Sports Talk

I don't want to see Romo traded from Dallas.
sailor66 14 Reviews 325 reads

Yes, he's had some brain-cramp moments, but every loss is not his fault.

Now even with Tony Romo having a career day. And the Cowboys tied for first place in the NFC  east.  Tony  Romo had his "typical career day."  Which means making a mistake when the pressure is on in a big game.   O well, on the up side they covered the spread.

No game goes that direction w/o some piss-poor defense on both sides. I hate Romo but he had very little to do with the oppositions score.........well except after the int lol

skarphedin268 reads

Made me feel better after I took it in the shorts the day before. Stanford you treated me bad but I still love you!!!!

Denver's D has to be losing weight at an incredible pace w/ all that time on the field. They are going to crash before playoffs I bet. Lol: am betting. least i won the " fantasy pool"...

ony Romo is a brilliant "fantasy football QB". He is consistent in his production and puts up top level numbers virtually every week. He is good enough to keep the Cowboys in most games. Because of this high productivity on a weekly basis there are prob. 20-25 teams that would love to have him as their starter. Its why the Cowboys had to reward him with a huge contract....If they didn't, they had no where else to turn.  

However, for all his statistical success, Romo has not delivered when it has mattered most. Winning one playoff game in 7 years as a starter does not get the fan base excited. The Cowboys December/January collapses have become the norm. Fairly or unfairly, QB's are judged by winning in the post season and Romo has not delivered. Heck, Peyton Manning has been criticized (and he's easily in the top fifteen QB's of all time) for not winning as often in the post season. It goes with the territory.

Yesterday's game was a microcosm of Romo's career. Brilliant for 58 minutes, but with the game on the line he made a critical mistake that cost his team a potential victory. Fans simply can not ignore this familiar pattern of play

He brought the team from a 15-point deficit to a 7-point lead with just over 7 minutes left, and Monte Kiffin's defense promptly gave up the game-tying touchdown. I know the timing of his interception sucked, but if I remember correctly, he had someone grabbing his ankles or feet just as he was about to throw. Maybe the team should trade him for someone like, maybe, Josh Freeman. I wonder how the Cowboy fans would like that.

I would take Romo in a heartbeat. Minnesota has just signed Josh Freeman, who looks to be another average QB.

Defense is every bit as important as offense. Ponder put the Vikings in the lead in both week 2 and 3 and the defense could not make the stop. Had the defense stopped the other team Ponder would have been the hero, well maybe not the hero, but not butchered.

How about we trade two of our three QB's for Romo your choice? I would give you all three, but we do need a backup in case Tony gets hurt.

Yes, he's had some brain-cramp moments, but every loss is not his fault.

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