Sports Talk

Quite often gamblers use facts when placing betsteeth_smile
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 516 reads

Just as often they use the wrong facts , as was the case with anyone betting on "What a joke Denver" to win  the Super Bowl .


"Betting money w/ zero facts - your usual system? (eom)
Posted by BigPapasan, 2/11/2014 12:20:06 AM "

Jack_Inhoff2159 reads

He announces he's gay BEFORE the NFL draft.  I hope he still gets drafted, but the NFL is an extremely homophobic place, so we'll see what happens.

GaGambler567 reads

He is all but guaranteed to be drafted.

Personally I can't wait until shit like this isn't even newsworthy. Gays have been out in the open for decades. People today are a LOT more likely to admit that they are gay than that they are either a whore or a whore monger.  I wonder how it would fly if some NFL draft prospect admitted that he had sex with prostitutes. Fair or not, WE are more despised and discriminated against than gay people. So much so, that people don't even call it discrimination, just that we are morally bankrupt, while gay people get the pass for their behavior that they rightfully deserve. Nothing in the slightest against gay people, but gays coming out are yesterdays news, and shouldn't generate any more than a page 23 byline.

i just hope no one " drops the soap"...

Posted By: GaGambler
He is all but guaranteed to be drafted.  
 Personally I can't wait until shit like this isn't even newsworthy. Gays have been out in the open for decades. People today are a LOT more likely to admit that they are gay than that they are either a whore or a whore monger.  I wonder how it would fly if some NFL draft prospect admitted that he had sex with prostitutes. Fair or not, WE are more despised and discriminated against than gay people. So much so, that people don't even call it discrimination, just that we are morally bankrupt, while gay people get the pass for their behavior that they rightfully deserve. Nothing in the slightest against gay people, but gays coming out are yesterdays news, and shouldn't generate any more than a page 23 byline.

I'm not the strip club lap dance room kind of guy . I'm not  knocking anyone enjoying  the lap dance private dances  or pee wee having solo fun at the X rated cinema . Personally , I don't feel  the point of  grind and tease in a lap dance room or jerking off alone watching  movies ,  when real women and strippers are sometimes  available  for me .  
   If she wants to dance and suits my fancy , I'll take her to a dance club.  
  To each their own as long as they are alone or with willing adult partners .
   When the traveling VIP stripper - porn  star , sat next to me and started flirting with roaming hands , I knew she was trying to hustle me for a lap dance or score larger  tips . For fun and to save her time and lost earnings , I told her I'm gay . First time I had used  that  line , I had no idea  at the time , what a  great conversation opener that would be  . She asked  why I was in a strip club if I'm gay , I explained  what better place to find desperate men . She told me I didn't look gay at all , I replied , never judge a book by it's cover .  
  All evening she came back to talk with me , when she wasn't busy in the lap dance room or hustling  big tippers .  
 If I had made her a cash offer for a later rendezvous instead of telling her I'm gay , she more likely would have ignored me or found a severely contemptuous attitude towards  me .
  The next time she came to town she invited me to her room after her shift  and tried to change me . Being the cordial most amicable guy I am around women,  I obliged to both requests  .  :-D
   That was not the last time  I have  tried that opening line when introducing myself to  a woman I had never met .  I already knew  , most girls don't feel threatened or play defense around gay guys .  
  All  of us should realize by now  , almost all  women love a challenge more than a new pocketbook   , women usually ignore easy guys like cheap shoes  .   :-D  

   It's possible one of the cheerleaders or maybe two  at once , on Sam's  upcoming NFL team ,  will try to change him  to straight .  
  If he's never tried a woman , who knows for sure , he might like the feeling  ?
   A psychologist , a regular in a strip club ,  asked me why so many girls in the club were always hanging around me .  
  I told him it isn't something I learned in a book , and much too complicated for me to explain or him to understand .  
   With hope Michael Sam finds health, happiness and success , both off and on the field .
  If anyone thinks I was deceitful and conniving to claim I was gay when I'm straight ,  
     they don't realize gay means happy in my literal  dictionary .  
                       My motto with women and sports : No guts , no glory .   :-D  


Posted By: GaGambler
He is all but guaranteed to be drafted.  
 Personally I can't wait until shit like this isn't even newsworthy. Gays have been out in the open for decades. People today are a LOT more likely to admit that they are gay than that they are either a whore or a whore monger.  I wonder how it would fly if some NFL draft prospect admitted that he had sex with prostitutes. Fair or not, WE are more despised and discriminated against than gay people. So much so, that people don't even call it discrimination, just that we are morally bankrupt, while gay people get the pass for their behavior that they rightfully deserve. Nothing in the slightest against gay people, but gays coming out are yesterdays news, and shouldn't generate any more than a page 23 byline.

GaGambler442 reads

and like you, I found it had the opposite effect. Usually they try and "convert" you.  

I don't really give a fuck one way or the other about gay people. Except where it comes to a smoking hot chick who only likes women, In that case I think to myself "what a waste" when good looking dudes are gay, I think to myself "more pussy for me" As you can tell, my feelings on the subject just aren't that deep.

I've never tried that approach  with a woman I had no interest in . I will usually politely say ,  No Way ,thanks for asking . More often than not  she will reply  you must be gay , if  I turn her down .
  In my opinion that's a ridiculous come back for rejection . I would never tell a woman when she  turns me down , you must be a lesbian .  
  It will be better for all when homosexuals are treated as regular people ,  not as someone different or a Brave heart worthy of fame , for proclaiming  their sexual preference is different than the majority .  

   For Sam's sake I hope he is hired by a NFL team . I have my doubts he will , due to all the individual focus,  publicity and cameras it will bring to one unproven individual player on the team .
  I believe Tebow would still be playing for Denver if he was a sinning Catholic with LE arrests on his record, going to confession before the Sunday game , washing away his indiscretions  .
Two things Tebow did wrong in Denver , acted too holy for many to stomach and broke an Elway record .
  If Tebow hadn't been so famous before deserving a massive amount of fame he might still be a quarterback on a NFL team .
 After his Denver debut he never really got a chance with any other team .
   I firmly  believe if Denver had kept Tebow as second or third string quarterback and put him or another quarterback in the game  once Manning had the game clearly won  , Manning wouldn't have been so worn out to fall asleep on the first Super Bowl snap .

Posted By: GaGambler
and like you, I found it had the opposite effect. Usually they try and "convert" you.  
 I don't really give a fuck one way or the other about gay people. Except where it comes to a smoking hot chick who only likes women, In that case I think to myself "what a waste" when good looking dudes are gay, I think to myself "more pussy for me" As you can tell, my feelings on the subject just aren't that deep.
-- Modified on 2/11/2014 11:09:36 AM

Good for him though. I hate the sin of homosexuality but i'd much rather say something instead of having to hide that for a "lifetime eternity"

Jack_Inhoff531 reads

You have 26 reviews for hookers and you have the audacity to call homosexuality "sin"?!?!?!?!  Wow!

I'm not Jewish, nor do I speak yiddish, but that's some serious Chutzpah!

Swamp_Donkey463 reads

announce it.  

after events of the past few years I would be more concerned if a potential draft pick is a member of a violent street gang than his sexual preference.

I wondered the root cause of your not so stifled agitation towards  women .  
 I also didn't know that which you are inferring about Tebow .  
 I have noticed Tebow has a lot less gut than Peyton .
Why is it  only bisexuals or homosexuals possess Gaydar , telling them a persons sexual preference ?
  I wish straight guys had Gaydar , I wouldn't waste my time trying to pick up lesbians not wearing her sign .

  Not knocking you Curly , thanks for explaining ,  to each their own , enjoy .  :-D

    "Yeah that requires guts....Tim Tebow is thinking..
Posted by CurlyW - Nats Fan, 2/10/2014 10:51:19 AM
Shit.... I can't throw football OR have guts."

-- Modified on 2/10/2014 12:34:19 PM

But I was just referring to allegations about Tebow being gay swirling in the media not so long ago !! :D

where is Manti Teo when you need him..

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But I was just referring to allegations about Tebow being gay swirling in the media not so long ago !! :D

GaGambler556 reads

and I would have a lot more respect for him if he would just come out, instead hiding behind his religion. That is assuming of course that he is gay, which I guess none of us have anyway of knowing unless and until he either comes out, or gets caught with a dick in his mouth. lol

Just as often they use the wrong facts , as was the case with anyone betting on "What a joke Denver" to win  the Super Bowl .


"Betting money w/ zero facts - your usual system? (eom)
Posted by BigPapasan, 2/11/2014 12:20:06 AM "

GaGambler701 reads

Maybe I should have said "proof" instead of facts. as there are some facts involved, but not enough to constitute proof. Tebow would hardly be the first gay person to hide behind religion as the reason he isn't out fucking everything that moves. If he is gay it won't change my opinion of him as a player, but if he would just come out, it would most likely improve my opinion of him as a person. Not that he, or you for that matter really give a fuck what I think of the man.

As a football player, he has some skills, but not to be a starting NFL QB IMO. He could easily be lined up in the slot, maybe find a home as a back up tight end (no pun here), or as Quad suggested maybe a back up somewhere, the problem I see with him as a backup is the distraction factor, which I think is a huge reason that he is not presently in the league

Aaron Rodgers..  

As far as Tebow goes, I think you are spot on. I would have more respect for him if he just comes out. than hide behind the religion.

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