San Francisco

thank you for your thoughtful info but I
Dudenextdoor 886 reads
1 / 7

I am in my 40s. Recently I started to suffer the effects of ED. I refused to take the little blue or yellow pills but that is about to change.

Well, here is my dilemma. I had seen a particular provider twice and we hit it off very well. I saw her last week  for the third time and the ED kicked in. We spent the hour kissing, and doing everything else with the exeption of intercourse. My time ended and I left. I enjoyed her company and want to see her again. The problem is that she is not returning my e-mails. She usually replies within the hour but she has not replied to the two I have sent her and it has been a few days. Yes, I know its time to move on and I have already booked an overnight with another provider as well as picked up my prescription of the yellow 20s.

My question to the providers is:
Have you ever turned down a return visit from a client because he could not get it up?


MysteryAdmin 69 Reviews 817 reads
2 / 7

Since you two were able to fill the time doing other things, I'm surprised she's not responding to your messages.  If you do end up hearing from this provider, let us know if the ED was an issue or not (if you could find that out, somehow).

Good luck and happy hunting!  :)


CaitlynKennedy See my TER Reviews 748 reads
3 / 7

but I know that there is ALOT of things I can do with a man besides penetration to make each other orgasm/feel good

kissing, oral, fondling, etc

Aristotle1234 840 reads
4 / 7

As one brother to another, I urge you not to overreact to your recent episode. Here's what I suggest:

Prior to your next session, eat very lightly, avoiding fatty food, even focusing on fruit and vegetables. You'll want to eat afterward, not before.

Get some exercise throughout the week - simply walking or riding a bike helps your circulation which, of course, helps blood supply to the twig and berries.

If you are just starting to use an ED prescription, start with the lowest dose. You seem to indicate that you got the prescription for 20mg doses, which is the max. If you take 20's, I predict your heart will race, your ears will ring and your head will turn bright scarlet from the blood pumping in your system.

Try getting a pill cutter ( Dollar Tree for a buck) and cut your pills into quarters. I bet the 5mg quarter you cut for yourself will be adequate, and avoid the dramatic physical effects. Nothing wrong with the Rx for 20 mg - by cutting them you get 4x for your money.

Don't swallow the pill when you decide to take it. Reaction time in the gut is hard to figure. The pill is bitter, but simply pop it under your tongue as you are about to reach the date. The medicine will absorb very quickly into your bloodstream through the thin membrane under your tongue.

You may want to try Maca Man, an all-natural supplement from GNC, in addition to your prescription. Take according to the label, 3 pills,  2 to 6 hours before sexual activity to help your circulatory system.

Finally, hobby time is fun time. Plan your dates when life is less hectic and other matters are not cluttering your mind. A little pre-game pep talk helps, to realize how amazing life is and how awesome the act of physical interaction between a beautiful woman and yourself can be. A feeling of gratitude helps the attitude.

These are all steps I take before every sacred date...Good luck

MysteryAdmin 69 Reviews 680 reads
5 / 7

Posted By: Aristotle1234
Prior to your next session, eat very lightly, avoiding fatty food, even focusing on fruit and vegetables. You'll want to eat afterward, not before.
This is something I had not thought of before.  Usually I try to eat something substantial about 2 hrs or so before a session so I'll have enough energy, etc., but won't feel overly full or anything.  I had not given much thought to WHAT I ate as long as I ate something.  If I couldn't eat before, I most definitely would eat after since I would usually be famished. :)

How long before your sessions do you eat?


Dudenextdoor 702 reads
6 / 7

was more interisted in hearing the opinions of the providers as to why it seems that the girl cut me off. She did not reply to my e-mails which is out of character. She normally replies within minutes at best and within the hour at worst.

The under the tongue approach sounds very do-able and I will experiment with this starting tomorrow. Another reason for losing my wood is because I sm very girthy. No not the longest or the biggest but definately on the thick side. My thick cock was too thick for the thin condums that she had. The Magnums fit perfectly but everything else only goes on oonly half way and actually squeezes the blood out of my cock similar to squeezing a toothpaste tube. This combined with her constantly reminding me that she had some errand to run the very minute that our session ended. Throw in my performance anxiety just threw a wrench into an already fragile situation.

I hope my flavor of the week shines bright this week.

OriginalCyn1 See my TER Reviews 664 reads
7 / 7

No. But...I have turned away a client a second time because the V or C pill makes sex very uncomfortable for me and I can tell when it's being used. Sweety, you are probably feeling a little extra sensitive due to the nature of your new 'problem', and I doubt that whatever the providers issue is has anything to do with you.

Perhaps she's thinking you aren't attracted to HER anymore and that's why you couldn't get it up the last time? Maybe she thought it was HER fault...or that your feelings were becoming more than they should because you just kissed and rolled around with her instead of having things go as they did the first 2 times you were together.

I've also heard providers say they want easy appointments, and I guess being that emotional with a client for an hour (kissing, cuddling, etc...) is too hard for some of us (not including myself! i love kissing) to do and stay detached as some must in order to stay professional and be a good provider.

It could be ANYTHING!

Be gentle on yourself. It's 99% something else, unrelated to you...:) Hope that helps?

Posted By: Dudenextdoor
I am in my 40s. Recently I started to suffer the effects of ED. I refused to take the little blue or yellow pills but that is about to change.

Well, here is my dilemma. I had seen a particular provider twice and we hit it off very well. I saw her last week  for the third time and the ED kicked in. We spent the hour kissing, and doing everything else with the exeption of intercourse. My time ended and I left. I enjoyed her company and want to see her again. The problem is that she is not returning my e-mails. She usually replies within the hour but she has not replied to the two I have sent her and it has been a few days. Yes, I know its time to move on and I have already booked an overnight with another provider as well as picked up my prescription of the yellow 20s.

My question to the providers is:
Have you ever turned down a return visit from a client because he could not get it up?


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