San Francisco

Re: chicken before the egg
Skyfyre 613 reads

Agreed 100%. As far as I'm concerned TER is pretty much a niche boutique. NOTHING, I mean nothing beats that one-stop shopping experience of the big-box store that is the Walmart of P4P which had everything from top to bottom to in-betweens.

Not too long ago everyone were in panic mode and frustrated, some angry of what happen to all the changes of hobbying activities, specifically on my own region, as I settled down and admitted, accepted and finally adopted to all the changes and had move on, I found it interesting the feelings and results of recovery and in transitions from the old to the new has been very successful for many in which I gather information from, most of my friends and myself, or maybe they're trying to show tough faces or pride but, reason I say that is;  

-First I visited more of my old ATFs, which is more than I used to in the past, just to refresh and exchange information where, what the alternative plans for the future and what I found out was surprisingly positive, ladies are too far ahead of me. I was concern about the reduction of their income but I was wrong in that regards most of them has at least multiplied more and some had expanded their new friends list, even they have raise their rates. I asked hmm, maybe attracted more of those legit and sincere gents waiting on the sidelines hoping to have a shot to be on the dance but being held up because they don't have enough or proper references but saw the quotes from the ladies ads says "I am a newbie friendly" gives them confident unafraid to be denied/rejected and finally made the moves and initiate the first contact and became a very, very good dance partner.

-The success I am describing is in my own personal grocery shopping list, I don't know if the bullish has expanded across the board or to the entire shopping mall and I hope it did and wish. I have cautioned myself since the bust that I have to stay away from the other store till all this thing cools down, investigation final and back to normal. Before I go back and comfortably shop again at the other neighborhoods.

-Increased of personal websites has multiplied too, maybe that's one of the factor that contributed to the success, even with the lost of the reviews and menus that before, majority agreed has the most impact to the independent business owners, but looks like it has not done much damage after all, most of the ladies has created their own personal websites now, non like I've seen before. Maybe technology has help them or it is easy and free, I guess. Do you see what I see, that seems to me life is good, business is good and everyone happy again. Anybody has the same or otherwise different prospective on this or just me and my few circle of friends. Please need your input. Thanks


-- Modified on 8/11/2014 11:19:37 AM

""Increased of personal websites has multiplied too...""

IMO, they are useless unless you have ONE(1) central hub that is reliable&dependable resource that showcases them on a daily basis. Basically, without a "daily newspaper" that we used to have in that now defunct site, business aint so good as you think it is.

TER is nice, but lets be realistic and stop kissing its ass so much in here and face the truth.

Posted By: FredNorris
""Increased of personal websites has multiplied too...""  
 IMO, they are useless unless you have ONE(1) central hub that is reliable&dependable resource that showcases them on a daily basis. Basically, without a "daily newspaper" that we used to have in that now defunct site, business aint so good as you think it is.  
 TER is nice, but lets be realistic and stop kissing its ass so much in here and face the truth.
It's obvious that people from the departed board did not understand what TER is and what it is not!

It is NOT some advertising board. TER is primarily for men looking for GFE escorts. There might be a few other aspects to TER but its primary purpose is reviews of GFE escorts.

There have been a bunch of boards that are primarily advertising boards that have popped up since the demise of the other place. Rather than pick one or two major boards to advertise on, some ladies have joined 10 of them. Joining a bunch of small boards is counterproductive. Most men who want to see an escort are not going to log into 10 small boards to find one.  

I notice that many of the ladies with a website confine them selves to two advertising boards. In addition to that, some have P411 and make a weekly post in TERs ad section. That's all that's needed.

crazyshit551 reads

I think TER reviews are better in that there are more details than the "other" site.

Skyfyre614 reads

Agreed 100%. As far as I'm concerned TER is pretty much a niche boutique. NOTHING, I mean nothing beats that one-stop shopping experience of the big-box store that is the Walmart of P4P which had everything from top to bottom to in-betweens.

Well, im not gonna' sugar coat it guys, I didn't really see a difference until August. I know part of it is my own over - cautiousness.  But truth be told, things are always a' changin'.  I have grown very fond of my regularly visiting friends. So although, there aren't as many new faces, the familiar ones have become very picturesque. Not that they weren't already amazing in my eyes.  

I hope the best for all of us, may the force be with you!

Xo Alexa Vargas -the flirty nerd-

* Lets talk sci-fi!!!

Thigh high thursday and ti**y tuesday are very much missed!

Thanks for your insight, sorry to know that some are NOT doing great in your O, and your truth whatever that might be, and  more thanks to you.

I understand  that you need a bulletin board to pin your business cards or ad section on a paper to post your business to attract attention from the consumer to begin with, but most of those places you talk about has terms and conditions and you have to agree before you are given ad space and they have all the editorial discretion which limits, restrict some information necessary to really gives your product ample amount of exposure. But your own personal website is all your own designs to convey all the important info to maximize exposure of your product to the consumers.

Skyfyre593 reads

More likely "just me and my few circle of friends".

Unless you have LOT and LOT of provider friends your sample size is statistically insignificant.  

It's not hard to conclude that the providers on the high-end probably was not affected much because they don't advertise at "Walmart". So since Walmart is shutdown it's more likely middle-end and most of all, lower-ended providers who suffer more.

As for hobbyists my guess is most are probably like me. While I cut down on the number of new girls I see I made up for that by seeing more of my regulars. So my budget is still more or less the same.

As the other web sites start taking up the slack of "Walmart" I can envision a return to a more-or-less similar pattern for myself. Albeit it's true that it's a little more work and annoyance to shop at different little stores than having the convenience of one-stop shopping at one big box "Walmart"

I understand I don't have enough data to completely endorse my findings to overall status of the region since the bust but I have is a credible information within the market which I hangout. that's why I throw it out there and challenge everyone and obtain reliable sources of information across the board and gauge what is the climate status of the entire marketplace in the region. Mine the ladies were OK.

I travel the country and use TER / P411 exclusively. Before the shutdown of that unnamed west coast bazaar (sometime bizarre!) board I was occasionally pushed into trying to use it when in California. Thank God it (the board, not the state) is now gone and the high-end GFE girls can concentrate here and the other 80% newbie, rip-off, skanks can go to Backpage where they belong. My hobby life on the West Coast just got MUCH easier!

crazyshit421 reads

But the other board definitely had somewhat inflated reviews.  One provider who is no longer in the business was rated 9s and 10s in appearance and she was hardly more than a 7.

Well, it's only been 8 wks. I'm located in Santa Cruz, and used 2 sites,  
"walmart" and that other large 'bk' site. Luckily i had a website (which
never got much traction), it was for the 'back ass site', since i only could have
500 characters. so i sent them to my site for more info.
(and yes, you get a lot of 'junk' calls. At first i hated it, but ya gotta
look thru the forest to the trees...and i've gotten a lot wonderful 'traveling'
clients who didn't know about Walmart. Fyi, Walmart didn't come up at the top on  
google searches)

I have a solid repeat biz, so i haven't seen much difference B4 Walmart vs after.
But i had seen a significant drop in new clients, until this past week.  
I attribute that to now having presence on this site and a few others.
I can see in google analytics, what the flow of traffic is, from which sites to my website.
(i have become tech savy in ways i wasn't before - ola'. I guess that's a good thing-
learning new stuff :)

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to protect myself and you, the client.
Who wants to be the low hanging fruit? As an independent gal only offering  
s. massage, i took the steps i deemed worthy.....and also relaxed into knowing
i'm probably not an major issue to the law.

I do miss my reviews, of the last 2 yrs. I was at a sweet spot, whereby those
reviews were eye catching new clients from far and wide. I've heard lots of crummy
stories from clients about their experiences w new providers. Since Walmart's demise,
I have crusaded on some other sites about including some 'basic'  
reviewing about the provider....just so the client doesn't get a flake, a phony or  
entrapped in some way.

My feeling if is, if you had it together before, ya got it happening 'after'.
That's what i hear from my other 'together' provider's i know.
Best to you,
Zoey Lovely

crazyshit496 reads

Some providers ars "talking their book."

Ever wonder what a Wall Street firm is gonna push in its research?  The stuff it owns.  

What do you SF providers to say?  That biz is suffering because the other site is down?  I have my doubts about the truthfulness of that statement.  

As with everything, it is entirely provider-specific.  But as far as providers being more busy across the board?  If that idea was a stock, it would be a short to me.

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