Sports Talk

Although the Giants won and the Jets lost
GaGambler 308 reads

I have to confess I actually agree with you.

Even though I had money on the Bears last night, I was sorely tempted to make a second half Jets bet, as they looked a lot better than the Bears despite the score. I have to thank the bookies for making the second half line so unappealing that I simply stuck with my original Bears/over parlay, as there was no value for a "middle bet"

As for the Giants although they beat a 2-0 Texans team, I think the Texans were most likely the worst 2-0 team out there, both teams were dreadful, if it weren't for about 20 shots of Goose, I don't think I could have made it through the game.  I made a bet with a Giants fan (yes there are still a couple) that every time the Texans scored I would buy a shot, and that every time the Giants scored, he would buy. The biggest winner of course was Jessica the bartender as she got a shot every time as well, We carried the bet over to the late game where I bought a shot for every touchdown, and he bought one for every field goal. Poor Jessica was too drunk to close her register when her shift was over lol

I'm a Giants fan but the Jets were a lot more fun to watch, even losing to the Bears.  They play with great intensity on both sides of the ball.
I can hardly bear to watch the Giants.

GaGambler309 reads

I have to confess I actually agree with you.

Even though I had money on the Bears last night, I was sorely tempted to make a second half Jets bet, as they looked a lot better than the Bears despite the score. I have to thank the bookies for making the second half line so unappealing that I simply stuck with my original Bears/over parlay, as there was no value for a "middle bet"

As for the Giants although they beat a 2-0 Texans team, I think the Texans were most likely the worst 2-0 team out there, both teams were dreadful, if it weren't for about 20 shots of Goose, I don't think I could have made it through the game.  I made a bet with a Giants fan (yes there are still a couple) that every time the Texans scored I would buy a shot, and that every time the Giants scored, he would buy. The biggest winner of course was Jessica the bartender as she got a shot every time as well, We carried the bet over to the late game where I bought a shot for every touchdown, and he bought one for every field goal. Poor Jessica was too drunk to close her register when her shift was over lol

As for the Giants, thank God I didn't even watch the game.  Had it on the radio in the car and planned to put it on the TV when I got home.  But when the blew their first two scoring chances I turned it off and never watched it at home.  I was stunned and amazed when I saw later they'd won.
Their offense should be indicted.  The new offensive scheme is either ill suited for their personnel, or their personnel just suck.

GaGambler315 reads

I woke up both Saturday and Sunday with hangovers too severe to consider packing up, driving to the beach, checking back into the CoCal etc etc. So I simply stayed in SJ and got drunk all over again.

cashorcredit393 reads

I honestly did not think they would win a game this year. On second thought they do have Jacksonville and St. Louis so I envision two more wins for them.

pathetic teams club lol... my Atlanta Braves miss the postseason yet again

ou have to be patient with the Giants. Eli Manning ran the same offense for a decade. Now he is being asked to run an entirely new system. The West Coast offense is unique and takes years to master. Going from a drop back pocket passer to now having to get the ball out quickly and rely on precision and timing is a major shift. If you had asked Dan Marino in year 11 of his career to become Joe Montana, he too would have struggled. It's a work in progress for the Giants. You will see vast improvement over the second half of the season.

As far as the Jets, while they have a Super Bowl caliber front seven (they made an All Pro in Matt Forte look like a Division III college running back), their secondary is porous. I wouldn't even attempt to run on them.. Spread out the WR's and attack down the field. As long as you can block their pass rush, any top tier QB should have a field day. But not every team has the components (Top QB's and WR's) to do this. The Packers/Bears do and that's why they both defeated the Jets.  

But at the end of the day, Geno has to be more consistent. Obviously you go as far as your QB takes you. If Geno minimizes his mistakes, even with a weak secondary, the Jets have enough pieces else where to compete for a playoff spot.

Christ on a cracker, they've had an entire pre season and now three games.  I just don't buy that it should take as long as you think to learn an offense.
BTW, mercifully I haven't watched a single game (yes, I am a fair weather fan and don't waste my time watching lousy football) but is the defense as bad as the offense?

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