so what's the harm?

Posted By: MissMarieM
Have you reviewed the ratings policies?   If you're saying 9.6, you're making up your own rating system.  Or you can't resolve a 60/40 split choice between two levels.  
 To rate the provider’s appearance and performance, please use the following:  
 10 She was a one in a million.  
 9 She was model material.  
 8 She was really hot.  
 7 She was attractive.  
 6 She was nice looking.  
 5 She was plain looking  
 4 OK, If you are drunk  
 3 She was fairly homely.  
 2 She was simply ugly.  
 1 I was really scared.  
 10 It was a one in a million.  
 9 I forgot it was a service.  
 8 She went the extra mile.  
 7 It was really hot  
 6 It was a nice time.  
 5 Average  
 4 She just laid there.  
 3 It was barely worth the effort.  
 2 I should have stayed home.  
 1 A total rip-off.  

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 9:14:14 PM

Well...  They do get averaged, so there's the moderating factor.

But now I see what you're saying, you're saying more nuance might curb grade inflation.  That's a whole other can of worms I don't get at all.  I was foolishly pleased with my 9/9's...

GaGambler447 reads

Reviews manipulation would still exist, and there would still be guys with no standards, but even allowing "half points" would be an improvement over the ten point system we have now.

and lets' be honest, we don't really have a ten point system, anything below a six is just downright ugly. We have more like a four point system. 7-8-9 and 10. giving a bit more latitude to the reviewers would be a good thing IMO

skarphedin451 reads

Looks and Performance are not really useful... That seems the real issue...  

Why not have more attributes that are rated say 0-10 or strongly agree to strongly disagree?  

For example:

Face, breasts, ass, belly etc on a 1-10

Dress- not sexy to very sexy or 1-10

Location if Incall- 1-10

Greeting: cold to happy or 1-10

kissing: 1-10

BJ: 1-10

Sex: 1- 10

and so on.... it would make the dumb penthouse letters reviews less important...  

it would also let the women know what they need to focus on...

Somehow I think that makes sense in a way. I think that a more effective way of reviewing and grading helps both sides. She knows what you want and you know what you want. Interesting.

Posted By: skarphedin
Looks and Performance are not really useful... That seems the real issue...  
 Why not have more attributes that are rated say 0-10 or strongly agree to strongly disagree?  
 For example:  
 Face, breasts, ass, belly etc on a 1-10  
 Dress- not sexy to very sexy or 1-10  
 Location if Incall- 1-10  
 Greeting: cold to happy or 1-10  
 kissing: 1-10  
 BJ: 1-10  
 Sex: 1- 10  
 and so on.... it would make the dumb penthouse letters reviews less important...  
 it would also let the women know what they need to focus on...

skarphedin497 reads

But the devil is in the details and it is all about the survey questions...

I think it would be faster and engender more responses... Which would make the feedback even more useful...  

Especially if one could leave the narration blank.

We aren't cattle and we're providing very intimate and personal services.  

The narrative format gives a better way for us to be reviewed- if a girl's angle is her smokin' hot bod, review that.  If it's kink, review that.  I'm not selling either of those things so it would feel pretty unfair to be judged for having a soft tummy and sticking to fairly vanilla play.

skarphedin428 reads

Re cattle: That goes to whether any reviews are appropriate not the fairness of either this or that regime. I agree that reviewing is rough and I would go broke if I were an escort but the question is how to make the review system better for the customer.  

Re: intimate and personal services. See above.

Re last para. The regime I proposed would be both more thorough and more comprehensive. That is not unfair. Again, review systems are by their nature harsh and I would not survive under one...

You've bought cattle at auction or you have not?   I have.  There are a few things you judge them on, PERIOD.  Each thing has a fairly specific effect on their value.  Regardless of their cuteness.  

If you're looking for a bull, there is some specific and...intimate information you would want to know.  However, it would be a bit idiotic (and insulting) to list the size of a steer's testicles.

We're all selling appearance and performance, I get it, but we're not all selling chiseled abs or for that matter bbbj, so the aggregate scores would wind up pretty meaningless.

It would be utterly "fair."

And it would probably be very useful information if everyone who saw escorts was under 35 and looking for a PSE with a girl who's primary career is doing promo work at Maxim parties...

Some numbers, fine, but the narrative is the point.  eoconversation

-- Modified on 9/3/2014 7:08:43 PM

If I give my 10 out early on, because this girl was more than the 9 experiences.  Then I meet another girl a year later who I feel is now my new 10.  What happens to the former 10?  She was better than all the sessions that were a 9.  Do all the former 9's become downgraded to 8's, and so on down the line.  Seems like a lot of book keeping.  Having been able to give out 9.9's instead would have been better, than multiple 10's.  Leaving the 10 as an ideal that I may never hand out, but used instead to measure against.

Personality to me is not necessary to grade by itself.  The provider is most likely faking most everything anyways, so do you really see her personality?  Perhaps her attitude is more important to grade than her personality.  

I like your ideas though.  Good post

saw one girl the other day that I thought might be a 9.31415926, but after careful consideration I decided she merited only a 9.31415925

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