Sports Talk

So you think playsheets
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 415 reads

are just laying around locker rooms where "low level employees" can pick them up? Seriously?

JackDunphy1258 reads

Good grief:

"In fact, many former New England coaches and employees insist that the taping of signals wasn't even the most effective cheating method the Patriots deployed in that era.  

Several of them acknowledge that during pregame warm-ups, a low-level Patriots employee would sneak into the visiting locker room and steal the play sheet, listing the first 20 or so scripted calls for the opposing team's offense. (The practice became so notorious that some coaches put out fake play sheets for the Patriots to swipe.)  

Numerous former employees say the Patriots would have someone rummage through the visiting team hotel for playbooks or scouting reports.  

Walsh later told investigators that he was once instructed to remove the labels and erase tapes of a Patriots practice because the team had illegally used a player on injured reserve.  

At Gillette Stadium, the scrambling and jamming of the opponents' coach-to-quarterback radio line -- "small s---" that many teams do, according to a former Pats assistant coach -- occurred so often that one team asked a league official to sit in the coaches' box during the game and wait for it to happen. Sure enough, on a key third down, the headset went out."

-- Modified on 9/8/2015 2:02:18 PM

if true, this is terrible and the Patriots should be severely punished.  But remember ESPN also published the erroneous pressure data and testimony in the deflategate fiasco, fed to them from the NFL.  So I have no idea what to believe.

The only thing they categorically deny is taping other teams practices. That's it.  

With this organization, you have to look at what they say AND what they don't say. It's very Clintonian or Nixonian.

ESPN states over 90 sources for this piece Duane. This is cheating on epic proportions, by numerous means, by numerous people, over many years and many, many games.

If it makes you feel any better, the NFL comes off looking almost as bad. This league has become a joke with its scandals, it's absurd punishments, or lack of same, and it's embarrassing way it chooses to cover up or not even try to get info that a POS puny organization like TMZ can easily get.

Had they handled Spy Gate well, there wouldn't have been a Deflate Gate. But had they handled Ray Rice well, there may not have been a Peterson-gate, or whatever the hell they are calling that ahole abusing his kids.

The NFL owners should be incredibly embarrassed over what has gone down and they should can this jackass Goodell asap.  

They can find someone else that will make them money.

They always do.

-- Modified on 9/8/2015 4:26:35 PM

followme458 reads

BackStabbing going on.

Seems that some of those who engaged in the cheating are now squealing and stabbing their former employer and fellow coaches in the back.

  I just hope the Football season is as interesting and the season of football drama

Thank you  
50 = 5

Goodell deemed the Patriots and Brady "guilty of conduct detrimental to the integrity of, and public confidence in, the game of football," the league's highest crime, and punished the franchise and its marquee player.
Is Roger Goodell himself not guilty of this exact same charge, multiple times over?

are just laying around locker rooms where "low level employees" can pick them up? Seriously?

The Pats reputation is now in tatters and you want to focus on what teams may have left behind in a locker room?


There is not a single name to corroborate any of this slanderous, defamous nonsense!
90 interviews..........NO NAMES!
Beyond the obviousness of no one wanting to associate their names to this rag, a Boston ESPN reporter (Mike Reiss) even went so far as to actually calling out the many incorrect 'facts' in this 10K word mess!
They are now eating their own!

Read this:

And then of course, ESPN, not wanting to let such a small thing like the truth get in the way of revenue and/or a 'pile on the Patriots' piece at the bidding of their all mighty Crimson Czar, yanked the story, gave it a "tighter edit" and reposted it.
But, not before Mike Florio saved it/posted links.

Here is the original piece from Mike Reiss:' target=_blank class=green>

And here is ESPN's "tighter edit" bullshit:

Even the commenters are commenting on the 'tighter edit'!
Sewer workers would complain about the STANK coming from this incompetent group!  
(NFL and their bitch named ESPN)

Moving forward, anything/everything coming from these 2 groups should be left out in the open for a few days; call it a 'let's let the grownups look at it to take away the stinky, junior high pettiness bullshit.
Reporters with actual INTEGRITY will debunk their lies/fabrications!
That's what good reporters do

followme432 reads

Last night at Gillette stadium the headsets went out on the Steeler side only.

I'm Shocked ! ! !  

 Who would have guessed that would happen ? ? ? ?  

Thank You  

According to ESPN the problem the Steelers had was with coach-to-coach communication.

Are they not all on the sidelines anyway? You can't just walk up to your fellow coach and actually talk to him face to face instead? To be honest this particular incident feels like something of a witch hunt against the Patriots at this stage, and I say this as someone with no dog in the fight.

Some of the coaches are up near the press box.  But this type of thing happens all of the time in numerous stadiums.  But I am sure there will be an investigation.

followme445 reads

As DUANE said there are coaches in a “booth” in the area of the press booths.
Usually a Defensive  and Offensive coordinator or their assistant and perhaps another assistant coach or two.

While problems can at any stadium it has been reported that this sort of problem occurs much more often at Gillette, and seemly at a real bad time for the visiting team and only on the visitors communication system.  

I  do not have a dog in this fight either, but with the pats reputation...........ya gotta think there is something fishy ......but then again it could be coincidence ..............

 The GIANTS did  beat the pats twice When it Counted.

Thank you  
50 =

followme424 reads

he Steelers did not lose because of “headset-gate”. . .  

However accident or not, coincidence or not the way the pats react to it makes them look ......well not so good.

Thank you  
50 =

They cheated in at LEAST 40 games but were only reprimanded and penalized for ONE occasion against the Jets. ESPN levels those charges against the NFL and the NFL doesn't even deny it. Amazing...

Sorry Duane, but the Pats are cheaters to a level never seen before.  

And Pats fans, a little advice. You don't do your team any good by saying "others cheat too."  

Sorry, but when you break the rules and get caught, you pay the piper and you don't go whining and crying about what other teams may or may not have done.

Pointing to other bad behavior to justify your own teams cheating is what losers do and say.  

Don't be that guy.

Jack, video taping per se' was not illegal.  What they got caught on was video taping from the sidelines after a 2006 memo came out that said not to.  Again, 2006.  So those "40 tapes" which supposedly existed in 2007 - the vast majority were before the memo

...............and that ain't sayin' much.

If you've been paying attention to the NFL at all, you'd know the headsets for both teams are installed/serviced/controlled in each NFL game BY THE NFL!  
(not the home team)
Headsets issues on Thu night happened on both sides, but BB does not whine/look to blame the other teams post-game ever.
BB post game (ad-nauseum):"We were out-coached/out-played in all 3 phases of the game; we need to do a better job coaching/preparing the players for the game and our players need to execute better".
Headset issues happen at EVERY NFL stadium and bad weather compounds them.
Even with the obvious sideline problems they bring, headsets should go back to being individually hard-wired (not wireless).

The real 'fantasy' football would be for every team to 'do their (fucking) job'.
*Try to game-plan/practice better for each scenario (including headset malfunctions).
*Learn to accept defeat as they embrace victory instead of the near constant finger-pointing/blaming others for their own ineffectiveness and inadequacies.

3 words.........preparation and execution.
Anything else results in mediocrity and/or failure to reach your objective.......plainly/simply, winning.  

And who would've guessed the over-reaction of the uninformed masses? ? ? ?
I'm not shocked.

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